Ww» 0 Ue October 29, 1975 NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON NOTICE—Complete line of Bennington & Betsy Ross flags for your bicentennial now available. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. We will honor group discounts. BARGAIN—Window planters with seeds, reg. $1.19, now 25c. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. ATTENTION—Rummage Sale. CLEARANCE. Final sale this fall. November 1, 9 to 1. Barn behind Sheetz Funeral Home. St. Mary’s Church. NOTICE—Dry Cleaning Establishment for sale. Building clientele with laundry pick-up service. Reasonable. A real money-maker for the right couple. For information write to: Box #15, care of Susquehanna Bulletin, Box 75A, R.D. |, Marietta, PA 17547. NOTICE—AIl Scotts Products reduced 33 1/3 per cent. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. YARD SALE—Saturday, November 1, 10 a.m. til 6 p.m. Across from Mount Joy Legion. Items for sale include kitchen things, clothes, shoes, luggage, toys, and many other things. NOTICE—Chicken pot-pie dinner. Maytown Reformed Church. November 1, 11 to 1 and 4 to 7. Family style. $2.50 and $1.25. ATTENTION: Save money on 30 year guaranteed aluminum siding that has been copied from famous brand name sidings. Free estimates. 426-1571. LADIES - Earn $3$ or gifts! Money - for clubs, churches, organizations! Gifts for running a party in your home! Try it! It’s fun! Call collect today 1(203)673-345S, or write Santa’s Parties, Dept. B, Avon, Conn. 06001. ATTENTION - Vacuum cleaners, new & used & rebuilt. Free pick-up & delivery of bags, parts & service. Now see our Fall Special. East Penn Vacuums, 210 E. Main St., Mount Joy, 653-4439 FOR SALE—Handmade Dulcimer, 4-string. Sitka spruce top. Asking $80. 426-1707, ask for Nick. i a Ui ee A Ma A] ee ee CLASSIFIED ADS All classified ads are 10 cents per word. Minimum $1. Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Susquehanna Bulletin, Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa, Card of Thanks -$2 PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS ND ER TSE ON) OR CONG 0 INE LW OR 00 00 0 1 OR SE A ED ARO) DR SR ee en WHOLESALE—Columbia Tobacco Co., Inc. 684-2710— Party Supplies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper Goods—438 Locust St., Columbia, PA. FOR RENT - 3 rooms & bath. $120. 684-5813. THINKING OF CHANGES in your house? Need a den, playroom, another bathroom or ——? Call Nick, 426-1707. NOTICE - We need your head to run our business. Call June Whalen’s Beauty Salon 653-4381. NOTICE—Locally made children’s furniture: chairs, sinks, stoves, refrigerators, cradles, playboxes. All priced right. Also gun cabinets or other items made. 821 Centerville Road, Lancaster. 898-2877 or 442-4751. WANTED TO BUY—Toy Electric Trains, Lionel, American Flyer. Any amount or condition. Call 898-0332. —PRICE CORRECTION— JUST ARRIVED—Donegal Jackets—Kasma Lining, 100 per cent nylon—all sizes. $12.99. Columbia Hardware, Marietta : MARIETTA CITGO CITGO GAS —- GROCERIES OPEN 5:30 A.M. - 8:30 PM. DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End — Route 441 - Marietta NOTICETO MARIETTA RESIDEN Hm rants. Small Pets & Supplies It has been the custom ND oh of the Marietta Sewer O’DELL SPECIAL Department to send 55 gal. tank, sliding glass delinquent notices to all top, Polo-lite. customers who had-not $90 thru Nov. 5th paid their sewer and Christmas Layaway Plan trash bill by the ‘Due After Date’. Notice is hereby given that 15 days after the ‘Due After Date’ all accounts not paid will be automatically turned over for prosecution without further notice. MARIETTA BOROUGH SEWER DEPARTMENT BANK STREET AQUARIUM Marietta Temporary hours: noon to 2 and S to 8:30 Monday thru Friday 10toS Saturday S@HD AUDITORS’ REPORT OF DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1975 We, the undersigned auditors, appointed by the Board of J Directors of the Donegal School District, have examined the accounts and records of said District for the school year ended June 30, 1975. | In compliance with Section 2432 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended, we hereby give notice that a copy of the auditors’ report, for said District, for the school year ended June 30, 1975, was filed on or before October 31, 1975, in the office of the Protonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, and said report will be confirmed absolutely unless an appeal is taken threréfrom within thirty days after the filing thereof. The following is a concise financial statement, of said District, for the school year ended June 30, 1975. GENERAL FUND REVENUE Local Sources 1,700,800 State Sources 1,788,744 Federal Sources 41,181 Total Revenue 3,530,728 EXPENDITURES Administration 136,475 Instruction 1,949,212 Pupil Personnel Services 75,918 Health Services 45,470 Pupil Transportation Services 116,860 Operation and Maintenance of Plant 433,845 Fixed Charges 237,022 Food Service 9,200 Student Activities 49,446 Community Service 8,107 Capital Outlay 166,105 Debt Service 307,883 Intersystem Payments 163,024 Total Expenditures 3,698,567 Excess of Expenditures over Revenue ( 167,842) ADD: General Fund Balance, July 1, 1974 433,198 GENERAL FUND BALANCE, June 30, 1975 265,356 DONEGAL SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1975 ASSETS + Cash in Bank $ 25,091 Petty Cash 26S Investments 240,000 Delinquent Taxes Receivable 48,371 Inventory of Material and Supplies 10,000 TOTAL ASSETS $323,727 FUND EQUITIES Delinquent Taxes Receivable 48,371 Invested in Materials and Supplies 10,000 General Fund Balance 265,356 TOTAL FUND EQUITIES $323,727 Donegal School District OTHER INFORMATION Year ended June 30, 1975 LIABILITIES and DEBTS - payable in future years Authority rentals-last maturity date TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSESTS $9,701,590 OTHER FUNDS Balance Expen- Balance 7/1/74 ditures 6/30/75 Cafeteria $23,695 $ 235,811 $ 212,317 $47,189 Activities 48,362 143,504 146,006 45,860 Payroll -0- 2,273,497 2,273,497 -0- Petty Cash 438 3,049 3,024 463 Sinking Funds 16,487 1,077 7,265 10,299 ASSESSED VALUATION of the DISTRICT $14,630,470 MILLS LEVIED - 75 POLLOCK, GROFF & WHITE Certified Public Accountants 12/15/91 $3,967,800 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS d Land and land improvements $ 347,574 Buildings 8,125,175 Furniture and equipment 1,228,841 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 15 LEGAL NOTICE Ordinance No. 374 An Ordinance Requiring Landlords To Report On The Occupancy Status Of Re- sidential Dwelling Units Rented Or Available For Rent, Prescribing The In- formation To Be Reported, And Establising Penalties For Violation. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Joy as follows: SECTION I. Definitions. The following words when used in this ordinance shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning: (a) ‘Person’ means any natural person, partnership, association, firm or corpora- tion. (b) “Tenant” means a person or persons who has or have the temporary use and occupancy of residential dwelling units owned by a landlord under a written or oral lease for a term of thirty (30) days or more. (c) ‘“‘Landlord’’ means a person who owns or man- ages and who leases or offers for lease residential dwelling units to tenants for a consideration, monetary or otherwise. (d) ‘“*Residential Dwelling Units’’ includes but is not limited to houses, apart- ments, and other residential dwelling units designed for the use of one or more persons as a place of abode, or partly for business and partly for residential pur- poses, regardless of habita- tion. SECTION II. Report. All landlords who own, rent or have available for rental one (1) or more residential dwelling units shall file a report in writing setting forth the number of resi- dential dwelling units pre- sently or hereafter rented or available for rent in accord- ance with the terms of this ordinance. The report shall contain the following infor- mation: (a) A description of the residential dwelling unit; (b) The name or names of the landlord and tenant at : A oR ee [50 issus per year] for: Ibberson’s CARPET FOR HOME & CAR 1660 S. MARKET ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNA. Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs.. Fri.9t0 9 | Please send me the Susquehanna Bulletih weekly NAINA the time of the report; (c) The names and birthdates of the persons occupying the premises. The report may consist of any of the following as long as they include the informa- tion specified: (1) A standard report form which is available from the Borough; (2) A copy of the actual lease if it includes the required information; (3) A copy of any other form or report which con- tains the information re- quired by this ordinance. Reports shall be filed with the Borough Manager at the Borough Offices Building, 21 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 SECTION III. Time for Report. The initial report required under this ordi- nance shall, upon conviction thereof SECTION III. Time for Report. The initial report required under this ordi- nance shall be filed within sixty (60) days from the date of enactment of this ordi- nance. The initial report for a person who becomes a landlord after the effective date of this ordinance shall be due within thirty (30) days of such status attain- ment and in the event a landlord acquires additional residential dwelling units, an amended report shall be due within thirty (30) days of such acquisition. In the event of a gchange of occupancy, 4&5 change shall be reported within ten (10) days. A change in oc- cupancy shall include a residential dwelling unit becoming vacant. SECTION IV. Violation. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, upea convictio thereof before a distrief® magistrate, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and not more than Jhree Hun- dred Dollars ¢ .00), and costs of prosectifgen. SECTION V," Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon enactment. ORDAINED AND EN- ACTED this 13th day of October, 1975. 17022 ; Creative Carpetry Lancaster County [J 1year-$4.00 [J] 2 years - $7.00 ~~ [J 3 years - $9.00 [Outside Lancaster County] [J 1 year - $4.50 [J] 2 years - $8.00 [J 3 years - $11.00 Outside USA - Inquire About Rates Mail to: Susquehanna Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, PA. 17547
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