Page 6 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN Marietta J-Cs elect Sload William Sload was elect- ed incoming president of the Marietta Jaycees at the regular session held in Head- quarters with 21 members present. Additional offi- cials who will be installed at the annual banquet May 17th at Mr. Lacy’s Lounge, are Donald Simmons, inter- nal vice-president; Rick Sload, external vice-presi- dent; Donald Pickel, Jr., treasurer; Ronald Morris, secretary; Tom Lavin, state director; Jim Yeaglin, ways and means director; Jay Risser, internal director; and John Spickler, external di- rector. Richard Smedley, Sr. and two guests from the MS Society served as tellers for the election. The annual golf tournament, a benefit for MS will be held May 28th. Retiring president, Rick Smedley, Jr., will serve as' chairman of the board. The Apple Butter Sales Day was designated for Sun- day, March 23, with Sam JONI HASSINGER Miss Joni Elaine Hassing- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hassginer, 206 Birch- land Avenue, Mount Joy, is a student at the York Hos- pital School of Nursing and was 1 of 94 students to commit themselves to the ideals of nursing in a Dedi- cation Ceremony held in York. This event marked the 81st class to participate in this solemn candlelight cere- mony in which they repeat the Florence Nightingale Pledge. This pledge calls on them to aid the physician in his work and to devote themselves to the welfare of those committed to their care. During this ceremony the Class of 1977 received their class pins. More than 1700 student nurses have partici- pated in this affair which is the highlight of the fresh- man year. EAST DONEGAL BOAT CLUB The East Donegal Boat Elizabeth Annette Duval LOCAL STUDENT ELECTED CLASS OFFICER AT SHC Elizabeth Duval, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Duval, R. D. 1, Mount Joy, was recently elected presi- dent of next year’s junior class at Seton Hill College, Greensburg. Betsy, a screen art major, was sworn in March 4 at a ceremony held during a Se- ton Hill Government Asso- ciation senate meeting. She is a gradaute of Lan- caster High School and is a member of the Wind Ensem- March 26, 1975 i 4, the res ” for Const, Russell Stover Candies are the finest in quality, freshness and goodness. Enjoy them this Easter. Choose from many assortments of delicious candies es- pecially decorated for Easter. a. Round Bamboo Basket — $4.65 b. Easter Greetings Box — $2.50 ¢. Multi-Color Basket — $1.45 d. 1 Ib. Assorted Chocolates $2.95 CANDIES Zuch making the announce Club has group insurance ble at the colieze I ment. available for its members at ge. I William Sload reported 2%% for each $100 value } on the ecology project cur- of a boat, motor and trailer. T rently progressing at the for- If interested, call John R. E mer elementary school.Con- Leos, 108 S. River St., May- “FANTASY FOR t tainers and/or personnel are town at 426-3697 or attend CHILDREN" ICE SHOW n° ’ Vv available each Saturday a.m. the next meeting on April AT HERSHEY 3 2 5 C for contributions. The Chap 13at 2 p.m. in the Maytown T—_ C ter conveys its thanks to Fire House. Premiums will On Sunday afternoon, ? T mn or pas mee me ose, 20 | SLOAN'S PHARMACY port in having the JC's group plans to conduct a Hershey park arena, the Her- v school project placed on work detail on April 4th and shey Figure Skating Club 61 E. Main Street, Mount Jov, Pa. Phone 653-4001 P oe Coty Conlon, Sth at the riverside club- will present a gala ice show, i J t ernate Projec ist for « , : » 1975. Under the chairper- house; Penfasy For Chiloren M son of Ways and Means, p James Wise, trash bags are v still sold by the Chapter. i The annual Easter Flower T sale will be conducted at 13 li iis | Lower Auto Loan R ? ters, with Jay Risser as <a on $ cl chairperson and the com- reson ai mittee of Don Simmons, Zale, e: Ron Morris, Harvey Reem, That's right! Union National Mount Joy Bank has lowered the rates on new car i § E } Ic Raymond Sumpman and the bai aif F° EE C igs loans, and late model used cars. Have you been thinking of a new car? Maybe additional members as sales- : : a hen: l there has never been a better time. . . .new models offer less maintenance and b The Chapter has reserva- better gas mileage. Check and compare, but first see the folks at Union National tt tions for the State Con- Bank! th vention to be held in Her- Cc shey May 2, 3, & 4. Dis- T trict elections will be held fi April 28, in Lancaster. Jim Check and Compare -----Rates on 1375 Models ar Yeaglin accepted the chair- di manship of the JC stand at IC the Fire Company Carnival i Aivoumt 36 Monthly rota Toleho# Snnugl : . ota otal o r in May. Ron Morris report- Financed Payments Interest Loan Raa : ed on the sale of Bicentenn- $2,000.00 $63.88 $299.68 $2,299.69 9.31% N ial plates to date. 2,500.00 79.86 374.96 2,874.96 9.31% ga 3,000.00 95.83 449.88 3,449.88 9.31% Ww (The 3pove schedules are for 36 month contracts, with approved down payment. th CHARLES N. GRIMSEY Le. Credit life and accident & health insurance available at additional cost.) fs Marine Cpl. Charles N. Grimsey, son of Mr. and le Mrs. Edward Grimsey of dn 212 Pinkerton Road, Mount U Oo oO . Joy, Pa., was awarded a hi M NATI NAL hn Meritorious Mast while serv- R ing with the 2nd Marine oO oO Air Wing at the Marine M UNT J Y BANK Is Corps Air Station, Cherry I Point, N.C. A meritorious mast is a THE MAYTOWN, PA. lex personal commendation "HOMETOWN BANK” MOUNT JOY. PA. ev from the commanding of- ’ £ ficer for outstanding per- m formance of duty. te CEDAR EFTRIF IVE IRANRT RF IT RW
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