(i THE TIMES, NEW ULOOMFIELD, l'A., EEDRUAHY 12, 1878. $ lit lloomfidb imt$. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite cominnrikslinns fri'n nil iwfuon who are lutfTftitwl 1m uinltoia properly be-loiiKiua to t bis de partment. FbII Plowing for Oats. Vail iloVlng for oats Is inostcsHontlul. There In no grain, probably, no much ttflttited by being nown on land turned In the fall, ami left exposed to the action of frost, Mild. They require early wowing, and by plowing In the fall this ran bu atu'oMipllHhcd much sooner In the. spring, than when left unplowed until Heeding time. Our heavy, hill lands dry out much quicker, If this plan Is follow ed. A few years ago we began plowing for that full, when we had only n4iout one-third of the piece done. In the spring wo commenced where we had left oil', and finished the piece. The whole was harrowed once, with a nlmi -tootbed harrow, before Bowing and twice after sowing. Mark the result: The crop on the whole field was very abundRnt, yet that In the center, or on Just bo much as we had turned In the spring, lactcd nearly as well tilled. We believe that we would lose nothing by plowing In fall, and crossing In spring. At least a shovel-toothed cultivator should be applied before seeding. The sced-bed must bo light and mellow, If we expect full remuneration for our labor. What grain we raise, we must study the peculiarities of that particular grain, In order to be successful In Its production. A neighbor has always calculated, every spring, to sowa certain number of acres, at all events, as a con sequence, his farm Is completely worn out. Rural New Yorker. Old Wagor.8. As a general thing, a new wagon 1 very much prefered to an old one. A very old one .is sometimes during the first year after its purchase a great doal more expensive than a new one. Better pay $85 for a new one which will run live or ten years, without costing a cent for repairs, than to pay $10 for an old one which It will take ten dollars a year, and cause a great annount of Inconvenience, and the loss of much valuable time to keep in order ; and which by the time the new one would need Its first and inexpensive repairs, will bo utterly worn out and useless. Better run In debt a littlo for a new one than to buy such an old one as that. Indeed, very old wagons are generally expensive property. No reli ance can be placed upon them. They break down when mostly needed for use, and it is an almost constant ex peuse to lccep them going at all. I lived in the house with a man who re pairs farm wagous, and I must say, that it is astonishing how often they break down. When one part is mended so as to be strong and durable, something ;lse is sure to give way. I have some times thought that before I would pay -out as much as some men do in the fruitless effort to keep old wagons in re pair, I would make them Into fire-wood, and either hire or buy something which would prove more substantial. Wayne county, N. Y., produces about two-thirds of the peppermint crop of the country. It is grown on black ash swamps which have been thoroughly underdralued, from roots, which are planted as hops are. When cut, it is partially dried taken to a still, where the oil is extracted. The oil sells from $2.60 to So per pouud and when it brings S3 the crop is a paying one. About 70,000 pounds are used annually in preparing medicines, manufacturing candies, and making cordials. CS" The farmers in Switzerland con sider liquid manure as the most effica cious of any, and hence after the ma nure is fermented they dilute it in water, and the liquid alone is carried to the Aeld, and scattered over It. The earth immediately iiubidus the liquid, which soon reaches the roots of the plants and cause a rapid vegetation. The straw that remains after the manure lias been washed is applied as manure for jiolaloen. 6iS" An excellent cement for foot-walks may be made by mixing enough of Portland cement or good hydraulic lime in a warm solution of glue to make a thick paste. The mixture must be applied when it is warm. .Walks made of it are very durable, and keep in good condition under exposure to great changes of temperature. This cement is useful also for uniting portions of fountains, etc. t-ir When bad, rainy weather comes so you can't work out of doors, cut, split and haul your wood, make your racks, tlx your fences or gate, and patch the roof of your bam or house, is the romiu udvlce given by a cotemporary. NEW GOODS. -(:)- NEW GOODS. Wf have aitaln rceelv. fil it (nil nupi'l V of