8 TUE.TIMES, NEy .BLOpMiaELl), PA., SErTEMlVElt, 2.,, 1877. An Ottawa Morohnnt Tells a Very Strange 8tory. . A telegram from Ottawa to the Toronto papers vos iluf fbllowltitf as a statement ni tide by Mi'. A. D. Feasor, long a 'missing' lmrdvrnre merchant of that oily, detailing big adventures during an enforced, absence of over n year : . ' V As near as I can remember I left here in May, 1870 my clerk nays the 1st of Juno for Montreal, to transact some buslnosR. I bad with me about 100 In cash aud a amnll valise with a change of clothing. On arriving at Montreal I was w-litd by a man at what hotel I was going to' stop. I replied, " The Montreal House," and be took my baggage. I subsequently saw Air. Eastwood, who Raid be was going to the Ottawa Hotel. I parted company with the last-named gentleman aud walked to ward tho Montreal IIouso, but, when I aw tho man who bad taken my baggage driving away with it. Having homo doubt as to his being con nected with the Montreal IIoubo, I wont after him, and, after following him through a couple of Htroets, caught up to him and asked him where he was going. Ho said : " To tho Montreal 1 louse," and in another minuto stoppeifbofore a houso, wbiolt on entering I found to bo a hotel. I said, "I suppose you think you have played sharp this time," and at once told him to take my baggago to the Montroal IIouso. Ho said this was tho Montreal House. I repeated my observation about playing sharp, ankod lii in to have a drink and then lake my valiso to tho hotel at which I wished to Stop. Ho had a drink, and I also took one, which must havo been drugged, as I re member nothing further than that I at down on a chair, until I found mysulf laid up In a ward in tho hospital at Capo Town. I then discovered that I bad no money, and that my watch and chain wore gone. How I got to Capo Town is a perfect mystery to me. I was told by those who wore taking care of mo that the captain of tho vessel w hich brought mo ns far as Maduira w ished to land me there, b,ut that the authorities would not allow him to do so, as I was wild and I had no means of support, t Another captain thou offered to take chargo of me, and brought mo to Capo Town. It appears that I arrived there in Decem ber, 18ti, but did not become conscious un til February 10, 1W77, when I felt as though I had jiint awakened out of a long sleep, and asked w hero I was. I could not be lievo them when they told me I was iu Capo Town, and they thought for some timo that I had not recovered my senses. They told mo that I bad spoken quit ra tionally boforothat.but if I had I had thou no rccolloction of it. I had no idea of time until I saw a paper dated 1N77, and when I asked tho people what it meant, they again thought 1 did not know what I was talking about. Of course I had no money, aud tho peo ple who took care of mo were very kind and would not hear of my paying them. As soon as I was ablo to get about I pro cuicd employment as a bookkeeper iu the Government stores, and by this means obtained funds to carry mo to Loudon. Strange to say, on coming to my senses at Capo Town, I found that my valiso was with roc, and that my clothes had not been disturbed, tho clothes I woro evidently having been provided for mo by some kind strangers. , I do not know anything about tho vcssols , which carried me to Capo Town. Tho wholo journey seems liko a long sleep to mo. . I bad earned suflicient mouey to pay my pas sage to England aud sailed on tho 27th of July last, bidding good bye to those who bad treated me so kindly. Of course there were many who thought me an impostor, aud if I had been left to their tender mer cies it is a question if I should be here now, I arrived in England, after a voyage of almost constant illness, on the 24th of August, and receiving funds there which bad been forwarded by my friends to meet me, sailed again from Liverpool on the 80th of August, reaching Quebec on Satur day, i Hoax on a Bridegroom. The Stanford, Ky., Journal says : For some time past Thomas Stepp, a gentleman of color, has paid unceasing attention to Miss Ellon Hickman, also of color. Either by decree pf the fates or some other reason Miss Ellen failed to Veciprocate the love of her admirer, and.strove on all occasions to avoid him. But Thomas would take no rebuff, so bis inamorata agreed last Thurs that if be would procure the license sbo would marry him. Inheriting none of the doubting qualities of bis ancient namesake, Thomas took her at her word and invested the sura of f 1.50 in a license, and having secured the services of a preacher sallied forth to be made the happiest of men. On arriving at hor home be found everythin g in readiness and the ceremoney proceeded. Tho solemn words were spoken, and Thomas imagined himself a married man. But it seems that the faithless Ellen had ' procured the services of a boy, whom she dressed in women's clothes, and after having veiled him, made him take her part in the ceremony. When Thomas found out the joke that bad been played on blm he was. frantic, with mortification and rage but ' unable to remedy matters, be beat a hasty retreat, followed by the minister, who also felt that be had been shamefully victimiz ed. We bavenot beard what the would-be-bridegroom is going to do about It, but, as Miss Hickman Is quite wealthy, it is more than likely that he may bring suit against ber and compel her to pass over some of ber ducats for ber practical joke. notice; The finest Stock of Goods ever brought to this place, lias just been opened by the -subscriber. Prices were never so low either. Call and see for vourself. F. MORTIMER, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA. NEW GOODS. We have niiatn receiv ed a full supply of Kail ("(ids, to which we usk your attention, PRETTY PRINTS. Our stock ol Prints nnd other I,iiw 1'rlee dress goods Is the pret tiest ever offered In this county. Will you come and Iu k at them? MEN'S G00DJ.; Woflinvn a Splendid Assort meat of Ooods suites', tor Men's Wear. Our stock Is veiy com plete Iu all kinds of goods from 15 cents per yard upwards. BOOTS & SHOES. Do you want Hoots or Shoes for Men Women or Children f If som'Uie nnd sen the NtoeffinU! havo. It Is comirhjieV aud Prices will sulf vjL, HAT ANin PAP 'W"6 Bla particularly nUO ttlHUlyttrOi prmi(1 ,)f oar Splendid Assortment of Huts & Caps for Men or Hoys. The styles are good and the prices will be sure to please you. EVERYTHING. It you want goods of any Kind you will be al most sure to find them In the Splendid Stock just opeued by F. MORTIMER, New Bloomfield. CAUTION. -I hereby- caution all persons against Interfering with the following per sonal property, now In the possession of Elizabeth A. Graham, of Seville twp., Perry Co., Pa., to wit: 1 Cupboard, 8 Stoves, 1 Stand, 2 Reds, 1 Bureau, 2 Tables, Chairs, Caput, Clock, Chests, 1 Sewing Machine, Lot of Tinware, and Cooking utensils, Iron Kettle, Tubs, and all the bulanoe of her household affairs. As the same belongs to me, hav ing lately purchased It at a Constable's sale, and loaned the game to her. Sept. 4, 4t. JOSEPH WALKER. TRESPASS NOTICE. The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, ttsli, gather nuts, out timber, &o., or otherwise tres pass on their lands hi Jackson township, Perry county, Pa., or they will be dealt with according to law. R. K. BA1TOB8ER. l'KTKlt (iUISHALL. September 18, 1877. pd OPIUM and MwptihM HmMI absolutely and aratAtlv and. fftinUvi Mt DubUtitr. Mud tuuua f ptfc-ilkn. Pat. ClLTO, VI TV Vfa Tf VWHf aWa) S3 GOID PlATMlWATCnm. Cfcupost n the known world. 8impl Watch m to sw. A4dr,4uCouinu ACoClduatfO. ft - . y v. i -i L to you i ASSIGNEE'S SALE. OK VAI.UAHLK HEAL ESTATE. 1 he uudersipneil. Assignee under n deed of vol unlnrv assignment for Hie lifiielltof creditors of Mrs. Alai'giii'Kt. It. Jionlev. will sell by outei y, up.' on the premises, in Carrull twii., about 1'4'liilles westol Dcllville, on Tt'KSDA Y, HliPTICMllKIl 2otll. 1877, at 2 o'clock 1. M. , t lira follow ing described valua ble real estate, to wit: A Til ACT OF LAND, sltHiite In the township of Carroll, county of Perry State of Pennsylvania, and hounded by lands of C. Hot li. Adam lHani, X. Mallack and others containing 115 .A.C1135S, strlrt measure, nnd lin villi; flioreon erected a targe guild TWO S foil V liYVI'.iJ.INO HOl'SK, Willi KITCIIKN attached, HALF llANKfC' HA U.N. wood house, smoke house, hog ten tM and other iieesiiry outbuildings. XuJiLUl. There Is a pood younir Oltf'II Al(l) In prima bearing condition nnd other fruit trees upon the premises. 'J he water Is supplied by two good wells and a spring near the -house which runs In several fields. Tho quality of soil is good red shale. Note. Tins property is In everv way desirable, It Is situate within a mile of a school, a mile nnd a half of stores, mills, blacksmith shop, etc., nnd about two nil'es to the lieiuest church. It Is pleas antly located oil a point of scenei v.nnd will inako iu every respect a most desirable farsjiuina. TfIiims of Rai.k. Ten ppr cent, nf thl. purchase money to lie paid when the property Is stricken down, one third of llin remainder upon the coHtlr- iikii iuii oi i lie snip, null lie uaiunce to lie iirviueii Into two equal annual payments, parable ivespect- lvulutl.alui.l..D..l A.....1 lu-ruA.,.1 turn cured by judgment bond's, Willi Interest from 1st April, 1S7S, when deed will bn delivered and pos- session given. JOHN S. 1UC1IKY. Sept., 4, 1S77. Assignee. SSIGNEE'S SALE L OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned assignee of Michael Pitting and Knianuel K. Hitting, membersof the late tlrm of M. Bluing Hi Sou, will expose to publto sale on SATURDAY, OCTOUER 6th 1877, under an Alias Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Perry County, the following described Real Kslate to wit: A TRACT OK LAND at Montgomery's Ferry, Bulhilo twp., Perry county, Pa., containing six acres, more or less. Having thereon erected a LARGE 11 KICK J!ms HOUSE (used as a Hotel & Store Stand) a large Frame Stable, Slaughter Shop, . r 'l U. and ther nut-bulldlngs. The location fora Hotel aud Store Is better than any other Iu this couuty. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent, of purchase money to be paid on day of Sale, one third of bal ance on the ill's t day of November 1877 and the balance In two equal annual Installments with In terest, to be secured by Judgment llonds. Sale to commence at ten o'clock A. M., of said day. Sale to extinguish all Hens under the order ol Court. William lodge, Assignee. J. C. McAllister, Att'y. September 3, 1877. VALUABLE PROPERTY A.t Private Sale. Tn E subscriber offers at private sale In Spring township, Perry couuty. Pa., ' A TRACT OF LAND containing TWENTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a THREK STORY LOU WEATHKRHOAKDE1) HOUSE, Frame Barn, and Shoemaker Shop and all the necessary out buildings and a Well of water near the door and a lot apple, peach, pear, quince and cherry trees, grapes, &c. This property Is located one mile North East of Oak Grove, and Is au excellent location lor a Shoemaker Shop. VI ei ins ol sale easy. August 7, 1877. DAVID REIBER. VALUABLE STOIiE STAND At Private Sale, THE subscriber offers at private sale about ONE ACRE OF OKOUND, having '.hereon erected a LARGE HOUSE, with KITCHEN, WASH HOUSE and STABLE, and a W ELL of good water near the door. ' . There ts a large STORE ROOM In the building In which a store has been kept for a number of years. The stand Is a very desirable one. There ts also ereoted on the premises, another HOUSE AND STABLE, which will be sold sep arately or with the Store Stand, to suit purchas ers. These iirorwr lies are located In a good com inunlty, with Schools and Churches convenient. 4 Call on or address a L. HOLLENBAUGH, Aug. 21, T7pd Sandy Hill, Perry Co., Pa. HERE WE, SVITFl bettor lndiicpinrnt.fi tt our customers ami people In gnnernl tlmn ever Welittve oinvred, we littve Junt laid in out lmtiiDino' FATjJj nnd AVJNTEU BTOCK, ond as usual, intend kCf'ilng the" lead fdr LOW litlt'fiB riSid' CiOOV 0001)3. Of our many bargains, tho following ore but o few : CLOTHING, CARPETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING, GOODS, &c. Men's Itrnvv Work Htilt.1 Men's llitslness ' Men's Dress ' Youths Work " Youths' Dress " Roys' Dress " Men's Overcoats Men's Othi coats , Boys' Overcoats Men's Common Conts Men s iliess Coals Boys' Common ('oats Boys' Dress ('oats Men's Common Pants Men's Dress Pants Boys' Common Pants Boys' Dress Pauls i Men's Vests Boys' Vests Men's Wool Hats Men's Felt Hats Boys' Wool Hats Boys' Dress Jlals Men's Caps Boys' Caps Room Carpet Flowered Carpet Wool ('arp-t. Floor oil Cloth Table Oil Cloth Trunks Satchel to B I" iS n.oti in. oo 4.00 fl.OO a. no lo.w .1.00 a.ro l.so 4.r.o 1.00 2..MI l.oo 2.50 1.00 l.fiO 73 0 IV) 1.2 M 7S 40 li'i 18 s:i (10. 40 30 2.1 ill 75 5.50! 8.00 A. 00 2.50 6.00 2.00 l.fiO 3.IKI 2.00 1.2A 2.M 1.25 1.50 75 !5 45 1.0O 7.0" 2.50 ALHO Jewely, Cutleiy, Aecordeoiis, Mouth Organs, Konps, I'cafuniory, Table Cloths, KapkliiB, Towels, Combs, lirtishes, Collurs and Cuili, Tics, Hows, HcatfH, I'nibrellns, Motto Frames, Gerniantown Wool, Hpool Cotton, 811ppers' Ijtice Curtains, Furs, CotiiilefpulneH, and many other great bargains, which spaee will not permit to name. (Jive us a call and see what we say Is true ISIDOI1 SCHWARTZ, SANFOROS JAMAICA GINGER. Tim only combination of the true Jamaica (liiif.'cr with ehnl;e Aromaticsand French Brandy, Is a delicious, harm less, and si reiiu'tlieiilng sub stitute fur all kinds of stlin II In lit h. It proiiiplly relieves Dyspepsia, Oppression after Killing, and every species of Imliilestloii, col reels nil dis turbances of the Stomach and Bowels, nnd cures Cramps, chills, Kev er.i, and Miliaria. Ask for isanuioi'ii's liinger ;j. iilt. RUPTURE. Those wishing Belief and Cure for ltllPTUIlH Hhoiild consult, Dr. J. A. SIII.U.MA.N, 2"S Broad, way. New York, or send for ills new hook," with J'hotfiej'apliic likenesses of had cases liefore nnd after cure. Howard of eheals who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherinnn's treatment. Olio or theso fellows, a t;ei iimii clerk, now callnm lilliiself Dr. W. (i. ('innplen, Is ludli-ted on complaint of Dr. H. and awaits trial for for Koryaud euiiic7.leiiieiit. 35d4t T H I Fl7l rS U WITH A COLD 13 ALWAYS DANOEItOCS. USK Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUtiHH, and nil diseases of the TllllOAT, LCNOH, CHliST aud MUCOUB MEMllltANK. 1'iit Up Only In IJlno l!oxes. SOLD BY ALL DltUOOlSTH. SSillw C. N. Chittknton, 7 Hixtii Avknijm, New York. VEGETINE. 11EV. .T. r. Ll'DLOW WUITEB: 178 BaltlcKtreet, Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 14.1S7I. II. K. Htevens, Ksij. Dear Hir, From iiersonal lienetlt received by its use, as well as from per sonal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most heartily and slcerely recommend the VKUETINU for the coinplaints which It Isclalmehto cure. JAMES V. LL'DLOW, I.nte Tastor Calvary Babtist Church, Hacramento, Ohio, VEGETITSTE IS PltKI'AUED BY 35dlt. H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE BY ALL DKUUUISTS. Now and Thrilling 7 MILLIONSEAOEIl FOB IT. 3000 Agents wanted for The Cross and the Crescent By the eminent L. V. Brocket t. Unfolds the straiifie social, political, and religious peculiari ties and History of the Russians and Turks; cause of the war, mighty Interests at stake i ill osrapiiies of Killers, eto. Klchly Illustrated. For terms, address onlckly, IIUBBAKD Bltoa, Pubs. 733 Sausom tit., l'hll'a. S5d4t. A cent s wanted 1 Pen St .Pencil sketches of the great RlflTQ An Illustrated History of the great IIIVI I J. the railroad and other ltlots. with a History of Communism and Trade Union. By the popular author Hon. J. T. Headley. All classes want this book, depicting the reign of terror In ten States, The best selling book for Agents. Now ready. 550 pages, 63 Illustrations t'i. Send50cents foroutllt and territory. K. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. 35d It. YVAitniNo's (1876 Uniform Copyrighted 1877) LAW BLANKB, The Latest and Best. A Groat Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud whatever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies or all Kinds. M- Send for samples and price lists of what you want. -('atalgues of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, or direct from the publisher. E. WAK1NO. Tyrone, a. a. ESTATK NOTICK Notice Is hereby glv en. that Letters of Administration with the will annexed on estate of John B. McCllntock.late of Carroll twp., Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In the same township. .... All persons Indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those har lug claims to present them duly authenticated for SeUleToSEPH B. MoCLINTOCK. Administrator. P. O., Address Sheriuansdale, Perry co.. Pa. July 24.1877. CO- U. Bmhjit. Attorney. SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Ephralm A. Mc Laughlin aHd wife of Toboyne township. Perry county. Pa., by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the 18th of July, 1877, have conveyed all their real aud personal property for the benefit of creditors to the undersigned, residiug In Blalu, Jackson township. All persons knowing themselves Indebted t said assignors will please make Immediate pay ment, those having claims will present them to the uodersigued for settlement " OKO. H. MAKTIIC. August 1, 1877. Assignee. J OH FBINTINO of every descriptloe aeatty and promptly executed at heasonable tutes at the llloonibeld Times Steam Job OUloe. ARE 'AGAltf WI, All Wool White Blankets per pair m ,) AHW""' Colored Blankets per pair in "p liitmn n i Mill II H n aw S.Oil if 'H,!l'''." K",'ln K,IBW1' lO.oo: Ladle's Kelt Skirls J !'"'!!",'' I'a'inoral Skirts , lii.00 Ladle's Ntililes ' 1 I H.IIO Ladle's (Umlu 7 " 50 " fll " ii 25 2.75 " 40 " 1.25 " 20 Ladle's Corsets Ladle's Ilalr Swltoliej i Ladle's Ties Ladle's Linen Collars Ladle's Ruches 8 .1 5 2 4) Ladles Handkerchiefs Ladle'n Hush A null' 6.00! Ladle's t'ndershlrts Kiiihroldery and Kdges Ladles Leather Belts Ladle's Belt Till I'llltt 9H I'MIVM f.. 10 2) 6 25 75 50 75 l 1.001 Silk Handkerchief Men's Willie Shirts ii it ii l, 70 Men's Colored Shirts Men s Woolen Shirts Men's Undershirts Men's I ii-ii wei d 11 30 " " 25 " " 8 ' ' 10 " " 1.25 " 40 " " 7", " Men's Colorml Hose, 3 per pair men n jiaooaereiiicis Men's Suspenders I loi sn lllankels 50 40, tlveialls Knit Ulou'O N N)t Iff H hOVPllV rrltnll Ihlf Tfiine Dl.i..... Dr D. II. Mlllikei,. Dr. Win. Ilavs. Kan'niel K,o!h, Hubert Neilson ami John S. Kilter, appointed by the Court of Ouartcr Sessions of perry County by vlrtunof the Act of Assembly, approved 8tl! Mnv. 1870, to view the Itrlilgn aern-s the ,iinlatii Itlver at Newport, aud reiiort whetliertlie Brldi'o be nccessarj as a free Bildgo for iiublle nceoiii inodation. and (lie payment of tolfs on the same) Is an unjust louden on the traveling public nnd Hie people of tlm townships where the same Is located ; and the amount of damages. If any, stis. tallied by the Newport ISridgeCompiiiiy bv reason of the taklni! of fKe same, will meet for the pur poses of their appointment, nt said Bridge, on ICKSDAY, tho Z.th of Bepteinber, 18,7, alien o clock a. m. FKROTTHON ft BAUNETT. Sept. 11, '77 Attorneys for Petitioner. The oldest and best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Education. For cliculstrs address. P. DUFF & SONS, 3'iwlnio. , Pittsburgh, Ta. Dr.A.G.QLIN'SIIMI mil of a I'rlvfttp imt'ttt. rfultliir frotti Bbntcn rr lnr'i'Hon rr tttlifff -i. Mcmliiftl Wenk !( KnifMluMft, foA of Hlfinnry, ImpHlred HKKt fwtfct JVlimhiHitl or miMit'iic) . Sitvciuh IN'hllKy, jrtn-tiffitlvruri-lt lis(of th Itluihlcp, Kldnvjn, U rff, I,tirttt4, Alhf(istj CfttArrti, llli1. nil L I ironic lAn, ftnil ItJHi KAhKH OK Kl.M AI.I.H, yUl.i to lib treti"nt. iH.O'in ha tirvl m MVIfjHK eiiw-Hentt, inl rurei where oilim fall. la U a ervlimtn 01 tho Informed p ),Kt., uwm no nwrrurv, haj i,9 InfiMtimu-ttfVin tli U.S. , A 11 K4 rwirMntj triinrit with ItrlriiU.' "ir(t unit bcanf, writ, ktcrr ciivteno for tletiU. fnd fifty rartla fr trnpl nt Ktilbf fitod aiif) iHr- cniv 01 irfiDfirtAnl tnfirtnsjtififi hytrrM. DU, r-rram njn, f per iki. lonMmaTion Tr MADTJTAfir n ttt T-n Uatlon frM. 97K pvrt- BrnM dt in for mat inn i Wtm iUXXllllXiXVJU U U LUU lnformallrm im ( joan itiA uililitl mrpr! of tv ih fittxet, an all dlnwi of prtvata orUifrn, Valiial.l julvlra la th vivrled and thm rontrmpfaUiia; mvrnmtn. Unw tn I hmltliy-iinl Uuly Ltniy In tU tiuvtM rtiar tion. KvryUxi aboukl grt tLat bunk. likMietaU, louyai A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of lilarriasre ! ctH of P. e product ion inl A tK'f k (or p-lvrttf, rornid "t rMdiuff. HOD fzet, prica 41 rt. , a HhlVATE MEDICAL ADV16EB! . fin III a'.vtrtlm ol & Frlvatrf Nalurs BriamK trimi Sflir ADusa. xoeBa, or Beorfft Xleaaa. vua Uia beat lui-aiia of r-OTf. 'fji lrpp FmKf. price jOrta. A ClilHlOA L IK.TOB! on Ihr mtne i.mttn anrl fnoM of Ui? Throat ami Luna, Catrrh,&upture, Iba Opium Hablt.ac., price Ki ct. t-lihar book arm poatpaidon rercfipt of prtea; or all three. Containing pug' a. noanliftilly illuatralrd. tor 7a eta. AdUraaa I1U. HuTTa, lao. U N. DUi M. 8U lVatBia, Ka. ESTATK N OTICK Notice Is hereby given that Letters ol Administration on. the estate ot Joseph Knsminger late ol Carroll township. Perry county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing In the same township. All persons indebted JU-' alri estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and tbose having claims will preseiat them duly authenticated for settlement to EMZABETIT EN8MINOEU, COKNEIJUi ENHMINUKK. A. M. Market, Att'y for Adm'rs.J Aiuiiulstratr's August 28, 1871. in nnn aossts wanted to sen our IU,UUU newly Patented Novelties, Chromos, Jewelry, Wathes, Revolvers. Kng'vings, Books, fcc. Ktatloneay Packages tin per iaund- Hpecial terms given to Ageuts everywhere. The best prices ever offered. Mammoth Catalogue with Samples free. It. L. FIKTCHEK, 85 6m J 11 Hxj Street, K. Y. ESTATE NOTICK Notice Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary on the estate ot Jolin NelCrrgb, late of Jacksea township. Perry county, Pa , deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing In ill lii township, Cunv berland cuunty. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payatettt aud those having? claims will present tbeut aiuly authenticated lar settleueat to THOMA3 R- MOFF1TT. Executot - T. O. Address, Newvllle. Cumb. co Pav. W. A. W. u. Hrooaua, Ally's for esute. Aiaxnit21, 1377. 61 gLOOMFIELD ACADEMY. FALL SESSION BEGINS, SEPT. 8rd. STUDENTS prepared for the best Colleges in, the land and kite drill la the classes wilt be thor ough and up with the limes. A ISOKMAL CLASS lor those desirlcte teach. Addreea J. B . FLICKINtSER. A. B. . PT UMt p la I (MT WH. l.hiEK. Propriator, New BioomBel'd. Bloomlteld, Aug. Zl, 1877. IADIES AND CHILDREN will find a J splendid assortment of shoe at the. ooa price store of T. Mortimer. J r v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers