975 i a e - ——————— =}§ February 12, 1975 Wrestlers, champs— almost Donegal High School’s wrestling team has just two meets left as The Bulletin goes to press. The first will be the toughest, against Pequea Valley, Tuesday, the outcome of which will be known by the time our read- ers receive this paper. The meet with Cocalico on Fri- day ends the season. If Donegal wins both meets, it will end the sea- son undefeated in league competition and unques* tioned champions. ON DEAN'S LIST Four Mount Joy and two Marietta residents are among 741 Millersville State Coll- ege residents named to the Dean’s List for the Fall semester. Cynthia L. Myers, 116 S. Barbara St., is among 151 students who earned per- fect 4.0 averages. Mount Joy residents nam- ed to the Dean’s List include Timothy D. Colyer, R. D. 1, Box 61; William L. Libhart, 229 Main St.; and Jeffrey Wolgemuth, R. D. 1. Marietta residents on Dean’s List are: Richard H. Buchanan, 124 W. Walnut St., and Jane L. Hess, R. D. i. Clement M. Hoover, 439 E. Market St., Marietta, was named to the Dean’s List at York College. Carol Frymoyer, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Frymoyer, Essex St., Mari- etta, was on the Dean’s List of Thompson Business School. She graduated from Donegal High School in ‘73. DID YOU HEAR... Tom and Clara Mayers are off to visit their son, Greg, in Chattanooga, Tenn READING PROGRAM Title I Reading Program Parent Advisory Committee meeting will be held Thurs- day, February 13, in the Donegal High School library at 7:30 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. GOLDEN AGE CLUB TO MEET The Golden Age Club of East Donegal will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 18, at the Lutheran Church in Maytown. Sgt. Hoover of the State Police will be the featured speaker. Nothing says love like PHONE 653-4006 Valentine's Day, Brighten your love with flowers and plants RUHL'S FLOWERS flowers. This Valentine's Day let a fresh bouquet or a plant speak for you. We've got some eloquent suggestions. Just call or stop by. February 4 Mount Joy, Pa. FLEA MARKET A ! : Saturday — 12 noon to 10 p.m. Tp) Sunday — 12 noon to 6 p.m. 5 “ Phone 898-2711 AUCTION Roowmt Every Saturday Night at 6 p.m. ANTIQUES WITH EVERY SALE ”/ 'SALUNGA FLEA MARKET & AUCTION \ Salunga Auction Building 131 Main Street, Salunga EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY SUSQUEHANNA BULLETIN — Page 7 Prices Effective Y Thru Sat. Fob. 15, OU’LL ENJOY SHOPPING WEIS FOR THESE REALLY GOOD VY A L i E 5 NL We Reserve the Rig — To Limit Quantities 3% GREEN STAMPS .. AT YOUR MT. JOY and ELIZABETHTOWN WEIS MARKETS bint EF at Je x Oo oem [Ry AE] 7) | mr. —" fl FRESH FRYING CHICKEN Quarters 0 I No Necks or Giblets BREAST LEAN, HICKORY SMOKED 4 to 6 Ibs. ¢ L5G ib ALL WHITE MEAT | TURKEY BREASTS | & Gov't Inspected ¢ | 3to4lh. Ib. I a EEN En EEN EEE ne KIDNEY BEANS 4: 00 Imported from Japan. . .KABUK] MANDARIN ORANGES Bi: E89: |BRUSSELS SPROUTS (after 6:30 p.m.) ff — 5@ WEST W800. ,r niin — —_ ae ot ca i nl JSTRE ot STARE 220 W. FRONT — 426-2278 3. Lily Nieman Antiques 7... “The Parlor” Antiques and Gifts 8. Henry to a 1. The 1 Union House Galiery Original Water Colors — Folk Art 17 W. MARKET — 426-1472 328 E. MARKET — 426-1270 ad S. The 104 E. FRONT — 426-3796 Fine Antiques, Crystal and China 5. White Swan Tavern & Jane Schlosser 234 E. MARKET — 426-2201 Dolls, Toys, Antiques & Studio 14 E. FRONT - 426-2189 Clocks, Furniture and Accempaniments | 4 Collectibles By Emme C. Reynolds BIDDLE ST. — 426-3927 Antiques and Primitives Autiques Aud Ant on Marietta =) 2 Oliver House Antiques 3-BEAN SALAD G2 +100 haa SS Sa abe Bl aaia=—=ble0 oC | SAVE 11¢ On...BIG TOP SAVE 14¢ on...SUNSHINE TOMATO KRIS PY CATSUP aS | 3::/100 | »qg 2 | (S100 | ~gq89¢ Packed by Libby's. . . ROSEDALE Bos <3 Pkgs. 10 i, Packed by Libby's. . . ROSEDALE or SILVERDALE CHOPPED BROCCOLI 55:47 0O Pros. Se Packed by Libby's. . . ROSEDALE 3 02. $ X oOo FORDHOOK LIMAS Pas A ag ai ve FRESH, CRISP Stalk { PASCAL CELERY prey SAVE 30: IFTSAVE 25¢:.. ' On a % Gallon Jug of i On a Pkg. of 100 FINAL TOUCH 4 TETLEY TEA BAGS : B FABRICSOFTENER LY y) \.. Expires 2/19/75 One Coupon Per Family >t OHer Expires 2/19/75 one Coupon Per Family ® (SAVE 100 T NPBAVE 101 =——=a===1n On a 15 oz. Pkg. of il On a 7 oz. Tube of 3 § ; BUC WHEATS + COLGATE 2 i CEREAL DENTAL J) i § Offer Expires 2/19/75 one Coupon Per Family OHer Expires 2/19/75 One Coupon Per Fawily JT SERRE EEE mam ad Teco Sg
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