Kill I Goods, In which we ask jour attention, PRETTY PRINTS. Our stock of Prints mid other liow Price dress goods In Ike pret tiest ever ottered In thin county. Will you come unit lo k at them f MEN'S GOODS. We have a Nplendld Assortment (it Monti milted lor Men's Wear. Oni" stock Is very com plete In nil kinds of goods from H cents per yard upwards. nnnTP o O unFQ von want Hoots or DUUiO 01 OIIULO. Hlmesfur Men Women or Children T If soe.ome and Bee Hie stock we have. It Is complete, and 1'rices will suit you. HATi INTlPAP1 w particularly nrtIO MHU L-ttrO. pr11(l f ,. splendid Assortment of lints i dps f.r Men or Hoys. The styles Hi e good and the prices will lie sure to please you. EVERYTHING. If you want (roods of any kind you will lie al most sure to II nil Iheni In the Splendid Htoc'.j, Just opened by F. MORTIMER, New Bloomfield. The Most Eminent Living Authors, Such as Ht. Hon. W. K. Gladstone, Prof. Max Muller, Frol. I yndal. Or. W. IV Carpenter. It. A.. Proc tor. Prof. Huxley, Jas. A. Froude, Kdward A. Freeman. Francis Tower Cobhe, J). Mackenzie Wallace. The Dime of Argvll. Mrs. Mulock, Will lam Black. Jean Innelnw. Miss Thackeray. Mrs. H I pliant, Mrs. Alexander. Meo. Mnclionald, Matthew Arnold. Tnranenlef Auerback, Htiskln, Tennvsou. Browning and many others, are rep resented lu the page ut Littell's Living Age. Jan. 1 1B7S Tub l.tvtuo Ann enters upon Its l.'Wth volume. During the year It will furnish to Itsre.idnrs the prod ticl Ions of the foremost au thors, above named an I many others, embracing the choicest Serial aud Short Hi "lies, by Leading foreign Novelists, and an amount Unapproached by any Other Periodical In the world, of the most valuable Literary and Sclenilllc matter of Ihe day, from the pens of the Leading Essayists, (Scientist, Critics, Discoverers and Kditom, representing every department of Knowledge and Progress The Livisu aob is a weekly magazine giving more than Three und a Quarter Thousand double-column octavo pages of roadlng-matter yearly. It presents In an Inexpensive form, con sidering Its amount ol matter, with freshness, owing to Its weekly Issue, and wit h a sat isfactory completeness attempted by no other publication, the boat ltsay8. Keviews.Crmisms, Tales, Sketch es of Travel and Discovery, l'oelry.Hclentitlc, HI (graphical. Historical and Political Information, from the entire body ut Foreigu Periodical Lit erature. It Is therefore Invaluable to every American reader, as the only fresh and COM PLHTK com pilation of an indispensable current literature, indispensable because It embraces tho produc tions of THE ABLEST LIVIXU WRITERS, in alt branches of Literature, Science, Art, and Politics. OPINIONS. "Simply Indispensable to any one who desires to keep abreast of the thought of the age In any department of science or literature." Uoston Journal. . "In it we tlnd the best productions of the best writers upon all subjects ready lo our haud." I'hil'tdelphio Inquirer. It Is beyond alltpiestinn the best compendium of the best urrent literature." Aeto York Eve ning Witt, ' A pure and perpetual reservoir and fountain of entertainment and instruction.' Hon Moberl C H'lntnrop. " i he choicest llteiatun of the day."" New York Tribune. " The best periodical Ut America." Theo. L. Cuyler.D. I). "And the cheapest. A monthly that comes ev ery week." The Advance. Chicago. "It altords the best, olieapest and most conveni ent means ol keepingahreast with the progress of thought iuall tts phases." Philadelphia North American. ' rhe ablest essavs. the most entertaining sto ries, the II uost poetry of the Knllsh language, are here gathered together. '-Illinois sta'e Journal. 'With It alone a reader may fairly keep up with all that Is Important In the literature, history, polities, and science of the day.' The Methodist, New York. His Indispensable to every one who desires a thorough compendium of all that is admirable and noteworthy In the literary world.' liustou Post. 'Ought to And a place id every American home.' New York Tunes. Published weekly at 18.00 a year, free of postage. C-EXTRA OFFER FOR 1878. To all new subscribers forls'S will be sent gratis theslx number of 177. containing the Hist in stalments of a new serial, " Krlca." translated f rum the Germau of Fran von Ingersleben, the best work ol one of the best and briuhtest author of Germany A new story oy the charming Eng lish authoress. Miss Thackeray, also appears in the same numbers, from advance sheets, with oilier valuable matter. Club-Piiees For the Best Home and For clgn Literature. 'Possessed of The Living Aoe and one or other of our vivacious American monthlies, asubscrlber will llnd himself In command of the whole situa tion.' Philadelphia Uvening bulletin. For SI0 no The Livino Awe and either one of the American It Monthlies (or Carpers Weekly or Bazar) will be sent for a ear. both postpaid; or for fiLSO, Thb Livino Aoi and the St. Nicho las, or Appletou's Journal, Address LITTELL & G AY. Boston. ' S60 per month, l 11 tie paid to a good energetle man in eioh emmtv to Introduce Dr. EGLE'B New Illustrated History of Penn'a. Write Immediately, and state experience In tills business, and age Address, D. C. GOODRICH. Publisher. 41l3t llarrlsnnnr. Penn'a. AnGOlD PLATRU WATCH RR. Ctisspert ftv SLiniha known world. Satnplt Watch Frts to JJAjant4. Addrtu, A. Oulli us Co., CWuigo. tMilladelphlft Advcrtlscineuts. jLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON" WH0LK8ALH HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Htreet. Pliilndelplita, Fvnn'n. JANNEY &. ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 183 MARKET BT., Philadelphia. WAINWItlQIIT ft CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North Kast Comoro! 2nd and ArchHtteot, Philadelphia Penny QHARLES S. JONES, WIIOLKHALK PltALKU IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 216 NOHTII W1IAKVE8, Philadelphia, Pa. S. DOUGHERTY i WfTH D. J. HOAR & CO., WIIOLESALI BOOT AND SHOE WARKIIOUSK, 1!J MA11KKT 8THEKT, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Healers! n Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Urooms, Carpet Chaiu, Wadding, Kittling, Twines, Ac, And a tine assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WAI1H, No. 420 Market street, above 4th. PHILADELPHIA. T u" (iTs"' READY MIXED PAINTS ! NO WATER, NO CHEMICALS, KO JuENZINE, BUT A PURE Oil. I'AIXT, READY FOR USE. 0 KEAUT1FI L SHADES OF TAINT BENT BT MAIL. ITIis IUT ON UK K OTHER PAINT. MADE WITH LK AO AND OIL, VIZ: M ELY HUl'SHKn OUT. NOT FLOWED ON LIKE WATER PAINT. TRY IT, And You Hill TroTA it to be the Dest Liquid iu the Murkit. lOIITsT LUCAS Az CO., Philadelphia, MANLFACTUHEU8 OK Swiss uud luiierlal French Urcen, WHITE LEAD COLORS AND VARNISHES. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, on Hk.h Stkkkt, Kbt or Cakublb til.. N'ew Uloomdeld, Penn'a. THE subscriber has built alarue and comma, dlous Shop on HlKh 8t., East of Carlisle Street New lilooinlleld. Fa., where be Is prepared to man ufaetureto order Of every description, out of the best material. Sleighs of every Style, built toorder, and dnisliod in the mostartlatlcand durable manner. , ' ' HavliiK superior workmen, he Is prepared 'ofurnlsh work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at much more reasonable rates. ., ftrRKPAIRINOof allklndsneatlyandproDipf lydone A call Is solicited. , SAMUEL SMITH Philadelphia AdvprtlneniontR. D. ELDER & CO, ULANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS HookscllorH and Htntloncru, And Dealer la WINDOW CURTAINH WALL l'APKK, ETC, No. m Market Rtroet. PHILADELPHIA Pn. EIGLEP, & SWEARINGEN' SuucoHHors to HH AFFNEIt, ZIEGLF.lt A CO.. Importers and Dealer Id Iloftfory, (alovt'M. ItlhhuiiH, NiiftpeiHlcrft. THREADS, COMIiS. and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 38, North Fourth Street. MlLADELMtA, PENN'A. Agent for Laneaitter Comba. J0WER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Doalcrs In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. It I. A 14. ItOOKN Always on hand, ana ntadetn Order. Nos. 5TO Market and 623 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, l'A ALSO . Fubllshers of Sanders' New Headers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also, Rotiert's llistorjot the United States. Kelton'sOutliiie Maps.&c. gARCROFT & CO., fmporUia and Jobbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS. Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Lineup, White GooiIh, Ac, Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET BTREKT, f Above Fourth, North Bide,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW. T. M0UL, REPRESENTING Weimcr, Wright & Watkln, Manufacturer & Wholesale, Dealer IN Boots & Shoes ' A'. 302 Market Street. iiiilau:klxiiia.. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS iKrORTSHS AND JOBBEHh Or Oliimi, GIjikh AND QUEENSWAHE, 23 Market Street, rillLADKLPIIIA. W.H- KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BBITTON & Co.. . , WHOLESALE GROCERS, , Ko. H MARKET 6TREBT, . . PHILADELPHIA. . Tl Plitlu1lli In AdrorliscniriilH. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO, 346 NORTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA. WE WILL nay the hlxhest market prlee for nil ot the followliiR articles, or we will sell them for you on ft ier eent. commission. Mutter, Cheese, F.giis, I'millry, Laid. 1 allow. Feathers, Potatoes, Apples, (train, Flour, Feed, Fur llliles. Wool, I'eunuts, Ilroomeorn, Dried fruit, liny, Hops, &e.. &c. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on targe eonslRiimeiits of Staple articles. Fanners, Khlpners and Dealers In (ieneral Mer rhandite should wr'tefor reference. I'rlee ourrent. Hlenell, kr.. When wrllliin us slate whether yon wish to ship on coiisluinneiit, or will If you wish to sell, name the ai llclcs, amount of each and your VK11Y LOW1CHT 111IC10 for same delivered, free ahnard oars, at your nearest shipping points also If possible send sample hy mall if ton Imlky by freleht. Address HULL Ar HCOTN KY, General Commission and SlilppliiE Merchants. 221 t 84 North Water Bt.,hll'a. OetolwrB, 17 lv. HIGHEST AWARDS Centennial Kiliililtloii. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST COHNP.B TIIIRTFJCNTIl AND FILBERT HTS.. PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND (JLINKKR-GRINDINO URATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OH BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANOES.LOW-DOWNGRATFS, Etc Descrlp Circulars sent free tn any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. I191y its. AVERILL BARLOW. 40 South Second Street, (BELOW MARKET.) PHILADELPHIA, HAS A OKKAT VAHIKTT OF IHE NEW 8TTI.ES (jncen Annonnd Eastlake FURNITURE, IN ASH OR WALNUT, together with a large Stock ot all the Latest Designs of Chamber, Parlor. Library, Dining Roonv Church, Ofllce and COTTAGE FURNITURE. Also, Woren Wire Bedn, Springs of various patterns. BEDDING, MAT TRESSES OF EVERY QUALITY. Folding and Oriental Chairs, I'lano Stools, &v. AT VERY LOW PRICES. 4 ly OWft'W Is not paslly earned in these.times, but Of f f It can be made In tliiee months In any one of elibersex. In any part of the country who Is willing to work steadily at the employneut that we furnish, ton a week in jour own lown. Yon need not be far away from home over liiph. You can give your w hole time to Ihe woik. or only your spare 'moments. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and 5f Onlllt free. Addresaalouce, 11. IIaixctt & Co., Fort land, Maine. 14 ly. J. M. Gmvirt. 3. H. Gmvm. J.M. GIRVIN&S0N., FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED & PRODUCE Commission Merchants, So. 64 Sonlh (Jay, St., BALTIMORE, MD. . We will pay strict attention to the sa'e of all kinds or Country Produce and remit the amounts promptly. 4i1vr. J. M. GIRVIN A BON. "yATCHMAKER fc JEWELER. CEO. C. HENRY, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Carlisle Street. Now Bloomfield Pa. Repairing of all kinds well and promptly done. . f ALL AXD SEE ME. ' The Subscriber has oiiened a Store opposite the Kallrosd Depot, at NEWPORT, where he Is pie pared to sup, ly OYSTERS, GROCERIES, tc, At the lowest market price. A full stock on hand. The patronage of the public is solicited. 4U(. WM. K KKS, Newport, Pa. IT 17 Crt A (rents profits ber week. Will prove J) U I .OU it or forfeit fv. New articles, just patented. Sample sent tree to all. Address W. 11. ClilDfcSTEJt, 21G Fulton Street. New York. At 6m. Dr reading mid practicing die lucatiui.tblo trulhit con t.iiard in the best tucdiml b'.ole tver l-ucl, cntiih d I ElVKpl J" tnce only 1. txntbyuuil C SB I UtiisS nil TCC''iit of pric. It -rn;s of EihsiUcd Vitality. FrcBinuiro Dcfilnc, i.'i i-voi: Mi l lJ:i)ktl Debility, and the cndim .oiir-mil int ills i-n-l untold nil.t rics that ivsii!! 1 U'Ttfi em. ami t'ontatns more tluin fiOoriiriiial pre f i) tioi.5, :inon of tvhich i worth the pi ice ef fie bonk. 'JhisbcncwswrittenbTtbcuiotex-t'-ii'ive ond probully the mwt ckiliul praetitioner in Ainoiii':t,to wlmm ws airnrd',dapo!d scd jew. t ;U . medal by tbi Kstional Medical Asoci3tion. A P-impblct. illustrated with the very Uiie.t '.el Liiprarirg a mat M tT ft I v. 1 of art and beauty la C 4 1 nt rnu; Ui all. btxd f.r it Kt ente. Address 1'E.U.OOY MEDlCALsewillf ff8 P INSHTUTF, o. 4 Dui. I HfNrl K luub bl ljuiioa, Usfc I'lVlilil Jutt I'Hi.N'l'l.NW of every description neatly and promptly executed at Keas nibble Kates at tlieBlooinuelti Time bieurn Job OOice. TjSjLANNKLS A splendid assortment of Flan X: uels. iut oiwiMHl by If. MORTLUEH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers