Page 12 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Bill Brown makes things by Jean Adrian William “Bill”’ Brown of 48 East Front Street, Mari- etta is<a very talented man in the eyes of his comrades. His skill is known to his associates at U. S. Alumin- um, where he works. Bill uses his skills to make furniture. He strives to- ward simplicity and sturdy work. He takes a lot of time and pride in his work to make it to perfection. The table and benches in his home have gone through the Flood of ‘72, and are still in excellent shape. A- mong his pieces of work are a Butter Churn Coffee Table and a Wagon Seat Coffee Table, which are used in his home. For the past years he has made and sold some of his products. Legion Aux. At its scheduled monthly meeting on May 6th, the American Legion Auxiliary of Libhart-Dyer Post #197 Bainbridge, initiated plans for a Sarah Coventry Fashion Show and a craft sale combined. It will be held at the Post home on Front Street, Bainbridge, on May 19 trom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The public is invited to view the He has a very vivid work- shop in the basement of his home. It is very inclusive and he takes a lot of pride in it. It includes a large number of tools and saws, which he uses skillfully. He makes everything from gun cabinets to cradles. His work shows the real grain of the wood, and brings out its natural beau- ly. He recently gave his daughter a beautifully con- structed Hope Chest, which she takes great pride in. He is now working on a project for an area Bicen- tennial organization. You wouldn’t be .sur- prised to hear him hard at work if you pass by his house. fashion show sale items which can be purchased. Home crafts made by local persons will also be offered for sale. For those who wish an outlet for selling these items call Mrs. C. J. McCarty at 426-1349, president of the organization or bring contributions to the Post Home between 1 and 1:30 p.m. on sale day. MYO plans by K. L. Fry Maytown Youth Organiza- tion had its monthly meeting on April 28th. M.Y.O. plans to have a stand at the Memorial Day Flea Market in Maytown. Please look for it and support the M.Y.O. The May meeting will be held on May 19 at 8:30, a week ahead of the regular date and time. The public is invited to attend meeings; The M.Y.O. would welcome more participation by towns people. RED CROSS ANOUNCES ANNUAL MEETING Public notice is hereby given that the Annual Meet- ing of the Lancaster County Chapter, American National Red Cross will be held on Tuesday, May 20, at 1 p.m. at the Red Cross Chapter House, 430 West Orange Street, Lancaster. Those planning to attend are requested to contact the Red Cross Office at 299-5561. Flags Flags for decorating the graves of Lancaster County Veterans, are available at the County Court House, East King and North Duke Sts., and the Veterans Affairs Office, 900 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. PRE-GRADUATION OFFER W ¥ $ ¥ * * HH 3 W* ra 3% * W % #* ¥ ¥* $* 5 % 3 AGGUTRON : "World's Finest Timepiece” * : Men’s & Ladies’ Alike * # » * # HW 3 He # # # WH +# # # #* * i over 70 styles to choose from We Specialize in Fine Diamond Greer’s Jewelry Store 87 EAST MAIN MOUNT JOY oko alloloiok doko 4 c A) sk skeokskk sedleokokedkeskeok ok Sede kk she she sk she soe she soles sk kof she sk sk oko sk keke sk * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Elementary Spring Concert, May 20 The ninth annual spring concert will be presented May 20, at Riverview Ele- mentary School, Marietta, at 7:30 p.m. Under the Direc- tion of Morrell Shields, the members are selected from the four elementary schools in the Donegal District. The band program will include the following numbers: ‘‘The House of the Rising Sun,” ‘arranged by Dale Lauder; “*Charade,’’ Henry Mancini; “Two Tunes for Tooters,”’ arranged by John Kinyon; ‘Songs of the Sage,’’ arran- ged by John Kinyon; ‘‘The Candy Man,” Lesle Bri- cusse-Anthony Newley; “Mighty Mac,”” Lloyd Con- ley; ‘‘Matchmaker,”” Jerry Bock; ‘‘Sabre Dance,’’ Aram Khachaturian; ‘‘Showcase For Showoffs,’” arranged by Dale Lauder; ‘‘Blue Velet,”’ Bernie Wayne; ‘‘Turkish March,” Ludwig Van Beeth- oven and ‘‘Brothers Two,” arranged by John Kinyon. The sixth grade chorus will present a varied program of popular songs at the concert under the direction of John Eyer and Pat Enos. 90 flutophone players from the four elementary schools will also participate. Art displays at Riverview will be arranged by the Art instructors Marion Heisey and Sue Folly and are in relation to the spring con- cert. BLOOD SCREENING Mrs. Rick Smedley, Jr., and Miss Jennie Heistand will conduct a blood pressure clinic at the Marietta Com- munity House on Friday, May 16, from 2 to 4 p.m. The check is free to the public. PRESSURE SCHOOL LUNCHES AVAILABLE TO SENIOR CITIZENS The Donegal School Board at its April 17, 1975 meeting voted to make school lunches available to all senior citizens of the Donegal School District for the adult lunch price of 60 cents daily. The only re- quest is that the building cafeteria manager be noti- fied at least 24 hours be- fore the lunch date, and that any groups be of re:- sonable size on any given date. The daily menus are published in some area news- papers weekly, as well as available from the building offices. The usual hours for cafeteria operation are 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., al- though this may vary slight- ly in each district building. A senior citizen for this pro- gram is defined as age 65 and older, the same as for our district golden age acti- vity passes. R. F. Hallgren Superintendent rE IN YY Members of the all ele- mentary band will present a similar program at Branford Conn., on June 12th. The members will leave from Donegal High School on June 11, and will visit Tarrytown, New York enroute. The Castle, Washington Irving's birthplace and restoration will be among the highlights of the tour. The students will spend the night at the school and each will receive break- fast and lunch for traveling for the return trip. Members of the all ele- mentary band are: Flutes - Donna Hay, La Tisha Bar- nitz, Lynn Hart, Maxine Maxwell, Susan Malik, Erika Nissley, Kaye Wolgemuth, Cindy Peifer; Clarinets Nancy Peterman, Rodney Fellenbaum, Karen Mum- maw, Nancy Kreider, Diane Martin, Susan Russell, Sher- ry Derr, Tracey Geib, Joan Garber, Casey Wagner, Kim McKain, Ann Eicherly, Allen Brian, Craig Roper; Bass Clarinets - Sherry Frey and Brian Newcomer; Also Saxo- May 14, 1975 phones - Tom Hatt, Joe Palmer and Robert Flana- gan; Tenor Saxophone - Lonnie Earhart; Cornets - Dean Brian, Phil Landis, John Scheuling, Robert Zei- ters, Tom Pekaro, Scott Thome, Jay Garber, Phil Peters, Lester Reiner, Phil Mellinger; Horns - Phil Speckler, David Winters, Sinia Young, Jan Hess: Trombones - Curtis Heller, Billy Cox, Ricky Longeneck- er, Scott Brandt, Scotty Maguire; Baritone - John Kerschner; Bass - Kathy Maguire; Percussion - Mary Ruhl, Cindy Robinson, Mike Frey, Scott Hoover. MIDGET FOOTBALL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Donegal Braves Midget Football Par- ent’s Club will be held today, Wednesday, at 7 p.m. in the Mount Joy Restaurant. Plans for the upcoming season will be under consideration. All interested parents are urged to attend. Flute recital Five Flute students of Mrs. Sylvia M. Weaver presented a flute recital in the afternoon of May 4 at the Weavers’ home at 212 Fairview Street, Mount Joy. The five girls presented were the following: Beth Prowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Prowell, Jr. of Maytown who played ‘‘On Wings of Song,’’ by Mendel- ssohn and ‘‘Dancing Doll”, by Poldini; Lisa Mummaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Mummaw of Mount Joy who played a ‘‘Sonatina’’ by Kuhlau and ‘‘Rustic Dance’ by Howell; Patty Jo Cranford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cranford who played a ‘‘Sonatina’’ by Clementi and ‘‘The Way We Were!’ by Hamlisch; Debra Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ross of Mount Joy who played ‘‘Andante and Allegro’ by Reid and ‘‘Allegro’”’ by Loeillet; and Christine Spickler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Spickler of Mount Joy who played ‘‘Concertino’’ by Chaminades. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Weaver following the recital. l Naa WANT TO SAVE MONEY??? CALL ME BEFORE YOU BUY A WATER SOFTENER AMMON SMITH 653-1159 SMITH WATER CONDITIONING CO. 807 West Main Street Tor \ Mount Joy J AAA SAA AAA AAA A + Vegetable & Flower . Plants Columbia Hardware, Marietta Fodohote EEN ES EBLE bid hE : Lh RR te Ce ad pn a 28 eR Loh © PE a Se RE OR Baa hy Sa * RES Ean RE { a SE PR
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