March 12, 1975 The public is cordially in- vited to witness this musical. There is no charge; an offer- ing will, however, be re- ceived for the work of YFC. CHRISTIAN WOMEN HEAR PSYCHOLOGIST The March meeting of the Elizabethtown Christ- ian Women’s Club was held Wednesday at Hostetter’s in Mount Joy. Dr. Timothy Foster, staff psychologist at Philhaven Hospital, a young father of two small daugh- ters, used his father-daugh- ter relationship fo empha- size the impertance of such a relationship with our Hea- venly Father. His analogies were simple, often humor- ous, always to the point. Albert Newlin of New- lin Interiors spoke on Tips on Creating a Color Scheme, and illustrated one color grouping based on an oil painting which would be hung in the room. Mrs. Paul Mumma, Mount Joy, was soloist. Decora- tions followed the Easter theme. ~The next meeting is scheduled for April 2, at gram on sharing the love of Christ. The Quangs direct the work of the Gia Dinh Church and Community Center in Saigon. \ Mr, Tran Xuan Quang The Sunday evening pro- which time Mr. Richard gram will feature Voluntary Wdike, Sr., Vice-President of National Liberty Corp. of St. Davids, Pa., will speak. Richard and Mary Ellen Kohler, duo-pianist team f Mount Joy will fur- a he music. ose ladies of the Club who are accomplished seam- stresses will model spring suits and dresses they have made. Reservations for the April meeting must be sent, along with check ($3.25) and return self-addressedand stamped envelope, to Mrs. Marilyn Mummau, R. D. 2, Mount Joy, 17552, (653- 4886) before March 29th. Three hundred twelve wo- men attended last week’s meeting, but some were turned away. Early regis- tration will prevent disap- pointment. The Club’s monthly Prayer “Coffee” will be held March 19th at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. David (Joanne) Sweigart, R. D. 3, Elizabethtown. MISSION MEETINGS AT ERISMAN MENNONITE CHURCH Special meetings featur- ing overseas and home miss- ions and voluntary services will be held at the Erisman Mennonite Church near Mount Joy, Friday, Satur- day, and Sunday evenings March 21 - 23. Friday at 7:30 p.m. a team of home missionaries will speak on sharing Christ in city and rural areas. An- thropologist Donald Jacobs of Landisville will share Ana- baptist insights on missions. On Saturday evening Pas- tor and Mrs. Tran Xuan Quang (Drun Swoon Gwang) from Vietnam will share with a team of overseas miss- ionaries in presenting a pro- Service with special em- phasis on Honduras. Pastor Miguel Lopez of the Men- nonite Church in Tocoa will speak on love in action. Esteban Diaz, a certified public accountant and trea- surer of the Honduras Men- nonite Church, will also speak. The meetings are in con- junction with the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Men- nonite Board of Missions, Salunga, Pa., to be held at the Weaverland Mennonite Church, East Earl, Pa., Mar- ch 21 - 23. Teams of speak- ers will rotate each evening among the Weaverland, Wil- low Street, and Erisman Mennonite Churches. SHAMROCKS AGAINST DYSTROPHY Long a symbol of the spirit of St. Patrick, the shamrock will be a flower with real power this year to help those stricken with muscular dystrophy and re- lated disorders. “Shamrocks Against Dystrophy” tags will be given out as symbols of the helping hand you ex- tend to kids with dystro- phy when you give a little “green” to the fight against these tragic diseases. The youth groups of the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Joy will be collect- ing for muscular dystrophy in front of Greer’s Jewelry Store on Friday, March 14, from 7:00 until 9:00. The money collected during the “Shamrocks Against Dystro- phy” drive will help support the vital research and pati- ent service programs of Mus- cular Dystrophy Associa- tions of America. The Mount Joy Memorial Day Parade, scheduled for } p.m. on Saturday, May 24 this year, will be bigger ind better than ever. Phyllis Leatherman, new resident of the Mount Joy community Council, has is- sued a call for floats to be entered in this year’s par- ade. The parade is jointly sponsored by the Council and by the Mount Joy American Legion. All local non-commerical organizationsand individuals are invited to enter a float in the parade, which will stress patriotism in connec- tion with the Bicentennial. Memorial Day parade Three prizes will be a- warded for the best floats: $100 first prize, $75 second prize, and $50 third prize. In addition, for each float which is entered the spon- sor will receive $25 at the time the parade is formed. May 1 is the deadline for entering a float in the parade. The parade should be more interesting than be- fore and involve more local participation than previous- ly, according to Phyllis. More information can be obtained by calling 653- 1595. Joycee-ettes by Harriet R. Ney The Mount Joy Joycee: ettes held their monthly meeting February 18 at the Borough Hall. Vice-Presi- dent, Sandy Gingrich called the meeting to order and presided over order of busi- ness. Donna Wetzel, Messiah Home Chairwoman, report- ed a bowling party is plann- ed for February 22, at the Lincoln Lanes, for the Mess- iah children and the Joycee- ettes. A swimming party is also planned for March 15th from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. at F & M College. The Sweetheart contest, held February 15 was re- ported a success by Chair- woman Rhonda Proctor. A check for $355.00 was pre- sented to Mrs. Germer, school nurse. The check will be used by the Donegal Dental Clinic. Plans for the Dessert-Card Party-Fashion Show have — OLD... “corner fireplacz GERALD R. “exposed interior brick walls *random width plank floors gone smoothly, reported by Chairwomen, Sharon Funk and Patti Sinegar. The event took place Monday, March 10 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Mount Joy Legion. Jhe annual 75+ Banquet will be held Thursday, June 12 at Hostetter’s Dining Hall. Entertainment will be provided by Miss Sandy Hei- sey, vocalist, and Marjorie Wright, Swiss Bell Ringer. Chairpersons for this year’s banquet are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heckert and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blace. A club womens tea is being planned for May 4. Chairwomen were named for the following: Memorial Day, Becky Gohn and Deb Newcomer; Baby Sitting Clinic, Kathy Bower and Sharon Funk. At the close of the meet- ing, nominations were open for officers. New officers voted on at the next meet- ing will occupy their posi- tions in Seotember. ) Rare Combination of the CHARM OF THE OLD and the CONVENIENCE OF THE NEW All Brick Semi in Historic Marietta NEW. .. *modern bath *modern kitchen *heating, plumb- ing, wiring 3 bedrooms pius studio; also photographer's dark room CUSTOM DESIGN — MOST UNUSUAL $23900 SHEETZ Call 653-1481 REAL ESTATE SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 9 SCIENCE FAIR TO BE HELD AT DHS _ The annual Science Fair will be held in the gymnas- ium at Donegal High School this Friday night, March 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. Students from grade seven at Beahm Junior High School to seniors at Done- gal High School will parti- cipate. The categories of entries are: general science, biology, chemistry, and physics. Judges are: Grades 7 and 8, Mr. Lewis Brown and Mr. James Zuch; Grade 9, Mr. Paul Coleman and Mr. Charles Leader; senior high biology, chemistry, and physics, Mr. Adam Brown of Conestoga Valley High School, Mr. John Horst of Millersville State College, Mrs. Grace Steinmetz of Red Barn Located 4 miles West of Eliza bethtown on Falmouth Rd. CALL 367-2959 Hempfield High School, and Dr. William Kauffman of Armstrong Cork Co. Grand Champion trophies will be awarded to top win- ners in general science, bio- logy, chemistry, and phy- sics. Ribbons will go to six best exhibits in each category. Mr. Emerson Stehman, Jr., is chairman of the Fair. NOTICE In publishing an article on Mayor James Gingrich of Mount Joy several weeks ago, the Susquehanna Bul- letin omitted an important paragraph giving the names of the other members of the first family of Mount Joy beside Mayor Gingrich: his wife Sandy and his daughters Stacey and Ste- phanie. ISSHIN RYU KARATE SCHOOL Off Route 441 between Marietta and Columbia MEN - LADIES ALL AGES Classes Tues. & Thurs. Eve. For Information Call - Dick Prescott - 426-1789 Ni Dan Instructor Foreign Car Owners ! Finally A repair specialist ATRL EAP right in Mount Joy. Now you don’t have to waste time, travel, and money on repairs. We also offer: x» (Quality Pre-owned Cars Discount to All Senior Citizens 24 Hour Towing (653-1148) Full Service On All Makes of American and Foreign Cars Inspections Green Stamps We Accept Credit Cards 2010) 0% Mon. -Sat.- 7t09;Sun.-9t0 9 MOUNT JOY CITGO Service Locally Owned Station Abe Weidman 964 Main Street, Mount Joy LTH 653-1104
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