8 THE TIMES, NEW BL00MF1ELD, PA., JULY 31, 1877. i 7 f i ' A Verdict Against Strlkers.v There was excitement Bniong the 000 striking silk weavers in IVtoison, N. Inst week, on nccouut of the trial of Wil liam Strange & Co.'s suit against Jacob Reimann. W range & Co., are proprietors of a silk mill, and nelninnn, A silk weaver, quit work with the stiikers on the 14th clay of June, leaving warp anil woof in the loom. The unwoven silk failed mid de teriorated in value, nud the loom stood idle, to the financial damage of the propri etors. The enco was a test one, and the at tendance overflowed the court room. When Reimauu took charge of the loom he sign ed a contract to HuIhIi a certain piece of work . It was for wilfully breaking this contract that he was prosecuted according to New Jersey law. Reimann refused to furnish bail, although he was abundantly able to give security, and jivas locked up in jail. The Silk Weavers' Association en gaged counsel to defend Reimann, and fur nished ample means for defending him in court. Testimony produced by the prosecution showed conclusively that the plaintiff had sustained tl damages on account of the unwoven silk fading and deteriorating in value. The time of a loom is valued at $1 per day, Reimann's loom stood idle 14 ofays. Tho only point urged by the oonn sel for the defence was that the defendant signed the contract without read ing it, and was in a measure ignorant of its provisions. Judge Hopper, in charging the jury, said it was not probable that defend ant did not know what he signed. The con tract had been broken, aud the only question left for the deliberation of the jury was the amount of damages to be awarded. The jury's verdict was for $25. An execution was issued, and the Sheriff was directed to keep Reimann in custody until the f25 was paid. There does not appear to be much prospect of an end to the silk weavers' strike in Paterson. Judge Hopper said fnany of the strikers had used up all the money they bad in the savings banks, and many families were destitute. The store keepers and retail dealers are experienc ing dull business on account of the strikers being unable tp purchase goods. A Strange Abduction Case. The Hartford " Times'.' says : The at tempted abduction of Miss Sarah Parma lee, of Bristol, on one or two occasionB,has been a leading topio of conversation in that quiet town for a month past, but talking did not solve the mystery. A story now prevails which may or may not be true. The young lady in question is fair to look upon, and as a natural conse quence is not without male admirers. It appoars that one young man in particular was " waiting upon her," as the sequel will show. A lady from some place in New York, we believe, recently visited in Bristol, and of course heard and read all about the at tempts which had been made to abduct Miss Parmalee. On ber way borne she stopped off at the depot and overheard some parties talking about the young lady, and she gleaned from their conversation 1 that they were endeavoring to abduct Miss Parmalee for the purpose of taking ber to ; England and placing her in a house of ill character. i The name of the young man who is paying her attentions was mentioned, and ', tho lady after reaching home wrote to him aud informed him of what she bad over heard. Among other tbings she heard one of the parties say that be would give $10, 000 for the young lady, and added that be was able to do it. The abduction has been so strange in adventures, and, as no reason can be assigned for it, this theory, wild as it seems, may have some truth in it. ' At a public dinner in the country a farmer, while relating something to the company about two Chinese womon, said : ' I declare they wore the ugliest women I have seen anywhere." There happening to be two