Sa NEWS OF AREA CHURCHES ON THIS PAGE SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS: THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. ChurchNews St. Mark's United Methodist Church W. Richard Kchler, Pastor Sunday 9:00 - Church School all ages Nursery ; 10:15 - Morning Worship Tuesday Logs 7:00 - Council on Minigtries Meeting. for St. Luke's Episcopal Church St. Market & Columbia Ave. Donald M. Whitesel, Rector X Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Sermon. Church School God's Missionary Church Salunga Rev. Gerald Moore, Pastor 10:45 a.m. Morning wor- ship 7:00 p.m. Youth meeting 7:30 p.m. Revival hour Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Mi. Pleasant Brethren In Christi Church Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service Donegal Presbyterian Church Donegal Springs Road Pastor Rev. Herbert E. Moyer, ruandev 11:00 a.m. The Service (Nursery) 9:00 a.m. Church School, Kindergarten and Primary 1:30 - 5:00 p.m. Open House Chiques Unized Methodist Rev. Woodrow W. Kern, Minister Sunday 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service St. John’s Evangelical Maytown Ronald E. Peirson, Pastor 9:00 a.m. Church Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Sit. Marys Roman Catholic Church Sunday 8:00 a.m. Mass. Church of the Brethren Mount Joy & Cedar Sts. Elizabethtown, Pa. Rev. C. Wayne Zunkel Pastor Sunday 9:15 a.m. Church School for all ages and extended ses- sions, 10:30 a.m. Merning Worship Service, Outside worship eX- perience on the lawn behind the church. Meditation by the Rev. Zunkel. Cross F.oad: Brethren In Christ Church Donegal Springs Road Rev. Roy J. Peterman Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School hour Robert Sentz, Supt. 16:25 a.m. Worship service, Service of Holy Communion Special offering for victims of the flood. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. S¢ meets at the church, Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting wing Circle Bible studv in the book of Revelations. Sea snakes are usually members of the Cobra family! ee ————— MARY G. NISSLEY Funeral Director East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 653-1151 HOSTETTER'S DINING SERVICE, INC, 363 North Barbara St. MOUNT JOY, PA. 653-5911 WOLGEMU™"" BROS., Inc. FLORIN FEEDS MOUNT JOY, PA. RED ROSE DAIRY BAR and RESTAURANT On the road between Florin and Donegal High School J.B. HOSTETTER & SONS Hardware — G.E. Appliances West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Phone 653-1841 TEXACO FUEL CHIEF Burner Sales & Service GARBER OIL COMPANY 105 Fairview St., Mount Joy Phcne 653-1821 Add to your savings with S & H Green Stamps * MAYTOWN NEWS NOTES THE SICO COMPANY Oil Burner Sales & Service Quality Petroleum Products MOUNT JOY, PA. > UNION NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK Mount Joy — Maytown Drive-In, Walk-Up Windows at Both Offices Open Saturday 8 . 11 a.m. MOUNT JOY RESTAURANT 307 West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. Young Adult Class of the Brethren in Christ church will be going to Kennebrook on Saturday and stay over Sunday. All morning services will be held on Sunday even. The Golden Age Club met & children, Newtown Square, ing as the minister will be at last Tuesday at the Dillinger cottage at Lanhdisville Camp- meeting grounds. There were 26 members and guests at- tended. Each member brought visited Mr.and Mrs. Haines last Sunday. The Church of God softball team played the Congregation- Bible church on Monday eve- Henry Speedwell Lake, Miss Elizabzth Fletcher is a patient in Coatesville hospital. Col. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Vienna, Va., visited Mrs. Her- a picnic lunch. Iced tea, cof- ning. The score last week was bert Smith last week. fee, cookies and homemade ice cream was served. The ice cream was made by Pele Mayers. A short business meeting was held. They decid- ed to attend Retired Citizens’ Day at Hershey in August. They also voted to send $20 to Rhoda Kauffman at Ban gladesch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buf fington, New Haven, Conn. and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bren neman were Visitors of Mrs. Jehn Wolfe and Miss Helen Sload last week. Pastor Paul Marstellar spent last week at Alexandria, Pa. visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grove visited the Oberholtzers at Atlantic City last week. Callers of your correspond- ent last week were Miss Bea trice Datesman and Miss Sara Datesman, Columbia; Mrs. Mary Sarver and Mr. and Mrs. Staniey Ginder, Mt. Joy; Mrs. Don Gorrezht, Miss Dor is Gorrecht and Miss Mae Zeller, Liandisvilie. Mrs. David Greer and chil Fort Worth, Gr YATS CCl dren, Texas, are visiting the A drop-in-get acquainted party was held at the Greers last. Sunday afternoon. Capt. David Greer will return from His Thialand, August 5 Jis new tour of duty in the Air Force will be at Panama City, Fla Mrs. Jean Lowery and grandson Eric visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hun'!zingzr last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hai Senio G Scout roo #844 has announ - Ww i 1 not b 3 ( olle 1 oid door-to-door for the month o August Collections will made from 3 ) ¢ at thes f ving places in Mount Joy: Baker's 66: Crider’s : Texaco: Greiner’s Arco; Greil ner’s Garage, Inc and iS€ Sunoco. U.C.C. 15 and Church of God 21. Next Sunday, July 30 the celebrated anniversary last Amy Ferguson her third Monday. 80th Annual Convention The 80th annual Bible Con ference of the United Metho.- dist church will be held at the Mt. Gretna Tabernacle be ginning Sunday, July 30 and continue through Sunday, Au- gust 13. At 10 a.m. each morning, July 31 through August 35, there will be a Bible Study by the Rev. Clarence Kulp and Aug. 7 thru 11, a Bible Study by Dr. Francis William- son. Bill Mann, Director of Ev- angelistic Music at First Uni ted Me'hodist church. Dallas. Texas will be the music dir- ector. The evening services will begin at 7:30 p.m. each even ing. Dr. James Singer, pastor of Ascension Evangelical Lu theran church, Baltimore, Md. the speaker Sunday 30. thru Thursday, Aug. will be July 3. Dr. Singzar was born and : “nT 1 * IY PRE reared in Manheim. He is af 4 Ivy ] - Y - 1 vy | vy ] tive In denominational ana o 3 ) rel ody ye ecumenicair artairs. Friday, Lav Witne A ¢ ‘ 1 =vs3 3 August ,4¢ wil Mission W it n SS messaga2s by Visiting nN WwW nesses and Saturday, Mg, B will be a Training for 1 Witnesses. 8:30 to i ~Sh Groun iY nit 1:90 Focus on Sn ) W Re dr K jer: Small G eo nd 7 = 1 * y 1 RPaxr 2:11 il x hi 3 @ > AN ’ v NA or AAT : ivi +10 i S11 Jv A +1 1 Thursday A 11 14 i i pm) ~y 3 T eY © Gi 1 J f First Tn ] M ¢ Thiireh Nal Tes 1 } - 1. he ¢ k . YP hy Balas Dr. Henr) H Nicholas, Minister of Jane Memorial United Me. hodist church, Ger mantown, will bz the speaker Friday and Saturday, August 11 and 12. Sunday, Aug. 23, the Con ference will be closed with a Service of Music by Massed Choirs of United Methodist churches under the direction of Professor Francis William- son. Robart Glick, organist of St. John’s United Church of Christ, Jonestown, will be the organist and Rev. Rodne; Shearer, Associate Pastor of St. Paul’s United Methodist church, Elizabelhtown will be the pianist. Everyone is cordially invit ed to atlend any or all ses sions. SEWING CLUB MEETS 4 Tay ~ Ty or mt Joy's first club that me year 4-H ts at Sf nar 7 1 y ~ NFfat} ad 3 co Marl United Meathodist 1 - 1 3 V. ~ \- 1 - church picked Deb Mumper Te1lxr { "co n + "Oo 3 y July 10 as posture queen, hd ™ . Karen k naart was run ne 3 ar ] J Ly ITO I M x S S i J ] Bri n Vil K I 1 na \ i < S 1 1 Jon \T:] B y P ] Karan ] nN JOS e Y . ) oi Q My at 0 11 ) 111 11¢C! rvolv i ic n 10 \ ! 7 in 18 nei cen nT resi 1 Nat vehicl fleet. PAGE ELEVEN Mennonite Church Nevin Horst, Pastor Henry W. Frank, Associaie Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday Schonl 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. Church of the Bre‘hren 48 Holland Avenue Salunga, Pa. Rev, Wm. Longenecker Pastor Moderator, Rev. Robt. Heffley 9:00 a.m. Church School 10:00 a. m. Morning Wor ship Service Trinity Lutheran Church Mount Joy The Rev. W. L. Koder Sunday 9:13 am. Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Wor ship The Rev. Roger M. Singer, D.D. Missionary to Hong Kong, preaching. An athletic man is one who hires a small boy to cut the grass so he can play golf and get a little exercise. Glossprenner United Methodist Church Clair L.. Wagner, Jr., Pasiox Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship. Sermon: “God Supports”. 10:45 a.m. Christain Instruc- tion in the Sunday Church School. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Midweek Service 8:00 p m., Pastor-Parizsh Re- lations Committee. Church of Ged Ralph C. Warner, Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Bible School 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship: Service Sermon theme, Viewpoint of Sin” The youth of our church will conduct a Hymn Sing at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible study. Please note there will be no evening worship services during the month of August. “God’s Florin Church of the Brethren Jacob F. Replogle, Pastor Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church School, Linn Longenecker, Supt. 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor- ship Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, Missionaries in India. 11:30 a.m. Covered dish luncheon of Board members and Missionaries Wadnesday 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible study Hour First Presbyterian Church Rev. Stephen W. Getty, Sunday 9:15 a.m. School with clas- ses_ for all ages. 10:30 a.m, Worship service Everyday Strength for Today, Dial Calvary Bible Church Donegal Heigh's Rev. Ronald Gibson, Pastor 9:15 a.m. Bible School 12:30 a.m. Morning Wor ship Services 10:30 a.m. Jr. a church 6:00 p.m. Young people 2.0 "™ R'xrawv: 5 sent: 7:00 p.m. Evening worship W Ino day 7:00 pm. Prayer Meeting id Bil Study { Aa i 50 ¢ was i - 0 ven 1 In 1839
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