TItH TIES, : NEW BLOOMriELi), l'Ai, otfrOBEll i'o, ' 1877.' 8 Capture of Four Desperadoes. A specinl from St. Louis wiys : For some time pant ft band of robbers bave been operating In White and Wabash counties, 111. Stores and residences bave been pillaged, valuable horses stolen, and it fa believed that In wore than one instance murder lias been committed. The baud has been under the leadership of " Bent" McClaiu, a noted desperado. By some meaus Sheriff Michaels, of Wabash county, learned that MoCIain bad formed a plot to visit the home of Philan der Gould, a wealthy citizen, on the night of October 4th, and rob bis house, in which there was supposed to be a large amouut of money. The sheriff immediately summon ed a posse of ten trusty men and prooeeded to Gould's bouse, and after posting ft sen tinel on the outside and secietiug the re mainder of the company on the inside of the house, with Sheriff Michaels in Mr. Gould's bed, they awaited tho arrival of the robbers. They had not loug to wait, for at about 8.30 o'clock four men put in an appearance disguised with long black gowns aud black veils, and immediately rushed up the walk leading to the front door. The door was broken in aud an entrance effected. They approached the bed aud ordered Gould to open bis safe, swearing they had come to rob him, and that be had better surrender. Just then the guards upon the outside pushed in upon them and three of tho rob bers were captured with but little resist ance, but the fourth ono, " Bout," McClaiu himself drew a pistol, fired on the sheriff, rushed through the crowd aud escaped. The three men proved to be William Keen aud two brothers named Shipley, all des perate characters aud outlaws. The next morning McClain was captured, and all our robbers are now in jail at Albion, 111, Kara" to Please. A curious elopement took place in England the other day. An old gentleman ran away with a young girl, and to the great disgust of her parents the couple were not caught until they were safely married, and all the indignant papa could do was to upbraid his daughter for marrying a mau old enough to be ber father, much older, indeed, than he-was himself. A few weeks of happiness, or the reverse, with ber aged adorer, proved enough for the young bride, who incontinently ran away again with a youug fellow she met at a foreign watering place. There was, of course, a great scan dal, and her father came once more to up braid ber with the enormity of her behavior. "Really, papa," said tho unreasonable young person, " there is no pleasing you ; you told me before you would not have minded if it had been a young man, and and now when I have chosen a youug man you are just as angry?" The father was disgusted with ber moral obliquity and left her to her fate. . Animated Beer Barrels. The London " Examiner" says : The statistics of the Military Prison at Ober baus, in Bavaria, contaiu some curious in formation as to the capacity of .the Bava rian soldier for beer. One, an artilleryman who was discharged for lung disease, said that twenty quarts did not . exactly hurt him. A second, ft mason by profession, said : " I never count up to more than ten or twelve quarts, but after that it goes quickly ;" and ft third was of opinion that, if be could get it, be would drink twenty eight quarts ft day and not feel it. Another exclaimed iudignantly that he was not drunk, for be had only bad eight quarts ; while one, a regular habitue, of the prison insisted that he was no blackguard, but ho did like drinking. Giving a Miscreant his Due. An Iowa exchange says : A few nights ago XV. K. Baxter, of Mt. Ayr, attempted an assault on Mrs. Sutley. She rebuffed him, and her husband had bim arrested. Baxter, in retaliation, caused the arrest of Sutley on a charge of larceny committed in Illinois, and Sutley was removed to the plaoo of the alleged crime. This left Mrs.' Sutley alone, and Baxter renewed his at tempt. lie visited the house Saturday night, raised a window, and was in the act of crawling into ber room, when she awoke and, taking a revolver from under her pil low, gave the intruder Its contents. Tho ball entered bis bead at one ear and lodged near the other. He is not dead yet. Mrs. Sutley was not arrested, as publio opinion is that she served hira right. t3T At about 6 o'clock on Thursday ft week while the Superior Court was in session in Knoxville, Crawford county, Judge Barnard Hill, the presiding Judge, died on the bench. A criminal trial bad just been concluded, and the jury had re turned a verdict of guilty. Tbey neglect ed to give the value of the goods stolen, and Judge Hill told them that they bad best retire and supply this part of the verdict. They went out, and soon after ward an attorney looked up and saw Judge Hill's bead thrown back on bis chair, a deathly pullor overspreading his counte nance. 