May 7, 1975 Bicentennial officers elected Officers have been elected for the Marietta, Maytown, East Donegal Bicentennial Committee with Dennis Shu- maker, president, Dr. John H. Brown, 1st vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Hazel Crank- shaw, 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Robert Lombard, se- cretary and the Rev. John Hiestand, treasurer. Committees named by the executive committee are: parade - Don Simmons, Ron Morris and john Penyak; liason with local organiza- tions, Robert Spangler; tours, Mike Abel, Mary Sarver and the Rev. Paul historic research, Mrs. Robert Vanderslice, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Umbenhauer and WO 00 0000S RONNSROSOLNNROONIRSSISS 5940990800000 000000088000008 B= PAGE CORPORATION 430 LOCUST ST., COLUMBIA ‘The Reliable Renovators” Prompt Renovations to YOUR Specifications. CUSTOM KITCHENS - PATIOS SANDBLASTING - PANELING PAINTING - WALL to WALL CARPET 684-6981 Phone qc 9575 ree ecs essen hardtop, loaded. auto., PB ALLLLLELLELE ELLE LLL LEC EEE EEE LE LT TE LO CT CL en — WE INSTALL OUR OWN QUALITY WORK For USED CARS “74 MATADOR, air, PS, radio, auto. ‘73 PLYMOUTH Scamp, 20,000 mile, like new, 2 dr. ‘13 CHEVY Nova, less than 13,000 mile, H, PS, ‘73 RENAULT R15, R&H, auto., air, PB, 22,000 mi. ‘13 MATADOR, air, PS, auto., radio ‘71 RENAULT R16, R&H, auto., sun roof ‘70 MAVERICK, 6 cyl., 3 spd., 2 dr. 3 RENAULT R10°s TO CHOOSE FROM WISSLER MOTORS Route 230 West, % Mile West of Mgunt Joy PHONE 653-2091 Prompt pt Estimates Free SPANGLER’S RELOCATION SALE iSup er sell-out savings on TVs, Stereos, Radios & Small Appliances. i ‘Eve rythi f n g m ust GOnavsasnnsnaysurhiabiciiiee to Baugaing St WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING IN OUR NEW MODERN APPLIANCE & LAUNDRY CENTER AT 40-42 W. MARKET IN MARIETTA Jigar APPLIANCE & SOUND 30-36 W. MARKET ST., MARIETTA Mrs. hazel Crankshaw, re- storation associates; special events, Patrick Kenney, Jr. Bill Endslow; arts and crafts, Mrs. Jack Shaub, Dennis Drager and Senior citizens; Religion, Father Red and Rev. Marsteller; Community Chorus, Mrs. George Bryant; Foot Com- mittee, Mrs. Robert Spang- ler, Mrs. Joseph Carroll, and Mrs. John Brown; Decora- tions and Booths, Mrs. Mike Abel and Bill Volk; Local militia, Charles Hiestand and Dennis Shumaker; Market- ing, Henry and Jane Sch- losser; Public Relations, Ralph Miller, Jayne Howell, Helen Wivell and Hazel Baker. Dog likes watermelon Susie, a 14-year-old Ger- man Shepherd dog owned by Edward S. Billett, Sr.. Marietta, loves watermelon She also likes carrots tomatoes, bananas, apples. and celery. Billett raised Susie ever since she was 3 days old nursing her with a baby bottle. Susie has apparent: ly found a deep attachment to Billett, even to the point of liking the same kinds of food Billett likes. 5 0 5 SD 5 6 SN GN EN GH OND 0 NO CNN GND GD 45D GS ND NS GEO GN NO GR GOOD Gn GN SRY x DID YOU KNOW... John Presto, part time student in communication arts at Elizabethtown Coll- ege, has been named general manager in charge of sales and advertising at Swope’s Factory Mistakes Furniture Outlet in Mount Joy. John, a 1969 graduate of Donegal High School. is studying advertisingin media and will receive credit for graduation through this job. DID YOU HEAR... ‘The Maytown Fire Com- pany is planning, also, to serve a roast beef dinner at the Fire Hall on Mother’s Day, May 11. The dinner will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary from 11 a.m. Mrs. Hopf cuts with SCISSOors Mrs. Claudia Hopf of Mount Joy will demonstrate Scherenschnitte (scissor cut- ting, Friday, May 9, at the Lancaster Heritage Antiques Show at the Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. Mrs. Hopf is chairman of demonstrations, lecturesand exhibits at the show, which runs May 9,10, and 11. THE FRUIT S140 12ALIAS 2ERR PHONE: 426-1805 [ 5 EA | SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 3 Tonya Reincke and Mayor Gingrich Mayor proclaims Poppy Day Mayor James Gingrich has designated May 23rd as Poppy Day, 1975, in Mount Joy according to Mrs. Frank- ie N. Skibinski, Poppy Chair- man, and Mrs. Betty Overly, President of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 185, which sponsors the annual observance. Tonya Ann Reincke, Poppy Queen, 1975, pre- Ne 12: T : 35 8 I) v UY : pr - 9. 4 > Nf CASA 2 LN NS RA Zi HANGING BASKETS (Fuschias, Geraniums, Begonias, foliage) ays oll os 0 2374 NS) 4 ” > 2 (5 sented Mayor Gingrich witn the first official Poppy of 1975. Tonya is the daughter of Mrs. Diane E. Reincke, Lancaster. Poppy’s will be on sale at the American Legion Unit 185 in Mount Joy through- out the entire month of May, and on the route of the annual Mount Joy Mem- orial Day Parade. also a large selection of vegetable plants and flowers Thursday, Friday, Saturday Only) Martins Egg = sori MY 89¢ 3X Baum’s Sweet or Lebanon Bologna: 5:$1.49 & Kunzler Vacuum Pack Hot Dogs Reg, $1, 189% Open 8 A.M.-11 P.M. s Intersection of 441 & 143 Daily & Sunday
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