2,1975 April 2,1975 RCH 10 MO S ; SUSQUEH ANNA BULLETIN — ind his THEAT nl ytown goevee RE are 5 . Tenew Fe soe] oes PP&L re to the : oe : Starts Wednesday : Ie Nn © Sy April : 0 - + One Week - . : Thru Tuesday : ° | thru . . obert : J AIRPORT 75K: I n en by : . 1 will : ; : ® ormed : Shows nightly at 7 * In th . : : ese economically troub i . . Friday & . about fiv y troubled times, it’s hard to ; luding . ’; Sgiunzy : needs Av OF an Br from now. So when PP&L a vested more money in PP&L so we can build facili Wd oll : : arderttend electric service rates, it’ serve customers. What cash is lef uild facilities . : L able that m , it’s perfectly com at cash is left over afte $3.75 : . “No! Livi any people are tempted mon stockholders for the us ; OFWe pay lr Sececcccccose . : ng costs have gone up t pted to say: back into the busi e use of their money is plow d 0 for sens essses esses PP&L p too much already.” So 0 the business to help pay for the n 5 powe y 3 ava? . . e re Tas asked the Pennsylvania Public Utility Com- Southere in t anything left over to divide up % Dae > join A ib: Juncand 1 reases averaging four per cent starting i well. paid n stockholder, by the way, hasn’t be : Don JE “ Ee 5 I 1 per cent in early 1976. Both i § ng in y paid in recent years. Our di ide j 000 ory ntact IE’S CAFE :: e subject to close PUC scrutin od increases would increased nearly enough to ke vidends haven’t been erend AZE. PRONTST, a > y and public hearings. living and our common sh eep pace with the cost of SOON aT or oes PP&L really need these increases? than the money our An : Bree ale now selling for less Soon AE : Absolutely oor. Beavis POEL 5 : 3 shareowners have actually put up. feser- SANDWICHES 2 provide the electric service th Toquired by law to “What is PP& ; si pe or 20, 20 0 50 2A today but tomorrow e public wants—not only PP&L doing to cut costs and hold d ERATE am as well. need for higher rates?’’ own the riefly here's t i A lot ings , Hg . he picture as PP&L sees it: A lof of things. We've cut back construction projects as f TOM goin need more electric energy to keep the c tomer 2 Tr can without jeopardizing service to ee McCOY g—to provide jobs and decent livi ounLey s. Because of this and cutbacks in s Cun CUSTOM a still-growing population ng standards for not vital to operations, we've mad NT a hurch BUTCHERING e Increasing th feel fons in our payroll. We're re re Somzatdl - : € ener S Poan31rd3 old dow t : ; e best we ca oi MILTON GROVE for my, Jahan ros plant, Be xe materials we must buy and Ri R.D. 3 now can have ve $ s. Further cutbacks ! ependent consulting firm to tak D occu. : ; ry serious consequences i $ to-bottom look at the C 7 firm to take a top- E 3 ces in the future. ; : he Company to se rv Io lizabethtown e While energy conservation and ; e ways to improve efficiency. } see if there are more treet 653-5335 have slowed down projected Le geonomy : , . OW i Series quiments demand for electrical ot sna oavhn about the Fuel Adjustment?’’ 1 - ow consi ; 3 ecte os : i i 2S BN con Seah ha because te rang ey ie does not affect the fuel rs for unhooked fro re’s a great need t ; r down. That's strictly tied : m dependence Oh} € o get of coal and oil w y tied to the cost px playing “Arab roulette.” imported oil—to stop adjustment roby ay i ig Dawes planis. The ! Compl : e It’s goi cost of bitumi rs anal af owing big increases in the tor at plete Butchering going to take a huge am : : uminous coal after the oil e + oy Sorvice on Bel. Pork to build power plants ee Snouni of moves for PP&L Joven off now. The PUC has sm is is Be, ’ es to meet these investigate this controversi . : plans to f the & Sheep increased needs—and about three : ontroversial charge, and we think ' : money will have to co hree-quarters of that a good thing. Incidentally, because RL ink that's akers Rreczing , adjustment paid by ou ye : al trains the fuel Theo- o People aren’t goi at least $20 million r customers in 1974 was lower by Don- Sugar Cure Hams & Bacon) unless they dl the do buy sim stocks and bonds 63st $20 million ery ; investment is bei : and a company that is financially h on) is being made In “How much 3 whose custo : > ca thy—that 1S, one money would these incre i : dnes- mers pay enou . aN what wo : ases bring in and of providing service, i gh to cover the rising cost uld you do with the money?” S t Dr. iding service, including the cost of The fi oy : money, e first part would produce $21.3 million in n I ; revenues ¢ . err Sn ew annua! f the Maybe this all looks like a vicious cy : eat oS and the second part $58.2 million. Taxes w ld in TR Bit Weer aking fous ele, and. in soie 3 ug a significant part of this. For starters <3 6 nn os ( ? saving ; . » short-term view ould go to the State Gross De Ss, $5.6 million saying “stop this th & snot view and hogy e State Gross Receipts Tax whi e ser- s thing, I want to get off,” consi utilities pay. F ceipts Tax which only adequate rate i Yo get ot, consider that 11ties pay. Federal and state inc HH) . Ri- ate rate increases now will me rol C ; millions more state income taxes would take St electricity in the long run as han lower costs for mee Prel would use what's left after 4 take o . C . . a » 2aSe( costs of r n . 7 Ser iv 2 < . odist e Our customers are badly served if PP&L, f power, materials and a service, mainly man- d > epuale rate relief, winds up like the Ro es of 4 yvide roads, whose inability to char ; rail- “Will everyb : tL arge enough ybody be affect rday ETRE EET their poste has shifted additional Saver por of posed increases?’ cted the same by these pro- e of S i payers an la ir ies ip) Ne o tax- He a SHORT ORDERS jobs. placed in jeopardy tens of thousands of - Je Some 200,000 customers who use relatively hi i ; ee » y aE 1.2 . atively » the 9:00 - 12:00 P.M. e If PP&L can kee ing i : Er kilowatt hours a month or IoeY te Wea- dition, it means 4 op in a financially healthy con- cents or gly a San a day or less this year and 3 oe build more efficient families oe, aia 200 228 of tin number, about 120,000 April maintain and On > long haul, will cost less to get no incre: af tilowatt hours a month or less will Bol- X a nuclear ol oa ths od facilities. For instance without rn all. The average increase for families : ; , while much more expensive 1d : lectric heat who use more than 200 kw $ 4 erin- : costs a lot less to operate than he Kinds Jo build, would be 2.8 cents a dav starting 4 4 200 hw) a month eak- 5 plants and, in the long run, can save cus s of power cents a day late this year or e ol ul and shou 14) will x money. ave customers a lot of HL. of the TOW Tov rs arlv next vear. Some 60 per 5 J 4 > ne swwenues brought in by the inc DSers o We're goin would come from industri Y Je increases g to have to raise RD [ene 1 industrial and commerce ; ol iy next three year to So Tie amas soon lin in the cial customers. 10n, by iti D4 33” ' lectrie facilities. "” os, FULL SERVICE A Stier $125 million must be aliens What about the electric heating customer?”’ [ - e + 3 yh od] ’ : . me OIL COMPANY : at ch a I are vi that must be replaced The Bkirane residential electric heating customer 1d ’ 2, act—interes ceive reases BLA woulc ske ; part of this money wi 1a interest rates. A good ive increases of about 8.2c¢ a day this ’ § y will have to come f : another 22.8¢ ; a day this vear and ctor. \ loans. That's why it's vi Me from mortgage 22.8c a day next year. These sed hi \ 8 y it's vite § Bim rates, along wi oy: ese propose ghe oo REASONABLE PRICES | foam Tha why ie ial for wh fo minian OOF Ces in hors 10 ire hein sod bats \ : } Ct orrow t 1S » "ra ases cnargeg t Jectrie ati ; . > . hey AUTOMATIC DEGREE Ten money at the lowest possible rates i feploe mean price hikes of eo ie eas op: will | f ' 7 . =. . SN . : < : e 1an t y COS . DAY DELIVERIES few questions a lot of people will be asking us: heating oil and less than the cost of I ed ne able 8 “ im 24 HOUR SERVICE Jun 5a that your earnings have gone up Whete do PP&L customers stand right now in wh > . vidn't s ey’ i ot in YA. BUDGET PLANS orofité’ for a Jhose rate hikes result in excessive Le paying for electricity?’’ what ~ 3 S avera ls (> 1 : i : age residential cus . ri : oo SERVICE CONTRACTS No First of all, “profits” tor PPL ave. Havited ) lowest price for elect Settle] ehstonk r now is paving the - 4 » ) . ? - p » - . . . » S » ‘a ‘ - J - ae EXPERIENCED STAFF AR roilaton. Po vs they are simply one of the re dl Simon, If vou were able to in luding he pe £ a lectricity » § . a ny. ronay. PPEL ax: Lovin becle for the ase of flo nt I fe hun even with the proposed A . Q > ngs x < ; 5 al < \ 0 resi . "e : ASes, wa ABEL OIL C0 psbecsusepecblelimye find PP&L the best or. idential customers still would " ser- ; In line with PUC : 430 Locust St., Columbi regulations, we've mailed noti i. about the proposed rate increases. In thi otices to all our customers providing basic i : and issues involved s. In this ad, we've made an effort Sing Saal information ved. This ad, in daily and w ort to explain some of th TTR eekly newspapers throughout . e reasons ! ughout our service area, cost less Pal EE REET Phone 684-4686 ’ ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers