I THE TIMES, ; NEW BLOOMFIELD.r-A., SEPTEMBER 18, 1877. THE TIMES. - ; j PENNSYLVANIA B. SAUISSLS EI71SICN. On and sfter Jnneiith, Trains ran as follow t WESTWARD. EASTWARD. WsylMniliAcc. fui Tv'n Tr'u PltTWOIPAl STATIONS. Mall All'. Tr'u Ex. p.m. P.M, S.16 10.66 .W .Ml 7.80 10.90 .0S .M .M . 6.8(1 .! D.IO ' .06 .1l I 1.40 1.4 i.oo B.n 4.47 . 1 4.1 t.rt A 00. a. if P. It. A. M. .Ill) 4t t.w II 7.47 7.S1 t.U 7.04 , I 40 e.ao ft. 91 B.IK) (.11 t.SO Hrr!bunr, lLx-kvllle, MnrylvUI! ' Punrauuon, Bally'-. Newport Millpmtowti, Thnmimont'n. Mexico......... r.irt Royal.... Mifflin ' Lflwintown J., Amltirpou't,... McVnytowu,., N. Hamilton, . Pnntlntrdou,.. 1.30 .4.1' B.4A in e.ns 7.10 IK si B.81 .00 1S.M H.M 11. M 114 1.81 I.SA ftNt 1" I.IIX S 83 1.4 HI 10.10 10.41 1114 11.4(1 18.30 MS 1 66 7. S3 (.00 4.00 i.r, 4 VJ 1.80 6.K4 ?.20 Tyrone, . Altooua 8.(01 I.J6 ft. 60, t.lA1 9.60 S.I6 P.M 1 A.M. IF. M. !.. I fWPltlnhnrir Rim--. teat-Mi Warrl-h.--at 11.0ft P.M. Dnncanuon ll.m (flair); Newport 11.67 (nan) aud r rlvt at riltnburK atft.10 a. k. rwOolinr Went, the Way Paaaeniri-r leaves Harris bnrir Dally the other trains llally exoer.t Sunday. I WOotnir F.H.t, the Atlimtio F.xpreaa leaves Alloon Dally, th other trains Dally except Sunday. ffTPnelfle Express Went will atop at Dnnrannon it 4.63 and at Newport at 1.17 a. m., when floyx"!. Uriot'IteniB. See the 8th page for sotne new and Im portant advertisements. Friend Ferguson of the Newt evidently takes great Interest In Croquet, but we wish he would call it by its right name "Presbyterian billiards." XOn Wednesday last the mall pouch made a miB hit, when thrown from the car at Newport, and fell under the wheels, badly damaging the mail matter. -Some thief entered the lot of Mr. Lin. Bhull, at the upper end of Duncan non. the other night and dug up and carried off about five bushels of sweet potatoes. X A few days since a young man named Wise, In the employ of Mr. Kirby, near ly severed his foot from his leg, at the ankle while engaged in cutting wood on the Cove mountain. XScott Boden who drives the Ickesburg and Newport mail line, had an ugly run away from the front of Gantts hotel a few days ago, but fortunately escaped with but little injury. The Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Union Park Agricultural Association Is to be held in Banbury on the 25th, 26th and 27th of this month. The officers of the Association are Emanuel Wilbert, President ; Thos. M. Pursell, Secretary. The 24th District Convention, Jr. O. of U. A. M. has been called to meet in the Court House, this place, on Satur day forenoon, Sept. 22nd Inst., at 10 o'clock. This will be an unusually in teresting re-union and all members in the district should attend without fail. X Eph. Jones' young son, Frank, drop ped off Leinawevers wharf into the canal on Wednesday, and came near be ing drowned. The Doy had gone down the second time, and just before he was making the last descent under the water Mr. Ed. Kitner rescued him from a watery grave. News. The Riverside Park and Agricultural Association of Juniata County, will hold their annual flair at Mifflintown, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 19th, 20th, and 21st of September, 1877. Excursion tickets on the Ta. R. R., between Harristmrg and Altoona. The Association claims to have the best half-mile track in the State. Premi ums $1,000. x Church Robbed. Some night last week, some very mean thief broke into the Sunday school room of the Presbyterian church in this place and stole the Sun day collection fund. Entrance was ef fected by foiclng opeti the back window. yCThe Hog Disease. Quite a number of hogs belonging to the farmers in Centre twp., have died. Mr. Robert Moore has lost seven large ones, and Mr. M. Dar lington lost twenty-seven. Several others have lost from one to five each. Y. M. C. A. Convention. The Young Men's Christian Association Convention met in this place, last week, holding Convention Wednesday evening, in the Presbyterian Church, in Uio Methodist Church on Thursday, and Friday in the Lutheran Church. Delegates from oth er places were as follows: Rev. Tag- gart, State Secretary, of Pittsburgh; Rev. Stutzman, J. F. McConaughy, and Dr. Pedicord of Harrisburg; and nine others. Three sessions of much interest were held each day. Excommunicated. The trial of Rev. O L. Ashenfelter by the classls of the Re formed Church, for preaching and dis seminating doctrines not recognized by the Reformed Church, took place at Lit tlest wn, Adams county, on Tuesday of last week. Rev. A. J. Heller conducted the trial for the Classls, and Rev. A Wanner, of York, appeared for Mr, Ashenfelter. Mr. A. was not present, but his trial was proceeded with, and re sulted in his being deposed and excom municated from ever hereafter having any connection with the Reformed Church. Mr. A. H. Addams, the elder representing the Carlisle church.lnform. ed the Classls that he had received a telegram from Mr. Ashenfelter, an. nouncing his unanimous election as pastor of the First Universalist Church of Springfield, Ohio, and his acceptance thereof. X Greenbackcri In Council. On Thursdny afternoon last eleven faithful and devoted follower of Peter Cooper and hit Green back Tolicy assembled In convention at the Court House, In this place, for the purpose of delegating a representative to the State Greenback ' Convention which meets at Wllllamsport, Pa., ou the 19th inst., and to transact other business. H. D. Zimmerman, of Newport, was, chosen to preside over the deliberations of the convention, and A. II. Stephens, of Penn township, elected Secretary. On motion, II. B. Zimmerman, candi date for Couuty Surveyor on the Demo cratic ticket, was elected delegate to the State Convention, and W. H. Willis, of renn township, chosen Chairman of the County Committee with instructions to call a County Convention some two weeks subsequent to the meeting of the State Convention. It is the intention of those citlzenB of our county who are apparently . wedded In good faith to the Cooper Greenback Policy to nominate a full county ticket at their convention. If they so do the entire strength of the party will doubt less be developed at the election on Tues day November 0th. A Desperate Convict. The Carlisle VoU tmtcer says: While Deputy Sheriff Shrom was on his way to Philadelphia on Tuesday of last week with the con victs sentenced to the Eastern Peniten tiary, at the last session of court, one of them named Jos. Baughmau, made a desperate effort to escape from the car that the party were in, on the Reading railroad, breaking two windows and the guard iron thereof, and lacerating his wrists, which were encircled with hand cuffs, in a painful manner. After a hard struggle the prisoner was properly se cured,and finally landed in Cherry Hill. Court ProceedlnQ8. Below we give a report of the proceedings of the regular Orphan's and Argument Court held on Tuesday 11th inst., and continued until noon on Thursday 13th inst., with the Hon. B. F. Junkln President Judge and the Associates, Hons. Jno. A. Baker and Jno. Bear, on the Bench. miscellaneous;. A decree of divorce was granted in the cane of Elijah Wlngert, libellaut, vs. Addle Wlng- ert, respondent. Joseph Bowers, an applicant for the benefit or the insolvent laws ot this common weaitu, received his final discharge. In the case of Reedcr vs. Williamson, a sew trial was refused on condition that Plaintiff accept a judgment for ff 185.30 otherwise a new trial granted. In the caeo of Burtnett vs. Rlnesmith a new trial was granted. A decree was made authorising and empow erlng the M. E. Church, in Bloomflcld to bor row tne sum ot $juu, ana executo a mortgage tor security to tne ler.cier. The case of John Ravnard's use, vs. II. F Drawbaugh and Aaron Egolf terre tenant was an application on the part of Defendants to nave a judgment opened ana tney let into a ae- fense. As Judge Junkln was formerly con. cerned as counsel, Judgo Bncher heard tho Argument and made tho rule for the opening of the judgment absolute and directed it to be put down for trial at the January term. At the August term a Jury was drawn for the purpose or disposing ot three cases on tne civil list. The jurors all answered to their names whon called, except Jos. Sadler, of Marysville, who, on account of sickness, could not attend, and it was agreed by all parties that the cases should be tried before the eleven jurors present. The first of these cases was that of Daniel Etter vs Jno. Hartzell. deft., and Geo. W. Zinu and Jno. X. Eichel, Ex'rs of Geo. L. Gelbel, Gar nishees, mis case was settled Dy tne parties. The second case was that of A. W. Donald, son vs. Caroline Duncan. This was a ludg. ment opened and the defonso was a total want or consideration, verdict lor Defendant. Bponsler and Smiley for Plaintiff, Potter and Burnett lor Defendant. The last case was Mollle Keagy vs. the Ad ministrators ot Chas. v andcroau, dee'd. I'm. was the widow of Chas. Vandereau and this action was brought to recover different sums of money loaned to her former husband in his lifetime. Verdict lor m, lor $714 08, QUARTER SESSIONS. In the case of the Cora. vs. E. K. Bitting, Samuel E. Albright and John Sheatferln which Defls. were convicted of larceny at the last court motion was made tor a new trial, la the meantime the two first named had been taken out of jail on their recognizances, but luuiHK io appear, ineir recognizances were iorieuea, anerwarus However, they were res. pited until the first day of Oct. term. If the parties do not then appear their sureties will be compelled to pay the amount for which their recognizances were given. In the case of the Com. ts. W. W. Farns worth a new trial was refused and Deft, being unable to pay costs, bid farewell for a time to bis old constituency and accompanied Sheriff Williamson to the stone jug where he will re main a guest of the County for the present. The business of the Court having hecn mainly disposed of It was adjourned until the 24lh inst. Orphan's Court. Widow's Appralsemzntt Cmfmxed. 1. Salome Yonnr widow of Jacob Young. 2. Julia A. MeOUutock widow of Wlllit Clintoek. : William Me- 3. Mrs. Ezra Wilt widow at George Wilt. 4. Lavlula Green widow of Socrates Ureen. B. Catharine Wentz widow of Solomon Wentz. 6. Margaret Kelsliiger widow of Nicholas Keis iiiKer. 7. Ann Grubb widow of John A. Grubb. 8. Elizabeth Scott widow of William Scott. 9. Haunah Klckes widow of Abraham Flckes. lu. Uargaret H. Kerr widow of Xhoiupsou W. . 11. Catharine Stambaugh widow of JohnStam. baugh. Guaiidian Appointments. 1. flylvester K. Baltosser, Guardian of minor children of Jos. D. Smith. 2. Thos. Peunell, Guardian ot minor child of Silas a. Potter. Trustees Appointed. 1. Wilson McKie, Trustee of Anmnda Matloc't widow of Thos. Matlock. . Bales or Keal Estate Confirmed. 1. John Adams, deo'd., House and lot at Hone Ferry near MUlerstown, sold to Thos. Hainan fur 1112.75, and Hotol stand la Ickesburg to Oscar Espy for Nathaniel Adams, ouo of the Adminis trators, for JV26.00. i. John Ebersole, dee d., Farm la Wbeattleld twp., (mid to John Ileffley, of Duncannon for a .T.li ii Ftntimr rtof rl farm In Penn twn .noltl to Martin lllltuer, one ot the Administrators for $1,300.00. 4. John Rmllev, dee'd., Farm in Carroll twt, sold to Harry Smiley for tl.WiO.OO. Inquisitions Confirmed, Til tlia Mtnta ill llwv Wilt, riftn'd.. of I.lYPl'tMWl twp., two purparts were returned, but all of the parties m interest reiusea to accept. . OKPKHS Otf SAI.H AWABtlEO, Tn William Raruxr. administrator. fiO.. for the real estate ut Geo. Wilt, dee'd., of Liverpool To W. A. Hpornler, adnttn1trnror for the real estate of Isnao Uretz, of Miller twp. To M.P, Holman, administrator for the real estate ot Catharine Roth, of Liverpool Borough. To J. W. ()aiitt,ilinliiitriuor iiirtne real es tate of P. Mc Kinney, of Centre twp, m.. 1 1 .1 Tl... ..ImlHlriMl... tnm . Ii 1 estate, consisting of a sleam tannery of George Snyder in Liverpool Hornugn. To W. t). Rlne. administrator of the real es tate of 8. S, King, of Dunoannon Borough. 10 c. r. iinmricn, Jiiq., administrator ior me real estate of J ho, Myers, dee'd., of Jackson twp. AUDITOR'S REPORTS CONFIRMED M SI. Wllaon t.nnfpr. Kn.. to nass excentlons filed to account of Jacob M. Shumaker, administrator of Martin L. HhumaKer, aec u. Chas. H. Bmilev. Esa..to drs noon exceptions filed to account of llenrv t'omu. Guardian of Geo. W. Wise, minor, son of Geo. Wise. The rest el the accounts presented oy tne iteg Inter were all confirmed. In the Court of Common Pleas, the followlim proceeding were had, to wit i ORDERS OF SALE GRANTED. To Chas. 3. T. Mclntlre and Daniel Mvers Assignees, to sell real estate of Geo. H. 11 oilman dee'd. To Geo. II. Marti n, Asslgnee.eto., to sell real es tate of E. A. McLaughlin. To Win. Donally, Assignee, etc., to sell real estate of Win. Myers. To Hiram O'Nell and JohnlPotter, Assignees for the sale of real estate of Catharine Potter. To Henry Cooper, Assignee, etc.. to sell real estate of Peter and Elizabeth Sheaffer. To Emanuel Hinlth, Assignee, eto., to sell real estate of Daniel W. Barrlck. To Thorn. H. Milllgan, Assignee, eto., to sell real estate of Jas. Irvine's. To Jacob Blxler and Geo. L. Ickes, Assignee, etc., to sell real estate of John Blxler. To Jacob Long, Assignee, etc., to soil real estate of David Fry. To W. W. McChire. Committee, etc., to sell real estate ol Col. W. J. Graham. BALE CONFIRMED.' W. J. Dewnlt House and lot sold by C. Stouller Assignee, to W. H. Dewalt for I5U0: tract of woodland, to Geo. B. Souder for ft-ino. and tract of woodland to Fred. Wardecker for FJ4,00. C. Showalter Tract of Woodland sold by W. N. Selbert, Assignee, to D. Klnesmltli, for S12& Juniata County. We copy the follow ing from the Juniata county papers 'of last week. . This community seems to be over-ridden by a pack of mean, unprincipled potato thieves. Several cases of theft and attempted theft has been reported, and just the other night between twenty and twenty-five bushels were taken from the patch of Constable Wilson, above Jfort iioyai. The saw mill of Joshua Roush, one mile South of Klchfleld, was stopped by a run of eels on Saturday, now many of the slippery llsli got through between the wall and the water-wheel no one knows, but certain It is, only three large eels brought the machine to a stand-still. One of the eels was cut into pieces, but the other two were too tough to be cut, and slippery as they were,they made admirable wedges. It was no small work to remove the obstruction. Sentinel. On Tuesday of this week, Mrs. Sam. uel I). Kepner, of Turbett twp., was en gnged in putting up tomatoes, and just after corking up a Jug full, the cork was blown out, caused by a pressure of steam which had generated from the hot toma toes, throwing about half of the con tents of the jug over her face and brenst, scalding her In a terrible manner. Dr. Sterrett was summoned and administer ed the necessary medical attention. Jrort lioyal Times. On Saturday night, William Coulture, a saddler, who has been for some time under the employ of James Simons, of l'ort Uoyal, ana brotner or Mrs. Tiiomas Sherlock, retired as usual to his room for the night, and all was thought right until morning when he was called to breakfast several times and did not either answer or make his appearance, After repeated calls, Mr. Simons repair ed to his room and after ealllncr acrain and receiving no answer, he opened the door and entered the room, and there found him prostrated upon the floor with nanus bieeuing ana one ear naoiy torn down and bleeding. He was im mediately lifted upon the bed, but could not speak or give any account of what had happened to him. Medical aid was immediately sent for and rendered what help they could for the suffering man.-r-It is not known how long he had been in that condition. Whether he had been lvinar there all nicht strutrirlimr. and thus Injured himself so as to cause the bleeding, or whether he- had at tempted to get up and was overcome by some mysterious powers, cannot now be told ; but at all events, his is a singular case, and enough to alarm his friends. .He was, on Monday, removed to the resideuce of Eev. Sherlock, where he is now receiving the best of care and at- tion. Cumberland County. We copy the fol. lowing from the Cumberland county papers of last week : On Thursday, a small child, a girl, of isaian Sorter, or uictinson townsnip, fiill into Yellow Breeches creek and was drowned. A little child of Mr. Thomas, living in South Middleton, in attempting to walk a foot-log during the rain on Fri day, fell in the Yellow Breeches creek ana was drowned.- The body was re covered. A young man named RIchwine, liv ing near Hunters' Run, was severely kicked in the face by a horse last week. His lower jaw was broken in several places. An application will be made by the counsel of the 31. and P. R. JR.. for let ters patent for the incorporation of a bridge company, to be called the " Har rlsburg and Potornao Bridge Company," for the purpose of erecting a bridge across the Susquehanna from a point below the present railroad bridge, at om near New Cumberland, to a point on the Dauphin county side, at or West of the town of Ewington, to be used as a rail road bridge and a general passenger way for travel and tralllo. A few weeks since whilst workmen were engaged in excavating for the pur pose or building a lime-kiln on tne side of a hill on the farm of John Kurtz, near Lindsay's mill,ln West Pennslinro' twp., they very unexpectedly opened up the mouth of a cave. The opening is large enough to allow a person of medi um Blz.e to enter. The cave, we learn from Carllslers who have visited It, is 15i feet wide, 81 feet high, and some folks have entered to the distance of twenty feet. The freaks of natur de picted on the solid rock In the cave are said to be grand. We shall have more to Bay about tho cave in the future. About a month ago we made men tion of the fact that grave robbers had vlBlted the Mennonlte graveyard, on the Llsburn road, In South Middleton town ship, and desecrated the grave of a young man named Geo. Lucas. About a week or ten days since the same grave was again atBturoed, tne comn naving been broken open, and leaving the corpse exposed to the air. The parties engaged in tins despicable business should be detected and punished. FOR RENT. The best Coach and Wag on Maker Shop in the County. There is a Blacksmith Shop connected with it, and everything convenient to carry on a first-class Coach business. For further particulars apply to IN. HENDERSON. 37 pd Green Park, Perry co., Pa. Church Notices, Preaching in the Reformed Church next Sunday at 2i o'clock P. M. Presbvterlan nreachlnir next Sunday at 11 A. M., and 7 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clocK. Soldiers' Re-Union. In accordance with the arrangement made last1 year, the fourth annual re-union of the soldiers of Perry county will take place in Bloom- field, on Thursday, the 18th day of October next. Hivery arrangement pos sible will be made to have the occasion of general interest, and it is hoped that every soldier In the county will partici pate. ' F. M. M'keehan, Prest. " Ciias. II. Bmiley, Secretary. Baking Powder, just the thing every body should have in the house. The best for sale by F. Moiitimek. Ballou's Monthly Magazine for October. The October number of Ballou's Magazine, a delightful companion for leisure moments, is before us, and an examination of its pages snows us tnat it is just wuat tne puoiic need and should have, as It does not contain an art! clethat is not full of Interest to all classes There is nothing dull In this number. We ad vise you to get a copy, and see what Its con tents are. Published by Thoraes & Talbot, 23 Hawloy Street, Baston, at ?1.50 per year, post paid, and for sale at all the periodical depots in the country. " out 'o? Work." Bong and Chorut, bv ALIf'K hawthorKe. Author of "Listen to the Mocking Bird," " I'll sail the seas over," "What is Homo without a Mother," etc, etc. " Out of work, without a penny, Pleading help before thy door, Without friends among the many Look with pity on the poor." One of the most touching and beautiful bal lads ever written, will give the author a mora extended popularity than any thing she has ever written. Price US cents, or, illustiated title page 40 ctB. For sale at all music Btoros, or will bo sent postpaid on receipt of price oy the pub. Ushers, J. M. BTODDART & CO., 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. t3T Are you going to the Sea Bide, or are you there already ? In either case procure some of Glenn's Bulpucb Boaf. if vou would Increase the luxury of the bath, render your skin white and healthy, and remove freckles or sun burn. Sold by all druggists. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown 50 cents. so w. Philadelphia Produce and Stock Report. Philadelphia. BeDt. 15. Trade has been mod. erate In all branches the past week. Grain is In eoooaemana at iuu prices, quotations are : S339. TllA StfMlr ITa.ba, hn. ....... .. flnn, .,-- " ' uivuu ...... v . una uc.u jiiaiij uuuutuniiuiia, and prices are Irregular. Quotations are t Peun'a n. n.f or I neaoing a. a., w1,; ienign vaney K, .,; nor. ceuuai, im l'a and Erie, 'M- una ivo'i Selling off at Cost, at Engle's Temple of Fashion, Newport, Pa. County Price Current. BLOOMFIELD, September 18, 1877. Flax-Seed I 25 Potatoes, 35 Butter f) pound 122215 Eggs dozen, 14 ' Dried Apples ft pound, 3 cts" Dried Peaches, 8 12ots.lfil Cherries o 0 ots. " " Pitted 00 00 ots. ' Blackberries, OGOcts. " NEWPORT MARKETS. ( Corrected Wetkly by Koiie Broihtr. CIALIBS IN (Jit A. I IV Ac PHODUCE. Newport, September 15, 1877. Flour, Extra Iii 60 " Super. White Wheat V bush, (old) 1 35 a 1 35 Ked Wheat 130O180 Rye 5555 Corn 50Q50 Oats V 82 pounds, 2525 Clover Beed 6 50 8 50 Timothy Seed 1 20 Flax Seed, 1 00 Potatoes, 80830 Bacon 8JU Dressed Hogs Ground Alumn Bait, 1 8501 85 Llmebiirner's Coal, , 115 Btove Coal, 8 75 O t 25 Pea Coal,.. , jo Gordon's Food per Back, fa 00 FI8H, SALT, LIME AMU COAL Of all kinds always on hand and for sale at the Lowest Market Kates. OAMUSLK I'RODUCE MARKET. 'lit , ' ooRfmrrKTi wsiklV . . i WUODWAHD BOHB, Carlisle, fleiitpniher 14. 177. Family Flour 7.50 Superfine Rye Flour, 1.60 White Wheat, new .' 1 is Bed Wheat.new l is Hye , 60 Corn, (new) to . Oats 2.5 Clorerseed, ..." 1.00 a 1.00 Tlmothyseed .... 125 "RLAJn.n.TA.Gr-mm. lltrVM iflVAK Tin tha MU nt B.nUmhui 1 !- by the Hr. H. McPherson. Mr. Hohert H. Dlveri to Miss Maggie K. Katon, all of Landlsbiirg. jvlihh di'm un me otn inst., in Land injure, r the Key. W. H. Herbert. Mr. Peter Kilns ol OVSvllla. to Mlsa Martha K Dnili. of Klllntrm. burg. 1 i L.-.i-i.m D-nth notices not niwedlnu i Mum Inserted without cnnrirr. iim d whm per mi will mvarwuiy ne chRrK.t for Tribute ot Itetpeot, foe try, or other remarks. 33ZlA.aX,3EZfS I Vim. A f Wa Ullffntn . U u.L . ... 1 1877, John w. sonof Hrantand Mary Free, aged jtim, iv niuuuis niiu m unyfl. ........... iiniiij r, f Blirj, 111! LHB Dill III September. 1877, Mrs. Catharine Neldlnti. widow .tf lla ul ilut.ll..l. ul . I days. 1877, Rufiis Sylvester, son of William B. and Ellz a!rth V. GutHhall. aged I years and 10 days. Shoveii Near Centre Mills, on the 4th of Sep. temoer.Mrs. Elizabeth Bhover, aged 53 years. 6 months ana 4 days. niESB.MER. ad main, on tne I3tn Inst., of In hurt a U-ttiA B .1 t. . I w - . , oil beth Mesalmer, aged 8 years. , TRESPASS NOTICE. - The undersigned hereby notify all persons not to hunt, fish, gather nuts, cut timber So., or otherwise tres pass on their lands In Jackson township, Perry county, Fa or they will be dealt with aocordlug to law. B. K. BALTOPflRR. . o . . rETEB UUTSilALL. September 18, 1877. pd ESTATE NOTICE.-Not.ee Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Mary Ann Crlley, late of Llyerpool twp.. Perry Co., Pa., tlec'd., have been granted to the undersigned residing in same township. All persons Indebted tosaid estate are request ed to make InnnedlHtopaymentand those having claims to present them duly authenticated ior settlement to . GECP'JE W. CltlLEY, Executor, Sept. 18, '77 pd Liverpool P. 0., Perry Co , Pa. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE subscriber. Awiirnp of David Frv. of Carroll township.. Perry County, Pa., will offer ior saie, on me premises, on BATCKDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1887, the following described Real Estate : A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Carroll township, Perry County, Pa., bounded on the East hy lands of John blierlff, on the West by David McAllister, on the North by Mrs. Horn, on the South by David McAllister, containing about 18 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, having thereon erected a TWO STOHY LOG UT3,IT!-JS. WEATHEKBOAKDED W WW,, a. with kitchen attached, and a LOG BA11N and other necessary outbuildings. A good Orchard, and a Hue lot of Locust Trees, itc., are ou this tract. S- Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M., of said day when terms will be made known by JACOB LONG, Assignee. 8ept. 18, 1877. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! The undersigned, Assignee of James C. Sklles, will oiler for sale, by outcry, on the premises, at Grler's Point, in Bye township, Perry county, Penn'a on i TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1877,: at one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, or tracts oi iano, as lonows, to wit: TRACT No. 1, situate In the township aforesaid, adjoining lands ot Martin Bonder, John Smeo, Benjamin Leon ard, Samuel Grler, and others, containing about TO ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, with Summer House attached. I The buildings are calculated tor two families. Also, A BANK BARN, WAGON SUED, and other outbuildings. There Is a good well of excellent water at the door, also a never-failing spring of water nearthe dwelling. About 68 ACRES of this tract are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are two good Orchards of choice fruit trees on the place. This is one of the most desirable properties in this section of the county, convenient to churches, schools, &c, aud Is well worthy the attention of purchasers. TRACT NO. , A tract of excellent woodland, containing about 20 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, situate about one mile from the above described farm, adjoining lands of David Ensminger. Jacob Knaub, Henry Mosier, and others. THACT IV O. tt, Also a tract ot woodland, containing about IS ACRES, situate In same twp., adjoining lands of Henry Bailor, Adam Mace, and others. ' TERMS OF SALE : Ten per cent of purchase money to be paid when the property Is stricken down ; one-half of the balance on the 1st day of April, 1S78, when possession will be givea and deed delivered, and the balauce on the 1st day of April, 1879. Unpaid purchase money to be seour ed by judgment bonds and to bear Interest from date of delivery of deed. The above tracts will be sold all together or separate, so as to suit those who may be desirous of purchasing. For further Information address A. M. Market, Attorney for Assiguee. 0. F. ENSUING ER, Assignee. : Sept. 18. 1877, ; CAUTION. I hereby caution all persons against Interfering with the following per sonal property, now In the possession of Elizabeth A. Graham, of Savilletwp., Perry Co., Pa., to wit: 1 Cupboard, 2 Stoves, 1 Stand, 3 Beds, 1 Bureau 2 Tables, Chairs, Capet, Clock, Chests, 1 Sewing Machine, Lot of Tinware, aud Cooking utensils! Iron Kettle, Tubs, aud all the balauce ot her household affairs. As the same belongs to ine.Uav tug lately purchased It at a Constable's sale, and loaned the same to her. Sept. . . JOSEPH WALKER. FOR SHERIFF. Geo. W. Wetzel, of Duncan non, would respectfully announce that he Is a candidate tor the utile .,! riheriu. Subject t the decision ot the Working Men's Party. August iMx, 1877. i ' I. i.Ixjt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers