THE TIMES,1 NfoV; BLOOMl'toi) M,' bcTOBElt 10,' 1877. 0 fir ? ? ' HOUSE, FARM AKD GARbEN Tv Invite rnmtrnnlrnltnriM from nil person who are Interfiled lu matters properly bcloimluR to tula de partment. , Greasing Axles. ' On the authority of the Caniaie Monthly more injury is done to Cnrrlngrts and wngons by greasing too mucli than the reverse. Tallow Is thebe9t lubricant for wood nxlea, and castor oil for Iron. Lard and common grease are apt to penetrate he hub, and work their way out around the tenons of the spokes and spoil the wheel. For common wood axles, just enough grease should he ap plied to the spindle to give it a light coating. To oil an iron axle, first wipe clean with u cloth wet with turpentine, and then apply a few drops of castor oil near the shoulder, and end. One tea spoonful is enough for the four wheels. Carriages are sometimes oiled so much that their appearance Is spoiled by having the grease spattered upon their varnished surfaces. When they are washed in that condition, the grease is sure to be transferred to the chamois from the wheels, nnd from thence on to the panels. To Remove Grease from Cloth. Grease may be removed from cloth by means of a little soft or curd soap dis solved In water and mixed with oxgall. The spots of grease or dirt must llrst be touched with the liquid all over, and then well rubbed with a stiff brush uutil they are removed ; after which they may be well rubbed all over with a brush or sponge dipped into some warm water, to which the previous mixture and a little more oxgall have been added. When this has been properly done it remains to rinse the article thoroughly in clean water until the latter passes oil uncolored, when the garment should be hung up to dry. For dark-colored cloths, the common practice 8 to add some fuller's earth to the mixture of soap and gall. When nearly dry, the nap should be laid right, and the article carefully pressed ; after which a brush moistened with a drop , or two of olive oil should be several times passed over it, which will give it'n superior finish. - fg" Sweet-Breads, which people are either very fond of or can't abide, ure to be cooked in this way, according to Mrs. H. W. Beecher, who is a notable housewife: Stewed Wash, remove all the bits of skin, soak in salt and water an hour, then parboil; when half cook ed take from the fire, cut in small pieces, stew in a little water till tender ; add a piece of butter, a teaspoonful of salt, u teaspoonful of flour, and boil up once. Serve on toast very hot. Fried after lying in salt and water put them into cold water a ew minutes, then dry on a cloth thoroughly, fry them with little strips of salt pork or dip In beaten egg and roll lit bread crumbs, and fry In hot lard; or draw It tie strips of salt pork through the sweet-bread with a larding needle, fry till the pork is crisp then dip in beaten egg, and roll in bread crumbs, pour over half a cup of rich cream, stir in one teaspoonful of flour and let it boil up for a few minutes, and serve hot. Broiled Parboil after soaking in salt and water, then rub well with butter and broil. ' Turn often, and dip in melted butter to prevent them from be coming hard ana dry. Frosted Rice Pudding. One cup of rice boiled In one pint of water until dry, then add one pint of milk and boil again. Add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, the yolks of four eggs, and one-half cup of sugar. Stir well together and bake slowly for one hour. Beat the our whites' of the eggs to a stiff froth and add one cup of powdered sugar ; spread on the pudding and brown lightly. Delmonlco Hash. Take cold roast lamb or mutton ; throw away the fat portions; chop very fine, and add water enough to make it quite thin ; boil in a frying-pan ; add butter, salt, and pepper to suit taste ; have ready hot toast which has been well buttered and dipped into cream or rich milk, and spread the hash over the toast, and serve immediately. Bone Meal for Grapes. The editor of the London JIorticuKur. 1st assirts that among all the fertilizers proposed for the grape, none embody more of the necessary ingredients than bone incut. It should be applied as eurly In the season as possible. About a ton to the acre makes a dressing that will prove valuable for two or three years. Summer Mince Pie. Four crackers, one und one-half cups of sugar, one cup of niolust,us, one cup of cider, two-thirds of a cup of butter, one cup of chopped raisins, one-hulf cup of currants, two eggs well beaten and stirrtd in, the last tiling ; eplce to the taste. MAKE HOME HAPPY, a nrui luppir f Qooi folding aol Beaitlful Plctarei WILL SO IT. THE GIlfOIMATI WEEKLY STAR, A flnt iglii-pACB ppr, with 4 full ot umni, foill only gl.OO iter jrnr (w f'T pue)t nnd t tn tnrgnt, brtpStent, nnd btH paprr pnhlJ-hl f . the moiicr. It ii ln1iuHm In (-ml It !, kItm all lh nwi, Bud, hpfttdfl much ntliet good rtftriintf. vrolf nnmht-r tint tli rut or four xcfUcnt original or Uctnl ttorin. Rrvif mil-itcrlbrr ! rt0lTM A Cop? Of Itlt ltniltlHll Migt-nr- nm. "Tlii Poor the Ioor Mnn'h Fl"fltnil," tlx 34114 llichi. ftntl ((; nf '.UK HTAIt IM.USTtt A 1 Kb ALU A N AC. 5 rto. xtrn mini bi nt tn pay t(ii'iit ( imrking ntifi t da! Hut ir 111 1 u tun. PfUnr Indue mm fa In rtcTd, m note pviirtCtr thntt em: wnnt ever? cltit) nttHit tn the country if. eommunteiur with tm heforo eninmeiteltir work. To fttif pemnn detiirinu lo n a club, ws will 11 (i a nAtnile cnt-jr -. Die I'ioture urn! cniivflni ' nutllt f-f . rim. &rrtmn mpv nf pnprr fre. ttenri fir on lxlor aulerll Iiir fir any oilier, 1'ermiiin to whmii we linve 1r,'if M'lit thw pi' tur.-, "Tha lmr th i"r 3Ia trltiid.' i' eiifinii emi hrv In lu n if m I hiil(irr fxrelli'iit 111 grfttlng, of nitme wlilrti wt Im't- necureri I'ol thl pnt-in. 9 S Jitter without ptrtur. h f'tll'tr. BTAP-, SO irafiitrt St., (JtuetHMttttO. n MAKE HOWE PLEASANT THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. . Choice books no longer fortlie few only. The best stnndnrd novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from ?1 to J3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1 ' 1. Emtkvnne.Mrs. IlenrvWond (PnnbldNo.)2fc. 2. John Hallla, Went., By Miss Mulock. '2ne. 3. Jane Evre.lly Charlotte Hronte, t Double No. )2oo. 4. A Woman Hater.t'harles Heade'snow novel. Me. 5. The Hlaek lndles, Jales Verne's latest. Inc. 0. Last Davs of Pompeii, By Rulwer. loe. 7. Adam Bmle. Bv Heorpe Kllot. (Double No.)2iic. 8. The Arundel Alottu, Bv MaryCeell Hay. Hie. 1). OldMyddeltou's Monev By .Mary Cecil Hay. inc. 10. The Woman In White; By WllkleColllns. 20e. 11. The Mill on the Floss. By George Eliot. 20c. 12. The American Senator, By Anthony lrol lope. ..... 13. A Princess of Thnle. By William niack. 20c. 20c. lie 14. The Dead Secret. By Wilkle Collins. 15. Komola, By (ieorge Eliot, (Double No.) The Eneilsii at it the North Pole and Field of oc. Ice. In one book. Bv Jules Verne. 10c. 17. Hidden Perils, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. 1R. Barbara's History, By Amelia B. Edward. 20c. 19. A Terrible Temptation. Bv Chas. lieade. Inc. 20. Old Curiosity 8lup, By Charles Dickens. 2no. 21. Foul Play, By Charles Heade. - 10c. 22. Man and Wife, By Wilkle Collins. 20c. 23. The Siuue's I.xacy. By Mary Cecil Hay. 2oc. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt ol price by HEOKMK MUNKO. Ptmi.iSHER, P. O. Box 5057. 21. 23, and 25 Vaudewater St., N.Y. T T I Oreat Chance to make monev. I tI I I III H you can't et Gold you can AJ XiLJ m get Greenbacks. We need a person in KVEKY TOWN to take subscriptions lor the largest, cheaest and best Illustrated family publication In Hie World. Any one can become a successful anent. The most elegant works of art nlveu free to subscribers. The price is so low that aliiKxt everybody subscribes. One Agent reportsinakinn over J16U In a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers lu ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote All your time to the business, or only your spare tiin You need not be away from home over night. You cm do it as well others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Ele gant and expensive Out lit free. It you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages falls to make great pav. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 31wly bargains in Carpets. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. CENTS. It vol want a pretty CARPET lor ouly si Cents per yard, come and see what you c.ui get at that price of F. MUKTIMEK. 35 CENTS 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty. Five Cents Isthe price of a pretty CAK PKT at MoitTiMEtt'8. The same amount of monev will also buy a good CALICO Dress If you don't make It too large. LOTS OF OTHER, BARGAINS' HIRhFQT flWARnC! Centennial ' w t-nw Exhibition. J. REYNOLDS & SON. NOKTHWEST CORNEK THIRTEENTH AND FILBEUT 8T8 PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTUKEU3 0F PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER-G MINDING CHATES FOlt BL'HMNO ANTHRA CITE OK BITUMINOUS COIL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOU BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYSTONE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS CHOKING RAXOES,LOW.DOWNGltATFS, Etc. Descriptive Circular sent free to any address. EX AMI.N E BEFOItK 8ELECTING. 191y 148. m. 1 llll'J.lMdg . rfV5 IS TAKEN INTERNALLY. AND POSITIVELY CUHES RHEUMATISM, G Q'J T , NCURAIGIA AN0 LUMBAGO. S3L0 BY OfljaSIGTS EVEilVWHERE. SEND FOR CiR CIHAI) TO HEL.PHEN3TIKE & EENTLEY. CtUGblSTS, VASHINUl ON, 0. C. -. For sale by wholesale Druggists In Tltts burg and Philadelphia. ib ly PhilAilclplilfl AdTertlscuicnts. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, ' No., 123 MARKET St., ,: . Philadelphia. wainwiugiit & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Street, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE 11KALKK IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 218 KORTII WHAHVES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY WIT II D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SIIOE WAREHOUSE, OIU MARKET 8TKEET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM &C0., Wholesalb Dealbrb ih TOBACCO, CIGARS &c . NO. . NORTH FIFTH 8TKEET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. QR AY BILL & CO., Wholesale Dcalersi n Oil Cloths, Carpets,. Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Riittiug, Twines, &c, , Aud a tine assortment ol W OOD and W 1 , LO W W A U K, No. 120 Market street, atiovelth. PHILADELPHIA. J 0HN LUCAS Sl CO ROLE AND ON h' MAN U KACTUHIi HH N OF THE IKPEE1AL FEENCH, ' .... '. AUD I ' ' PURE SWISS GREEN. Alio, Pur White Lead and Color MANUFACTURERS, inn. 141 and 148 North Fourth Bt Philadelphia. gMlTH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, OM HlOH 8TBEET, EAST 0 CiRUSLl 8., cw Bloomflcld, Penn'a. TIIR suhscrlber has built a lame and oommo rtlous Shop on HlRh St.. East of Carlisle mreet new riioomneia. ra.. wnere no pnimiNui ufactureto order t t every description, out of the best material . f Sleislis of every Style, bullttoorder, and finished Inthemostartlstleand durable manner. S. Uavliiu superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at inuun more reasonable rates. rrtKPAIKTNGof allklndsneatlyandpromp vdnne A "Hltlnsnllclted. SAMUK1. SMITH m F r, NN Kl.R A snlendld asspniufpi "t Klan iiels. just opened by K. MOHT1M Elt Philadelphia AdTertiscments. D. ELDER & CO,' BLANK BOOK MANDFACTURBK8 Dboksellers and Stationers, ' 1 And Dealers n i . ' WINDOW CUKTAIN8 i TTALLi PAPEll, ETC, No. 430 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA Ta. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to 8HAKFNEK, ZIEQLEK A 00.. Importers and Dealers In Hosiery, moves, ICIbbons, NiispeiulerH, TB REAPS. CO MRS. and every variety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 86, North Fourth Street. rillLADELl'lllA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Comb. gOWER, POTTS & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers in CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. R LA IV K IIOOKN Always on hand, and made to Order. Nos. S30 Market and 523 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA ALSO ra. Publishers of Sanders'New Headers, and Brooks' Ailthmetics. Also. Robert's Historof the United States, Kelton'sOutllne Maps.&e. B ARCROFT & CO.. ImtMirlen and Jobbers Of Staple aud Fancy DRY - GOODS. Cloths, Ca8simere8, Blankets, Linou.. White Goods, Ac, ! Nos. 405 and 407 MAKKET STltEET, (Above Fourth. North 8lde,) PHILADELPHIA. JEW.T. MOUL, ' UEPKE8ENTINU Weimcr, Wright & Walk In, Manufacturer & Wholesale Deulero ' ! IH Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, PHILADKLPIIIA. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Impobtbbs and Jobbbrs or Cliinn, Glass, AND QUEENSWAEE, 1)23 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. w. H. KENNEDY, THIMBLE, BHITTON & Oo WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 506 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 7 18 rhilatlelplila Advertisements. JLOYD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WHOLEBALB ' - HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Street. Philadelphia, Teiin'a. Professional Cards. T E. JUNKIN, Attorney-at La. V time. w...I5.BW.B.,0,.',m,,ci,VJ SI" F- Juilklll iv uie rcsiuonco uwnnKC k M., H.n. Nf Uloomlleld, Perry county. Pa. Office HlrAntlv Mnnn.u . v "n . . and adjoining the Mansion House. ATTOUNKr AT LAW, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., PA. Writing aud aA lesal' uusluess carefully ed to. 6'i yl TAMES II. FEUOtSON, Attorney at-Law, -onice Market 8treet, near the Square. 36 ' pjHAULES 11. 8MILEV, Attorney at Law. ?inlnor!hslUe,liearly opposite the Piesbjte. rian Church. Almost ain TITM. A. 8PON8LEH. Attorney-at-Law, wJ..OI1,?era1Jol,li," nis residence, on East Main street, New Bloomneld, Perry co., Pa. S 2 ly TOIIN 0. 8HATTO, Surgeon Dentist. Yn kind,,., M"n!:.r.e"-'j:v prices nianner. and at reasonable' unieeat nisrftfiiflence one door Bant of the Robinson Housef and opposite Win. A. Sponaler't Law o Ulce. aoi - - v m WM. N. 8EIBEKT, Attornev-at-Law, . KewBloomueld. rerrvco..ra. Bioomncid,sa31v. WM. M. HUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. New Itloomlteld, Perry eo.. Pa. BtoFe-ny . "'.V """ner- L PTTER. notakT puilic. New Bloom held. Perry Co., Pa. Deeds. Itonfls. Mtrtn;i prepared and acknowledgements taken. Air kiih sot rension and Bounty papers drawa and certified, will also take depositions to be retd Id any court in the United States. 7 10 ly C1HA8. J. T, McINTIRE, Attorney-at-Law, I . Knn, ninnmH.M I r. v.- -All professional business proniptlyandaltb fully attended to. 3 2 ly.- WM. A. MOHltlSOX, .inQTWV ttf T II L' 1) U 1 rT J -Ewn 1 ' , I. ,. ' . , ' ' - 1 1 rs i. null yt r. n ajial COLLECTOR. NkwGekmahtown, PerrTCO.. Pa. liAtnitt.tannawtll Ii. . 1 Collections made. 7 44 CHAS. A. BAKNETT.Attoriiev-at-Law, New Bloomfleld.rerrveo., Pa a.0"1" on high street. North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 J ly RICHARD L. MAGEE, ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, - Oflloe at his residence, tn CENTR E TOWN SHIP. Perry County, Penn'a., 'one mile South of New Bloomtleld. 10 3 -yyiL,L,IAM M 8UXCII, .Tustioe of the leae, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomrleld, Perry County, Penn'a aMlieClAlattAnt.lAM nutrl tn rnllanMAn. a! .11 kinds. Deeds, Honds.Mortirauesand Agreement neatly executed. 716tf G E0RGE H. MARTIN - GENERAL AGENT. BL.AIN, rltllV COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted tn him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate. Apt II. lOth, 1S77. Dally Express and Freight Line HKTWEKN k J PLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! F pilKsubscrlbei wishes to notify the eltljiensof A. Ulooinlleld andNewport that'he Isruniuug a bally Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver package, or message entrusted to Ins care. . Orders may be lelt for him at the stores of F. Mortimers Co., New Bloomneld.or Wllllgan ft Musser, Newport, ra. J. 8. WHITMOKX. Bloomtleld. Jauuary25, 1870. . jIndsay's silveTlight! a chimney, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED ! Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are delighted. F. MORTIMER, & n,,t rAUy earned In these tiaies, but Ol i d U can le made lu throe months br anv one of eitliersex. In any art of 1 lie country who Is willing to work steadily at thtt employment that we furnish. StWawerk In oor own low n. You need not be far away from honitt over nigh. You can give your whole time to the' wink, or ouly your spare momenta, It, cost nothing to try I lie business. Trrms and fij Outfit free. Address at once. It. HaLLEtt It Co.. Port, laud, Maine. 14 ly. tsmtk 4 vi rtiTi r. ni w an..... li twelve mniitlis old. of a light brown color. came tn Hie premises or Ji.lin M. Foose. lu Nprliij .i..ii , v. . . i',,. .in., lif jl'Mllli 1 MO ZIIU ... AiiFti-.,. .m-i,tnr. i i-,ur.-,iril , I'limHTOr- wnitl. prove prot erty. nay charges and fake said est 111 y away, or he will be deposed or Hifordiuc tn'iw w. H. KISTLKK. August 14. 19.7. Township Clerk. T")KINTIN of every description neatly ex . ct'ute! the Bloomtleld Times Olflce. at rcusnnable ntte. . aiiv'uii. 1 ne owner i ieiuesieii to come for-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers