8 THE TIMES, NEAV BLOOM FIELD, PA., OCTOBER 2, 1877. Tcrrlblo Gnllowi Scene. IlAuniHoNiiL-uo, Ya., Sept. 25. Andor aon Milillot, who wllli Bilas Morrill wns condemned to bo hUug for the murder of David O. Lawson, waacxcoutcil )u the jail yard boro to-iluy. Morris was reRplted to Octobtir 2Drd by Governor Kompcr yester day. Sliidlnt mado a dying statement to Itov. David 15arr, lila niiltunl ndvlsBr, as sertliij; his Innooonee of tlio nettml nmrder, but acknowledging tbnt he knew tbat Law on was to be killed. This statement was rend to him in bis cell this morning and signed by him. The ropo used was Icrs than half an Inch In thickness and thought to bo too weak by many which proved to be true. Tliore was tiueh dolny In getting rondy to spring the fatal trap, and ns tho rope holding tho trap door was cut, tho doomed man full down ward to tho ground, tho rope being broken. Bhilllot uttered a groan nnd wns ngaiu liftod on tho scaffold. Hero ho renewed his cries nnd lamentations, exclaiming, " Ood knows I am innocent. " A Rocond and stronger ropo was procured. AVhllo it was being adjusted bo nskod Deputy Sheriff Bowman to raise the black cap from his eyes so that he might look upon tho light onco more. Ills request was granted, nnd turning toward tho spectators ho said with somo firmness : " Gentlemen, I bid you all good-bye." Tho second attempt of tho sheriff wns successful, and tho doomed map. was swung into eternity. In 11 min utes tho physicians pronounced life extinct and iu twenty-eight minutes ho wns cut down. Upon examination It was found that his neck was not broken. SInuular Suicide. A strange suicide having a singular in cident connected therewith iccently took place nt Niagara. Dr. Stein, whose health appeared fecble,and who was no doubt suf fering under aberration of the mind, aroso quite early Friday morning a week and en gaged a bootblack to show him around and point out objects of interest, lie agreed to give the boy $1.50 to continuo with him during the day, and pulling out a very large roll of bills paid him t in advance. When the old gentleman and the boy had reached the middle of the suspension bridge, near the falls, they halted and took a momentary survey of the great cat aract. Dr. Stein askod if there was any car riage to be seen upon the bridge in either directiou. The boy looked and answered no. " Is there any one in sight at either part of the bridge?" inquired the old gen tleman. "There is no one at all," answered tho boy, after a sharp look. At the same in stant Dr. Stein seized the boy and endeav ored to throw iim over the railing of the bridge. The lad screamed and struggled with all the energy he possessed, and by clinging to the timbers dofeatod the object of his insane companion. The attendants of the bridge at each of the B'oore ends rushed out and made for tho rescue. This Dr. Btoin perceived, let go of his well-nigh exhausted victim, climbed to the top of the railing, and without a word, sprang into the misty air and the unfath. omable pool deep down below. Heavy Bank Robbery at Cortland. Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 24. A package containing government and railroad bonds, certificates of stook, mortgages, and promis sory notes, estimated at two hundred thou sands dollars in value, was stolen from the First National Bank hore on Saturday last. The loss was not discovered until this morning. The securities were in a large pocketbook, which was kept in the safe of the bank. The bank suffers no loss, as the securities belong to private individuals. Three Valuable Trunks Missing. Boston, September 23. Three trunks, containing in the aggregate f 10,000 worth of securities, deposited in the safe of the Cambridgeport national bank, have mys teriously disappeared since the 15th inst., and there is not the slightest clue to the thievos. The trunks and thoir eontonta are owned by Luther Slater, Oliver J. Rand and 8. B. Snow, the latter the cashier of the bank. Killed In a Drunken Row. Milford, Mass., September 25. On Sunday afternoon, in IIopkin,a man named Faley was stabbed in a drunken quarrel by one M'GuIre. Faley died three hours after. The murdorer decamped, closely followed by officers, who overtook him In Upton, where he bad taken refuge in a barn. Upon its bocomiug dark he eluded the officers, 'but it is expected that he will soon be captured. - tW A curious accident happened near New Castle, Dol, a few days since. A young girl, about eleven years old, was found . lying flat on the ground dead, with her face buried in a crock of water. She had been sent for milk and it is supposed that she stumbled and fell, her head striking the crock with such force that the blow render ed ber powerless, and that her face being' buried in the water, she was drowned. CARLISLE CARPET HOUSE! CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, AVALL PAPERS. A comiilcto Stock Jtist opened fur FATiTi THADE from New York and l'liiladolphia Markets. toiiriusiNo Tint IU! l'LXS, EXTRA SUPERS, BRUSSELS. VENETIANS, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, AND OIL-CLOTIIS, ALL 0HO1CK I'ATTEKNS AND NEW DESIGNS. MATTINGS, HASSOCKS, A HAND30ME LINE OF ENGLISH FELT SQUARES, AND OIL CLOTPI iwas. HOME-MADE CARPETS, ALL COLORS IN OL.XIJET CHAIN. STEPHENS & BEETEM, Bentz House Building, No. 2, East Main St., CARLISLE, PENN'A. NOTICE TO YOU ! The finest Stock of Goods ever brought to this place, has just been opened by the subscriber. Prices were. never so low either. Call and see for yourself., F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! WITH better Inducements to our customers and people In general than ever we have offered, we have Just laid In our immense FALL and WINTER STOCK, and as usual, Intend keeping the lead for LOW PRICES and GOOD GOODS. Of our many bargains, the following are but a few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Men's Heavy Work Suits Men's Business " Men's Dress " Youths' Work " Youths' Dress " Hoys' Dress " Men's Overcoats Men's Overcouts Hoys' Overcoats Men's Common Coats Men's Dress Coats Boys' Common Coats Hoys' Dress Coats Men's Common Pants Men's Dress Pants Boys' Common Pants Boys' Dress Pants Men's Vests Boys' Vests Men's Wool Hats Men's Felt Hats Boys' Wool Hats Boys' Dress Hats Men's Caps Boys' Caps Koom Carpet h lowered Carpet Wool Carpet Floor Oil Cloth Table Oil .Cloth Trunks Satchel 1 4.C0 to 6.00 6.00 to 8.0D 10.00 to 12.00 4.00 to 6.00 6.00 to 10.00 3.00 to 7.M) 10.00 to 15.00 &00 to 6.00 3.t0 to 6.50 1.60 to 3.00 4.50 to 8.00 1.50 to 2.50 2.50 to 6.00 1.00 to 2.00 2.50 to 6.00 1.00 to 1.50 1.50 to S.OO 75 to 2.00 50 to 1.25 65 to 1.01) 1.25 to 2.50 60 to 75 75 to 1.25 , 40 to 1.50 25 to 75 18 to 25 S3 to 45 60 to 1.00 40 to 50 34 to 40 2.00 to 7.00 75 to 2.50 ALSO Jewelry, Cutleiy, Accordeona, Mouth Organs, Soaps, Perfumery, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Combs, Brushes, Collars and Culls, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Umbrellas, Motto Frames, Germautown Wool, Spool Cotton, Slippers, Lace Curtains, Furs , Counterpanes, and many other great Bargains, which space will not permit to name. Give us a call and see what we say Is true, ISIDOR SCHAVARTZ, NEWPORT, PEISHSP-A.. O w o g tr1 O o Q O W 0 O o O O w 02 9? p 9? P All Wool Whit. Blankets per pair All Wool Colored Blankets per pair Ladles' Double Shawls Ladles' Single Shawl Ladles' Felt Skirts Ladles' Balmoral Skirts Ladie's Nubias Ladles' Coats Ladles' Corsets Ladles' Hair Switches Ladles' Ties Ladles' Linen Collars Ladles' JBuches Ladies' Handkerchiefs Ladles' Hose 4 pair Ladies' Undershirts Embroidery and Edgings Ladles' Leather Belts Ladies' Belt Pin Plus 28 rows tor Silk Handkerchiefs Men's White Shirts Men's Colored Shirts Meu's Woolen ShirU Men's Undershirts Men's Drawers Men's Colored Hose, 3 per pair Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Suspenders Horse Blankets Overalls Knit Blouse (2.50 and up 2.25 " 8.00 75 " " 50 " " 60 " " 25 " " X75 " " 40 " " 1.25 " 20 " " 8 " " S" " i. 25 " " 40 " " 3 " ' 10 " " 20 " 5 " " 25 " " 75 " " 60 " " 75 " " 30 " " 30 " " 25 " " 8 ' 10 " " 1.25 " " 48 " " 75' " " RUPTURE. Til"" wishing Relief Blifl fiiro for JMirTUIlK should Rrmniilt Dr. .1. A, HIIKIIMAN, 2.H Blond wily. New Vork wild Hints., for his new lunik, Willi I holographic IlkcncsKi-s of bad cases In-fore and ? i ','"!? J!"wi""t lii-iils who pretend to furnish Dr. Rhenium' treatment. One of these fellows, n g-rinnn clerk, now calling ilinself Dr. W, l. ( r.-mplen. Is luillcled on complaint, of nr. H. and awaits trial lor for. gory and embezzlement. 3iM4t TKIFLINO WITH A COLD 18 ALWA YS DANOKllOUS. Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sum remedy for COUOIIH. nnd nil diseases of t.l.'?,.T.".""AT' 1-l'N'JS. CHEST and MUCOUS l'ut Up Only In ISIno lloxrs. 801,1) BY ALL PIMJfXUHTK. SMIw C. N. CitirrKNTON, 7 Sixth Avemjb, New York. fillM revolver. TMuitrntm! Price Hit. fr-i, WtttwnUun Woi-ka, Pittsburgh, 8'""t AO R NTS wanted l Main's ftiUl diplomas Awarded fur MOI, MAN'S NI'.W PICTOaiAL BIBLES. BOOO 1M,UN thai HINh, Address for new Circulars, A. J. 1101, MAN & CO., VM Al'ch street, Phllutla. 3HtUt. f r T pvmi Harvest, for ARi-nts. We send 111 II I I'lnn. "iir new 49 pan Illustrated A J ljLJeweliyaiid Watch eataloifue.wlUi InstriielliiHs how to make inoney. Address, M CKONKdll diUO., l'lillaor Milwaukee. Wis. IfldJt MOTHER'S! Kor Hums and Rcalds, Tiles of .HEME DYJ Insects, 1'olson by Ivy, Frozen Limbs i i'ai ts, DischarRlni? Sores, Milk Ipr, sore and w-eiik eyes. Iloil.s, CarWunclcs, Keloiis, Stvcs, Sore Mnpies, llroken llieasts, Kryslpelas, Acute 1 ains Himdiiclie, Karacha and Toothache, llllnd and llleedlnR I'lim. IileHdinK of the Liiiiks. L'lor IneHeuiorrliaKeaiid Inllainatlonsnnd Ulcerations liecullnrto f emales is HANroim's K.xtiiact op Witcii Hazbi,, Ask for It, because It Is better, stronger and cheaper than any other, and Is war. raM-d by Weeks & I'ollcr, Wholesale Druimlsti, Washington St., Hoston, Mass. mitt, AENfsmED76rffHE T ILLUSTRATED HISTORY ra THE GREAT RIOTo It contains a full account of the reinn of terror In 1'lttsliuiKh, Baltimore, Chlcao and oilier lilt Ins. Tho conflicts between the troops mid the Dinl). Terrible eiillatrratlons and destruction of property. Thrilling scenes and Incidents, etc,, etc. Send for a full description of the work and Bur extM terms to Agents. Address, 8lld4t. .Nation.i, I'ihushino Co., Philadelphia. Ta. LEAKV TELEGRAPHY. Young Men Bnd ladles, and earn from (45 tn (no permonlh. (food sltuatlniis guarnnlecd. Small salary while learning. Address, with stamp. Bhhhman Tki.eohami COm Uberlln, O. 3Wlt, JACKSON'S BEST & ABOVE ALL. These brands of Sweet ring are acknowledged by all, to be the Finest Chewing Tobaccos In the market. I'ut up in all shapes and sizes, in ma hogany and black wrappers. Sold by the trade generally. Send for sample to the manufacturers , C. A. JACKSON i CO., Petersburg, Va. Geo K. Wauiii.b, General Agent, S9d4t. Nos. 8 and 6 South Water Street, Phlla. WAItHINU'8 ' (1H78 Uniform Copyrighted 1ST7) !CA."YV" BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low and whatever you need. Law and Commercial Supplies of all Kinds. - Send for samples and price lists of what you want. W C'atalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. K. WAKING, Tyrone, flua. STATE NOTICE. Notice is hereby glv en, that Letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McCllntock.late of Carroll two., Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In the same township. All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those Imv. Ing claims to present them duly authenticated fur settlement, to JOSEPH B. MoCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Shermansdale, Perry co., Pa. July 24. 