75 May 14, 1975 Free blood pressure check The State Health Depart- ment and the Visiting Nurses Association are cooperating with the Lancaster Chapter of the American Heart Association during May with a month long effort to educate the public about hypertension. The following sites will be available for area residents who wish to have their blood pressure checked as a preventive measure. The blood pressure check itself takes only a few minutes, and no prior appointment is necessary. May 15, 1 - 3 p.m., Marietta Community House; May 17, 2 - 4 p.m., Marietta Community House and Sloan’s Pharmacy, Mount Joy. The program is primarily one of detection. Persons screened and found to be at risk from high blood pressure will be referred to their doctor for further testing and treatment. Year round free blood pressure screenings are held at 246 West Orange St. from 2 - 4 p.m. every Friday except holidays. ONLY 4 ENDORSED REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR We solicit all voters to cast their 4 votes for SCHOOL DIRECTOR for the following men, who among them have the talents of years of active service in your school district, business diversification and youth. Richard A. Umbenhauer We would appreciate if you would take 30 minutes of your time to go to your place of voting on election day TUESDAY, MAY 20th and cast your vote for us. The interest of your children and fast growing community were and will be our obligation. Donegal Republican Committee — Richard F. Divet, Chairman; Helen Hardish, Treasurer SUSQUEHANNA BU LLETIN — Page 15 PASC JO ATR IRRS) STEHMAN’S LAUNDROMAT “sbrea’s Hoot Unusual Center” 125 Orange Street, Florin Ward The Heart Association's blood pressure screenings and educational program will continue throughout the year. For more information about the screenings on high blood pressure, contac the American Heart Association, Lancaster Pennsylvania Chapter, Inc. 393-4781. .10:00 7 Dy y open 7 Will GUARANTEE your clothes to be the cleanest, brightest, freshest ever. Whey? Our washers feature 2 Wash Cycles and 3 Rinse Cycles MOTHERS DAY DINNER by Hazel Baker A Mother’s Day covered dish dinner was served by members of the Social Affairs Commi ttee of Zion Lutheran Church, Marietta, on that day. Prizes were awarded to the oldest mother present, Mrs. Rebecca Kaegel; youngest mother, Mrs. Larry Gillham; | the mother traveling the greates distance, Mrs.Mir- iam Mummau; the mother having the most grandchild- ren, Mrs. Mervin Linard; the | mother with her wedding, anniversary closest to May 11, Mrs George Kibler; and the mother with a birthday, on this date, Mrs. W. R.|EBNSZJLRNR May. RO A NS +» Ample Parking v FREE TV wv» Play area for children (inside & Outside) v» You can wash more for less $ $ §. v SOFT WATER Where? v* Roomy, clean atmosphere » FREE SOAP v Lounge Area +» FREE COFFEE & TEA + Bachelor Service THERE ARE FOR A SIX (6) YEAR TERM: Past 9 years as your school director of Donegal School District . . .Life resident of area. . .Presently serving as Vice President of Vo-Tech Joint Operating Committee. . .Chairman of Education- Personnel Committee. . .Experienced educator of 19 years. . . Member of national, state, and local historical organizations. . . Member of Zion's Church (United Church of Christ) Marietta and teacher of the Young Adult Class. . .Past member of Mari- etta Jaycees. . .Playground supervisor 8 summers in district. Past 6 years as your school director of Donegal School Dis- trict. . .Life resident of area. . .Presently serving as chairman of the Policy Finance Committee, Bldg., Maintenance and Proper- ty Committee and Vice Chairman of the Legislative Council of P.S.B.A. for Donegal School District. . .Served 6 years on the Donegal School Authority. . .Regional Sales Manager, Pioneer Hi-Bred Inc... .Director, Advisory Board National Central Bank, Mount Joy, Pa. . .. Director, Mount Joy Savings & Loan Assoc- iation . . . Member of Mount Joy Church of God and Teacher of the Post Hi-Class . . . Member of the Mount Joy Lions Club and a Past President. Jere R. Duke FOR A TWO (2) YEAR TERM: Past 2 years as your school direc- tor of Donegal School District. . . 15 year resident of area. . .Present school board representative to Lancaster Coun- ty Tax Bureau. .. Corporate Secretary and Managing Accountant, Lancaster Malleable Castings Co. 13 years. . . Pre- sently Treasurer, Mount Joy Athletic Association and midget-midget base- ball coach . . . Treasurer and Director Donegal Braves Midget Football . . President, Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy choir . . . Past President, Trinty Lutheran Church Council . . . Former director, Lancaster chapter, National Association of Accountants . . . Member of other professional and occupational societies. Attorney with Nikolaus and Hohenadel in Marietta and Mount Joy. . .Married to Joyce, Elementary Guidance Counselor for the Elizabethtown Schools. . .Resides at 222 W. Front St., Marietta. . .Member of the Marietta Lions, East Donegal Twp. Jaycees, and Zion U. C. C. Church in Marietta. . .Former student teacher at Manheim Central and substitute at William Penn Schools. . .Craduate of Franklin & Marshall College and Villan- ova University School of Law. . .Currently student at Temple University Law School - Graduate Division, Taxation. . Active duty with U. S. Navy. THANK YOU
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