maiden ladies present of no remarkable beauty, the farmer, who was a little misty, began to think be bad made a mess of it, and that they would imagine be was alluding to them ; so to put matters straight (as be thought) he added : "The present company excepted." Roars of laughter ensued, and in a few minutes both farmer and ladies bad vanished. tW A Waterbury, Conn., man, whose wife insisted on getting drunk every day while be was at work, bit upon the happy plan of fastening all the windows and lock ing ber into ber room. But -when be got borne at night he- found her drunk as usu al on the floor, and gave up the contest on finding that a crony had poked a pipe stem through the bole and filled the bowl with whiskey while the prisoner sucked ber fill at the other end. tW Ben Born, of Lafayette, Ind., met witb a curious aocident which came near being fatal. In returning from a picnio be got permission to ride on the oow-eatcber of the engine. While there a spark ignited a paper in bis pocket, and be came very near being burned up before the train oould be stopped. rjmiAL LIST FOR AUGUST TERM, 187T. 1 I. N. Mnelmrt vi. J. Hlnthart & Perry Co. a Mrs.BiiKnn J. Wee vs. Thomas McCoy. 8 (i. W. Inn, Aiim'r. vs. John A. lllltilsh. , 4 A. N. Douolilson, ct al. vs. Caroline Dun I ran. j B Daniel Elter vs. John HarUoll. 6 8. B. Crawford, Adiu'r of J. 8. Laird vs. Dr. James Oalbralth's Adm'rs. 7 Win. II. Minlcu vs. John Wnirnor's Adm'r. 8 M. B. Bpahr vs. Barbara E. linker. t Mollis Realty's use vs. C. Vandcrau's Ex'r. 10 Francis English vs. G. Markel's Ailm'rs. II Blmnk A Williamson vs. A. t. Vaudling A Son. 19 Andrew 3. Btird Vs. Fenn'a. Canal Co. 13 Raymond A Campbell vs. Geo. Losh. 14 H. II. Fisher vs. Theo. Kenn, ctnx. 15 Dr. Miehaol Price vs. D. Breckvllle, et ux. 10 8ame vs. Jacob Zanjr, et ux. IT J. H. Case's use vs. 8. 8. Fehrer. 18 G. Cary Tharp vs. Same. 19 Lewis Beech vs. Jacob BtonfTcr. 20 Adam Knrstetter vs. C. Wrl?ht, et al. 21 Anna M. Elliott vs. Dr. W. K. C'lsna. 2'J Samuel Brlner vs. H. Wlncert'S Ex'rs. 83 Greenwood twp. School District vs. A. V, Long, Ac. 24 Fred. K. Bwartzvs. Margaret D. Fenn. 85 Henry Baxton & Co., vs. F. W. Gibson. 20 T. II. Milllean, et al vs. John Hohenshllt. 27 Henry C. Kllng,ct ux, vs. Abruham Fry. 28 Jacob Brandt vs. Daniel Power. 29 BenJ. C. Rheem vs. Lewis McNeal. 80 Band. Bnotts yf. J. B. Klstler's Adin'x. ill Martin Motzo.'Vs. David Kistlor. a J. D. Willis vs. Sarah J. Bteel's Ex's. 83 William Mcits vs. Wm. J. Graham's Com. 84 Joseph Hayes vs. W. W. Farnsworth 85 C. Tbndium vs. Com. of Perry county. 88 Robert Taylor vs. Bame. 87 John Beehtel & Son vs. 8amo. 88 George Slope vs. Ben J. Rice, sr et al. 1ST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR AUGUST TERM, 1877. GRAND JUJtOIlS. Buffalo John W. Charles, foreman. Madison George Adair, Samuel Loy. Duucannon John Hood, John Boners. Newport Samuel Noll. Greeuwood Bllas Sailor. Carroll WIIbod 8mee, Robert Wallace, Jere. Wilson. Wheatfleld Theo. Roilamaker. Juniata George Raffensperger. Penn Charles B. Roberts. Spring Peter Sbatto. Liverpool twp. George Rcen, Enoch Barner. Marysvllle 8. H. Morlcy. Baville Wash. Hench, Henry Bixler. Tuscarora John Whileketlle. Howe David E. Btepheus. Miller Albert Vancamp, Henry Cnmbler. Mlllerstown William Goodman. a TRAVERSE JURORS. Tuscarora James P. Latchford. Carroll Michael Gibuey, John Since, Henry Smith, Cyme Brown. Penn Levi Birtcb, Joseph Smith, John Fritz, John Snyder. Tyrone Audrow Kell, Jacob Bcrnhciscl, B. F. Ritter. Madison D. P. Peck, Andrew G. Clouscr, Samuel R. Morrow. Liverpool borough Johu J. Hamilton, D. O. Ritter, Jacob E. Murray. Bpring-W. W. Buyder, W. R. Duin, Daniel Foosc, G. Bpohn. Howe Jacob Bretz. Baville Robert Blackburn, Win. Fiantz. Duncannon I. R. WenBel, Jacob Bixler. Centre James L. Moore, Wm. C. Clark. Mlllerstown James G. Brandt, George B. Barrett. Greenwood Oliver M. Long. Amos Mitchell. Marysvllle John Weldon, Geo. Hayes, Job, Sadler. Toboyne Solomon Gatshall. Rye William Shcailer. Newport B. F. Demaree, Joseph Frlsh. Landisburg George W. Himes. 1 Buffalo John Derr. Bloomfleld Henry Bentzell. Wheatfleld Emanuel Dugan. Jackson John A. McKee. Liverpool twp. David Hoffman. Watts Jacob Bixler. , 100,000 FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts tor the Farmer Faetsfortlie Merchant Facts for the Horseman Fact for the Stock raiser Kacts for the Poultry-keeper Facts for the Bee-keeper Facts for the Lawyer Facts for the Laborer Facta for the Fruit-raiser Facts for the Gardener Facts for the Doctor Facts for the Dairyman Facts tor the Household Facts for every family who wants to save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is the most important advertisement for you yet published, being the best chance to make money ever offered. The press endorses It, your own paper endorses it.every one endorses it. THE BOOK OF THE 19th CENTURY. Male and female agents coining money on It. Bend to us at once aud get circulars free. IN GHAM, SMITHS BLACK, 731 Walnut Btrcet, Philadelphia, Pa. 15iat. JEATHER &C. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW PUICES, Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf LININGS, ROANS, &c, F. Mortimer, NEW BLOOMFIELD, PA, 'KlKKLOKIIiOS .. f, fur UtiNitlftBn. nut... ituieturlitt, or xm-H,-VJ,",v"; from 50c- to.S0per-Kod NHLL1W O. H. H. FOKK, WITHKKLUS' rateut method for mowing aud slacking Huy or Htraw. without extra Whu-,... t iim i. n ,i,,,. ...i Bteels finished and tempered by Nellls process to ""I'll k'uds soil. Medal awards on all oar goods "" u muiruiimi luiormanon nee. 2i lm A. J. JM4.i8 Co., ruwburgli, l"a, Tuscarora Seminary A Home School. Beautiful Scenery. Music a Specialty. Modem Lan- ( Ullages. Experienced Teachers. No I nan whvwutk. xexc sesnou begins dept. 6ih 18;". bend for Circular to Academla. Juniata Conntv. Fa! -a- afititb ivn rrtTr.iinirv .m a. a JJ splendid assortment of shoes at the one price store of F. Mortimer. PIANOS AND OUGANS! Ilns tnken the Agency for PERRY COUNTY for Beveml First Clnss makes of PIANOS AND QRGANSi INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED , - , , ? . , YOEK COTTA.GKE OIGKAlSr, One of the Best Organs now Manufactured.-' ' ' ', V.' It Is a brief period since the YORK COTTAGE ORGAN Is being manufac tured and sold on an extensive scale to the public, at large. The home demand havine taken the entire production at first. Hut their excellent qualities have trained for them a WONDERFUL REFUTATION, and through thelf merit they have In a short time von their way Into popular favor, and are now ncknovledg, ed as the . BEST HEED ORGAN MADE. In Sweetness of Tone, Variety of Expression, nnd Durability of Construction, THEY STAND UNRIVALED. The have all the Very Latent Improvements that human skill can devise, In cluding the Grand Orfan Expression, which throws all the other stops into action when only one Is drawn. They are fully Warranted for Blx Years. They are as LOW IN l'RICE as a Good First Class Organ can be manufactured. tKT He can suit you In every respect, if you are wanting an Organ for Church, Bchool or Home. He is also agent for the Best Standard PIANOS. All who wish to purchase a good Instrument at low rates, will find It to their advantage to call on or address, MILTON LOYSVILLE, TERRY, COMPETITION DEFIED IN PRICE. QUALITY AND STYLE. Having just opened our second LARGE STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS, we have determined to make another sacrifice. We are now A man's good Summer Suit from A man's good Summer Coat from A man's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Suit from A boy's good Summer Pants from A boy's good Summer Vest from A common Room Carpet from A good Flower Carpet from A better Flower Carpet from A man's good Hat from A man's better Hat from A boy's good Hat from - A lady's good Shawl from A lady's good Skirt from A common Parasol from A good Parasol from A nice Fan from - A good Eon from - - A good Paper Pins Four pair Ladies' Hose One pair Ladies' Gloves Six Ladies' White Handkerchiefs Two Ladies' White Ruches One Ladles' good Corset Ladies' Hair Braids Ladies' Hair Switches Men's good Suspenders Men's good Overalls Three pair men's Hose Trunkg, Valises, Oil Cloths, Jewelry, Cutlery, Underwear, Ties, Bows, Collars, Cuffit, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, Hats, Caps, Umbrellars, Paper and Envelopes, and many other great bargains too numerous to mention. Don't fall to call aud be convinced that we have the assortment, quality and price to suit all. ISIDOR SCHWARTZ, NEWPOET, nPEISTN'L. Best bargains In America C 11 DUC J. F. Man Map and Catalogue free-rrliilllOcha, Dover, Delaware. 27(14 w. Llfo and Health without Drugs. Blue and Red LIGHT. Dr. PancoBst's crent work Is NOW llliADY FOK AGENTS. The only Hook practically treating this now uni versally absorbing topic. BUows hw to apply the treatment, and. tells of many successful cures made by the use of this wonderful medi um. Circulars and best terms to early appli cants. J. M. BTODDAET & CO.. 723 Chestnut Btreet. Philadelphia. HTdtw TRIFLING WITH A COLD 13 ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wells' Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGnS. and all diseases of the THKOAT, LUNGS, CHEST and MUCOUS MEMBlt ANK. Tut Up Only In Bine Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DltUGGlSTS. 27d4w C. N. Cbittknton, 7 Bixth Avbnub, New York. READ THIS!! " A chance for all to make or save money.and get the 13 EST GOODS In the market TEAS, COFFEES, &C, sold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any other house In this country. All goods guaranteed to bo satisfactory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on re turn ot the goods, which may be doue at our ex- The'reput atlon of our house for selling standard goods ut Low prices, (for 3j years), has given us a standing in New York City aud vicinity, that la not euloyed by any other house In the trade. After mature deliberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers, at the LOWEST WHOLESALE TltADE FltlCES, when a CLUB is formed large enough to make a small case. The goods ot each member of the club will be put in separate packages, and marked with name aud cost, so as to avoid confusion in distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect ou Da livery. All wishing to save money by purchasing family supplies at New York Wliolesalle l'rioes can talk the matter over among friends and neighbors, and send tons for Club Clrcular.l'rice list, &o. We give a present ot either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble, etc. Samples of TEA 6 COH- EE sent by mall. , , Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 27d4w Stiner's New York & China Tei Co., M. H. MOSES ft CO., Proprietors. 77,79,81,m and 811 VKHtlY dtreet. Aeu York. JOB PIlINTlXGof every description neatly executed on short notict aud at reasonable rates at this oSlce. B. GIBSON, COUNTY, TENN'A. July 10. offering $4 00 to 75 to 7.5 to - 3 00 to - 75 to 60 to IS to - 83 to 45 to 75 to 1 25 to 50 to - 75 to 40 to 20 to 70 to 05 to 20 to $5 00 3 50 2 50 4 00 2 00 1 (XT 25 40 75 1 00 2 00 1 00 200 1 00 60 2 00 15 60 03, 25 15 25 05 40 0 15 10 40 25 Rnnil See this. Only 81.50 capital required ot DUUIt 8ta, t canvassing for MAKK TWAIN'S HKW BUKAr-BUOH. Anpi Apply, with stump, to uonn jv. iiiinowen.j3tr j'.asi CANVASSERS Eight St., New York. 27 A GREAT OFFER! 1 T Hard Times dispose of 100 PIANOS AMI) OUOAN8, new and second hand of first-class makers including WATEKH' at lower prices for Cash or Installments or let until paid for than ever before offered. WATEK8' GKAND SQUAKK and UPHItlHT 1'IANOS AND OHOAN8 (IN. CLUDINO THEIR NEW BOUVENlIt AND BOU DOIU)arethe BK.8T MADE. 7 Octavo Pianos 150. 7 1-3 do S160 not used a year. " 2" atop Organs tfO. 4 Stops 58. 7 Btons 868. 8 Stops 175. 10 Stops $88. 12 Stops 1100 Cash, not used a year, in perfect order and warranted. LOCAL and TKAVKLING AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated Catalogues mailed. A liberal discount to Teach ers, Ministers, Churches, etc. Bheet music at half price. HORACE WATERS t HONS, Man ufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th Street.Unlon Square, N. Y. 27d4w LASnSZlinnt Im- lUtlos Kmc Coral Srtutpli ua Fendint Eropi, tn foitpilito uymdtr ei uu rtpir I or m 'enti. Thnt Stti tor fiO etnti. In Cur- ! il ronev or 8tatntM. The Cross and the Crescent A volume ot Thrilling Interest by the eminent historian L. P. BROCKETT i describing the Bus sians and Turkss SOCIAL, POLITIC A L, aud RE LIGIOUS HISTORY and CONDITION; their Home-Life, Varlod Customs, and Peculiarities, the Causes of the War, the issues at stake Chris tian against Mohammedan the mighty interests of other nations Involved; Biographies of the Killers, Statesmen and Generals) All Kichly Illus trated. The book Millions need now. Wanted lustautly, aot-0 Agents ou yery liberal terms. Address : i HUBBARD BR08.. Publishers. St 27 TU Sanson) Ut., Philadelphia EWAHUINO'S . (187B Uniform Copyrighted 1977) XV BLANKS, The Latest and Best. A Great Improvement a want supplied. We furnish low aud wbutever you need. Law aud Commercial Supplies of all Klaus. MW Send for samples and price lists of what you vftiit r Catalgnes of Blanks furnished at THIS OFFICE, ordlrect from the publisher. , E. WAKING, Tyrone, fca. ANOTIIER ARRIVAL. ANOTHER , ARRIVAL. , , ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. ANOTHElt ARRIVAL. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. More Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains. More Great Bargains. Moro Great Bargains, Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Splendid Prints at 5 Cents. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. Lots of other Cheap Goods. . CASSIMERS AND COT CASSIMERS AND COT CASSIMERS AND COT CASSIMERS AND COT CASSIMEHS AND COT CARSIMERS AND COT 0NADES. 0NADES. 0NADES. ONADES. 0NADES. ONADES. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY. IN GREAT VARIETY IN GREAT VARIETY. FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY FANCY GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND GOODS AND HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children, For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. For Men Women and Children. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL PAPER PAPEK PAPER PAPER PAPER PAPLU AM) BORDERS. AND BORDERS. ASD BORDERS. AM) BORDERS. AM) BORDERS' AD BORDERS. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. Pretty Styles and Low Prices. HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF HARDWARE OF ALL KIVDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, ALL KINDS, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK GOOD STOCK GOOD S'lOCK OF GROCERIES, OF GROCERIES, OF GROCERIES, OF GROCERIES, OF GROCERIES, OF GROCERIES, Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Of Every Kind. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Lots of oth er Bargains. Lots of other Bargains. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. Come and see our Stock. F. MORTIMER. P. MORTIMER. F. MORTIMER. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers