Septemb Page 2—SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN p er 10, 1975 a = Bicentennial = ball, April *76 i a by Hazel Baker The Bicentennial Ball has been set for April of 76 by the Marietta, Maytown, East Donegal Bicentennial committee. To be held in the Riverview Elementary School, the event will include instruction in Colon- ial dances by a respresenta- tive of Arthur Murry Studios; costume contest; possibly a Bicentennial King and Queen contest; and a \ DOWN TO YOU HAD 3 MONTHS TO GET YOUR CAR INSPECTED NOW YOU HAVE ONLY 2 : MILLER’S | Colonial food dish. Mobil SE RVICE Mrs. Robert Spangler is ; - in charge of food; Mrs. 271 WEST MARLEY STREET. MARIETTA ; Michael Abel, of decora- tions; and Mrs. Ralph Youtz, in charge of tickets. The committee met in the Maytown Reformed social hall with the president Dennis Shumaker. Suggestion boxes have been placed in banks, and Spangler’s Laundromat for residents to place their suggestions for the birthday celebration. / J. C. Shank is rescued from the roof of the Maytown Fire Hall. Fire companies practice rescue techniques Firemen from Elizabethtown, Rheems, Bainbridge and Maytown participated in a rescue drill in Maytewn last week. . The volunteer ‘‘victims’’ were Bill Nagy, J.C. Shank, Kip Embly, Brian Gerber, Bill Kanoff, Kenny Henry, Jim Prowell, Wilbur Myers, John Kerschner, Frank Splain, Jr. and Jerry The October 2 meeting SEAFOOD SPECIAL &= TUES., WED. NITES Miller. > ill be held on the first every. 0 oe ei ne ue PRIME RIB SPECIAL £ THURS. NITE the Donegal Church. IN THE LOUNGE ~~ APPEARING EVERY THURS.-FRI.-SAT. N FRANKIE WIDDER QUARTET L WITH GLORIA CHARMAINE Cl Two fire calls EVERY THURS. NITE IS LADIES NIGHT F . AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTES 441 & 4] th in Mount Joy AT MARIETTA PH. 426-116: B August 30 at 6:46 P.M., : nN Friendship Fire Co. an- swered an alarm for a c¢ ’ fire on Route 230 ot Sericlor LLL : OLE U LE T: Road. The fire was Beer & Ale N. controlled by a passereb : ii a fire yy ; LL a SLL Drinks ot Rate CCN 10 Decatur St., Marietta — 426-3918 owned by Emanuel Ian ra sanah of Harrisburg. Estimated damage was $50.00. The department | was in service 31 minutes. LANCASTER A : Friendship also answered _- a chimney fire on August 31 COUNTY at 9:38 P.M., on Marietta i Ave. The owner, Doug FARM DINER I Estock, reported the fire M when debris in the flue ¢ caught fire. Damage was M 0 RGASB ORD o estimated at $285.00. The p.m, co company was in attendance BAN QUET th 32 minutes. FACILITIES p Phone 717-367-6956 . bok L Rt. 230 One Mile East of Elizabethtown th ur Bur gl ary at EMERGENCY EMERGENCY Bolens, : MEDICAL CALLS MEDICAL SERVICES R Gilberts Saturday Afternoon Available Day & Night ; : : and Sunday COLUMBIA HOSPITAL ey AVE § Bill Gilbert's garage was Dr. Ephraim Awad 7th & Poplar Ro = burglarized last weekend. (Mount Joy Area Only) (Emergency Entrance) of A . MT D The thief broke a window Ba he) riens, in the back door and stole 4 Sa new G-78-14 tires. T 1 SAVE! SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN P A ®s ‘ Susquehanna Times & The Mount Joy Bulletin Bu h - Sub sale Box 75A, R. D. 1, Marietta, Pa. 17547 Published weekly on Wednesday except 4th of July and lawn E Garden Equipme nt by Hazel Baker Christmas week (50 issues per year) The Lutheran Church Publisher - Nancy H. Bromer, 426-2212 or 426-1707 Women, of Zion Lutheran Advertising Mgr. Nancy Bromer, 426-2212 k BRANDT'S MOWER SHOP | Sri: | oon odoin : aturday, : ; September 13th. Orie Circulation Mgr. Judy Swab, 426-3159 oo may be placed with any Advertising Rates Upon Request F DONEGAL SPRINGS ROAD member or by contacting the Entered at the post office in Marietta, Pa., as second class th MOUNT JOY, PENNA. co-chairpersons Mrs. W. R. mail under the Act of March 3, 1879. _— PHONE 653-5795 May or Mrs. J. R. Baker by Subscription Rate: $4 per year and September 11. Vol. 75 No. 35 September 10; 1975 libr
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