October 15,1975 _ £0 NOTICE - Remodeling, building, and electrical work. Also, picnic tables, gun cabinets, hutches, desks, & children’s furniture, made to order. 898-2877 or 442-4060. 821 Centerville Rd., lancaster, 17601. NOTICE - Just moved to our area? Recently engaged? Had a baby? To have the most famous basket in the world at your doorstep, please call - Barbara Banks, 653-4478 or Cherie Dillow, 653-1609 (Mount Joy area), or Hazel Baker, 426-3643 (Marietta & Maytown area) WELCOME WAGON FOR RENT - 3 rooms & bath. $120. 684-5813. JUST ARRIVED—New fall merchandise. Red Farm All Occasion Cards—Pewter Coated Tin ware—Indian Styled Turquoise Jewelry. Mari-Go-Round Gift Shop, 122 E. Main St., Mount Joy. 653-2340. LADIES - Earn $$$ or gifts! Money - for clubs, churches, organizations! Gifts for running a party in your home! Try it! It’s fun! Call collect today 1(203)673-345S, or write Santa’s Parties, Dept. B, Avon, Conn. 06001. ATTENTION - Vacuum cleaners, new & used & rebuilt. Free pick-up & delivery of bags, parts & service. Now see our Fall Special. East Penn Vacuums, 210 E. Main St., Mount Joy, 653-4439 ATTENTION: Save money on 30 year guaranteed aluminum siding that has been copied from famous brand name sidings. Free estimates. 426-1571. JUST ARRIVED—Donegal Jackets—Kasma Lining, 100 per cent nylon—all sizes. $2.99. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR SALE—Farm Fresh Eggs—Nest Run 6Sc—B-Grade 55¢—Crax 3Sc—Hershey Bros., Donegal Springs Road. Call 653-5807. JUST ARRIVED—Large shipment of Regency Scanners, 4, 6, 8 channel. 4 Free crystal with each unit. Sale ends October 25. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. EARN EXTRA MONEY in your spare time. Sell subscriptions for the Susquehanna Bulletin to your friends and neighbors. Call 426-2212 or 426-1707. FOR SALE— Springfield Model 67, 12 guage pump shotgun. Special $99.95. Sale ends October 25. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. FOR SALE—1962 Chevy as is. $75. 426-3159, evenings. FOR SALE—Storm window kits. 4 plastic sheets, each 36” x 72’°. Special 99c. Supply limited. Columbia Hardware, Marietta WHOLESALE—Columbia Tobacco Co., Inc. 684-2710— Party Supplies, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Candy, Paper Goods—438 Locust St., Columbia, PA. NOTICE—Complete line of stovepipe available. 3” to 10". Elbows and straight lengths. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE—AII Fishing Tackle Reduced 40 per cent. Buy now for Xmas presents. Sale ends October 2S. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. NOTICE—Shipment of Atlantic Coast iron stoves, starting at $79.95. Columbia Hardware, Marietta. 0 0 in ole ED (5 0 {00 NE M0 GY A GUNES (0 50 UND S50 400 100 0 [HG 0 U0 190 0 AU 180 UGH GP IR IMM EB MR MRL CLASSIFIED ADS All classified ads are 10 cents per word. Minimum $1. Please mail your ad with money or check to ‘Classifieds’, Susquehanna Bulletin. Box 75A, R.D. 1, Marietta. Pa, Card of Thanks -$2 PLEASE DO NOT PHONE CLASSIFIED ADS RI SRE SIR Cv RR SR Ry, | YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Opén Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. | 3 Rolled Boneless Chuck go Youndt’s Made Scrapple 59civ. Hot Dogs i de er LIP DAY BENEFIT IN MARIETTA Lip Day ’75 to benefit the Lancaster Independent Press will be held at the Railroad House on October 19 from 1 to 10 p.m. Participating bands include The Farm, Ken Weaver-Dodds, Hazard & Heimlich, Sandy Zerby, and Sharon Lunsford. A $2.00 donation will be asked. BINKLEY'S 2 SEWING MACHINES — FABRICS 2 CUSTOM DRAPERIES SINGER — WHITE — PFAFF Sewing Machines — Sales and Service McCALLS & SIMPLICITY PATTERNS “Everything For the Lady Who Sews”’ 111 N. MARKET ST., ELIZABETHTOWN FREE PARKING IN FRONT OF STORE tm FE HREOC OR LEGAL NOTICE The Donegal School Board is soliciting bids to provide Disability Income Protection Insurance Cover- age for the employees of the Donegal School District. Specifications may be se- . Service Contracts . 24 Hour Service cured from the District SAVE ON OIL Office, 366 South Market CALL Avenue, Mount Joy, PA ~ 17552. Phone 653-1447. Bids ABEL OiL CO. are due October 10, 1975. 684-4686 DONEGAL SCHOOL 7.298, 2-12-18- DISTRICT 21.26.27-29-8t R.F . Hallgren ; Superintendent CIDER Fresh and Sweet Our own blend of Apples makes the best cider you've ever drank - No preservatives added APPLES Stayman, Red & Yellow Delicious Smokehouse, Jonathan, Cortland SWEET POTATOES - Irish Cobbler POTATOES Farm Fresh EGGS PUMPKINS for faces - PUMPKINS for pies Small PUMPKINS for decoration display - 25¢ and Up GOURDS — INDIAN CORN HOAGIES: Reg. 85¢ - Ham $1.05 We make our own SHOO-FLY PIES - $1.15 ea. Seconds in Weaver's CHICKEN in 5 Ib. bags MRS. PAUL'S fish in 3, 5, 10 or 40 Ibs. 10 Ib. bags - $6.50 5 Ibs. or 20 Ib.s FROSTY ACRE Vegetables CITRUS - BANANAS - SEEDLESS GRAPES SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. -8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fri. - 8 am. to 9 p.m. — Wed. & Sat. - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. WOLGEMUTH FRUIT MKT. % mile West of Mount Joy, along Route 230 Ph. 653-5661 Mifflin Press, Jn. OFFSET — LETTERPRESS Wedding FHnnouncements ; e Job Printing ¢ Publications ® Bulletins ® Programs e Custom Labels ® Perfect Binding 336 Locust St. Columbia, Pa. Phone 684-2253 AUCTIONS make the difference in marketing livestock! NEW HOLLAND makes the difference in auctions! 9 a.m. - Fat Hogs 10 a.m. - Horse Sale 11 a.m. - Hay & Straw 2:30 p.m. - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow. & Veal WEDNESDAY - 12 Noon - Hay & Straw 12:30 p.m. - Dairy Sale THURSDAY - 12 Noon - Fat Steers, Bulls, Cow & Veal NewHolland Sales Stables, Inc. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach; Manager Phone (717) 3544341 “a MONDAY - SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN—Page 15 COUNTY WIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY ———— NEEDHELP? OR SERVICE? One of these reputable firms may be able to be of assistance 2RNOLD HOLLINGER PONTIAC-OLDSMOBILE OIL SERVICE Ne & Dor Ce MOUNT JOY 653-4484 oy I ATLANTIC PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MAYT . OWN, PENNA Oil Burner Sales & Service LESTER P. CARRIGER ESHELMAN PAINT & BODY SHOP MASONRY pias CONTRA CTORSES SpE Cars painted Brick-Block-Stone Wrecks rebuilt Se my Wheel Alignment Service Call 393-6732 RHEEMS 367-6450 MYER PRINTING SERVICE We Offer OFFSET PRINTING LOW COST, EFFECTIVE LOW PRICES Advertising 52'S. Market Street eas Elizabethtown, Pa. Susquehanna Bulletin Phone 367-6169 426-2212 List Your Business In This Directory FOR ONLY $25.00 FOR 10 WEEKS Sp — EE GREINER’'S GARAGE, INC. Your Full-Service Headquarters “We've always been friendly!” RERBRRRRAAEBRRBERERRARERER REAR RRAREREERE EERE CREB BEARREBRRERERAERF RRR RRE RRR RRERERRRERER EER At the Same Location L & G MOTORS “We're friendly too” QUALITY USED CARS & TRUCKS 1974 CHEVY TRUCK 1/2 ton pickup, V-8, auto, PS, PB 1974 PINTO, auto 1974 DODGE TRUCK Club Cab, V-8, auto, PS, PB 1974 JEEP, CTS, 4 wheel drive 1973 FORD TRUCK 3/4 ton, auto, PS, PB, with cap 1972 DODGE TRUCK 1/2 ton, V-8, auto, PS, PB 1971 RANCHERO, V-8, auto, PS, PB, air 1971 CHEVY, V-8, auto, PS, PB 1970 PONTIAC SW, V-8, auto, PS, PB, air 1968 DODGE CAMPER SPEC. TRUCK, V-8, 4 sp. This week’s special 1958 CHEVY $250.00 NOTARY SERVICE R. D. 2, Rt. 230 West, Mount Joy, Pa. 17552 Telephone 653-4650 - - Monday thru Saturday Please send me the Susquehanna Bulletin weekly [50 issus per year] for: Lancaster County [J 1 year -$4.00 [J 2 years - $7.00 [J] 3 years - $9.00 [Outside Lancaster County] [J 1year- $4.50 [J 2 years - $8.00 [J 3 years - $11.00 Outside USA - Inquire About Rates Mail to: Susquehanna Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, PA. 17547
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