975 September 17, 1975 . SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 15 sn MUIRE==Z A How to report | vounor's meat marker | 1 G75 HAN = ow to repo Cll wif bill Z (i h ni X - 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 oT ae ZA HH \- Ml discriminati i Open Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m StS ogra Bd ¥ : HILL EE LT IScrimination pen Daily 9 a.m. p.m. wh a i aq 2) Hr . 2] dit : Lo sire S Ice > == [} " : f ey HR | = oS Patrick Kenney, Jr., 532 | . ! =f NH: o il Lid If : West Essex Street, Mariet- * dA RH , WIE FER ta, Executive Director of the : | : . MN - Ji 18 ~ Lancaster City—Count od historic Wh ls Honey Reabicrs Conny Youndt’s Meat Ball Subs are the BEST!! Ys A. Bathe H : tee has asked that the as | HH Susquehanna Bulletin pub- an fireery ’ Hi & | lish the following statement: % i & @ i a 1] ETE “Discrimination because 0 : 1! i. i] : of race, color, religious in afarom 8, 1d creed, ancestry, sex, age “National Register of Historic Places’ . HE i ‘Registered Historical Landmark" i (40—62), national origin, handicap, disability or use id Well informed tour guides explain the many facets of brewing in the upper and of guide dogs because of ee lower levels of Lancaster County's oldest blindness, is PROHIBITED . v brewery. Giant vats are still in ithi i i ’ the Lagering Cellar. The Raisin - m Pennsylvania. . . placed in wooden casks in order to age for a Unequal opportunity in 0 l 7 5 e, period of 30 days before being drawn off into : oo employment, commercial > smaller kegs which were stored 43 feet below the Lunches—11 to 2; Dinners—S5 to 9 housing, place of public ree! J4tace, Jembergii ve rernuing around 50 de- Monday thru Thursday—S5 to 9 accommodation. 1974 VOLVO Series 142 $3995 4 TOURS DAILY MAY § TUNOVEMBER 1 Friday and Saturday—S5 to 10 “Any person who be- 1974 CHEV. Pick-up with cap $2895 : 102 N. Market St., Mt. Joy, Pa SUNDAY DINNERS fieves he or she has been i 1973 GRAN TORINO coupe $2995 (1 block back of Post Office) Served in First Floor Dining Room Wnlawiully. discrinminaied a P % : Phone 653-2056 11 A.M. to 7P.M. gainst should contact: Lan- 1971 PO NTIA C LeM ans $2195 T, caster City-County Human 1971 FORD $1695 Ey Relations Committee, 432 South Duke Street, Lancas- ter, Pa., 17602; telephone [A. & A. AUTO SALES] 394-4331 or 394-4681." Phone: 653-4831 [located next to Mount Joy Citgo] om RE ae ER AIEEE GENERAL AUCTION ~ 42E FRONTST., I by BAINBRIDGE—MAYTOWN = Lb Es ROTARY CLUB SENN ITO 2. Births SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1975 ar 4 BAINBRIDGE FIRE HOUSE—12:30 p.m. RUN Taines Dist NEW AND USED ITEMS Son, Doin oe, Soe Chore Master Garden Tractor, David Bradley tractor, 3 field Garden Apts., No. 113, disc, plow, and drag, B&W riding mower, bubble glass Mount ; Joy, a son at St. panes, used doors, used window sash, slatted shutters, Joseph's Hospital, 9/7. panel shutters, used window screens, used screen EX AARRARRARNTRARARET ARRAY, doors, wooden barrel, strawberry barrel, sink, plastic Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hershey : pipe, used motors, clothes rods, old glass, metal and FACTORY (Debra Horton), 139 W. 112 W. Market St., Marietta wood door knobs, old blue glass canning jars, lawn Market St., Mount Joy, a Daily 9—5:30, Fri. 9—9 gate, old marble fire place front, T.V. antenna, used daughter at General Hospi- T.V.’s, used radios, new and used furniture, trivets, OUTLET tal, 973. indoor banister rail and pickets, and other items too Me Me Ben td BANK AMERICARD numerous to mention. r. & Mrs. Dennis Good- MASTER CHARGE Anyone wishing to donate items may bring them to BED hart (Gail Sumpmen), 53 4, the Bainbridge Fire House Saturday morning, SPREADS Vista Drive, Maytown, a September 20, 1975, or for pick-up call 426-3021 or daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, 9/10. Ok from the auction will go toward the DRAPES purchase of playground equipment for Bainbridge. LINCOIN HI-WAY 's MILE EAST OF Mr. & Mrs. Earl Herr COLUMBIA TURN SOUTH ON OSWEGO DRIVE (Sharon Miller), Maytown, a SAVE 20% -50% daughter at General Hospi- tal, 9/10 DAILY 9-6, FRI. 9-9, SAT.9-5 ? : FOOD BY LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE FIRE CO. (684-6341) World-Famous Full Size Hoover Convertible Upright Cleaner *54.49 Reg. $74.95 H. (ABE) SHAFFNER; AUCTIONEER Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Lichty (Gily Guerrero), 442 Martin Ave., Mount Joy, a son at General Hospital, 9/10. HAMBURG PATTIES - 5 Ibs. $4.95 KUNZLER ALL BEEF FRANKS $1.19 GRADE AA BUTTER $1.05 3 DID YOU HEAR.... i Thomas and David Har- POTATOES - 10 Ibs. 95¢ op UL os Dy Hay ” er have recently returne WE HAVE BAUM’S BOLOGNA lee DAIRY ¢= from California and taken up residence in Maytown. Fresh Dipped Ice Cream Ralph M. Hostetter, Prop. Sundaes - Shakes 1 mile east of Mt. Joy along Mt. Joy Rd. Cones - Pints - Quarts Open Mon. thru Sat. 9 AM - 10 PM Closed Sunday Phone 653-5155 Hershey, where he is a systems analyst. David is YOGURT - WHIPPING CREAM - COTTAGE CHEESE B associated with State Capi- Tom is taking a position with Hershey Foods, Inc., \ It beats as it sweeps as it «' 1s! 4 Cleans SHAGS and low pile, too! gg » ; BUTTERMILK - SOUR CREAM tol Savings and Loan in Edge Cleaning! AV CHOCOLATE & SKIM MILK Harcivbury, CVT VTE 0ST RETMTT AEE AAKXEAAEAAAAEAAAARAAAAAARAAARAAAAERARA AAA AARAAAA AANA ARAN AA AAA ANARYE Born NX NN NY MNENEENNENNNN EN ENE NNER RENN ENE ENN NNN ENE NNN NN \. FRUIT PUNCH, LEMON—LIME, GRAPE Model 4005 v s ORANGE, ICED TEA — all only They are the sons ofMrs. oF 85c¢ gailon, 45c half gallon Sally Shirk a Cutler, Maine, . % Ww h formerly of Bainbridge, and Sngy save th dsons of Mrs. \ \ WEAVER’S CHICKEN CROQUETTES CW Mo or oo CHICKEN TURNOVERS ok BATTER DIPPED & DUTCH FRY a. 2 — ! nad “ atssasRAnA Les mon megs] Se XA, kA RX AR XXX ARARLRAAN LR R 8.8.82
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers