Page 8 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN 11 run for school board y Duke JERE R. DUKE Biographical Information Mr. Duke, 39, was born in Lancaster and has lived in Mount Joy for 15 years. He and his wife have two children: a daughter in high school and a son in elemen- tary school. He was graduated from Franklin and Marshall Coll- ege with a major in account- ing. For the past 13 years he has been Corporate Secre- tary and Managing Account- ant for Lancaster Malleable Castings Company. Duke is presently Trea- surer of the Mount Joy Ath- letic Association and a mid- get-midget baseball coach; Treasurer and a Director of the Donegal Braves Midget Football organization; Presi- dent of the senior choir of Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy and immediate past president of the Church Council. He is a former di- rector of the Lancaster Chapter, National Associa- tion of Accountants and is a member of various other professional societies. Mr. Duke is the present Board representative to the Lancaster County Tax Bur- eau. He enjoys deer hunt- ing and some trout fishing as well as most sports. A registered Republican, Duke has also cross-filed on the Democratic ticket. ‘He is presently a Board member as a result of an interim appointment to re- place a member who resign- ed and he is now seeking election to the 2-year re- maining term. Mr. Duke's Statement I feel I bring to the Board experience in fiscal matters, a love for sports, an appre- ciation of music and the arts, but most of all a sin- cere desire to provide, with- in the limits of sound finan- cial responsibility to the taxpayers, the best possible education for the district’s children. I will continue to work toward the goals of a quality education which I feel includes the mastery of the three R’s; an under- standing of oneself as well as others; an appreciation of accomplishments (Science Fair and Camelot,. for ex- ample); a desire to learn and a realization that learn- ing should be a life-long affair; and last but certainly not least, to arm our youth with the skills necessary for them to take their place as productive and useful mem- bers of our society. BARRY ETSELL Biographical Information Barry Etsell, 28, is a life- time resident of Mount Joy. He resides on Richland Lane with his wife Marilyn and their two children - Scott and Kristen. He was gradu- ated from Donegal High School in 1964, where he actively participated in sports and was a member of Donegal’s only champion- ship football team and of two Lancaster Co. baseball championship teams. Following graduation he attended Northwest Miss- ouri College for two years, majoring in business educa- tion. He is currently em- ployed as controller for United Disposal, Inc., Eli- zabetthwon, and serves as an auditor for the Borough of Mount Joy. Mr. Etsell and his wife are members of Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Etsell Joy. He is a charter mem- ber of the Mount Joy Athle- tic Association and has been actively associated with the youth of our community for the past eight years as a midget baseball coach, and for five years as a midget football coach. This past year he was elected presi- dent of the newly-formed Donegal High Basketball Booster Club. Mr. Etsell’s Statement I am concerned with the apparent lack of communi- cation between the students, administration, and school board. I am also cognizant and concerned about drug and alcohol use by our youth today. As a school director 1 would recommend that a committee be formed of directors and students; and that this committee meet on a regular basis to discuss recommendations and greiv- ances brought forth by both parties. The control of the alco- hol and drug problem must begin with better education of the parents, as well as the students. There is a need for con- cerned taxpayers to voice their opinions at school board meetings. I believe a school director is elected by the people and should consider their opinions and suggestions when represent- ing them. Heisey ZELDA L. HEISEY Biographical Information Mrs. Heisey, 639 Church St., Mount Joy, is the wife of Daniel D. Heisey, who is a foreman at the Armstrong Carpet plant at Marietta. The Heiseys have three child- ren, two of whom graduated from Donegal: Jim, in 1967 and Sandy in 1970. “Dan- ny, hopefully, in 1988!” Mrs. Heisey’s occupation i$ Mount Joy news corres- pondent for the Elizabeth- town Chronicle. Her hobbies are: Hand- crafting, knitting, etc. Mrs. Heisey's Statement Although I feel we have now the finest school board we’ve ever had, there is al- ways room for new ideas on what will make a better school for our children. There are several things I would like to see at Done- gal. One is not less interest in the sports programs but more interest in other areas that will include everyone in a school activity. Another thought is about’ the recent action of the borough council of Mount Joy in taking the balance of the wage tax legally allow- ed them. The school board is now faced with the pro- blem of replacing that mon- ey, and the only way as of now is in a higher tax, again from the property owner, who is already over- burdened with taxes! Why not look into the possibilities of a tax from those people who also bene- fit from the tax-paid facili- ties, such as the apartment dwellers and other renters? I would believe an equitable tax could be levied on these people if the situation were to be evaluated. After all, with people having no child- ren in the schools being taxed, why not those who have children in school? To me thisborders on discrimin- ation. Just because a man owns some property he should not be expected to carry the entire burden! MARY E. HOFFMASTER Biographical Information Mrs. Hoffmaster is a re- sident of Mount Joy Bor- ough, is married to Robert G. Hoffmaster and has two children - Jere, age 23 and Joni, age 22. She is a regis- tered nurse employed in the office of Dr. Newton Ken- dig, Mount Jovy. Mrs. Hoffmaster is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Mount Joy Fire Co. Auxiliary, and Mount Joy American Legion Auxi- liary. She presently serves as president of the Mount Joy Board of Health. She grad- uated from Mount Joy High School and has lived in this area all her life. Mrs. Hoffmaster’s Statement I was asked by the Demo- cratic Party to be a candi- date, and after much thought, and conversations with Democrats and Repub- licans, as well, I decided to submit my petition. [I do not feel, however, that party affiliation should be the most important factor in chossing a member of the Hoffmaster school board; therefore, I cross-filed to be a candidate of both parties. I think the person selected should be someone who is sincerely interested in the school, teachers and students. | am not a ““woman’s libber,” but I feel women have the ability to serve, as well as some good ideas, and they should be given the chance to prove it. I would like to see stu- dent representation at school board meetings. Does any- one ever inquire of the stu- dents what their feelings are on discipline and curricu- lum? I would also like to see more public relations in the school. Since the people are paying taxes to support the school, I feel they should know more about the activi- ties of the board. A lot of important decisions are made in executive sessions of the board and then light- ly skimmed over at regular board meetings to which the public is invited. Finances are a matter of concern to every citizen these days, and the fact that two boroughs have tak- en the ¥% of the 1% wage tax, has really thrown the board into a state of panic. They have said that we will get an 8 mills increase in real estate taxes. All of us in the past year have had to tighten our belts and watch where our money goes. | think it only fair that the school board very carefully scrutinize their budget and do the same as all of us have had to do. I am sure there are some things that could be eliminated without af- fecting the quality of the education the students re- ceive. The people of this dis- trict have never had a choice of candidates as they have this year, and I hope every- one very carefully considers their choices before they pull the levers on Tuesday, May 20, 1975. Kugle DONALD KUGLE Biographical Information Mr. Kugle has served the Donegal area for nine years on the Board: first a three year appointed term and a six year elected term. Kugle, then a life resi- dent of Marietta, is a pro- fessional educator with 19 years experience. He is a graduate of Millersville State College and has taken gradu- ate courses in history at the University of Pennsylvania. He has served eight sum- mers as a playground super- visor in the Donegal district. Kugle is a member of Zion’s Church (United Chruch of Christ) in Mari- etta where he is currently serving as the teacher for the Young Adult Class. He previously served as Sunday School superintendent and as teacher for the Junior- Senior High Class. He is a member of the Marietta Jay- cees. Included in Kugle’s hob- bies are sports, reading, and music. i cular programs. "ances such as “Camelot” _ April 23,1975 Kugle's Statement Iam asking the people of Donegal to re-elect me be- cause I believe I can offer the judgment and experi- ence to keep quality educa- tion in the Donegal School District. Six years ago the people of Donegal expressed con- fidence in my ability and judgment by electing me to the School Board following my appointment to a three year term. The Donegal Board also continued this confidence by electing me to be the delegate to the Vo-Tech Joint Operating Committee where I have served for five years. Each year our School Board has re-elected me as the dele- gate. The members of the Vo-Tech Joint Operating Committee have elected me as Vice President. The diff- erent Presidents of the Vo- Tech Joint Operating Com- mittee have appointed me to serve as chairman of com- mittees for future planning, policy, budget, and solici- tor selection. Three differ- ent Presidents of the Done- gal School Board have ap- pointed me as chairman of the education-personnel committee. I believe that my past service demonstrates that I have the judgment, experi- ence, and ability needed for re-election to service on the Donegal School Board. In addition, I feel that I offer unique qualities to the peo- ple of the Donegal School District due to my experi- as a school teacher in an- other school district for 19 years. - I believe in continuing and improving the quality of education offered in the ; Donegal School District. i The major consideration for me is scholarship and per- : formance in the classroom. Additionally, I want to have a balance with extra-curri- Perform- and “Brigadoon” as well as sports programs help add a great deal to the education- al program at Donegal. I want to have Donegal produce well-educated stu- dents who are good citizens. I will be grateful for your votes to re-elect me to your service on our School Board. Meckley THOMAS E. MECKLEY Biographical Information Mr. Meckley is a 1963 graduate of Donegal High CF NN Pye ml et SN eh bed BD) MN edt NTA DDS C3 pm) O™ yg HS Rota oro =a Jc Flo he 1 Eas
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