0 THE TIMES, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA., SE1TEMBE11 25, 1877. HOUSE, FARM AND GARDEN. We Invite enmmnnlrntlons from ll tvf.on who r Interenffd lu nitttun properly btloiuilUK to tills de partment. Hatching Eggs by Machine. Antwerp, Aug. 18. One of the chief events to-day was the opening of the Agricultural and Horticultural shows In the Place tie la Commune, near the centre of the new towrl, and In the line of great boulevards which have replaced the old fortifications. A Bpace of about four acres was boarded off from the Btreet, and within It were arranged the stalls of the exhibitors. As usual at such exhibitions, what agriculturalists speak of as toys attracted more the attention of the crowd than the beasts and objects on which the British farmer sets value. Among these fancy articles were the hydro-Incubators, which supersede altogether the use of the brood hen. By means of these machines, manufactured by Messrs.. E. Roulllier Arnoutt & E. Arnoutt, avlcul turists of Qambals-les-lloudan, in the Department of Belne-et-Olse, 450 eggs can be hatched at a time with a cer tainty and rapidity far exceeding the ordinary course of nature. " Artificial brood mothers" were also exhibited. Of course chickens, after being hatched, re quired to seek the shelter of the mother's wing, and the "aviculturlsts" have in vented an apparatus which supplies their want. It was exhibited, and it was curious to see swarms of chicks and ducklings finding 1 what their instinct taught them to Beck under the plate of the apparatus heated by a lamp and regulated by a thermometer. Then came a machine to test bad eggs, either for breeding or culinary purposes, a very simple looking apparatus, which is easy to use. The aviary department is interesting. There were exhibited all the forms of nooks and corners which are likely to attract birds, aud tempt them to build nests. One object I saw there I do not recollect to have seen be . fore, and that was a hiding box, like a gnarled tree stump, to enable birds to find shelter from hawks. This apparatus is said to be used in Russia and South eastern Germany. Boiling Meat. The secret of boiling meat properly is one unknown to most American cooks. The idea seems fastened in their heads that fast boiling is indispensable to thorough cooking of meat. Nothing is more erroneous than this. Fast boiling toughens the fiber, expels the juices of the meat, and makes of the tenderest sirloin or round a tasteless, chippy, in digestible dish. The true way to boil beef, corned or fresh, ham, fish flesh or , fowl, is to put it into boiling water aud let it boil hard two or three minutes only. This toughens all the outside of the meat so that a shell is formed, like the crust on a loaf, which holds the juices of the meat. So soon as this coat ing is formed the meat should be remov ed from the fire and kept as near as pos siblejust below the boiling point until it is done. If It is to be served cold, it should be left in the liquor in which it is boiled till both are cold. If served warm, serve as much as is needed for the meal, and, if practicable, leave the rest In the liquor to cool. The toughest piece of neck or brisket, if the animal furnishing it was flavorous, may be made perfectly delicious by this long, slow boiling. g" If a calico drees is washed care lessly, starched stiff, gunned a day or two, and half Ironed, it is not a very comely sight. But If quickly dried in the shade, very thinly and evenly starched, and Ironed on the wrong , side so that it will not shine, it will look like a new dress for a long time. Many pretty blue prints and cambrics fade when washed in the usual way. If they are washed the first time in strong salt and water, or water to which a little beefs gall is added, the colors will be set so that they will always be as handsome as at first, and can be washed ever after like other colored goods. Raspberry Pudding. Line the bottom of a very ding dish with slices of bread deep pud moistened with sweet, creamy milk, cov thick layer of nice berries with sugar. So fill to the er with a sprinkled top with and fruit. and bake alternate layers of bread Cover with an inverted plate until the fruit is cooked. t& Grapes are so plentiful and cheap in California this year that they are used by farmers In preference to grain for fattening hogs. Grape converted into pork, it Is claimed, will realize to the producer $10 per ton, with no ex pense for boxing and shipping. MAKE MOMS HAPPY. S W M o q A ruattrai avis' of Good Stadia aid Bsaitlfnl Flttarat WILL do it. " THE CINCINNATI ' WEEKLY STAR, A fin tfftM't? rr. w,,h faH ' iimnt, mm1 nly I' ynmr (t pftr pct), and la th Uirgtt bripVjf, fluid tni tftprr puhlUhnJ for tb mramf. It la tndindant In poltllra, gtrea all ih fiw, t, b-llmi much W o a H M otnr gcoa TfUMiinr. vthtj numu uw thrtt or fotir xevllvnt orlffinat or m (artVd rtorie. Kry iiiticrtbr lo rcivn a copy of tht bntit(fui pnitrir m, The loor INmmt nn'a f tUwV tlia W.M inchea, and a copy nf 1MK HTAH IM.t'HTftATKD ALMA MAC. 0 eta. vxtr mnal b mui to pnf (wimp of pucklne and mtiltnsj pra oiiam. arOnr liMiuermrnfa In Aaront Hwnjn moat libml Id ih fltTd, tw now prefer tfian ever. w warn avarjr alatt acvnt In I ha country to eommnnlcata with ua ttafnra eoinnietichiji work. To wit perann daalrlnn to jet up a altib, w will atnd aumpla enj.j- of tha vtctura Mil ft canraRprra outfit for 9 eta. 90dmen copy nf pnper frr. ftfnl fbr ona Hefar tnbaerlb In lr amy Uir. Araona to whom wa hava Irtftftr tha picture, T1 Poor the Poor ItlKn'l Friend," b? aaylna ao can bava in lu ataad anothar excellent an graving, of umi alia, which wa hava Monraa for thta pttrpoia, rpapr without pfefurv, Ona Dollar. THE BTAR, '990 Walnut fit., Cincinnati, . H s M 5 M 3 MAKK HOMI PLEASANT. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Choice books no longerforthe few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Books usually sold from $1 to f 3 given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 cents. 1. East Lynne, Mrs. Henry Wood (r)onbldNo.)20e. 2. John HhUiax, Gent., By Miss Mulnck. 20c. 3. Jane Eyre.By Cliarlott Bronte, (Double No. )2(K). 4. A Woman Hater,C'harle8 Heade's new novel. 2tic. 6. The Black-Indies, J Hies Verne's latest. 10c. 8. Last Days of Pompeii, By Bnlwer. lOo. 7. Adam Bede, By George E'.lot. (Double No.) 20c. 8. The Arundel MoUa, ByMaryCecIl Hay. 10c. 9. OldMyddelton's Money By Mary Cecil Hay.lno. 10. The Woman In White, By WllkleColllns. 20c. 11. The Mill on the Floss, By Georce Eliot. 200. 12. The American Senator, By Anthony Trol- lope. 20c. 11 A Princess of Thule, By William Black. 20c. 14. The Dead Secret, By Wllkle Collins. loc. 15. Komola, By George Eliot, (Double No.) 20c. Id. The English at the North Pole and Field OC Ice, In one book. By Jules Verne. inc. loc. 17. Hidden Per a. HvMarvCec Hav 18. Barbara's History. Bv Amelia B. Edwards. 2nc, 19. A Terrible Temptation. By Clms. lteade. 10c. 20. Old Curiosity Shop, By Charles Dickens. 2oc. 21. Foul Play, By Charles Reade. - 10c. 2-2. Man and Wife, By Wllkle Collins. 20c. 23. The Squire's Legacy, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or bclc, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEOKGE MUNKO, Publisher, P. O. Box 5057. 21, 23, and 25 Vandewater Bt., N.Y. GOLD ! B Great Chance to make money. 'ou can t get uoia you can ureeuoacKS. vveneeaa person in KVEKY TOWN to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best Illustrated family publication In the World. Any one can become a successful agent The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price Is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One Agent reports making over (150 in a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All who engage make money fast. Vou can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do It as well others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Ele gant and expensive Outrit free. H you want prolltable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages falls to make great pay. Address " The People's Journal," Portland, Maine. 3lwly Bargains in Carpets. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 ENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. If you want a pretty CARPET for only 3-5 Cents per yard, come and see what you can net at that price of F. MORTIMER, 35 CENTS 35. CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Thirty-Five Cents isthe price of a pretty CAR PET at MOHTIMEH'8. lue same amount ot money will also buy a good CALICO Dress it you don't make it too large. LOTS OF OTHER BARGAINS HIGHEST AWARDS I ffit! J. REYNOLDS & SON. NORTHWEST COliNER THIRTEENTH AND FILBERT 8TS PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS OF PATENTED Wrought Iron Air-tight Heaters WITH SHAKING AND CLINKER-GRINDING GRATES FOR BURNING ANTHRA CITE OR BITUMINOUS COAL. CENTENNIAL WROUGHT IRON HEATERS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. KEYST OIsTE WROUGHT IRON HEATERS COOKING RANGES, LOW-DOWN GRATES, Etc. Descriptive Circulars sent free to any address. EXAMIN E BEFORE SELECTING. My A4S. iT mi rS UiaN INIESNAUY, AND POSITIVES CUHCj RHEUMATISM, So'JTi KEUhWftl M0 lUMBACu. 8Q10 Bl WWCSI6T8 EVEBf WHERE. SEND FOR ClH- ffklpHENSTINE A BENTLEY. DnuefflSTjrwASrtitfsTON, o. C ri- For sale by wholesale Druggists In Pitts burn and Philadelphia. ' 36 ly Philadelphia Advertisements. JANNEY & ANDREWS WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 128 MARKET BT., ' Philadelphia. WAINWRIQHT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, North East Corner of 2nd and Arch Btreet, Philadelphia Penn'a. QHARLES S. JONES, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fish, Cheese and Provisions, 219 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, Pa. J. S. DOUGHERTY WITH D. J. HOAR & CO., WHOLBBALB BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 1U MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, Penn'a. QUNNINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., Wholesale Dialers is TOBACCO, CIGARS &c NO. 4, NORTH FIFTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Pa. QRAYBILL & CO., Wholesale Dealers! o Oil Cloths, Carpets, Shades, Brooms, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Batting, Twines, &c, And a Dne assortment of WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. (20 Market street, above 4th, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN LUCAS & CO. SOLE AND ONLY MANUFAOTUREBS OF THE IMPERIAL F BENCH, AND PURE SWISS GREEN. Also, Par White Lead and Color MANUFA CTURERS, Nos, 141 and 143 North Fourth St.. Philadelphia. gMITH'S CARRIAGE WORKS, ' Oa High stbiit, East or Cauku 8.. Xew Bleomfleld, Penn'a. THE anbsertlmr has built a large and eonms dlous Shop on 11 Inn Bt., East of Carlisle Btreet New Bloomfleld, Pa., where he la prepared to mad maoiureto order Of ever; description, out ol the best material. Sleighs of erery Stjle, , bullttoorder, and finished In the mostartlstloand durable manner. VUSYlnu superior workmen, he Is prepared to furnish work that will compare favorably with the best City Work, and much more durable, and at miian mere reasonable rates. -REPAIRING of allklndsneatlyandpromp ydone A call Is soli cited. ' 8AMUEL SMITH ltf . FLANNEI.8 A splendid assortment of Flan nels, Just opened by F. MORTIMER Philadelphia Adrertisements. D. D. ELDER & CO, BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS Booksellers and Stationers, And Dealers In WINDOW CURTAINS WALIi PAPElt, ETC, No. 4S0 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA Pa. EIGLER & SWEARINGEN' Successors to BHAFFNER, ZIEOLER A CO., Importers and Dealers In Hoftlery, Gloves, Iltbboiis, Nugpeiirters, THREADS, COMBS, and erery rarlety of TRIMMINGS & FANCY GOODS, No. 86, North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A. Agents for Lancaster Combs, jower, pons & CO., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, And Dealers In CURTAIN & WALL-PAPERS. Always on band, and made to Order. Nos. 530 Market and S23 Minor Streets PHILADELPHIA, PA A I.SO r. Publishers of Banders' New Readers, and Brooks' Arithmetics. Also. Robert's lllstorvof the UnttedBtates.Felton'eOutllne Maps, So. jgARCROFT & CO.. Importeii and Jabbers Of Staple and Fancy DRY - GOODS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Linens, White Goods, &o.( Nos. 405 and 407 MARKET BTREET, (Above Fourth, North Side,) PHILADELPHIA. jEW. T. MOUL, REPRESENTING Weimer, Wrlffht & Watkin, Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealers IN , Boots & Shoes No. 302 Market Street, 3PHIIA.IELPIIIA.. K AUB FRYMIRE & EDWARDS Imobtbss aud Jobbers or Oliiiiti, Glass AND QUEENS WARE, 928 Market Street, W. H. KENNEDY, WITH TRIMBLE, BRITTON ft Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO, 508 MARKET BTREET. PBIIADXLPHIA. 7 10 Philadelphia Advertisements. JJ.0YD, SUPPLEE & WALTON WBOLESALS HARDWARE HOUSE No. 625 Market Btreet, Philadelphia, Penn'a. Professional Cards. JE. JONKIN. Attorney-at-taw, . New Bloomtleld, Perry eo Fa.- Juukln. irjf 4- AM. MARKEL, Attorney-at-Law, . New Bloomtleld, Perry county, Fa. 19 Ofllce directly opposite the Fost-OiBce. and adjoining the Mansion House. yEWIB POTTKIl, ATIOKNEI AT U1V, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PERRY CO., FA. Anintmfl nrnmntlv aanuro HAti-.. Writings and all legal business carefully attend ed tO. A'l i JAMES H. FEROLBON, Attorney-at-Law. tH ARI.KH H. PMn.RV A tinrn.v .t I . New Bloomtleld. Ferr Co. Pa. Office with C. A. Barnett, Esq., on HIbI Street, north side, nearly opposite the Presbyie rlaa Church. Auxust 20. 1872. Xtra. A. BPONBLEK, Attorney-at-Law, .TV Ofllce adjoining his residence, on East main street, New Bloomfleld, Ferry Co., Fa. 8 2 ly JOHN O. BHATTO, Burgeon Dentist, . . .. New Bloomtleld, Perry co., Pa. All kinds of Mechanical and 8urglcal Dentistry done In the best manner, and at reasonable prices. .OIllce at his residence one door Enstofthe Robinson House, and opposite Win. A. Sponsor's "11TM. N. BEIBERT, Attorney-at-Law, T V New Bloomtleld, Ferry co.. Fa. Bloomfleld, 8 331v. WM. M. BUTCH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ew Hioomneld, Ferry co., Pa. W-Onlce Two doors West nf K. MnrMmsr Btore 871y LEWIS POTTER, notary public. New Bloom. Held, Perry Co., Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and Leases carefully Prepared and acknowledgements taken. Al imls of Tension and Bountv miners drawn mi certified, will also take depositions to be rer.d Id, any coun in ine united mates. 7 10 ly CHAB. J. T, MoINTIRE, Attorney-at-La w. New Bloomtleld, Perry CO., Pa. WAI1 profefslonalbusiness promptly andfaith f ully attended to. 3 2 ly. ITTM. A. MOrtRTBOTT, VV J0STICE OF THE PEACE and GENERAL COLLECTOR, NhwGekmantown, Perry co., Fa. - Remittances will be made promptly toralf Collections made. 7 44 CHA8. A. BARNETT, Attorney-at-Law, New Bloomtleld. Perry CO., Pa -Office on high street. North side, nearly op posite the Presbyterian Church. 8 21y RICHARD L. MAGEE, ' r " JUSTICK OF THE PEACE, -Office at his residence, in CENTRE TOWN SHIP. Perry Ceunty, Penn'a., one mile South of New Bloomtleld. 10 3 -yyiI,L,IAM M. 8UTCH, Justice of the Peace, AND GENERAL COLLECTOR, New Bloomfleld, Perry County, Penn'a ARnftclnlnt.tnnMnn nnlil tn rniiai.t kinds. Deeds. Bonds. Morteaees and Aereements. neatly executed. T16tf G E0RGE H. MARTIN GENERAL AGENT. BLAIJf, FiBttY COUNTY, PA. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and any other business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Charges moderate.. April, lUtfi, 1877. Dally Express and Freight Line- BETWEEN PLOOMFIELD & NEWPORT! rpHEsnbscrlberwishes tonotlfy theoltlzensof , X. Bloomtleld andNewport that he Is running a Daily Line between these two places, and will haul Freight of any kind, or promptly deliver packager or messages entrusted to his care. .Orders may be left f or him at the stores off F. Mortimer Si Co., New Bloomfleld, or Mllllgan A Musser, Newport, Fa. J. 8. WHITMORE. Bloomtleld.January 25,1870. jINDSAY'S SILVER LIGHT. A CHIMNEY, SHADE AND REFLECTOR COMBINED f Giving Double the Light of any other Chimney, AT NO GREATER EXPENSE FOR OIL ! Everybody who sees them are delighted. F. MORTIMER, a ; ' W W W is not easily earned In these times, but O I 11 van be made in three months by any one of elthersex, tn any part of the country who la willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish, tot a week in your own town. You need not be far away from home over nigh. You can give your whole time to the work, er ouly your spare moments. It cmls nothing to try the business. Terms aud 51 Outttt free. Address al once, H. Haixbtt & Co., Port laud, Maine. 14 ly. ISTltAY.-A BULL CALF, about eight or Li twelve months old, ot a light brown color, came to the premises ol Jiihu M. Voose, In Spring township. Perry county. Pa., on or about the 2nd of August. The owuer is requested to come for ward, prove prorerty. pay charges and take said estray away, or he will be dipoed of aucordiutf to'aw. W. H. KISTLKK. August 14. 187T. Township Clerk. ' PRINTING of every description neatly ex ecuted at the Bloomtleld Times Otllce, at reasonable rates.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers