page 14 SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN New officers chosen by Welcome Wagon BY Wendy Gentile At the last meeting of the Mount Joy Welcome Wagon after all business was concluded, the traditional installtion ceremony began under the direction of acting hostess Teresa Rissmiller. The ceremony included a rose presentation and the symbolic lighting of the candles. Duties were handed down to the new officers. A gold charm was presented to Cherie Dillow for dedicated service and leadership as president this last year. Mrs. Dillow expressed her appreciation to all the women for their contribu- tions of time, talents, and hard work towards bettering their club and community. Sporting a membership of 63, the women organized a Bazaar and Bake Sale, a circus; they sold candles, visited Schock’s and Rheems Nursing Homes. They contributed to the Mount Joy Library and Playground, Meals on wheels, the Mt. Joy-Florin Ambulance Fund, the Hershey Medical Center, and the Ed and Jean Forry Fund. Along with the work, the club enjoyed a Wine and Cheese Social, ar ‘Oldie’s but Goodies’ Dance, dinner at Groff’'s Farm, two bowling parties, and an upcoming trip to Mt. Gretna for dinner and a play. What a terrific year!!! Special thanks to all--from Cherie. Other business included the presentation of a special award to Mr. Jack Liput, manager of the Mt. Joy Legion, as an expression of thanks for outstanding services rendered to the Club throughout the year. Also, Judy Miller has cancelled her craft classes for the summer. Those persons going to Mt. Gretna, please be at the Weis Market, Weds. June 18, promptly at 5:45 p.m. The newly elected officers are-President, Lois Phalen;) First-Vice President-Thelma Rankin; Second-Vice 'president-Faye Rintz; Secretary-Denise Brady; Treadurer-Barb Sheirer; Historian-Joanne Fry. The following chairmen and co-chairmen were appointed: socials—Janice Shelley; Ways and means-Diane Smith; Publicity-Susan Back; Newsletter-Sharon Roberts and Judy Novinger; Sunshine-Ethel Golandris; community — Lee Bick- ford; Yearbook-Joan Gregory and Sharon Corbin; Telephone-Sandy Landry and Cheri Tobin; Member- ship-Wendy Gentile and Linda Rice; Crafts-Judy Miller and Ruth Moore; Bazaar-Ruth Moore; Hospitality-Faye Rintz. A joint board meeting was held Wednesday, May 28 at the Mount Joy Legion. The new Board members will meet for the first time July 23, 8 p.m. at Louis Phalen’s. Tentative dates and programs will be set up for the upcoming year. All members are urged to attend. In conclusion: Let is welcome our new neighbors and members with warmth, friendship, and concern; maintain these qualities with each other through the months to follow.” Direct from Pres. Louis Phalen. Good Luck, everyone! Top:Barb Sheirer, Linda Fox, Denise Brady, Joanne Fry;bottom:Lois Phalen, Thelma Rankin Lee Bickford, Warren Hayman, Cherie Dillow, Don Alle- man, Ruth Moore, Helen Hamilton, Father Whitesel Four causes aided by Welcome Wagon for their various contribu- tions to the fund raising: Mount Joy Welcome Wa- gon last week presented checks to four causes in Mount Joy from money which the organization had raised with a circus and other activities. A check for $500 was presented to Father Donald M. Whitesel for the Mount Joy Library. Warren L. Hayman accep- ted a check for $134 in behalf of the Playground Association. Don Alleman received a check for $75 for the Friendship Fire Company’s Ambulance Fund. Helen Hamilton accepted a check for $25 for the Meals on Wheels program. The checks were present- ed by Cherie Dillow of Welcome Wagon. Previously Welcome Wa- gon had donated $150 to the library and $100 to the Forry Fund. Welcome Wagon wishes to express its gratitude to the following organizations Darrenkamp Candy Store, Eicherly’s Mens Shop, Greer’'s Jewelry Store, Hostetter Hardware, Jack Horner Shoes, J.B. Hostetter, Koser’s Jewelry Mari-Go-Round. Martin’s S & 10, Mummau'’s Firestone, Sipling’s Pet Shop, Sloan’s Pharmacy, Western Auto Store. Also Mount Joy Borough government, the two Fire comapnies, Engle Printing, Susquehanna Bulletin, G.C. Murphy, and the Grand- view, Seiler, Elm Tree, and Donegal High schools. The businesses sponsored advertising, the borough and fire companies coopera- ted, the publishers provided articles. G. C. Murphy provided a window display, Western Auto was ticket headquarters, the grade schools held poster contests, and the high shcool provi- ded printing. Dean’s List at Lebanon Valley includes four local students Katherine A. Bromer, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Bromer, R.D. I, Marietta, Robert W. Longe- necker, son of Mr. L. W. Longenecke, R.D. 4, Man- heim, Debra M. Meckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Meckley, 104 Marietta St., Mount Joy, and Frank C. Hummert, Jr., son of Mrs. Shirley A. Hummert, R.D. 4, Eliza- bethtown, were placed on the Dean’s List at Lebanon Valley College in Annville. The students earned grade-point averages of 3.3 out of a possible 4 points to attain this distinction. MARIETTA CITGO CITGO GAS — GROCERIES OPEN 5:30 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. DAILY SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. -6:00 P.M. Ed Reeves, Prop. Phone 426-3863 East End — Route 441 - Marietta June 11, 1975 Welcome To Mount Joy's First Jug Milk Store Located — 1 mile east of Mount Joy along Manheim Road or on Route 283 take Manheim Exit, go toward Mount Joy % mile A complete Title Retail Store PASTEURIZED & HOMOGENIZED MILK *]115 SKIM MILK EGGS CHOCOLATE MILK POTATOES FRUIT DRINKS SNACK ITEMS ICE CREAM GROCERIES Fresh Dipped Ice Cream Cones 16 Exotic Flavors Closed Sunday OPEN 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. - Mon. thru Sat. STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT “seas Most Unusual Center” ORANGE ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. Newly Remodeled Air Conditioned Hours 7-11, 7 Days a Week 20 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1486 I Sr hh SCHMIDT PLUMBING MOUNT JOY & HEATING LEGION Repairs - Alterations ~ (2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass) Sewers - Water Heaters Baths HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED & t SERVICED. : EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 SO JACK FRANK AND THE MAJORS Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 { bn. ae ) TLL > 9 § Ibberson’s > CARPET FOR HOME & CAR a 1660 S. MARKET ST. fsmwlir: 117A BETHTOWN, PENNA. Oo Open 9 to 5:30 Mon., Thurs.. Fri.9t0 9 Wis oh) 17022 : Creative Carpetry YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET 119 E. Market St., Marietta — 426-1245 Mon. - Friday OPEN Saturday DAILY Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Always Good Meats At Good Prices ! TN WANT TO SAVE MONEY??? CALL ME BEFORE YOU BUY A WATER SOFTENER AMMON SMITH 653-1159 SM¥TH WATER CONDITIONING CO. E 807 West Main Street Mount Joy ) , Pooesie's Key & Lock ] ir ai a | A ad Fas oo) ph ao CD ®t CF bd FF ftom Cl IA AN oe a Py
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