Page 12 — SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN, £0 3 : A “Meadowflower Knit’ was the choice of Joanne Aument in this lovely jacket dress. Gay Gibson designed the natural color jacket to top the meadowflowered tank top and the solid whirlaway skirt. The bodice with drop- ped waistline is printed with sprigs of red, yellow, navy and green. It too is a machine washable polyester knit, from the Junior de- partment. Joycee-ettes model fashions by Lois Getty All is in readiness for the Mount Joy Joycee-ettes to open the doors of the Ameri- can Legion at 7:30 p.m. on March 10 for their second annual Dessert, Fashion Show, Card Party. Guests will select their own tables, and serve themselves at the dessert buffet table. Guests will also be requested to re- frain from playing cards dur- ing the fashion show. Fashions from the Or- ange Owl will be modeled by these Joycee-ettes: Joanne Aument, Joanne Nolt, Deb- bie Newcomer, Joan Moore, Rhonda Proctor, Julie Grove, Becky Gohn, Jac- quie McCurdy, Jean Sargen, and Harriet Nye. Mrs. Mary Gingrich, Mrs. Mary Sprech- er, and Mrs. Dottie Heilig will also be modeling. A few tickets are still available and can be reserved by calling 653-1230. All proceeds from the event will benefit the various commun- ity projects of the Joycee- ettes. Mrs. Mary Gingrich is wearing a 100% polyester, ma- chine washable, long black dress with flowers embroidered in white. The long tapered sleeves, the neckline, and slight- ly raised waistline are trimmed with self-fabric bias. This dress is a LadyLaura creation by Toni Todd and can be found in the half-size department. -At left Jean Sargen has chosen apple green Cos Cob slacks from the missy department made from textured 100% polyester fabric. These compliment her Ship ‘n Shore layered-look blouse set. The short-sleeved shirt underneath is a “‘Care- free Knit” of 100% Cotton, accented by the large embroid- ered red apple motif. The same motif is repeated in minia- ture on the polyester and cotton overblouse. Models photographed at Ruhl’s Greenhouses, Mount Joy. Letters to Dear Editor: Three weeks ago I lost my best friend, Abby. Abby was as devoted and unselfish as any friend ever was. She had been my companion for almost eight years and 1 loved her like one of my family. This morning a neighbor called; he found Abby lying in the field near the road not far from our house. She was dead, shot in the should- er. Somewhere in this area there is a very warped crea- ture getting a thrill by shoot- ing friends. (There have beca at least five friends shot in this immediate area.) Why is nothing done about this atrocity? The problem lies in the fact that to the law and to other unconcern- Mrs. Peggy Wolfe Rosol was guest speaker for the Mount Joy Business and Professional Women’s Club at the regular February meeting held at Hostetter’s Dining Halli, Mount Joy. The Lancaster County na- tive graduated from Donegal High School in 1956 and was immediately employed at the Armstrong Technical Center. Here she took ad- vantage of the Education program and after 11 years as a part-time student, grad- uated in 1974 with a BA in business administration. She is now supervisor in the Quality Assurance Depart- ment of Armstrong, in Pro- duct Performance and Certi- fication. The subject of Mrs. Ro- sol’s presentation was an “Eleven Year Encounter.” The project required a great amount of sacrifice, but the speaker advised ‘“‘start with your dream and complete it. Any course uses the “C’s”: confidence, convic- tion, courage and capacity,” she said. The program was arrang- ed by the Foundation De- velopment committee with Mrs. Robert Breinich as chairperson. Mrs. Marlin Sinegar served as mistress of ceremonies in the ab- sence of the chairperson. Members of the committee are Mrs. Edna Guhl, Helen Schule, Mrs. Wilbur Shoop, Mrs. Ralph Tome and Mild- red Way. A questionaire was reviewed, revealing in- formation on the National Foundation for BPW. The March 24 meeting will be arranged by the Hos- pitality committee, celebrat- ing the Club’s birthday. Miss Odessa Mull, daugh- er of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mull, Marietta, was intro- duced as girl of the month by Mrs. Etsell, chairperson March 5, 1975 Editor ed citizens, these friends are only dogs, but to their own- ers they are members of the family. The loss I feel 1s tremen- dous and the anger and frus- tration created by this cruel and needless murder is even greater. I can’t help but think that this world would be a much nicer place if people were more like dogs — loving and unselfish rather than thoughtless, selfish, cal- lous and cruel like the psy- chotic human that shot my harmless and defenseless friend. Good luck who ever you are, your head needs help. A mourning and disgustful friend, Barbara R. Brady R. D. 1, Bainbridge, Pa. 17502 BPW hears Peggy Rosol of the personal development committee. Mrs. Mull was also a guest of the club. Mrs. Don Musser, corres- ponding secretary, presented several vocal selections ac- companied by Mrs. George Broske. In the business session conducted by the president, Mrs. Gerald Sheetz, Mrs. Molly Hart was recognized for selling more than 50 tickets for the Candlelight Tour, a club project. Mrs. Hart was commended by the finance chairperson, Mrs. June Whalen. Mrs. also reminded those present of the ‘Night of Music,” a variety of musical acts, to be presented under the di- rection of Miss Dorothy Schock, on Saturday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in the Donegal High School auditorium. Mrs. John Fry, 1st vice- president was elected as dele- gate to the National Con- vention in Las Vegas and also to the Spring District Meeting to be held at Qual- ity Court, Centerville. The president and Mrs. Earl Kos- er were also named as dele- gates. Mrs. Hart, Miss Mary Jane Hoffer and Mrs. Whalen were elected as alternates. Mrs. Koser and Mrs. Hart will attend the State Con- vention to be held in Pitts- burgh, June 13 - 15. Alternates to Pittsburgh are Mrs. Barry Etsell and Mrs. Whalen. The board of directors will meet at the home of the president on March 11, at 7:30 p.m. Elected to the nominat- ing committee were Mrs. Ben Horst, Jr., Mrs. Arthur Sprecher and Mrs. Marlin Sinegar. Miss Anna Mae Eby, co- chairperson for the hobby show to be held May 24, in the Donegal High School, distributed forms for regis- tering exhibitors.
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