SS aR AARAAARARARARAARARARARARARARAAAAARARARARA RRA : PHONE 426-1332 0000000000090 0000000000000 00000CRN POR RIRIIOORIOIIRSOSIOPOIOORRAIRSS April 9, 1975 DHS Carnival The Annual Spring Car- nival sponsored by the vari- ous clubs and organizations of Donegal High School will be held on Saturday, April 26th, beginning at noon. The Carnival will be held on the front lawn of the high school. Among the many activities plann- ed for the afternoon are bake sales, a White Elephant table, bingo, several food concessions, and various games of skill. All proceeds from the Carnival are used by the various clubs and organiza- tions to help underwrite operating costs during the school year. Plan to attend for an afternoon of fun and games. Rain date has been set for Saturday, May 3rd. ,, POOPSIES Key & Lock Shop 20 W. Market St. Marietta 426-1486 RL LL LLL LLL Tr ro MOUNT JOY LEGION (2 mi. E. of Mt. Joy off Rt. 230 By-Pass) SAT., APRIL 12th RALPH SHOPE Sunday Dinners 12 NOON to 9 P.M. Reservation Ph. 898-8451 hachebedhtbechececheceededec heroine hehehehe heh hecheethedbedbed 0) tidbit LL LL LT TT I I IT I TI TTY SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 13 60 years together Mr, and Mrs, G, Carl Shenk of Maytown who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last Sunday, SCHMIDT PLUMBING & HEATING Repairs - Alterations - Sewers - Water Heaters Baths HEATING SYSTEMS INSTALLED & SERVICED. EAST PETERSBURG, PA. 569-5989 Free Tilling With Your Tractor! G-10 Tractor FREE $267.00 Tiller with the purchase of a Bolens G-10 Tractor and Mower $468.00 Tiller for $100.00 with the purchase of a Bolens 14 h.p. Tractor and Mower Both offers expire April 30, 1975 FMC BRANDT'S MOWER SHOP Donegal Springs Rd., R. D. 1, Mount Joy, Pa. PHONE 653-5795 ROBERTS SPORTING GOODS GUNS REPAIRED USED GUNS BRUSH? & SOLD 578 EAST FRONT SCOPES MOUNT MARIETTA, PA. DRILLING & TAPPING 0000000000000 bbe0sbee SLINGS & SWIVELS MOUNTED : AR REO Pennsylvania Power & Light Company's personnel director, Phil Brassington, answers another question from the utility's consumers. QUESTION PP&L operated for three months with only 1,900 people. Does this mean you're greatly overstatted? ANSWER Normally we work a 40-hour week, but during the strike a smaller group was working 72 hours a week and more. Also, you must take into ac- count the important construction and maintenance work that simply could not be done. But most noticeable, and most annoying to cus- tomers, was the absence of hundreds of meter readers which made it necessary to estimate service bills. In any case, recognizing the prob- lems of our industry we're taking a long hard look at our present opera- tion and our plans for the future. As a result, we have eliminated or delayed some of our construction projects resulting in some employees being laid off. Also, retiring employees will not automatically be re- placed. Beyond that we'll be examining closely all our operations including manpower and make whatever changes are necessary for maximum efficiency. OU — &
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