THE TIMES NEW BLOOM FIELD, PA. JUNE 19, 1877. A DISAPPOINTED FATHER. WHEN the Flying Scud discharged lior onrgo and passengers nt the London Dock, there lauded among them a gentleman who had heeti absent from England nine years. All that while he had passed under the burning suns of India. He had Biifl'ered ns soldiers do. lie had fought as soldiers light. He had met thesoldler's fate of hears and wounds and one of them had Invalided him home to England. It was the first time he had trod her shores for nine years, as we have said, and for the first time In any year he was going to see his son, the little hoy born after he left home, and whose birth had been his mother's death. Captain Tenryn hod only been married a year when he was ordered abroad with Ids regiment. Six months from that day a letter had leached him, telling him his wife was dead. The letter was writ ten by an old nurse, the only friend who had been with her. It ended thus : " The baby, as fine a child as I ever saw, Is thriving. I've done my best fru it. Its mothers last wish was I should keep It, and perhaps, sir, as some one must, you'd as. leave I as any other. I shan't be unreasonable In my charges, and I'm very fond of him already. With my duty to you In this dreadful trouble, ' Your servant, Ann Uolden." The poor, broken-hearted man almost sank under the awful news. Ho had loved his wife passionately ; and when the baby was old enough to trovel, she would have come to him In India, brav ing Its terrible climate and the llfo of a soldier's wife abroad, because they could not live apart. Now he did not want n little baby on his hands., and he wrote to Ann as soon as he could command himself to do so, appointing her his nurse. Every quarter since that time he had sent money to her for the child's board and clothes. A receipt was always re turned with "her duty, ami the young gentleman was doing well ;" and this was all he knew of his Ellen's boy the child of a love that had been as strong as it was tender. Now that his foot was upon England's shores again, and the meeting was very near, Capt. Tenryn felt new thrills of father-love through his soldier's heart, and longed for his boy's presence. " He would then take him to him self," he said. " They would live to gether, sharing each other's joys and sorrows. He would make a man of the boy not a soldier, for he knew the trial of a soldier's life too well ; but some thing very honorable and creditable. He should be proud of him, and he hoped ah, how he hoped I that Ellen's child would have Ellen's face. " My beautiful girl," be said to him self, with the tears standing In his eyes, " how little I thought of this hour when I kissed her good-bye 1" And then his heart grew even warmer to the pledge of their mutual love. He had the address that Mrs. Golden had given him in his pocket. He glanc ed at it now to refresh his memory as to the number. A plain, respectable street in one of London's suburbs; he remem bered it well, i " But my boy shall see better things, now that I am here." he said to himself. " I am not rich, but I can deny myself many things to make him happy. Will he love me, I wonder '"' Then he thought how his own heart had been won by toys and sweetmeats, and coming to a shop where the former were sold, paused before the gay window and began to make a mental choice be tween a red and gilt stage-coach and horses and a train of bright blue car riages. He had discarded both for a box of scarlet-coated soldiers, when suddenly he felt a tug at his coat tail, and turning round, he found a grimy little hand half In, half out, of his pocket. He caught it at once, with his handkerchief in it, and gripped It tight. He was a soldier, and to a soldier the keeping of law and rule is a great thing. To give the little thief to a policeman, and appear against 1dm next day, was his first thought; but as the creature stood there, shaking and whining, the fact of his diminutive size struck the Captain forcibly. He perceived his youth, which was extreme; and he saw that, besides being young and small, and wan, and dirty, and ragged, he was de formed. His queer little shoulders were heaped up to his ears, and his hands were like talons, so long and bony were they. The Captain held the wrist of this mannikin firmly still, but not angrily. " What did you mean by that, sir V" he growled, slowly, stooping down to look into the boy's eyes. " I'm to hook it," said the boy, with perfect candor. " Ob, please let . me be ! Oh, please le me go I Oh, please, sir, I , won't do it no more never, oh, please!" v " I've a mind to have you sentto goal," said the Captain. "No, please, sir!" said the waif, "Please, sir!" . " Who taught you toBteal " asked the Captain. 