975 September 17, 1975 Mrs. Gingrich heads Conoy Bicentennial Mrs. Harrison Gingrich, Bainbridge, has been elect- ed president of the Conoy Township Bicentennial Committee. Others elected to fill official positions were: Mrs. Thomas Campbell as secre- tary, and Harrison Gingrich as treasurer. The committe will meet on the first Thursday of each month at St. Luke’s Luther- an Church in Bainbridge. The next meeting will be on September 18 at 7:30 to hear and discuss the findings of a special committee to select an official township bicen- tennial design. The mem- bers of the committee are Clement Squires, Richard Brooks and William Rhoades. Teacher certification courses at Middletown MIDDLETOWN, PA.-- Three courses necessary for teacher certification will be offered for the first time in the evening during the Fall term at Penn State-Capitol Campus. According to Dr. Ka Starkey, assistant professo of educational psychology, the evening classes are designed for the working person or housewife who can attend only after the work day. The education courses being offered are: Field observation, learning theor\ cea Seccocces oo cocees cocaec [= < a 0. nN o FCD 1237 In recent manufacturers’ tests, reported to AHAM, this model - the FCD-123T - proved that it delivered the lowest energy consumption rating of any 12 cu-ft refrigerator-freezer tested. TREC 7 COSTE GD # WHR Tu ASSUME OF “OTe ACURUY MUSIC Bos eas energy than any op Freezer 2) Refrigerator Freezer available today Refrigerator-Freezer oral GLER APPLIANCE-SOUND 40-42 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TEL.426-3122 and instructional proceed- ures, and social and cultural factors in education. Classes begin Sept. 24. Interested persons should contact Dr. Starkey at Penn State-Capitol Campus, Mid- dletown, Pa. 17057 or call (717) 787-7760. E-town Hosp. eNelkGY Sauer ei From Frigidaire! Last Thursday | three volunteers were given . special recognition at the i Elizabethtown Hospital for Children and Youth. Receiving singular ac- knowledgement were Carrie Ney of Mount Joy and Stella Rhoads, Hershey. Each has contributed over 2,000 hours of time, helping and work- ing with the patients at the Hospital. Mrs. Ney regular- ly assists in the younger boys playroom, and Mrs. Rhoads works in the out- patient clinic. Other volunteers to whom gratitude was expressed are Elizabethtown residents, Connie Brinton, 600 hours; | Mary Rhyne, 300 hours and Martha and Mary Saunder- son, each, 200 hours. Debora Cobaugh, Bain- bridge, and Kathy Loge- man, Wrightsville, also have given 200 hours of time and energy to hospital work. Others receiving thanks from Robert Brinton, Volun- teer Coordinator, for up- ward of S50 hours of volunteer service were Ca- thy Keener, Jeff Muller, Jane Heisey, Leisa Leger, David Myers, Lynn Smith and Mariann Wetzel, all from Elizabethtown; Amy Mount Joy; Beth Hoffsmith, Palmyra; Cheryl Stauffer and Carol Miller, Middle- town; Connie Zinn, Mari- etta; Becky Schreiber, Lititz and Joan Vozzella, Hershey. George and Jean Stotz from’ SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN—Page 7 MT. JOY 441 WEST MAIN STREET E-TOWN 840 NORTH HANOVER ST. MANHEIM MANHEIM SHOPPING CENTER .FRESH, FRYING CHICKEN LEG or BREAST QUARTERS Ry NO NECKSorGIBLETS GOV'T INSPECTED Ib WEIS... LEAN & MEATY ... FRESH PORK SHOULDERS SAVE 17¢0N SNOW'S MANHATTAN-STYLE CLAM CHOWDER A 7T9¢VALUE! McCORMICK BROWN GRAVY MIX SAVE 20¢ON SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1 2 POUND CAN SAVE 20¢0N WEIS QUALITY 14 oz. pkg. A 5T¢VALUE! SEVEN SEAS FAMILY-STYLE ITALIAN DRESSING = BOTTLE RICH'S FROZEN 1LB. BREAD DOUGH Sui IN PKG. LARGE 2 POUND PACKAGE! FREEZER QUEEN 25) SALISBURY STEAK = SO FRESH, JUICY MONEYDEW MELONS... (SAVE 87 TY (SAVE 10°) pk DUTCH PANTRY : fou: & SOUR DRESSING 8 oz. Bottle (Wis, 4 Offer Expires 9/24/7500 Coupon Per Fomily PICNIC STYLE 89: 3:41 49° so S39 S39 a PRO. 4 PANKETS : CHEERIOS 1 10 oz. Pkg. Otter Expres 9/24/75 One Coupon Per Family Dt Se NE ENR RS NR (SAVE 12‘: ) SAVE 15-: SAVE 12‘. IFSAVE 15°. : JELLO GELATIN i 409 SPRAY CLEANER i 4 Four 3 oz. Pkgs. 22 oz. Bottle >; § Ofer Expres 9/24/75 One Coupon Per Family bi Otter Expires 9/24/7500 Coupon Per Fomily TER RS Ge PE EE Em oe as wl Se Pe ue ee ml WE REDEEM U.S. GOV'T FOOD STAMPS-WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES & dase
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