The New Bloomfield, Pa. times. (New Bloomfield, Pa.) 1877-188?, March 20, 1877, Page 7, Image 7
THE TIMES,- NEW BLOOMFIELB, PA., MA11CH20, 1877. REDUCTION IN PRICE 1 Cheapest and Best! THE HAMUSlHJim Daily and Weekly Patriot ' FOR 1877. To ll urir ftiitwcrllwrfl nd to ait present ulmeribm TnpwiiiK Uiclr nutmcriittiuuii THE DAILY PATRIOT, WU1 pnt at th following rat : I copy, 1 yor, iohuk itrupalU t7.n 8ooiIi. On club). " " J2 & " t?.h to " " " W oe 1 cntijr durliifr th nnwicm of tho IwlUtiirtt a.oo 1 copy, I year, tnd I ropy. 1 yw. of rittwr Hah. i'KHrdMoNtHLtor Habi-ku'i Uakah, IHMtAKtt paid on both. "3 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will bft flnt at the following rat ; 1 copy, 1 year, otaK prepaid , 9300 4oopfen1 " ' WOO lu " " " lo.oo 15 ' " ' and t ropy to (fPttr-npof chib.... 1R.00 25 cnniwi, i year pimtiure piTpuld, aud 1 copy tofrettfir.upof club , 28.(10 I ropy, ouo your, and ona copy, one year, of elthtur Harpkii'i Monthly or Haiiprh'h Ba zar, poNtAKe pr-epHid ou both , $4 0 The suoHcrlptinn price of Hnrprr'a Monthly and 'Harper'H Bazar tn 44.08 each, time nertiriwc a mihw;rl. Ix-racopyof the V kkklv Patiuot for 60 cent in ml ditloii to what he would hate to pay for either of IUr Iht'b publications. All ordera luunt be art'nnipunit'd by the cah, either by check or powt-olhce nrdrv. Now i the timetomibm'ribe. Oct all the news and the beet read inn1 matter at lew cost than auy where clue by sending; your sulytiptiona to the Daily aud Vk kkkly rATmoT. Addn-tm, PATRIOT VUBLTXm&a CO.. Lit HAUttlHltyitU. 1A. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY OK Popular Literature and Science. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1877 The number for Jannnry beiHn- the nineteenth vol. nine of thinMitir:i,inc. und while ir punt record will, ft i honed, be deemed a mitNVient miarantee of inture vellence, no ert'ortH will be h pared to diversify Its attractinuH and to provide an imreaed nupply of Popular Heading in thn H"t and Most KmphnUc Sense The urent objeet nnd contdnnt aim of the conductor will be to fiiriuwh the public with hetemture KnUTtuin inent of a Henued and Varied iJhtn'iii-tei-, uh weil hh to present in n graphic and Ntrikitur manner tlie niont re- cent iuformution and H-mndent view on HubJec.tH-of Uiioral Intercut, in a word, to render Lippmuoft'H Mawazine Htrikltwly dintinetivf in Those features thut or? Moxt Attraetiw in Mag azine Literature, In addition to the General Attraction of Uppin 'iilt8 Muiftiziiit'the I'nbliwiiurH would Invite uttcntiim toa new tturial story, The Marquis of Lossio," iiy Oeotve McDonald author of "MaliMtln," "Alice 1'orbi-s," "llohert I'ule.oner, 'Vte, TKHMS.Veariy Subscription, $1 ; Rln-rle number, :!S rente. NOTICE. The November and iJeeember Numbers, containing the eiirlirr chapters of "The Marquis of l.oeafi'," will bo presented to nil new annual sulHcriberH for 1H77. KPKOIM FN NT'MBnn mailed poHtaRe paid, to any uddresH, un receipt of 20 cents. 9. IJ. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publisher, 718 anrf "17 Market St., J'hUnilclpMa. gALL SCALES. " LB. MARYANEUTIT, I). W. DEKR and JAMES II. GKIlilt knouuas The Ball Scale Company," liiivo now on hand a large suiidIv of Buoy's Patent COUNTER SCALE, the Simplest, Cheap, est and best Connter Scaleln the marknt. W For Scales, or Agencies In Pennsvlvanla, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, ad dress "The Hall Scale Coinoany," Pottsvllle, Hchuylklllconnty, Pa. 9. For Scales or Agencies In this County, ap ply to the undersigned, where they can be see u and examined any time. J LEI BY & BRO., Newport, Perry co., Pa. FRANK MORTIMER, ft T New liloonitteld, Perryco.,Po. A CARD. To all who are suffering Irom the errors and indiscretions of youth, neryous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Motion D, BibU House, JVeto l'or City. 16b ly Late Immense Discoveries by STANLEY and oth ers are Just added to the only complete Life and Labor of Livingstone. This Veteran Explorer ranks among the most heroic figures of the Century, and this book is one of the most attractive, fascinating, richly illus trate.! and Instructive volumes ever Issued. Being the only entire and authentic life, the mil lions are eager for it. and wide awake agents are wanted quickly. For proof and terms address HUBBARD BUO&. Publishers. 7M Sausom Street, Philadelphia. 50 GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, A Stbkuno Rkmkdt For Diskases and Injoiues op tub Skin; A Healthful BEACTIFrER OF TB COUPLEXION; A I?E- liablb Means or Piikvkxtinci and Re- I.IEVINU lillKDM VTISM AND GOLT, AND AN UNKQUAI.F.D Disixfkctast, Deodoiuzek AND CoU.NTKK-IllHlTANT. Olenn'B Sulphur Soup, besides eradi cating locivl ducasca of the skin, baniahca detecit ot the complexion and imparls to it gratifying clearness and smoothnuMi. Sulphur Jiath arc cclcbrnicL for cu ring eruptions and other disomies of the skin, as well us Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn' Sulphur Soap produces the game eH'ccta at a most trifling expense. This admirab'e specific also speedily hnala torn, brvittt, fold, burns, tprain and cut. It remove dandruff and prevents the hair from fulliuK out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in the sick room Is disinfected, and disputes conimunii-able by contact with the person, prevented by it. The Modical Fraternity sanction its use. Prices, 25 and 60 Cf.nts fku Cake, Vtu Cox, (8 Cakes,) 00c and $1.80. N. S. Buy Um Urf nkn an4 ihtrcby tconoulK, Bold by all lraj:fflt. "Hlirs Hair and Whisker Pjf," B!ak r Urown, Mc CB.CaIITTOPn?'r.7&iitUT.H.r,- WEED " CENTENNIAL," fov Family Work. "GENERAL FA VORITE" for Man ufa during. SUPERIOR TO MA: IN Simplicity, Efficiency, Durability, Strength and Lightness. WOOD AUEXTS WASTED." NKKl) WEED SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, ( i:tor CliOHtnut Nli-oot. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 7 ISt Newport Advertisements. JONES' BROS, & CO., (Formerly John Junes it Son.) Grain & Produce MERCHANTS, Brisk Warehouse. Front St., above Market. ' Newport, Perry County, Pa. VK would respectfully li.vlte the patronnge of the farmers, and tlm public generilly., ns the HKillliST I'ltlCKS tlm uiarket will iilVOrd. will be paid (or all kinds ol CHAIN. II.OLK. I PRODUCE. HEHDK AND ' RAILROAD TIES We havecoiistanlly on hand, FISH, HALT, PLASTER, CEMENT. COAL. IRON, STEEL, HORSE SHOES, 1:0., &e. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, B. Orders promptly lliled. Newport, July 20, 1S73 t' JyJEWPORT DRUG STORE. HitviUK ou liHUtl n eoniplute assortment of the fol lnwinK nrtlclm, tho subscrllifr asks a suarcof your liAirimim. lh'ugn and Medicine, CHEMICALS OF ALL KINDS. Ainu a full atock of Concentrated Eomedies, KSSE1STTIAL OILS. Brushes, PerfHrnery - HA I It OH., AND FANCY ARTICLES. Also always on Hand, PURE VINES& LIQUOR KOK MEDICINAL and SACRAMENTAL PURPOSES ' PU V SI CIA XS ORDERS Ctrrfu ami Promptly Filled O . M . EBY, Newport, Penn'a. J B H ART 2ELL7 Wholesale Tobacco Dealer, aTKWFOKT, I A. Sole Aiieut for Ixrllard's Superior Tobaccos. Country Merchants aiuiplled with Goods at Phllaitnlpbla uricet. - Vour orders are solicited. 8 41 1?. & COOK& CO., - Aniee to sell all kind, ot LUMBER AND SHINGLES, for LESS MONEY than any other dealers in this county. Wwillalo take sood Timber on tha stump or delivered at our Mill in exchange for Lumber, ftc. We use Clearlleld Pine aud Hem look only. W. R. 8. COOK & CO., Newport, Perry (.'a., Pa. October It), 1871".. IM POUT A NT NOTICE The subscriber late of I lie Mr m of Ithoades Sinltb, would respectfully inform the alliums of BLAIN and vluluitv, that he has opened WAGON MAKEKBtfOP, and Is prepared to make new waKona and repair old ones at short notice, and. at from TEN u IWKNTY poroeut. cheaper than tha old Urns. ' 4VUive me a call. Batisfaetlon guaranteed. JACOU SMITH. Vlala. August , 1S7. FOli VlliCVLMlS AiI) PRICKS. Ainci-imii and I'orcign I'tilcDls. C1ILMORK M., Hiieenxsoi'S to CHIl'MAN, X HOSMEK & CO., Solicitor". Patent pro eiited mall countries. N4 KKI'.S IN ADVAMI'i No chnrisH unless the piitent In crnuled. No fees for uiaklnti pieliniiiiai.v e.xamliial Ions. N.i mldl tlnuiil fees fur olilainiii!! ami eiintliietlnir a re lieiu Inir l!y a recent Oi'eisiitu of the Cniiiin s stnnei'. A I.I, ri'Jecieil applleiithins may lie n-viveil. Speirial lltlellllon then lo Inlei fi-leit'cH ('ath-;-fni'cthc I'titent olliee, I'.xiensiuns liHldie t.'un cress, liifrlti;eiilt'nt Siiilsin illlleiriil Suites null all litigation iipirrl,iliilnt! to Inveiitliii s or I'at ciils. Send Stamp In tliliuoro & C-., lor pauipli- let "f Mlxl V tnlRes. UNO CASKs. I. AND WARRANTS & SCIIII'. Cinitesieil Land Cases proeeiiitMl litfnio Hie II. S. General Laud Olllce and liepultneiit of I he Interior. I'l ivaie Lund Claims. MINI No innl PUIS l'.MI'IKlN Claims, anil IIO.M liSI'liA li cases mutinied lo. Land Scrip In Jn. K". ai'V 1 i ;i tieie ltieres hn- sale. '1 IiIn Sei ip is assieiiable. and can be loc ited In Hie ii rue of Hie inintliaser unon hiiv (loveinnieiit land MthJ-ct to private entry, at l 1: per acre Ills ol value with Itiiunly Laud Wnrralils. Send Slump to Gllinore .S; Co., for painplilet of liMriii'tlnn. Altltli-tltS III' PAY AND IKICNTV. OlTU'l.KS, K'lLl.ficus and SAII.iillS of the late war. or their heirs, are In teany cases ent Illed In nnoiey rnnn the Government ol which t liny have no s,no leilt;e. Write full h'storv of service, ami siale amount ot pav anil bniintv reitelveil. Kuclose mump in (II I, Mi l! i; CO., ai'ul a lull le- i ily.allcr exainlnation. will be ulveu joii free. I' ISNsMIN is. I All Olfl-H.'KKS. Kill DIKItH, aud KAfl.OltS, wounded, ruiitun d. or Inluieil In tlm lale war, I however slight, can oUtulii a pensnn by addicssitii; ; GII.MOItK.VCO. ! Cases pro-eeiiled bv GILMOItlCit CO, before i the Supieme Court o the t'nlted Sliites.tlie Court of Claims null the Siiulliein C ailns Commission. Each dt parlmeiir. of our business Is eoudiicled In aseparaie Imieuu. uu.ler cliai'ue ol the same experienced parties, eiublnyed by llio old linn. Prmnpt attention lo all business eiKiusled to GILMOHIC ft CO.. is Ihus secured. We desin' to win 'iiccess by ilesei vlim II. I Address: (Ml.Molif SCO.. Will'. Street'. I WashlnKtoii. D. C M ANHOOD: HOW LOST HOW RESTORED? Just jiulillsbed. a new edition of Or. Culver, well's Celclnaied Kssavoiillie radical cure (wnli ont medicine) of si-kkmatomkhika or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seiiiluul Losses. Impoten. cy, Mental aud Physical liicaiiacilv. Impediuieuls to innrriaue, etc. s also, Consuinjitlon. Epilepsy and Ills, induced by self-Indulgence or sexual ex travauance .c. - Price. In a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty vent s' success, fill practice, thai the alaiuitni; conseiilences of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the appli cation of thekuifcr pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and ellectual. by means of which every sufferer, no matter what Ills condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and rail leal ly Seut under seal. Ill a plain envelobe. tn nnv ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address Hie publishers. Ixl'.l'lv THKCULVEKWhLL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St., New York i Post Olllce Box.4"i8il. JHE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD Peterson's Magazine! GREAT KKDCCTION TO CI.TJHS - POSTAGE PRE PAID TO MA1LSVDSCRIIIERS. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE has the best Orlul nalHtoties of any of the. lady's books, the best Colored Fashion Plates. I lie best Receipts, the best Steel Enravlnd. Ac, o. Every famliv outfit to have It. It tfves more for the money tlian any In the world, it will contain, uext year, ill Its twelve numbers On ThonmnA Vtffes Jburfeen NiArnrHd Wtel riatnnTuvltm Iblotvd Hr.elin J'dttenm TMt. Mttmmolh rWoreif Absi tUn Jhimlrml Wood Cut Tun-n-x V-bur I'mft aj Musle ! It will also give FIveOrlRlnal Cnpvrltfit Novel ettes, by Mrs. Ami B. Stephens. Frank lye Bene, diet, Mrs. Frances Hoduson Burnett, Marietta Holley. and Lucy II. Hooper. Also, nearly a hundred shorter stories. All Original, by the best authors of America. Kssutmrh Mammoth Colored Fashion Platen are ahead of all others. These plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual sle. TERMS (AlwniB In ATTnuw) 2 A YEAR. Two Copies for IS.HH 3 Copies for UM, with a eopy of the premium picture (27xai) "Cornwallls' Surrender,' a Five Dollar Kugraving, to the per son netting up the ('bib. Kiur Copies for 16.80-6 Copies for $S.(i0, with an extra copy of the Mayaxlne for IS77, as a premi um, to tiie person netting up the Club. Six Copies forntt tiO 7 Copies for 11.00 9 Copies for 413..SU. with both an extra copy of the Maga zine for 1X77. aud the premium picture, a Five Dollar engraving, lo tha pel son getting up the Club. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON. 3(Ki Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Specimens sent gratis, if written for. u JMPORT ANT TOHUCKSTERS."" ' The undersigned, deslringto return to the city, otters for sale, the ooon wu.i. to a good marketing route In Perry Co.. with two iiohsb TKiU.aud fixtures all ttomplete, with all necessary tnstruc lions to purchaser. This Is an old established route and a rare chanee. For particulars, call ou or address, X M. I.RNNKV, Mrchauicsburg, SI 3m. ' Cumberland Co.,Pa. ::".::;7viok'8;';' Illiistratf d Priced Cntalone . Fifty pages Sou Illustrations. with Descriptions of the thousands of the best Flowers and Veg etables In the world, and the way to grow them alitor Two Ckmt postage stump. Printed in German and English. Vlck's Floral Guide. Quarterly , 23 cents a year. Vlck'a Flower and Vcuelable Gardeu, So ceuts In papeci in elegant cloth covers, il.ou. Address, JAMES VICK., Rochester, N. V. . . A VCTIOXKEKS. , 'tamescleelan"d U Auctioneer, Offers his services Xn the cltlrens of Perry and Cumberland counties Post olllce address, Shermansdale, Perry eo., Pa. D.HENRY, A VCTroXFMJl. Blalu, Perry county Pa. . Terms Moderate and every exertion made In render satisfaction. tf Auctioneer. The iiiideil(rnerl give iiotlcethat he will cry sales at any point In Perry or Dauphin counties. Orders are solicited and promptaitentlun wlllbe given. K. D. WEI.1,8. New Hnffale. Perrv eo., Pa. DAVID M'COY, 4 A net Ion per a. Charees very low. Post OIHee address Ickesburg Penn'a s l Q B HARNISH, AtJCTK 1S' 12 I'll I , Del vllle. Perrv Co., Pn. Chnrges moriernte. ami satlstaetioli gunranteod. Mt N EW SHOE SHOP! The undersigned respectfully In'orms Ihecltl. r.ens of llloomlleld iiud vicinity, I hat they have opened a slioe-shop In the room of F II. ('looser, recently occupied as a Law-nftier, by Calvin Nell snn,.Esr., where Iher will do work at Panic pric es, 0'f pairing made a specialty lit prices lo suit the times) from l t i Si ner ceiil. saved by patron Izmgoiir shop. Our motto is "ipiiek sales hiiiI short inotlts). Terms cash, or country produce, but positively no credit. LEVI II. AWA1ITZ SCO.. sen llloomtleld. Pa. .fanunryls. Is7 tf S . rs.'i- (.-lit. in'it M-n.iini!, 1 ! i t:i i-. ' t'ttl.W I . ..IT. I i 1 1' TO- ruin! -ri nsiirjp.,L II ..-) f ..... 111'..,,, I,.ll: J U.I Vr.l.lL.l.t X I ',' ) .i'-es. 4 A n iitiiruccblfoi (ii.iias s''57" ; ' .-.' IH I.i'I.hmMW V-'. v. "1 jin;.'t:.' tll.i-.A.O!ilS X.'r.t'v l" ir Sale liv I Perrv couiitj , P.i. MimriMKit. New Hlooinlleld, Vi;UV LADY SIKH LI) II AVK ONE Ol- OCR IMPROVED PLA1TEHS,. adaplcd lo all kinds of goods, and to a'l the r. ferent ami 1'adnomilile styles of Plaiting, simple and easily managed, it Is Just Hie article evciy lady needs. sent lf intil'. postapt' paid, on receipt of price, tin". Send for Circular. Address N. Y. TRKMH.E MT'll CO.. Ill orllunilt Ktwt Xvir York. JHE PERRY HOUSE, New IMooiHfleld, perry Co., Ph., T1I03. SUfCli, I'loprietor. PENTENNIAL" HOTEL; . 7 " . J (Formerly the Sweger House,) MAIN BTRKKT, NEW BLOO.MFIK1.D. PERRY CO.. PA. JOS. S. SMITH, .... Proprietor. Having good accominodnllons for regular or transient boarders, a shaie of public patronnxe is solicited. Ill IP JHE MANSION HOUSE, New Bloom Held, reiin'a., O. M. RINESMITH. - Propr'stor. This well known hotel ha lately beenenlarged. re painted and re lltted. Best accommodations afforded. - Careful hostlers always lu attend auce, Vi'ju ST(lf K STAMI AND FA It M Kill HAI.K.-A First-rate Farm in Jmilata eo.. Pa., also a Store St aud and Stock of Oooos Fr further particulars adrtress SAMl'EL BUCK, Port Ro al. Juniala co.. Pa. :;s:;m THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD Over 300 Modifications. TO THE EEODIREENTS OF IWX BUSINESS EMBANKS :&E WING. vunn:sTNUT St. Philadelphia. h OME MANUFACTURE. LOOK OUT! I would respectively Inforai myfrlendstbat I In teutl calling upon them with a supply ol good of my 6WN MANUFACTURE. Consistlngof CA88IMEB8. CAS3INETS, FLANNELS, (Plalnandbar'd) CARPETS, tetxebangefor woo or senior cash. J.M. BIILKR. CKNTKIWOOI.I FltTOK . - ,17,4 pEABODY- HOUSE, " " CORNER o LOCV87 AJtn NINTH HTM., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient to all places of amusemeut and car lines In the ally. No changm to and Irom lb Centennial grounds. ' Col. Wai.sou. proprietor i I b Hkkrt Hoi'i.. i hnclnnnti for the past twanty years, and present proprietor, lias leased tho house for a term of years, and has newly furoisl-ed and titled II throughout. He will keep a strictly Ursl-elass house, and has accommodation fur 400 guestk. Terms S.S per day. -KoBrhas ever been kept In the HENRY HOUSE, nor will any be kept at tha PEA BODY. , . ,10tt ' The Deacon Answered. Vp In New llamitHhlre, where 1 used to live wlieu a loy (nay Oovernor 'oytn), there wan Bit old deacon who whs a great deul more pious than honent. He wan an old hypocrite, and when he" haddonc a particularly mean thitiK lie' eased his cotiHcictiee by going out Into a field, along one tilde of which was a stone wall, and kneeling heslde It, pray ing tVie Lord to topphi it over ou him If lie hud done anything od'euaive to Hint or wrong in Ills night. Well, we boy found It out, and one day, when we saw the deacon making for the atone wall, we got on the inhcr eldo and waited, lie knelt down according to hls usual custom, and went through his umtal formula, closing with the petition to have the wall toppled over if lie had done anything wrong. And we toppled it Jumping out front under the atones, the old man cried out in tones of mingled disgust and alarm: "(lood gracious! ' can't you toll when a man Is joking ?" CjT A Western editor, who thinks the wages dcmiitKlcdby composition an Im position .has discharged his hands and In tends to do his own type-setting in future.' He snys ; "oAi.'(. To the fXoulii'rant d KuiaNc?ei Ii.C pz-inicHs wK hu.e CoNCltifLii J.odoorK own tYpc 'Ti.g j. tIic fii,(,tii:K; itsDaLhotidii we iiEtcr lKarned Tile liuufnoss tre d() Noj s.ilOtisX giteccf liiA'TciyorY Iff flit Two friends, un T'ligliKhnian and tin Irishman, traveling, had n double bedded room at an inn. Being awoke by a noise in the night, the Englishman called to his companion tolight a candle. "Where U It V asked Pat. "At your right hand, on the Lable." "Are you crazy f" cried Pat. "How can I see .which Is my right hand in the dark V" ' Hi? The otherdny,H house in Putnam, Conn,, in which there was a sick negro, was struck by lightning, and some of the neighbors going In to see what had liecome of him, he peered out from ' un der the bedclothes, covered with splinters of wood and broken pieces of plaster, ' and coolly asktd : "Am dar goln' to lie anudder shower, honics V" 0' A recently-appointed Scotch bailie took his scat, for the first time, on the magisterial bench. Looking " sternly around, he thus addressed tho assem blage: "Hithettti there have been many complaints as to how impartially affairs have been carried out here ; but I Intend' that the business of this court shall In future be conducted neither partially nor impartially.''' ,- i r i: -- - gk - - - SaTT' During cholera times a Glasgow joiner was asked by a lady, who' was employing him at some household work, whether he would have a glass now or wait till he had finished the job. 'I'll be takin' the glass noo men,' said the artisan, 'for there's lieen power a' sud den deaths lately.' afiT As a gcncrul thing, these Western girls mean business. One of them, whose stern parents had refused to let her marry a chap by the name of Smith, was heard the other day to say; I guess we'd lietter go down to llie gospel shop. Those idiots won't have It, and I'll marry you or bust a rib !'' - - gT'-What is heaven's best gift to man asked a young lady on a Kunday evening, as she smiled sweetly on the pleasant looking clerk who was visiting her. "A horse'" replied the young gentleman with a commcudablo cau tion. Au Irish hod-carrier at work 'on a building, was complaining of his hard lot; said he: "If I thought I'd have to carry a hod in heaven, I'd tie a big stone round my neck and jump into the middle of the sue, aud stay there us long as I lived." An eccentric old Englishman who died lately left a will which bequeathed to his daughters their i ight in A'l notes.' He evidently believed in the proverb. "Where there's a will tliere'sa weight." "A friend of ours," says the editor of a New York contemporary, "is grow ing weaker and weukcr every day. Hti has got so weak now that he can't raise five dollurs." , , A coroner's jury iu the cae of a man who was killed by a falling icicle, rendered the verdict tliat he died "front hard drink." t-Simeiiiie who believes that" rrevi ty is the soul f wit," writes: "Dort'i ea) stale Q cumbers. They'll W a n."