1 The boy made no answer. Grimy tears were pouring from his eyes. " Answer me," Bald the Captain. . " If I don't steal I don't get no vlctu alf," said the boy, "and my stomach is as holler feel It, mister it's as holler as a drum 1 She's been a beggln' to-day and we'll have Btew. I won't have none, if I don't fetch nothln'. Oh" " Who is she V asked the Captain. " My mother," said the boy. " I've been hungry myself," said the Captain, thinking of a certain Indian prison experience. " It isn't pleasant." Then he thought of his own boy. " God knows I ought to be tender to the little ones, for the sake of Nellie's child," he said softly; then aloud " Laddie, I'll not send you to prison." " Thankee, sir," said the urchin. " And I'll give you a breakfust," said the Captain. The dirty elf executed a sort of joyous war-dance. " Do you know why I forgive you V said the Captain. The child shook his head. " I have a little boy," said the Cap tain. "He's very difl'erent from you, poor child 1 He would not steal any thing. He washes himself. My lad, you must wash yourself as soon as you find water. Hut I couldn't think of his bel ng hungry ; and for his sake I can't bear to see other little fellows hungry. It's for his take that I don't call a con stable and tell him all about it. Itemem ber that, and try to be like like my lit tle fellow, poor laddie, clean and good. Don't steal ; try to get work. Will you promise V" " The waif said "yes sir," of course. Then the Captain led him intoachenp eating house, and watched him eat until his little stomach was no longer 'holler.' "You little wretch !" he thought as he looked at him ! " If I could see my boy and him together now, what a con trast!" And he fancied his boy round and white and pink, and fair of hair, like his poor lost Ellen, and I know he said that he would pity this poor fellow and be kind to him. The meal was over. The Captain paid for it, and then drew the boy between his knees and lectured him. To be good was to be happy. Honesty was the best policy. Cleanliness come next to god liness. These were the heads of his dis course. Then he gave him half a crown, and bode him go and be good and clean. And the boy was olf like a flash. "Thousands just such as he in this great city," sighed the good Captain, and he walked along. "Ah, me !" Then he went in search of Mrs. Ann Golden and his own fair darling. But Mrs. Golden was not so easily found as he had hoped. There was a little shop in the house he had been di rected to, and the keeper thereof said that she had bought it of Ann Golden ; " but I haven't seen her since" she sold; "only . there's a bit of card with her number on it that is, I can find it." After a search, she did find it ; and the Captain, thanking her, hurried away ; but another disappointment awaited him. Mrs. Golden had not lived iu this sec ond place for years. She had moved into Clumber Row, but what number no one could remember. At Clumber ltow, whither the Cap tain drove in a cab, a woman owned to having had her for a lodger. 9 " She had a child staying with her, too," she said. " Little Ned she called him ; but, to tell the truth, she drank so that I turned her out. I couldn't abide such doings. She went to Fossil Lane, No, P." To Fossil Lane the Captain went. It was a filthy place, and there was a drunken woman at No. 0, who was not Ann Golden, and who threw a piece of wood at him for asking for that lady. And now every clue was lost, and the Captain, nearly beside himself for anxi ety applied to the authorities for help; and after many days of great unhappi ness, he heard of an Ann Golden who lived in a quarter so low and dangerous that all decent people shunned it. , " No wonder," the Captain thought, " if she lived there, that she should have had his remittances sent to the post office, and left him to believe that his child was still in the decent home to which she had at first taken him." Almost 111 with excitement, the poor Captain drove, with a policeman as pro tector, into the maze of hideous lanes and courts that led to Ann Golden 's dwelling, and, following his conductor, dropped into a filthy cellar, where, amid the horrible leakage of drain pipes, and almost In utter darkness, sat an old wo man with a bottle beside her,who started' up when the Captain and his guard en tered, and cried : " What now y What's the perlice here for y Is it one of the boys again y" And, altered as she was with years and drink, the Captain knew his wife's old nurse, Ann Golden. He gave a cry of rage, and darted towards her. ; " My boy 1" be cried. And she screamed, ";it's the Cap tain 1" " Is my boy living y" be asked. " Yes," said the moman, shaking all over; " he's alive and well." " How dare you keep him here y" cried the Captain. " How can I help being poor y" whin ed the woman. " I couldn't give up the bit you pay for him. I'm very old ; I'm very ill. Don't be bard on me." " Good Heavens 1" cried the Captain. " My Ellen's baby in a place like this !" He dropped bis head on bis hands ; then be lifted it and clasped them. " I'll have him away from herenow !" he gasped. "It's over and he's young and will forget it. Where is be y Have you lied y Is be dead y" " No, no," said the woman. " He'll be here soon. I bear him now. That's him. He'll be here in a minute. Don't kill a poor old body, Captain don't." "I could doit," cried the Captain. " Listen ! There is somo ono coming. My child! my child!" The door opened softly, a head peeped in low down, then drew back. "Come in," piped the old woman. " The perlice arn't arter you leastways for harm. Captain, that's him your boy Ned." And as the Captain stood with out stretched arms there crept In at the door who ? what y The wan, deformed and dirty creature who had picked Ills pocket whom he had fed for the sake of his beautiful dream-child the wretch ed waif, forgotten utterly in the lust few days of anxiety. " That's him," croaked the old crone again. " That's your boy That's Ned." The Captain gave a crytbesank down on an old box close at hand, and bid his face and wept. His sobs shook him ter ribly ; they almost shook the crazy build ing. They frightened the old woman, and set the policeman to rubbing his eyes with his cud's. The boy stood and stared for a moment, and then vanished. And what was the wretched father thinking y So many thoughts, that there are no words for them ; but, first of all, this horrible one that that vile little object, that wretched child of the streets, was the darling for whom he bad searched so long. "Better I had never found him!" moaned the Captain, " or found him dead!" And just then a little hand crept over his knee. The thrill of hair against his hand, and a piping voice said meekly, "Please, I'm clean now. I've washed myself.', The Captain's swollen eyes unclosed. They turned upon the child. Some queer knowledge of his father's feelings had crept into hi3 mind, and he had tried to clean bis face. A round white spot appeared amidst the Tgrlme, and out of it shone two beautiful blue eyes, that looked wistfully up into the Captain's. All of a sudden, a flood of such pitiful tenderness as be bad never felt before swept over Captain Peuryn's heart. All the grief, and shame, and wounded pride left it, to come back no more. "Ellen's eyes," he sobbed; " Ellen's boy!" and took his son to bis heart. " For bis sake," hesaid, softlyas though he stood by the grave of the beautiful dream-child he bad Just buried" for his sake and Ellen's !" And then he led the child away with him. A Sudden Rise In Life. The law Courts of London, England, have recently brought to light a romantic story, somewhat like that of the Amnestey peeiage case which Charles Reade seized upon in his story of the "Wandering Heir" though in this case the heir is an heiress. Some years ago Mr. Gardner, a well to do farmer at Melrose, in Scotland, married a young lady of the neighborhood, and in a very few weeks after the marriage his wife presented him with a daughter. Mr. Gardner was an elder of bis presby tery, and being well aware - that a fierce light beats upon that office, and being anxious to save his reputation and his wife's, he hired a discreet nurse to take charge of the child. The scandal was thus averted, and years went by without the girl herself or any one else discover ing the secret. Meanwhile the daughter, Mugaret Gardner, had become a mill band in a factory and at the age of twenty-one discovered by some means the story of her birth and parentage. She at once sought out her parents ar demanded recognition, but Mr. Garuuci disputed her legitimacy, declaring that her father was a shepherd named Laid law, and that ho (Gardner) had married her mother, whom he loved, to save her reputation. The girl however, like 1m mortal VIII., thought this was " too thin and bare to hide offenses," and de clining an offer of a thousand pounds to hold her tongue, brought an action in Scotch courts to compel her recognition as a legitimate daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. The case was decided against her by the judge ordinary, whereupon she appealed to the full court of sessions, v ho gave Judgment in her favor. Against this her parents appealed, and the case found its way to the bouse of lords. The court of ultimate appeal decided as the lower court bad done lu, her favor holding that when a child Is born after marriage the presumption of its legiti macy, in accordance with the old legal maxim, "Pater eat quern nvptia detn onstrant," is prima facie so strong that the onus of disproof rests with those who deny it. The romantic generosity claimed by the father In marrying bis wife to suye her reputation did not quite jump with the oiler of 1,000 after the wife's reputation bad been irreparably damaged, and looked, bo their lordships thought, more like a desire to screen himself. At any rate, the fact remained that the court acknowledged the legiti macy of the girl, and she becomes the natural heiress of her father's "wealth, which la considerable. New Use for Electricity. An elegantly scientific mode of com pelling a man to swallow food, Mho otherwise would have starved himself to death, had been devised and put into practice in a French lunatic asylum. One of the patients who had persistent ly refused food was becoming quite emoclated. The physician Jn charge, Dr. Itittl, was experimenting upon the patient to ascertain whether any of the functions of the palate, throat, etc., were impaired. On applying the terminals of a Ruhmkorff coil, so as to pass a cur Tent from the pharynx to the upper side of the neck just below the angle of the lower jaw, all the muscles of that region contracted, and the pharynx made an upward movement. A bright thought struck the doctor. He had some food prepared in portions, each of which represented a small mouthful. One of these boluses was put into the patient's mouth, and the mouth was kept closed by an assistant. Then an electric cur rent was passed, as before described, and instantly the patient swallowed the bolus. The upward movement which the pharynx made under the stimulus of electricity was precisely the same of that which is naturally made by that organ in the act of swallowing. The process was repeated with the remaining boluses until a square meal had been adminis tered to the patient. When the next meal-time came around the patient re stated, and gave a great deal of trouble to the doctor and his assistants; but the Ingenuity which bad so far triumphed was not to be easily foiled, and the treat ment Is pronounced successful. An Iowa Fish Story. The Dubuque Times tells the follow ing story about two young of men Duu leltli, Iowa: The young gentlemen who took a fishing excursion down the river having fallen short of bait, commenced using the eye of the dead fish already caught. One of the fish caught on this bait struggled so hard that the hook ac- cldently fastened in one of its eyes and tore it out. The pain occasioned by this accident made the fish struggle still more, and at last it slipped from the fisherman's grasp and escaped to its na tive element. The disgusted fisherman retained the eye of the fugitive, applied it to bis book, and again launched his line into the water. Only a short time elapsed and he had ' a bite,' and jerking bis line out of the water he was surprised to find the identical fish which had eluded his grasp a few minutes before and which perished by swallowing its own eye. Do You Believe It ? A boy living near Elliott's mill, while fishing at the bead of Osceola dam, felt a gentle nibble, and drawing his book towards the shore, observed a half gal lon fruit-can trailing on the bottom. Having secured the vessel, be was great ly surprised to find that a large cat-fish bad taken up its abode there in and re mained until hla increased dimensions did not admit of egress. Ho had evi dently flopped around in his tin parlor until a hole was made in the rust-eaten bottom, through which his trail pro truded. In this condition, the cat-fish bad power to navigate from one place to another, and must have been regarded by his aquarium neighbors as a kind of iron-clad monitor. So says the Osceola Itevielle, but you need not believe more of it than you want to. 2" Recently John W. Belltof Mercer, sold the half interest of a mill to Mr. Guthrie, of Greenville. He went to the residence of the man with whom be bad the bargain for a settlement a few days ago. Frank Guthrie, a sou of the pur chaser, fliuling out that Bell bad the ar ticle of agreement, the elder Guthrie's notes to Mr. Bell for several hundred dollars and other important papers, de manded them and not having his re quest granted, seized Bell by the throat and pointed a cocked revolver at him. The papers were surrendered and since then Bell has brought suit against the Guthrles for robbery. The son has dis appeared and the father disclaims any connection with the assault or robbery. DR. NCHESCK'H 1TLM0MC Sl'RlT, Be Weed Tonic, and Maitirakh Pillls. These medicines have undoubtedly performed morn cures of Consumption limn nny other remedy known to the American public. They are com. ,M.,i. .iru ,.i t"k(mhuib inurements, ana contain llOtllillK WlllPh can be Ilihii'lniKi In Mm human constitution. Other remedies advertised as cures for Consumption, probably contain opium, which Is a somewhat dangerous drug In all cases, and If iHimii nroiy ipj consumptive panenis, it must do great Injury! lor Its tendency Is to cenllnethu morbid matter In the system, which, of course, must make a cure Impossible. Schneck's Pulmon ic Syrup Is warranted not to. contain a particle of opium; It Is composed of powerful but harmless herbs, which act on the lungs, liver, stomach. and blood, and thus correct nil morbid secretloiis.and expel all the diseased matter from the body. These are the only means by which Consumption can be cured, ana as Hchneck's l'ulmonio Hyrup, Sea weed Tonic, and mandrake l'llls are the only medicines which operate In this way, It is obvious they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonic Con sumption. Each buttle of this Invaluable medi cine Is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Bchenck Is professionally at his principal office, corner Blxlh and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. VEGETI N E IS MY FAMILY 3XEIIOIIT13 ; I WISH NO OTHER. ' ii n o FrovitienoE, April 7, 1876. Mr ". R. Steven s-Dear Hlr i When I was about 8 years of age a humor broke out upon me. which my mot her tried to cure by giving me herb teas and all other such remedies as she knew of. but It continued to grow worse, until finally she consulted a physician and he said I had the salt rheum, and doctorea me for that complaint, lie relieved me some, but mild I could not beperma iiently cured as the disease originated in the blood. I remained a great stifTerer for several years, until I heard of and consulted a physician, who said I had the scrofulous humor and If I would allow him to doctor me he would cure me. 1 did so, and he commenced iieallng up my sores and succeeded In effecting an external cure, but In a short time the disease appeared again In a worse form than ever, as cancerous humor upon my lungs, throat and head. I suffered the most terrible pain, and there seemed to be no remedy, and my friends thought I must soon die, when my attention was called, while reading a newspaper, to a VEGETINE testimonial of Mrs. Waterlioiise No. Sfi4 Athens St.. South Boston, and I, formerly residing in South Boston and being personally ac quainted with her and knowing her former feeble health, I concluded I would try the Vegetlne. After I had taken a few bottles It seemed to force the sores out of my system. I had running sores In my ears which for a time were very paliiful.butj 1 continued to take the Vegetlne until I had taken about twenty-tlve bottles, my health Im proving all the time from the commencement of the first bottle, and the sores to heal. I com menced taking the Vegetlne In 1873, and contin ued its constant use for B months. At the pres ent time my health Is better than It has been since I was a child. The Vegetlne Is what helped me, and I most cordially recommend It to all suf ferers, especially my friends. I had been a suf ferer for over thirty years, and until I used the Vegetlne, I found no remedy j now I use it as my faithful medicine, and wish no other. Mrs. B. C. COOPER, No. 1 Joy Street, Providence, It. I. VEGETINE. The range of disorders which yield to the Infill, ence of this medicine, and the number of defined diseases which It never falls to cine, are greater than any other single medicine has hitherto been even recommended for by any other than the pro prietors of some quack nostrum. These diseases are Scrofula and all eruptive diseasesand Tumors Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, and Spinal Com plaints and all inflammatory symptoms ; Ulcers, all Syphilitic diseases. Kidney and bladder dis eases, Dropsy, the whole train of painful disor ders which so generally attllct American women, and which carry annually thousunds of them to premature graves s Dyspepsia, that universal curse of American manhood. Heartburn, Piles, Constipation, Nervousness, Inability to sleep.and Impure blood. This is a formidable list of human ailments for any single medicine to successfully attack, and it Is not probable that any one arti clebefore the public has the power to cure the quarter of them except Vegetine. It lays the axe at the root of the tree of disease by first elimina ting every Impurity from the blood, promoting the secretions, opening the pores the great es cape valves of the system Invigorating the liver to its full and natural action. cleansing the stom ach and strengthening digestion. This much ac complished, the speedy and the permanent cure of not only the diseases we have enumerated, but likewise the whole train of chronlo and constitu tional disorders, is certain to follow. This is pre cisely what Vegetlne does, and it does It soqulck ly, and so easily, that it is an accomplished fact almost before the patient It aware of it himself. Best ltcmedy in tlio Lanl. I.rrr.E Falls. N. Y., Sept. 23d, lS7fi. Mn. II. R. Stevens : Dear Sir I desire to state to you that I was afflicted with a breaking out of blotches and pimples on my face and neck for several years. I have tried many remedies, but noae cured the humor on my face and neck. After using two or three botties of your Vegetine the humor was entirely cured. I do certainly be lieve It is the best medicine for all impurities of the blood that there Is in the land, and should highly recommend it to the afflicted public Truly sours, P. FEKKINE, Architect. Mr. Peril ne is a well-known architect and builder at Little Falls. N. Y., having lived there aud in the viciuity for the last 33 years, 23 im Prepared by H.R, Stevens, Boston,Mass, Vegetlne Is Sold by All Druggists. eather &c. THE subscriber has now on hand at LOW PKICE9, ; Good Sole Leather, Kip of Superior Quality, Country Calf Skins, French Calf, LININGS, ROANS, &c. JF. Mortimer, NKW BLOOMF1EI.D, PA. N 0W IS THE TIME TO PLANT. IT PAYS To plant FRUIT TREES and GRAPE VINES. They will yield 60 per cent, more prollt ntrt than ordinary crops, and pay fcr themselves the first year they bear. IT DOX'T PAY To plant poor, dried out stock, brought from a long distance and sold by au irresponsible agent, whose only interest Is tobuvas clieap ashe can, regardless of quality or condition. You cau GET THE VEST GUARANTEED 8TOCK, at bottom prices, fresh and vigorous, by sending or coming direct to RIVERSIDE IfUIiSElilES, HARRISBUKG, PA. . Circulars Free. GEO. F. McFAKLAND. Proprietor. u IATENTS Fee Reduced. Entire Cost $55. ' Patent Office Fee rtt In advance, balance within 6 months after iHitut allowsd. Advice aud examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCK tKWISftCO.. ' lSKSm Washington, D. U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers