Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Agenda for Mount Joy Boro Council meeting, October 13 The following is a propos- ed agenda for the Mount Joy Borough Council meeting to be held on Monday, October 13, at 7:30 p.m. 1. Review the proposed planned commercial deve- lopment of Witmer and McCoy at the Crossroads Church intersection. 2. Receive a request from Mr. Glenn Weaver of 212 Fairview Street to reconsid- er the decision on the Borough house. 3. Review the third quarter budget figures as presented by the Adminis- tration and Finance Com- mittee. 4. Consider adopting the ordinance requiring land- lords to register tenants for Per Capita Tax purposes. Bike Hike for scholarships The Donegal Education Association, composed of teachers in the Donegal District, is conducting a Bike Hike to provide scho- larship money for students who will be continuing their training next year after graduation from Donegal High School. The scholarship money will be available to students continuing their education in any line:learning a trade or skill, or going on to college. The Bike Hike will take place Sunday, October 19, from 1 to S p.m. in Wivell’s Lane off Route 23 and also at the Mount Joy Sportsmen’s Farm. In addition, there will be a hike from War Memorial Park in Marietta along the back road to Cargill's depot. Eugene Funk, teacher at Beahm Junior High School, is providing added incentive to participants by throwing down a challenge that he will ride further in the Bike Hike than anyone who wants to accept his challenge. Conditions of accepting Funk’s challenge are that those riding less distance than he contribute $5 each to the scholarship fund, and that he will likewise contri- bute $5 for anyone who bests his distance. Funk is presently in intensive daily training for the event. 2nd graders’ newsletter A newsletter was sent out recently by Joyce Evans and the second grade class at the Maytown Elementary School. This year Mrs. Evans will be sending home a monthly newsletter to keep the parents informed of all the activities. Second grade subjects include spelling, language, Farm McConnell Buildings Authorized Builder CALL ED LOCKARD ... 252-3611 EDGAR M. LOCKARD INC. 221 WALNUT WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. math, reading, writing, sci- ence, social studies, phon- ics, health, music, art and physical education. As you can see they are constantly on the move! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Evans at school. It is “your’’ room. Come in and visit them. They would love to have you see them in action. Sara Habecker Sara Habecker, nurse, is 90 by Hazel Baker Miss Sara Habecker, 120 Delta Street, Mount Joy, recently observed her 90th birthday with a quiet cele- bration. Born in Rohrerstown and living her younger years near Marietta, Miss Ha- becker graduated in 1902 from East Donegal High School. She pursued a nursing career and graduat- ed from Philadelphia Pres- byterian Hospital School of Nursing in 1917. dan A Building System Combining Weod and Steel For HIGHEST QUALITY At LOWEST COSY “Over 27 Years Of Experience” * The Mount Joy resident joined the Red Cross and served for one year assisting wounded World War | soldiers who were returned to this country for medical attention. After the war, Miss Habecker joined the staff of a Birmingham, Ala. hospital and then returned to her home town where she took a course in preparation for becoming a school nurse. However, she returned to the Philadelphia Presbyteri- an Hospital and served in the children’s social service until her official retirement in 1952. While in Birmingham, Miss Habecker was a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club, a past member of the Pennsylvania Nurses Asso- ciation, and the Mount Joy Presbyterian Church. She attributes her longevity to good doctors, and has a good sense of humor. At 90 she is still alert and full of humor. What a contribution to society she is! Sted Sto id “Tours of A. Bube's Brewery and Cate- combs by special re- servation until May 1, 1975.” SUNDAY DI Servedin WINNERS 11AM.te7 P00. | vor AAS October 8, 1975 Sk YOU HAD 2 MONTHS TO GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW YOU HAVE ONLY 1 whi MILLER’S Mobil’ SERVICE 271 WEST MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 426-3430 — = ry <TONEBRIDGE FAR Visit our New Retail Store 1% mi. S. of Mount Joy on Pinkerton Rd. Where we feature our own LOCA} BEEF, PORK, VEAL 2 LAMB} Complete Line of FROZEN FOODS \ * $7 Full Line of SEAFOOD ITEMS CUSTOM BUTCHERING Men. - Thurs, 8-5:30 - Fri, 8-8 — Sat... 8-5 PHONE 653-4087 John H. Brubakes i LILI LLL LALLA AALS LLL LATS S SSSA ASSIS LSS 0 of A A A SA Ad A I BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS Phone 653-8580 BETWEEN9 & 5 seco vnse Ml Ll Fl 2 LLLSLLSLS ILLS ILLS SL SS SL LSS SSSA ISS SSS SSS SSIS SS I lila rr : WET BASEMENT? WE HAVE DEHUMIDIFIERS SPANGLER APPLIANCE 40-42 WEST MARKET STREET MARIETTA Phone 426-3122 EMERGENCY EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES Saturday Afternoon Available Day & Night and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPITAL Norlanco Health Center 7th & Poplar (Mount Joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and Christmas week (50 issues per year) Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 Advertising Mgr. Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 News Editor Hazel Baker, 426-3643 Circulation Mgr. Judy Swab, 426-3159 Advertising Rates Upon Request Entered at the post office in,Marietta, Pa., as second class mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subse-intion Rate: $4 per year Vol. 75 No. 39 October 8, 1975 "s bth Pd AS ee a a Ct DM th pe he ed ee Pret ee
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