'Friends rushed to bim, but, with aa easy gasp, bis spirit passed away, and 16 sat dead on the bench. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, , , OIL-CLOTHS, WALL PAPERS. A complete Stock Just opened for FALTj TKADE from New . . , York anil Philadelphia Markets. , . ' COMPRISING . TmillEPLXS, mxtiia surjsns, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAllt CARPETS, AND OIL-CLOTIIS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HANDSOME LINE OF ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND OIL-CLOTH XITIQS. ttf PATTEimS IN HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN CARPET CHAIIV. STEPHENS & BEETEM, Bcntz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, rENIPA. 2 w $ to O o o H i W o NOTICE TO YOU ! The finest Stock of Goods ever brought to this place, has just been opened by the subscriber. Prices .were never so low either. Call and see for yourself. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. HERE AVE ARE AGAIN ! WITH better inducements to our customers and people in general than ever we have offered, we have Just laid in our immense FALL and WINTER STOCK, and as usual, intend keeping the lead for LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' WD GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits I 4.C0 to 5.00 Men's Business " ti.Ou to 8.00 Men's Dress " 10.00 to 12.00 Youths' Work " 4.1H) to 5.U0 Youths' Dress " 6.00 to 10.00 Boys' Dress . 8.00 to 7.M) Men's Overooats 10.00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats S.00 to 6.00 Boys' Overcoats 3.f0 to 6.50 Men's Common Coats 1.60 to 3.00 Men's Dress Coats 4.50 to 6.00 Boys' Common Coats 1.50 to 2.50 Boys' Dress Coats 2.60 to 6.00 Men's Common Pants 1.00 to 2.00 Men's Dress Pants 2.50 to 6.00 Boys' Common Pants 1.00 to l.fio Boys' Dress Pants 1.50 to 3.00 Men's Vests 75 to 2.00 Boys' Vests 60 to 1.25 Men's Wool Hats 65 to 1.00 Men's Felt Hats 1.25 to 2.50 Boys' Wool Hats 60 to 75 Boys' Dress Hals 75 to 1.25 Men's Caps 40 to 1.59 Boys' Caps . . 25 to 75 Room Carpet 18 to 25 Flowered Carpet S.1 to 45 Wool Carpet 60 to 1.00 Floor Oil Cloth ' 40 to 50 Table OH Cloth , 30 to 40 Trunks , 2.00 to 7.00 Satchel ' 75 to 2.50 ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Aeoordeons, Mouth Organs, Soaps, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collars and Cufl's, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germantown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs, Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say is true, , ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPORT, PEisrisr'. c w w o w CO O O f i i i i o o cn W co CO H I i W w o co a o i i u 9? 9? P All Wool White Blankets per pair t2.50 and y.P All Wool Colored Blankets per pair Ladies' Double Shawls Ladies' Single Shawls Ladles' Kelt Skirts Ladles' Balmoral Skirts Ladle's Nubias Ladies' Ooats Ladies' Corsets Ladles' Hair Switches Ladles' Ties Ladies' Linen Collars Ladles' ltuches Ladies' Handkerchiefs ldtes' Hose 4 pair - Ladies' Undershirts Embroidery and Edgings Ladles' Leather Belts Ladies' Belt Pin Pins 28 rows for Silk Handkerchiefs Men's White Shirts Men's Colored Shirts Men's Woolen Shirts Meu's Undershirts Men's Drawers Meu's Colored Hose. 3 per pair Men's Handkerchiefs Meu's Suipeuders Horse Blankets Ovrralls Knit Blouse 2.25 " 3.00 " " 75 " " 60 " " 60 " " 25 " " 8.75 " " 40 " " 1.25 ' 20 " " 8 " " 8 " " 5 " " 25 " " 40 " " 3 " ' 10 " " 20 " " 6 " " 25 " " 75 " " 60 " " 75 " " SO " " 30 " " 25 " " 8 " " 10 " " 1.25 " " 40 " " 75 " " RC ATTY "A NO. OHO AN3 best, . Lonk I " 1 1 Mnrtllhg! heel Ormins, 1 stiiS ?A rinniMonlyi:i, cost ftiai. Cir. free, Dsn HI F.Beatty, Washlng'on, N. J. 4UUt AGENTS WANTED I v FOH PAHTTf'UI.AUH, Al)t)HT!',H WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 82!lllroiulwnv. New York Oily i Chicago, 111. ; New Orleans. Ln. ld4t ( , . or Suu Francisco, Cnl. 6000sold! Agents Making 31) to SS0 a wenk I More AOKNT9 WANTED FOR TIIK CROSS iiK CRESCENT. The thrilling History of Kins and Turk for 300 years. A wild story of Bloodshed and Prantlclsm. the strife for power nnd creed, lty the popular hls torlfln. Dr. 1.. P. Brocket I)trrinta tlmlr t.h liar Kellglnus. Social, and Political customs; their juiiersnini uenernis, causes ot this war, weighty Interests nt stake.etc. BOt) pp. Rich Ill's, only 12.60. OUR Bllll.KS have 2IH 0 Ill s, and far excel all others In quality and quick sale. Trices just re duced 25 per cent Scud for full particulars. liUUHAKD DUOS., Pubs., Phil'a., Pa. 41dlt It UP T U It E. Those wishing Relief and Cure for RUPTURE should consult Dr. J. A. HIIKHMAN, 258 Broad way. New York, send locts.,for his new book, with Photographic likenesses of bad cases before ami after cure. Beware ot cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman's treatment. One of these fellows, a gentian clerk, now' calling himself Dr. W. G. Cmnpien, Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. 8. and awaits trial for for gery and embezzlement. 39d4t WITH A COLD 18 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, sure remedy for COUGHS, nnrt all diseases of Jml'i'v !"' LUNUS- WST and MUCOUS MEMBHAN15. 1'nt Up Only In Hlno lloxes. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Sfldlw C. N. Ckittenton, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. GUNS am' rev',lv'''". Illustrated Price list, free. Great l'efern G'tm Works. Pittsbnririi. Fa. audtt. AGENTS wanted! Medals nnd diplomas Awarded for HOLMAN'HNKW PICTORIAL BIBLES. SOOO lLJ-USTUATlONis. Address for new circulars, A. J. HOLMAN & CO., 930 Arch street, l'l'l'i'da. f aUU4t. rfl "Tpn Harvest for Agents. We send 111 II I l'reei'""' new 49 pane illustrated A J AJLJewelryaud WatchcataloBiie.wltli Instructions how to make money. Address M CRONKGU & UO Phllaor Milwaukee. Wl "fod ll2T,it.1.'Sl ,For B"rn, H,ul Scalds, Bites of R E Wl E D y . I Insects, 1'oisou by Ivy, Frozen Limbs & Parts, Discharging Sores, Milk leg, sore and weak eyes. Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons. St ves Sore hippies. Broken Breasts. Erysipelas, Acute lail,,,,,,11Si,ldi,c.1,1.,;' Jinolie and Toothache, Blind and Hleedlns Piles, Bleeding of the Lungs, Uter ine Hemorrhage and lnllamatlonsand Ulcerations peculiar to Females Is Sankohd's Extuact or Witch Hazel. Ask for it, because It Is better, stronger and cheaper than any other, and Is war ranted by Weeks & Potter, Wholesale Druggists. 300 ashlngtou St., Boston, Mass. 39d4ti AGENTS WANfEDF0R THE m ILLUSTRATED HISTORY ra I HE GREAT RIOTS It contains a full account of the reign of terror In Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Chicago and oilier Cit les. The conflicts between the troops and the mob. Terrible conflagrations and dest ruction of property. Thrilling scenes aud Incidents, etc.. etc. Send for a full description of the work and our extra terms to Agents. Address. 39dit. National Puulishinu Co., Philadelphia. Pa. LEARV TELEGRAPHY. Y'oung Men and ladles, and earn from 15 to 1H) per month. Oood situations guaranteed. Small salary while learning. Address, with stamp. Sherman Teleohaph Co.. Oberlln. O. 39dtt, JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet Plug are acknowledged by all, to be the Finest Chewing Tobaccos In the market. Put up In all shapes and sizes, In ma hogany and black wrappers. Sold by the trade generally. Send for sample to the manufacturers C. A. JACKSON & CO., Petersburg, Va. Geo. F. Wakhle, General Agent, S9d4t Nos. 8 and 6 South Water Street, Phlla. EWABHIXH'8 (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We. furnish low and whatever you need. Law and Commercial Supplies or all Kinds. Send for samples and price lists of what you want. S-Catalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, ordlrect from the publisher. E. WAK1JNU, Tyrone, a, a. ESTATE NOTICE.-Notlce Is hereby glv en, that Letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McClintock.late of Carroll two., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims to present theiu duly authenticated for settlement to JOSEPH B. MoCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Sheruiansdale. Perry co., Pa. July 24, 1877. O. U- Bmu.et. Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thnt Ephralm A. Mc Laughlin and wife of Toboyne township. Perry con my. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the 18th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real and personal proerty for the benefit of creditors to the undersigned, residing in lllalu, Jackson township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said assignors will please make Immediate pay ment, those having claims will present them to the undersigned for settlement, GKO. H. MAKTIN. August 1, 1877. Assignee. ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estateot John Neldlgti, late of Jaekson township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In Mifflin township, Cum berland county, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement In , THOMA8 E. MOFFITT, Executor. ' P. O. Address, Newvllle, Cumb. co., Fa. W. A. & W. 11. Si-onslek, Atty's for estate. August 21, 1S77. 6t B L00MFIELD ACADEMY. FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 3rd.' STUDENTS prepared for the best Colleges In the land, and the drill In the classes will be thor ough and up with the times. A MJIlM AL CLASS for those desiring to teach. Address J. B. FLICKINGEIt. A. B , Principal, or WM. GltiElt, Proprietor, New BloomUeld. Bluonitteld. Aim. 21. 1877. TRESPASS NOTICE. -The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, tish, gather nuts, cut timber, &c, or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson township, Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. H. K. BALTOHSEK. . . ,,. PETEH liUISUALL. September IS, 1877. pd ASSIGNEE'S SALE M' - ' Ai OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber. Assignee of David Fry. of rarroll township., Perry County, Pa., will "oiler fur iule, on the premises, on , v SATURDAY, OCTOBE It 2Cth, 1S77, the following described Real Estate; A Til ACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll township, Prrrv County, Pa., bounded on the East by lands of John Sheriff, on the West by David McAllister, on -the North by Mrs. Dorn, on the South by David McAllister, containing about ; . 18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, having thereon erected s TWO STOKY LOG rw weatherboakded ' I.? unncr nuuot, with kitchen attached, and a LOO HA UN and other necessary outbuildings. A good Orehard, and a line lot of Locust Trees, Ike, are on this tract. ' a-fiale to commence at one o'clock P. M., ot said day when terms will be made known by Sept. 18. 1877. WNQ. A.,-" VALUABLE HtOPEUTY A.t rrlvnto Sale. TrTE subscriber otters at private sale In Spring township, Perry county, Pa., A TIIACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACHES, more or less, havlngtliereon erected a THREE BTOHY LOi WEATHEUHOARDED HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well ot water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince and cherry trees, grapes, &c. Tills property Is located one mile North East of Oak Orove, nnd Is an excellent location for a Shoemaker Shop. j.Tei ins of sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID KEIBER. ' VALUABLE STOllE STAND At Trivate Sate. THE subscriber oilers al private sale about ONE ACHE OF UltOUND, having thereon erected a LAP.OK HOUSE, with KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE nnd STABLE, aud a WELL of good water near the door. W-There is a large STORE BOOM In the building In which a store has been kept for a number of years. The stand is a very desirable one. There is also erected on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be sold sep arately or with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These properties are located In a good com. munlty, with Schools and Churches convenient. Callou or address a L. HOLLENBAUGIT, Aug . 21, '77pd t3andy Hill, Perry Co., Pa , Dr.A.G.OLIN'Sllll till Pkewet nf m PHvnt oritur, mtitttnr from earl ihaa or Inflation of hher He. Bemlnal Wmlmempfodncinf Fmintlanft, lo of lleraorr, laipnlrvd hifthU lot Manhood or Impotent? Nrrvous ltbllltj, uenn uutitly cored i (IImaimm of the Illadder Kldiicjt, M .Unii, Aiimiift. ftiarrn, mm. u i.nroriK iammm, i KAy.S OF FEMALES, ylelrt to Mi trnttntttl. . all Cfironif IAmmm, and I) 1 lelrl to Mi trnttnatil. 1. Olln ha hrul llfe-ionn eiirinc, and corw whrt othan fall, tlm k rraduaU of the Reformed St-tioot, irm no ror tiry, hf the Inrcnt pnetim in the U.S. I.A JI1KK reqairlni trntment with prl vate homt nil bonrd. call or write, tvtry convtmanca for pntlnM. fond fifty nnli for Mmpla of Rubber Good and cir cular of Important Information bv txpran. lld OLXN'S Feinalf nili, $3 per Box. ConmlUtlon free. MAEEIAGE GUIDE ffJ5a."S ynuitK and mlddli jrH of both Ssm, on all dUMuea of a private) nature. Valuable ariYk-a to the married and thoui roo tem plating marnat.'fl. How to ba healthv and truly bappy In tb inarrVd relar Hon. Everybody aboolii get tbia booaC Ium bU ceitU, to aay $Jr die.ealed 7. A PHYSIOLOGICAL Viev7 of Marriage I iuuidbui weaiucK ana .vinnjt'Dtiul Trratiie on the Jiitlfi t Biarriage and th uauwf thnt unfit lor It ! the te tfn of Beprduetlrn aud itlie lilseaaea of Women. A book lor p Wntf. fonnd- atereadiuf;. 360 ptgea, prio r. HftJVrtlt MEDICAL ADVISER! m a Ufl 111 d'torrr ni a Privatn Nnttir ari.iiiL' from HaiF Abuse Kxeeii'ea, or Secret IiseaaesT wila lit beat meant of enre, il'M lerfff pnjfP. pricrMl tt. A CLINICAL LECTURE on thf ahorr diieaert and Ihntt: of the Throat and Liift), Oatarrbt&uptura, th Opium Habit,c, rtrlcr? )U ri. hither bfKk iml pott pa id on rfept of prltet or all three, containing awimg' 1h'autifUliy illustrated, for 75 cti. AddrMi DSU B17TT8, o. U N. SUi &U BU Irouia, JC ID finfl AGKNT8 WAITED to sell oar j iicwiy rtiwuiifia iuvviiien, uroinfm. Jewelry. Watches, Kevolvers, Engravings, Books, cc. Biationery Packages tlo per liund. Special terms given to Agents everywhere. The nest prices ever ottered. Mammoth Catalogue with Samples freo. , 11. L. FLETCHEIt, ; 35 6m 111 Dey Street, N. T. E STATE NOTICK.-Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Ensmlnger late of Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those liaving claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMINOER, ' , COKNEL1US KN8M1NGKII, A. M. Market, Att'yfor Adui'rs.J tAdininlstratr't August 28, 1877. CAUTION. I hereby caution all persons against Interfering with tha following per sonal property, now In the possession of Elizabeth A. Urahain, of Kavllletwp., Perry Co., Pa., to wit: 1 Cupboard, 2 Stoves, 1 Stand, 2 Beds, 1 Bureau, 2 Tables, Chairs, Capet, Clock, Chests, 1 Sewing Machiue, Lot of Tinware, and Cooking utensils. Iron Kettle, Tubs, and all the balance of her household alTalrs. As the same belongs to me.hav Ing lately purchased it at a Constable's sale, and loaned the same to her. Sept. 4, 4t. JOSEPH WALKER. . ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate ot David McAllister, ot Carroll twp.. Perry Co., Pa., dee'd., have been Issued to John McAllis ter, of same twp. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate paymeut and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JOHN MCALLISTER, Bept. 25, 1877. Executor. Dl API Ull I Q 1!1i HORN a..u the DLAlfK nlLUO, GHEAT NORTHWEST, a large 100 page book, containing full Informa tion of the country, with maps aud illustrations, will be sent free to every one sending II. (W for six months subscription to the DAKOTA HER ALD. The Herald is a large 32-column Journal, and Is filled with entertaining reading matter, both original and selected. It is a western journal with western ideas. The paper three mouths with book for 75 cents i the price of the book alone Is 75 cents. Address, TTIE IIETtALr, Sept. 25, 8m. auktou. Dakota. IT! STATU NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given JJ that letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Ann Crlley, late of Liverpool twp.. Perry Co., Pa., deo'd.. have been granted to the undersigned residing In same township. All persons indebted tosald estate are request ed to make immediate payment and I In we having claims to preseut tuein duly authenticated lor settlement to GEORGE W. CRILEY, 1 Executor, Sept. 18, T7 pd Liverpool P. O., Perry Co , Fa. OPIUM aa llomhtae titbit aetata wry aa4 tMedlrv cured, raioieai) aw pubu-ity. ovaauauip far parttcaUn. Da. Ca aLTon. 91 nawufwaai vwwy AND
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers