THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1EL1), PA., AUGUST 28,1877. Newport Advertisement. THE WEED Hotels. Tho Bloomfleld Times STEAM job office IS THE PLACE TO GET Plain and Fancy SALE BILLS, PAMPHLETS, LETTER-HEADS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, INVITATIONS, TICKETS, BILL-HEADS, &c, &c, &c, Sec. At the Shortest Notice AND MOST REASONABLE RATES. B ALL SCALES. LB. MARYANERTn, I. W. DEKR and JAMtiS 11. GRIKli. known as "The Ball Scale Company," have now on hand a large supply of Buoy's Patent COUNTER SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap est and best Con liter Hcaleln the inarknt. - For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad. dress "The Ball Scale Company," roltsville, Bchuylklllcounty, Pa. For Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be seen and examined auy time. 1 J LEIBY & BRO., Newport, Perry co.. Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, 9tf New Bloomfleld, Perryco., Pa. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakuess, early decay, loss of manhood. Sc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FllEK OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bible House, A'eta York CTty . 16b ly STEWART'S ADJUSTABLE TREADLE FOR OPERATING SEWING MACHINES WITHOUT FATIGUE OR INJURY. The most complete method of propelling the ewing machihe. It saves four-fifths the labor and entirely avoids the cause of physical Injury i en dorsed ny the medical fraternity. Itcau be at tached to any ordinary sewing machine without removing the machine from the house. No sew ing machine should be used without this Im portant attachment. Send for our circulars, which explains the principles. Address, KEW 10KK TREADLE MFU. CO., 8 lyr. 64 Oortlandt Street, JT. Y. Ur VfVII I mall one and one half dozen of " the most beautilul nevvCliromos, In French oil color ever seen for Jl.OO. They are mounted in 8 x 10 black enamel and gold mats oval opening and outsell anything now before the public. Satisfaction guaranteed. Two sam ples lor 25 cents, or six for 50 cents. Send 10 cents for grand Illustrated catalogue with chro mo of Moonlight on the Rhine, or 20 cents for two Landscaiies and Calla LHlles on black ground. J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washington St., Boston, Massachusetts, Headquarters for Chro rnoEugravingandrt A FORTUNE. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP,.' A Sterling Remedy For Diseases akd Injuries of the Skin ; A Healthful Beactifier op tub Complexion; A Re liable Means of Preventing and Re lieving Rheumatism and Gout, and an Uneqcaled Disinfectant, Deodorizer and counter-irritant. Glenn'' it Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases of tho skin, banishes delects of the complexion and imparts to it gratifying clearness and smoothness. Sulphur Baiha are celebrated for cu ring eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn'a Sulphur Soap produces tho same effects at a most trilling expense. This admirable specific also speedily heals torn, bruitei, icaUit, hurnt, rpraina and cut. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linon used in the sick room Is disinfected, and diseases communicable by coutuct with the person, prevented by it, Tho Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Pbices, 23 and 50 Cents ieh Cake, Pkk Box,(3CAKEr,)60cand $1.20. .N. 1. Buy Um lr eakrt and tlxraljy economist. Sold bjr all UrufsliU. "IIHJ'i HalraWblakerDyf," Black r lirowa, 60c. C. I. C&ITTMTM, Prj'r, J fciitk At. IT. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Jones A Son.) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brick 'Warehouse, Front St., above Market, Newport, Perry ' County, Pa. WK would respectfully Invite the patronnge of the farmers, and tliti puhllo generally, as the HlUHliHT l'KICKS the market will alford. will be paid for all kinds of GRAIN, FLOTJH, ritODUUE. SEEDS AM) ' RAILROAD TIES ' We havo constantly cm hand, FISH, SALT,, CEMENT COAL, IKON, . STEEL, HORSE SHOES, Sc., &0. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST KATES. Orders promptly filled, Newport, July 20, 1875 if JJEWPORT DRUGSTORE. Having on hand a complete assortment of the fol lowing articles, the auuaorlber anka a aliareof your patronage. Drugs and Metllctnes, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Aim a full Htouk of Concentrated Komo&ios, ESSENTIAL OILS. Brushes, Ferfuniery ( IIAIH OIL, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE WINES & LIQUOR FOR MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL FUKFOSES PHYSICIANS ORDERS Carefully and Promptly Filled B . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B. HARTZELL, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, arawroiiT, 1A. Hole Agent for Lorllard's Superior Tobaccos. M Country Merchants suDulied with Goods at Philadelphia prices. r our oruers are soiicitea. u 41 K- S. COOK & CO., Agree to sell all kinds of LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than anv other dealers In this county. We will also take Rood Timber on the stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumuer, sic, we use uiearneiu nne ana Hem lock only. W. K. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, .Perry Co., Pa. October 10, 1876. American and Foreign Patents. ("1 ILMORE & CO., Successors to CHIPMAN, X HOSMElt & CO.. Solicitors. Patents Drn. cured In all countries. NO FEES IN ADVANOF. ro charge unless tne patent m granted. No fees for making preliminary examinations. No addi tional fees for obtaining and conducting a re hearing. By a recent decision of the Commis sioner, ALL rejected applications may bo revived. Special attention given to Interference Cases be- iore me rnteni omce, extensions before Con gress, Infringement Suits In dillerent States, and all ULiuattnn annm-talnlna to Inventions nt put. cuts. Send Stamp to Gtlmore & Co., for namoh- LAND CASElf. LAND WARRANTS ft SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. 8. Ueneral Land Olllce and Department f the Interior. Private Land Claims, MINING and PRE EMPTION Claims, and HOMESTEAD cases attended to. Land Scrip In 40, 80, any 160 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip Is assignable, and can be located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to private entry, at $1.25 per aore. It Is of equal value with Bounty Laud Warrants. Send Stamp to Gllmore ft Co., for pamphlet of instruction. ARREARS OK PAY AND BOUNTY. OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and SAILORS of the late war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write full history of service, and state amount of pay and bouuty received. Enclose stamp to GILMORE ft CO., and a full re ply, alter examination, will be given you tree. PENSIONS. All OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, and SAILORS, wounded, ruptured, or Injured In the late war, however slight, can obtain a penson by addressing G1LMOKK&CO. Cases prosecuted by GILMORE ft CO., before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims and the Southern Claims Commission. Each department of our business is conducted in a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties, embloyed by the old firm. Prompt attention to all business entrusted to GILMORE ft CO., is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving It. Addressi UILMOltE SCO., 629 F. Street, Washington, D. a IMPORTANT NOTICE. The subscriber late of the firm of Khoades ft Smith, would respectfully inform the citizens of BLAIN and vicinity, that he ka opened a WAGON MAKER SHOP, an Is prepared to make new wagous and repair old ones at short notice, and at from TEN to TWENTY per oeut. cheaper than the old arm. , M-Glve m a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB SMITH. Blala, August 8, 187. PRICES REDUCED. "The Family Favorite" IMPROVED Light-Running, Noiseless, No Cears,No Cnnis,No Springs. New find Elegant Styles of Wood Work. From this date, by the expiration of Fatents under which we have been paying roy alties.we are enabled to sell our ma chines at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES," and as low as those of any first class machine. SJiT Send for Circulars and Trice Lists. Weed Sewing Machine Co., 26 Union Square, NEW YOllK. 11 7 18t. BLATCHLfSY'S Improved Cucumber Wood PUMP. Tasteless.Durable.Efllclent and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. At tention Is especially Invi ted to Blatchley's Patent Mmil mm H improved Bracket and q New Drop Check Valve, d which can be withdrawn OS without removing the H Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will L V'."ii outlast any other. For sale n ViVfTr'n' by Dealers everywhere. WHend for Catalogue and Prlce-List. C1IAS. O. BLATC1ILKY, Manufacturer. 637 ly 606 Commerce St., Pnllapelphla, Pa. BOOTS Do you want BOOTS of any kind? If so, call and see the LARGE STOCK HOW OFFERED Bt F. MOKTIMJSIl. New Pension Law, UNDER an act of Congress approved March 3, 1873, widows of ofucers who were killed, or died of disease contracted In the service, are now entitled to 2.00 per month for each of their chil dren. The guardian of a minor child of a soldier who heretofore only received 88.00 per mouth pension Is now entitled to 110. per moth. Soldiers who receive Invalid pensions can now have their pensions increased to any sura or rate between 18. and 818. per month. Soldiers who have lost their dischargescan now obtain duplicates. Fathers and mothers who lost sons In the serv ice upon whom ey wero dependent for support, can also obtain pensions. The undersigned having had over 10 years ex perience In the Claim agency business will attend promptly t claims under the above act. Call on or address LKWIS POTTER, Attorney for Claimants, NewBleomHeld, 20tf. Perry Co., Pa COPY YOUR LETTERQ CBS , Excelsior Copying Book, MADE OF CHEMICAL PAPER. Quickly copies any writing WITHOUT Water, PRESS, or Brush, used at home, library or olllce. For ladies wish ing to retain copies of letters, every business man, clergymen, correspondents, travels It Is Invalua blesells at sight. Send (3.00 aud we will send a 3(W page Book, letter size, BY MAIL paid to any address. We refer to any Commercial Agency. Send stamp for Agents' Circular. EXCELSIOR M N K'(i . CO., 1 10 Oearbarn St., Chicago, Bis. 6000 AGENTS WANTED. 14 5m DIYORC ES Legally and quietly obtained In every State and Territory, for Incompitiiiimty and other causes, no matter where the party resides. IS years' ex- f erfeuoe. Fee after decree. All letters con Itden lal. Address A. J. DK.VTElt, Att'y. Booms 8 and 6, l.U Dearborn, St., CHICAGO, ILL. Un questionable references given. Correspondence with the legal profession invited. li 5m New Mode Machine ti-ta rem JHE PERRY HOUSE, New Bloomfleld, Terry Co., Ta., T1I08. BUTCH, Proprietor. PENTENNIAL HOTEL, J (Formerly the Bwegor House,) MAIN STREET, NEW BLOOMKIELD, PEUUY CO., PA. JOS. S. SMITH, . T . . Proprietor. ' Having good accommodations for regular or transient boarders, a share of publlo patronage Is solicited. io lw piE MANSION HOUSE, New IMoomfleld, Penn'a., D. M. IUNESMIT1I, - . Proprietor. This well-known hotel has lately beenenlarged, rn-pnlntod nnd re lltted. Best accommodations atforded. f Careful hostlers always In atteud auce. 033 tf pEABODY HOUSE, CORNER OF LOCUST AND NINTH ST8., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusement and car lines In the oily. No changes to and from the Centennial grounds. Col. Watson, proprietor of tho Hinkt Housb, Cincinnati for the past twenty years, and present proprietor, lias leased the house for a term of years, and has newly furnished and fitted It throughout. He will keep a strictly tlrst-elass house, and has accommodation for BOO guests. Terms ft per dav. No liar has ever been kept In the H ENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at the PEA BODY. 10 22 gT. ELMO HOTEL, (FORMERLY "THE UNION,") JOS. M. FEUER, Proprietor- 317 & 819 ARCn BTBEKT, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.60 Per Day. HIS HOTEL being centrHlly located, and hav ing been entirely hefittkd. It will be found as pleasant a stopping place as can be desired w EST STREET HOTEL, Nob. 41, 43, 43 & 44 West St., i:h YORK, TEMPERANCE HOUSE, ON THE EURO PEAN PLAN. ROOMS fifl and 75 cents per day. Charges very MODEBATE. The best meatsand vegetables In the market. BEST BEDS In the City. . 17 lyu B. T. BABBITT, Proprietor. A UCTIONEEItS. TAMES CLEELAND U Auctioneer, Offers his services to the citizens of Perry and Cumberland counties. Post onion address, Bherniansdale, Perry co.. Pa. D.HENRY, AUCTIONEER, Blaln, Porry county Pa. O-Terms Moderate and every exertion made to render satisfaction. 6tf Auctioneer. The undersigned give notice that he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited aud promptattention wlllbe given. E. D. WELLS, New Buffalo Perry co.,Pa. D AVID M'COY, Anctioneer L. Charges verv low. Post omre aiMre Ickesburg Penn'a gt Q B. HARNISH, ATJCTIOISEEIt, Delvllle, Perry Co., Pa. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 6 tf JJ0ME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inform myfrlendsthatlln teudoalllug upon them with a supplyof good of my . OWN MANUFACTURE. Consisting of CASS1MEKS. 0ASSINET8, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd) OABPET8, &c, toexebangeforwoo or sellfor cash. J. M. BIXLEB. CbntbeWooleb Factory. 0,17,4m Cu nni tf tk. rtlt M.S PHOSrilATB t U B, n hrtHua- I tis, Cigk, IfHikita tU kirrfs)u j suiun. lik TMMrsni-uthrOiBu i hu it rt It, I llH, M TKUfl j . ftiMsMMUts.t.l.MU'l . mm $Hr For Sale by F. Mohtimeb, New Bloomfleld Perry county, Pa. VERY LADY SHOULD HAVE ONE OF OUR IMPROVED PLAITERS, adapted to all kinds of goods, and to all the dif ferent and fashionable styles of Plaiting. Simple and easily managed, It Is Just the article evury lady needs. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price, 12.00. Send lor Circular. , Address N. Y. TREADLE M'F'Q CO., til CbrUandt Street Acts York. The Dutch Woman'i Spunk, A Jolly old German farmer rode to town after a physician for hla wife, who wag very sli-k. llo dismounted from hla lioree In front of a snloon, just as the boyg Inside had begun to make merry over the first keg of buck beer. He approached and looked cautiously around the screen. The foaming glasses were held high above the heads of the revelers, as one of the number pro nounced a toast appropriate to the occa sion. The silent watcher licked his Hps, and wished his errand to town had been ono not requiring so much dispatch. He was turning reluctantly away, when the crowd saw him. " Hallo!" they shouted, "there's Fritz. Bring him In. He was luld hold upon and hauled up to tho bar, all the while protesting: " Toys, I vos In a quick hurry. Olo vooman sick like der tuyval. I vos come mlt der toctor, sooner as llght nln.' " " Well, you can take some buck while you're here, and kill two birds with one stone," was the reply. " Yans, I kill von shlcken mlt a coople of stones, und der ole vooman die mlt out der toctor, I ton't forget myself uv It, eh y" " Oh, she won't die. Kuck beer don't come but once a year, and you've got the old woman all the time. Fill 'ein up, again." " Yaas, I got her all der time, but ex posen' she go dade, I don't got her any more somedlmes. It's better to go mlt der toctor seldom right avay." But he didn't go. As one glass after another was forced upon lilin by the reckless crew, the object of his errand was floated further and further from his vision, until It was carried out of his mind altogether, and his voice, un- . tinged with anxiety, joined In the drinking songs, and arose above all others. Thus he was found by his son,Iatethat night. The boy grasped him by the sleeve, and said : " Fader, coom home," Fritz turned, and at the sight of his boy a great fear arose In his mind, swept away the fumes of the beer, and brought him to a sense of the situation. In an awestruck tone, he said : " Yawcub, how you was come here If Vas somedings der matter ?" " Yaw," rej lied the boy. " Veil, spoke ub aboud id. Vos der ole vooman Is your mudder Is she dadeV I can slitand der best. Don't keep your fader In expenses, poy. Shpit it oud. Vos ve a couple of orphanses, Yaw cub V" " Nein," answered the boy, " you vos anuder. A leedle baby coom mlt der house." Fritz was overcome for a moment, but finally stammered out : " Vos dot so I I expose it was not so soon aireauy. veu veil, in tier middle ; uv life, ve don't know vat's goln' to turn next up. Man exposes und Oott supposes. ; Fill up der glasses." f The boy ventured to ask the old man why he had not sent the doctor. i " Vy 1 Did she want a toctor ' Tetter she tole me so. I got him pooty quick. Navare mind. I save more as ten tollar toctor pill on dot baby. Dot vos a goot child. Fill up der glasses; Whooraw for der little bock baby. Ve von't go home tillyeshterday." Fritz got home at last, and was in town again after a couple of days after some medicine. The boys couldn't get him back again, though he said to them: " You bate I ten' to my peesness now. I go back und vatch der ole vooman dot she don't got dwins, py sheeniiny. She's got her sphunk up like everydinks." O An Irishman and a Dutchman were traveling together, and found a large piece of meat In the road. They disagreed over Its division, and decided upon the novel method of each . taking an end of the meat between his teeth and pulling, the victor to carry off the spoils. It is a well-known fact that a Dutchman cannot answer In the affir mative without opening his jaws to their fullest dimensions, whilt-t the son of Erin can simply dose his dental machinery and out it conies. Being each braced for the contingency, teeth firmly set in the coveted viand, and eyes fixed upon his antagonist, the witty Celt cried out from between his set teeth : " Ar' ye's ready ?" " Y-a-w," replied the earnest Dutchman, at the same time letting slip tho meat. " Bego- ' rah, I have It ! " shouted Fat, as he made off with the trophy, still dangling be tween his teeth. - C3" Man glories in his strength ; wo man glories in her hair and butter glories in both.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers