Page 14 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Thurs., Fri.—9a.m.-9 p.m. CHURCH & MAIN STREETS — LANDISVILLE, PA. Ph: 898-7321 /. ™) J April 23, 1975 SPELLING BEE FINALS The 1975 Donegal School 6th Grade - Grandview, Lori Grubb, Gina Thomp- son; Seiler, David Laugh- man, Susan Malik; River- view, Connie Mengel, Dale School and Michael Zeller, Hempfield Shopping Centre District Spelling Bee was an eighth grader from Beahm BEAUTY SALON DHS ba, orts held at the W. I. Beahm Junior High School was run- Special April Prices Junior High School on Fri- ner-up. These two students day, April 4. There were Will represent the Donegal CHILDREN'S HAIR CUT - | a 28 contestants, 10 from six- School District at the In- FoR th grade, 10 from seventh telligencer-Journal Champ- $1.99 n= grade, and 8 from eighth ionship Finals to® be held (12 years or under) A grade. in the Abraham Lincoln Free Cup of Coffee With This Ad Z\: ; The contestants were as Junior High School Audi- Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat. — 9a.m.-5 p.m.; follows: torium in Lancaster at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 25. Doris Saylor, a seventh grader from the W. I. Beahm Junior High School will serve as alternate and will participate in the finals if Clites, Donald DeLucia; : ren ’ Maytown, Sonia Young, either of the winners is un- SHELLY’S Kathy Maguire. : able to do so. h 7th Grade - Theresa Berg, Miss Catharine Zeller, TORN, Marke! 51., My. Joy FUBNITURE Gordon Brightbill, Carol Head of the English De- iene 633.2056 — ew & Used Englebert, Cindy Heagy, partment at Donegal High M1e2 Men Thurs. Fri-Sat. ; nm HIT Thomas Hecht, Mitchell School, served as pronoun- . Sed .3ml0 Bl -aXk Mummaw, Lee Ann Ober, cer. Judges were: Mrs. Jean F Tours of A. Bube's ) Doris Saylor, Laura Sch- Phiel, Mr. James Metzler, Brewery and . Cata- wert. and Mr. Anthony Ritrovato. x combs by special re- 8th Grade - Greg Bow- Mr. Samuel Harnish was in ; b Servation unit May 1, OPEN man, Janelle Brubaker, charge of the program and i 1975. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri Anita Erb, Russell Knight, explained the rules of the # Su INDAY DINNERS 10to 8 Lisa Mummaw, Craig Myers, contest and introduced the on 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturday - 10 to 5 Joyce Peterman, Kristen contestants to the assem- 2 Straub, Michael Zeller. bly. i Kraybill Mennonite - Some misspelled words y Michael Winey, Grade 6; Were: cuckoo, disciple, be- y Rachel Dowart, Grade 7; ret, billiards, contemporary, a | Steve Shenk, Grade 8. analyze, analysis, chlorine, § The champion was Lori cite, clemency, comparison, ¥ Grubb, a sixth grader from condolence, caterpillar, her- EN Grandview Elementary oine, and expunge. W Phil Mitzkavich setting a new record for the mile last , a » 14 En mm / Thursday in the meet against Cocalico. Children iw Fair, June = “Nursery Rhymes” will Sponsored by the Mari- ERA GIRLS BONY 0 be the theme for the 28th etta Recreation Association F oF ’ \N nul Cll drons Pepto i the benefit will have the fk: 293 e aturday, June 14, a crowning of a Queen at 1 — = > by Barbara Landis Marietta War Memorial p.m., free popsicles contri- F A : CC Although the girls’ track final event of the day. Park. The all day event buted by the Marietta Lions . 23 team was tripped up in its By far, the highlight of will have a parade as kick- Club, supervised games by SN 7 oT - meet with McCaskey, many the day was the disputed off which will begin at Cen- members of the staff of the I NE > CST > fine performances were re- disqualification of both ter Square with registration summer playground and | 1 ) \ corded, particularly by Mar-. teams in the 880 yard relay, at 10 a.m. and move at games and contests by the \ ) 7 cia Weidman who set a new which caused a delay of the 10:30 a.m. Persons 18 years Marietta Jaycees. > - // school record for the shot- meet and left the Indians of age and under are eligible Proceeds from the bene- fa ; put with a throw of 34 short 5 points. to enter and each will re- fit will be used to under- a oi (5 feet, 7 inches, and by Pam Again, congratulations to cejve free script to be used write the cost of summer Rd Tv. // \ Kolp who threw the javelin Marica and Pam, and, also to at the fair as well as more playground activities held oy — a shattering 102 feet, 6 Joan deVitry who set the than $100 in prize money. at Memorial Park. \ inches for a new school re- record for the girls’ mile cord and the second best run in a Previous meet and’ I YES! WE MAKE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS! J Green? Yes! Paper-money green the color that banishes the blues about an over- crowded or aging home. [J Now's the time to let us finance your home improvements with a budget-tailored loan. Low rates. Easy terms. Fast, pleasant service. Don't delay. Otherwise, rising costs could put you deep in the red. See us today. UNION NATIONAL MOUNT Joy BANK MOUNT JOY, PA. f >» MAYTOWN, | A, throw in the county. Sue Meszaros placed 3rd in the 100 yard dash and 2nd in the 220 yard dash. In the 440 yard dash, Helene Dalkiewicz took first with: Barb Landis placing second and Norma Heisey just missing the sweep for Donegal. Joan deVitry captured 2nd in the 880 yard run af- ter finishing similarly in the 1 mile run. Also in the mile, Jolene Ellis placed third setting a new personal best. The 80 yard hurdle race was won by Pat Brown, who nipped her opponent at the tape. The 880 yard sprint med- ley, which consists of two 110 yard dashes followed by a 220 and a 440 yard dash, was won by the team of Sue Meszaros, Helen De- Jesus, Reanne Parker, and Helene Dalkiewicz. Donna Ebersole captured 2nd place in the high jump clearing a height of 4 feet, 10 inches. Lois Raber placed third in the long jump, the Phil Mitzkavich, who set the boys’ mile run record in the meet with Cocalico last Thursday. DID YOU HEAR... Bruce Sutter won his first game as a relief pitcher for the Midland Texas team, a Cubs’ farm club. The Mount Joy Borough Council will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 1975, at 7:30 P.M. in the Borough Offices Building. The purpose of this meeting will be to adopt the new Zoning Ordinance of the Borough. All interested parties are invited to attend. DID YOU HEAR... Dr. Michael ,Gratch re- ceived a “get well” card signed by every pupil in the Maytown Elementary School. Dr. Gratch is the school doctor. BZ Se bo Kevin Bradley connects in game with Lancaster Catholic, won by Donegal, 9-6 at am BY ab
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