Page 6—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN October 8, 1975 DONEGAL SCHOOL PAGE news, features, art, poetry composed by and for the students of Donegal schools. SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STAFF SF = EDITORIAL: Dale Eisenhauer, Lyndia & Gestewitz, Wendy Hawn, Gail Hunter, Renee Husband, Nanette Pinto, Melvin Shearer, Jeanne Freed, Barbara Landis, Melody Mumma, Mary Kanoff, Theresa Graham, Tim Roaten, Lauri Martin, Carole TRE oer] Gibason. oe Mi TYPING: Sue Williams, Deb Pedrick. Wayne Erdman, Deb Evans, Ginny Bigler, Deb Bender, Jody Bass. PHOTOGRAPHY: Jim Beck. ADVISOR: J. B. Siberski. were: Homecoming at Donegal H.S. by Carole Gibason Homecoming weekend at Donegal started last Friday with Color Day. Students and teachers dressed in green and white and some even painted their faces with the school colors. Mrs. Houseal in her Indian headdress was voted Best escorted by Chuck Sim- mons; Karen Greider, escor- ted by Phil Wolgemuth, Francine Huss, escorted by Scott Brightbill; Laurie Mar- tin, escorted by Tim Howell; Robbin Roberts, escorted by Skip Nell; Joni Shank, escorted by Kirk Wolge- Cheerleading by Betty Maile As Cheerleading Coach at Donegal High School 1 would like to inform any interested ‘‘Donegal Indi- an’’ fans just what Cheer- leading is. Since my arrival in the area I have found that the attitude of many people is apathetic towards the sport of Cheerleading. It is Dressed Female Teacher muth; and Deb Thomas, my hope that through this * & 3 and Mr. Siberski, looking escorted by Bill Hayman. article I can instill in you a = +" Yi HR cute in his green and white The football team played more accurate picture of a 3 bunny rabbit outfit, was a very hard fought game Cheerleader. James Landis Best Dressed Male Teacher. against Elco, but was Cheerleading is a chal- sees action The pep rally was held Friday afternoon and the class floats were presented. The seniors declared a victory, the juniors had a very pretty red, white, and blue football, the sopho- mores with both Bicenten- nial and Donegal Flag called this land, ‘The Land of the Free’ and the ‘Home of the Braves,” and the freshman with their Indian squaws got into the **Spirit of'76’* zlong with the other classes. The Juniors were voted the class with the most spirit and were given the toma- hawk. The parade Friday night with two truckloads of football players, Home- coming Queen candidates, Senior High Band, Junior High Band, and the class floats ended at the Junior High School. There the bonfire was lit. Spirits were high as students and specta- tors cheered. After the bonfire, stu- dents went to the high school to enjoy the movie defeated 18-0. The DHS Band provided entertainment at halftime. The junior high band and the alumni band also per- formed. Also the senior high, junior high and alumni bands played ‘‘March America’ together. As the second half of the game was about to start an airplane came in dropping off about 200 green ballons. Unfor- tunately, the wind condi- tions were not favorable. However, some of ballons did manage to land on the field and a good laugh was had by all, especially by Coach Deshler who later stated *‘I couldn’t believe my eyes.”’ Letter to editor Dear Editor: I would like to submit a complaint about the tiny pieces of paper from IBM cards which are thrown at the football games as the % Mr. Barry McFarland Behind the scenes by Melody Mumma At 8:00 a.m. on Friday, September 19, at least one Donegal High School teach- er was not in the classroom: Mr. Barry McFarland was appearing on the Captain Noah Show. Captian Noah is a children’s show which features various people in and mushrooms. Whether or not he is in the classroom has little effect on Mr. McFarland’s productivity. He is definitely and individual who uses his talents to the fullest extent. DID YOU KNOW... lenge. For me, it is a deep challenge, a position to represent the spirit of the school. First, a cheerleader is selected to a squad. Her responsibilities are many: she promotes school spirit, establishes healthy rivalries with other schools, urges | support of the team, and encourages the idea of good sportsmanship. These re- sponsibilities take time and dedication. A Cheerleader must accept the challenge to #@ seta good example because of being constantly watched. A Cheerleader’s duty requires much self-sacrifice along with inspiration, hu- mility, and love. There are many underlying factors that go along with the job of Cheering. Those many hard hours of practice, patience, yelling and giving it all you got. To me there is no greater honor than to be a cheer- leader; to wear the school colors and to represent the school in all the good things for which it stands. at Quebec by Melody Mumma Does eight days off from school to go ‘‘camping”’ sound inviting? Jim Landis, a freshman at D.H.S., son of Dr. and Mrs. Landis, is doing just that—only in a slightly different style. As a member of the Donegal Rangers, Jim is participat- ing in a 1775 re-enactment of Benedict Arnold’s march to Quebec. Approximately six hundred men from the northeastern United States are making the 250-mile trek from Portland, Maine to Quebec. The Rangers will ‘‘fight”’ the English 64th Regiment, commemorating Arnold’s battle with the English. The Donegal Rangers, in existence for only three months, has already partici- pated in the ‘‘Walk Through History’’ in Maytown and the Fort Frederick, Mary- land Craft Show. The "‘Bullit’’ starring Steve confetti. It is very annoying their professions. For ex- Dy Jeanie Piced bi ial $6 open McQueen. About 400 to myself and many other ample, the WPVI Show y Be Tes In conclusion, it takes a coutenniy Sour 35 Open students were in atten- people. The confetti lodges recently featured baseball ...That Juniors will be able special type of girl to be a = © anyone an » P ony dance. The movie was itself in handbags, clothes, players. Mr. McFarland to take the Preliminary ~~ genuine Cheerleader and at pated Lands che only sponsored by the Donegal hair, food and drinks. took his lathe to demon- Scholastic Aptitude Test and Donegal High School I can student), Mike Cohan of Coaches Association. Also, 1 think it is strate wood turning with ~ National Merit Scholarshi truly say that my squads : : : Saturday morning the necessary to point out that it different kinds of wood. Test at D.H.S. on Toksde possess that oxi . Wrightsville (the Sigehjcen hockey and soccer teams is very dangerous, and that A 1971 graduate of October 21 for a fee of $2.50. thing to make cheerleading Pat “Boas, Dean ee ker were defeated by the alum- when it is thrown, usually Millersville State College, The test is recommended for all that it is meant to be. ang Dennis Shoems Se ni. The Booster Club held a during cheering, it becomes Mr. McFarland has recently those who desire to go on to Anyone interested in Somme cider and doughnut sale and Jodged in people’s ears and completed a graduate an institution of higher the Broup ‘ean contact .h the wrestling team’s chicken eyes, and may be inhaled course in advanced wood- learning. Register in the. ns left for bar-be-que started at 1:30. The bar-be-que was a tremendous success. Before the football game, last years Homecoming Queen, Shar- on Grissinger, escorted by John Fellenbaum, crowned Kathy Beach the 1975 Homecoming Queen. Kathy's escort was Bob Barto. The other candidates Michele Arndt, aoe. FETE RE n- a SG me Bese =o v into the lungs. There is a school rule against throwing the IBM confetti at games. 1 would, therefore, like to remind students and parents of this fact. 1 would also like to remind everyone that throw- ing regular size confetti at games is fine. EE > 0. PF el haaes working. He is presently helping to reconstruct a log house for the Manheim Historical Society. A mem- ber of the Kutztown Folk Life Society and Historic Sheafferstown, Mr. McFar- land attends the town's folk festivals where he sells his wooden wares—Bible box- es, mortars and pestels, gavels, saffron boxes, eggs guidance office by October 10. ...That the Presbyterian- University of Pa. Medical Center will offer an over- night Nursing Orientation Course for any student (male or female) interested in a nursing career. Go to the guidance office at D.H.S. for registration forms. - - < ata “ a av a ava n EEF IBY ES RT TATE CETWRLEEE TILT SS 6 8 ro rr Portland, Maine early Thursday, September 25 to begin the march on the following day. Divided into twelve marches, the entire trip will consist of marching through towns while they are holding their bicenten- nial celebrations. The men will camp in tents and food will be supplied by the i a5 AE wR SAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers