April 23, 1975 Martha Detweiler, Etta Germer, Helen Booth Bums hold party by Mrs. Helen Horton Recently twenty mem- bers of the “Knights of the Road” gathered at the home of Sister Knight Martha Det- weiler. It was amazing how they eluded the police, but they did, and found a sign of “Welcome Bums” facing them as they entered the door. Sister Martha was dressed in her Sunday best. The only trouble was her little round belly kept popp- ing out of her broken zip- per. She probably hadn’t had time to fix it with all the work she had done for the party. Everyone was in a happy mood and laughed so much one of Martha’s lovely pictures fell from the wall. The prizes for the con- tests were very appropriate - canned soup wrapped in newspapers and tied with binder twine and newspapers to read in the barn. Sister Martha warned about the use of matches. After many laughs, a little business and much fun handouts were served. In the kitchen each bum re- ceived a red bandana to hold his lunch and a napkin monogrammed with the let- ter B. Each goodie was wrapped in foil and was a mystery until opened - then how it was enjoyed. I am sure no bum ever fared so well. The tea and coffee was served in mugs, the cream in an empty chili sauce bottle and the sugar in an empty soup can. Mar- tha thought of everything and did it. No one else could have had such a party. P.S. - “The Knights of the Road” are better known as the Dorcas Society of St. Mark’s United Metho- dist Church. LOCAL WOMAN IN MUSICA SACRA CONCERT Esther Neyer of Mount Joy appears in the spring concert of Musica Sacra of Lancaster under the direc- tion of Carl E. Schroeder. Mrs. Neyer is the Choir Di- rector of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Eliza- bethtown. Two concerts will be presented at the Chapel in Old Main at Franklin and Marshall College on Sunday, April 20, at 4 p.m., and at Zion Lutheran Church, 133 East Vine Street, Lancas- ter, at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 27. The same music will be heard at both events. All of the choral offer- ings will be sung without ac- companiment. The featured work is a large motet for chorus and three soloists, “What Can Life Be But a Shadow?” by Johann Mi- chael Bach, a relative of the famous Johann Sebastian Bach. Mrs. Neyer, a soprano, will sing “Give Ear, O Lord,” by Heinrich Schutz, in a duet with Lois Leatherman. Their duet will be ac- companied by Thomas Mer- cer on a Virginal, which is an old type of keyboard in- strument with strings that are plucked, as in a harpsi- chord, but the strings are strung across the back of the keys instead of parallel Mr. Mercer himself made this Virginal -a fine example of Lancaster County crafts- manship. Admission at these two concerts is free. An offer- ing for the support of Musica Sacra will be received at the concert on April 27. A nursery for small children will be available at the April 27 performance. Musica Sacra will soon begin preparations for its June concert, which is a part of the Lancaster Sum- mer Arts Festival. Persons interested in singing with the group are cordially en- couraged to contact Carl E. Schroeder, 253 W. King St., Lancaster, 17603,phone 393-2818, who is presently holding auditions for mem- bership. back: Elmeda Berrier, Fthel Herr front: Dorothy Shirk, Helen Horton, Ann Elvin Dorothy Rank, Sue Dietrich, Bertha Foreman DID YOU HEAR... A carnival sponsored by the Spanish Club will be held at Donegal High School starting at noon this Satur- day, April 26. There will be ““fun, games prizes,” according to ad- vance billings. Rain date is May 3. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johns (Sandra Stahl) 59 W. Done- gal Street, Mount Joy, a daughter at St. Joseph’s Hospital, April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoff- man (Jean Mountz) 502 Glena Ave., Mount Joy, a daughter at General Hos- pital, April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Theis, (Nancy Hazen) R. D. 1, Marietta, a daughter at Os- teopathic Hospital, DEATHS Jonas E. Brubaker, 75, R. D. 1, Mount Joy, at the General Hospital, Lancas- ter, April 13. ATTENTION Paul Sload, Marietta Tax Collector, wants to inform the public that all 1974 real estate, boro and school taxes must be paid to the Lancaster County Tax Col- lection Bureau after April 30th. April 12, Red Barn Located 4 ‘miles West of Eliza- bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 INARA R AARNE RI INE USED CARS ‘74 HORNET Sportabout ‘13 MATADOR 4 dr. sdn. Air “71 MATADOR 4 dr. sdn. Air ‘711 RENAULT R16 ‘71 RENAULT R10 ‘68 PONTIAC Tempest S.W. FORTY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM WISSLER MOTORS Routg 230 West % Mile West of Mount Joy PHONE 653-2091 BIRTH I SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 3 MOOSE ...THEATRE..... Elizabethtown Starts Wednesday One Week Engagement Only x hk Ahk Kk KX GONE WITH THE WIND * kh kh RAK One Show Nightly tarting at 7 © 00000 0000000000000 0000000OCOGINOOIOIENS 0000000000080 000%000 a TOM McCOY CUSTOM BUTCHERING MILTON GROVE R.D. 3 Elizabethtown 653-5335 Complete Butchering Service on Beef, Pork, & Sheep Slaughtering, Cut, Wrap, Freezing Suge Cure Hams & Bacon OPEN SPECIAL NOTICE ! GILBERT'S STORE R. D.1, WRIGHTSVILLE, PA. at LONG LEVEL 0%.. ENTIRE STORE STOCK Many Good Name Brands Clothing - Variety & Sewing Needs, Cards, Hardware, Etc. Etc. Thursdays & Fridays - 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARGAINS GALORE - APPROX. 1500 DRESSES ON SALE Someas Low as $2.44 — YES You Get Discount Off That Low Price DRIVE A LITTLE SAVE A LOT — ALL SALES CASH & FINAL 119 E. Market St., OPEN Mon. Friday Saturday DAILY Sunday * %k 3k k k k YOUNDT’S MEAT MARKET Marietta — 426-1245 PERDUE CHICKEN PARTS ON SALE! 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ¥* dk k k ok Kiow Your Pharmacist He'd like to help you which he can help. discover the ways in Like being on 24-hour call, and offering a discount on prescriptions for senior citizens. SLOAN’S PHARMACY 61 E. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653- PLENTY OF FREE PARKING
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