1877. IU. H. Bmii.et. Attorney. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Kphralm A. Mc Laughlin and wife of Toboyne township. Perry county, Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the 18th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real and personal property for the benellt of creditors to the undersigned, residing In Blain, Jackson township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said assignors will please make Immedlato pay ment, those having claims will present them to the undersigned for settlement CEO. n. MAHTIN, August 1, 1877. Assignee. E" STATE NOTICE. Notice t hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate of John Neldlgh, late of Jackson township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In MlUlin township, Cum berland county. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to THOMAS B. MOFFITT, Executor. P. O. Address, Newvllle, Cumb. co., Pa. W. A. It W. H. hi-ONSLEK, Atty's for estate, August 21, 1877 ,-6t jgLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 3rd. STUDENTS prepared for the best Colleges In the land, and the drill In the classes will be thor ough and up with the times. A NOKMAL CLASS tor those desiring to teach. Address J.B.FLICKINOER. A. B., Principal, or WM. (jHiEB, Proprietor, New Bloomneld. BlooiuUeld. Aug. 21,1877. CAUTION. I hereby caution all persons against interfering with the following per sonal property, now In the possession of Elizabeth A. Graham, of Savilletwp., Perry Co., Pa., to wit: 1 Cupboard, 2 Stoves, 1 Stand, 2 Beds, 1 Bureau, 2 Tables, Chairs, Capet, Clock, Chests, 1 Sewing Machine, Lot of Tinware, and Cooking utensils. Iron Kettle, Tubs, and all the balance of her household affairs. As the same belongs to me, hav ing lately purchased it at a Constable's sale, and loaned the same to her. Sept. 4. 4t. JOSEPH WALKER. The oldest and best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For circulars address, P. DUFK & SONS, Sflwluio. Pittsburgh, Pa. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, ttsli, gather nuts, cut timber, &c, or otherwise tres pass on their lands lu Jackson township. Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. 8. K. BALTOSSER. PETEK GUISHALL. September 18, 1877. pd OPIUM w4 MwphlM lUWt ftlaetsttly nj immIIIv f IteDMttrsUn. 0B.CAUJXM, ill lal V KktwUa au Uuu OL ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP VALfAIlLR REAL ESTATE! The nnderslg led, A.sl,..,fB cf .Tnmrs ( Rkllos. will oiler for sale, by ornery, n the premises, at Oiler B l olnt, In Itye township, Perry county, J ell It ft on TUESDAY, OCTOIJEH 0(h, 1877, at one o'clock p. m.. the following described real estnle, or tracts of land, as follows, to wit: TRACT Ko. 1, sltunte In the township nforesald, adolnlnn lands of Martin Knudi-r, .John Hmee, Iteiijumin Leon ard, Samuel Orier, aud others, containing about ro acju:n, more or less, having thereon erected a TWO STOHY i-"rnTii - t " i . with Bummer House attached. 1&Ja Jl'uhll'llngs are calculated for two families. A BANK H A UN, WAQON KUED, and other outbuildings. There Is a good well of excellent water at Hie door, also a never-falling spring of water near the dwelling. Ab'iut 38 ACRES of this tract are cleared nnd In a goid state of cultivation. There are two good Orchards of choice fruit trees on the place. This Is one of t ie most desirable properties In this section of the county, convenient to churches, schools, He.. and Is well worthy tho attention of purchasers. TUACT XVO. , A tract of excellent woodland, containing about 20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, situate about one mile from the above described farm, adjoining lands of David Knsniinger. Jacob Kuaub, Henry Mosler, aud others. ' TUACT ISO. it, Also a tract of woodland, containing about IS ACHES, situate In same twp adjoining lands of Henry Sailor, Adam Nace, and others. TERMS OF SALE :-Ten per cent, of purchase' money to be paid when the property Is stricken down i one-half of the balance on the Jst day of April, 1878, when possession will be given and deed delivered, and the balance on the Jst day of April, 187D. Unpaid purchase money to be secur ed by Judgment bonds and to bear interest from date of delivery of deed. The above tracts will be sold all together or separate, so as tosult those who may be desirous of purchasing. For further Information address A. M. Markel, Attorney for Assignee. G. F. ENSMISGEIt, Bept. 13,1877. A SSIGNEE'S SALE XX OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber. Assignee of David Fry. of Carroll township.. Perry County, Pa., will oiler for sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1S77, - ' the following described Real Estate : A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Carroll township, Perry County. Pa., bounded on the East by lands of John Sheriff, on the West by David McAllister, on the North by Mrs. Dorn, on the South by David McAllister, containing about 18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, having thereon erected a TWO STORY LOG WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, with kitchen attached, and a LOO IlAll.Vand other necessary outbuildings. A good Orchard, and a fine lot of Locust Trees, &c.f are on this tract. f Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M., of said day when terms will be made known by fAU.U 1 flMfl l..innU Sept. 18, 1877. I SSIGNEE'S SALE ' OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned Assignee of Michael Bitting and Emanuel K. Bitting, membersof the late firm of M. Bitting A Son, will expose to public sale on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6th 1877, nnder an Alias Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, the following described Real Estate to wit: A TRACT OF LAND at Montgomery's Ferry, Buffalo twp.. Perry county. Pa., containing six acres, more or lens. Having thereon erected a LARGE BRICK HOUSE (used as a Hotel & Store Stand) a large Frame Stable, Slaughter , a and other out-bulldlngs. The location for Hotel aud Store I s better titan any other In this couuty. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent, of pnrchase money to be paid on day of Sale, one third of bal ance on the first day of November 1877 and the balance In two equal annual Installments with In terest, to be secured by Judgment Bonds. Sale to commence at ten o'clock A. M.. of said day. Sale to extinguish all liens under the order ol Court. WILLIAM LODGE, Assignee. J. C. MC A LUSTER, Att'y. September 3, 1877. VALUABLE PROPERTY At Private Bale. THE subscriber offers at private sale in Spring township. Perry county. Pa., A TRACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a THKKK STORY LOO WEATHKKBOAKDKD HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince and cherry trees, grapes, &c. This property Is located one mile North East of Oak Grove, and is an excellent location lor Shoemaker Shop. .Terms of sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID BEIBEB: ESTATE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Kudiuiuger late ol Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the uudersigned residing in the same township. All persons indebted to said estate are reuueated to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present uieni duly authenticated fur settlement to ELIZABETH ENSMTNGER, ..... t . CORNELIUS KNSMINGtR. A. M. Markel. Att'y tor Adm'ri.J lAdniiuisiratr' Augu.it as, 1877. I y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers