~ Subject: PEOPLE! NANCY NEWCOMER Sue Briggs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Musser, 214 Marietta street, and her husband, Ed, recently travel. ed from their home in Bir- mingham, Alabama to Palm Beach, Florida for a conven- tion. Mr. Briggs won the ex- pense paid trip for being an outstanding salesman with the Liberty National Life Insur- ance Company. Coming back up the coast, they enjoyed several days in historic St. Augustine before returning home to their 2%. year old daughter, who had stayed with friends while her par- ents vacationed. * * * Miss Betty Ober, who is employed at the Masonic Homes in Elizabethtown, vis- ited with riends in Mount Joy on Monday. * * % Girl Scout troop #32 left early Monday morning, June 12, for New York City and their annual year ‘end trip. They enjoyed a busy fun-filled day of activities, which inclu- ded such sights as the Statue of Liberty, the United Nations Building, the Bowery, China- town, and Madison Square Garden. They walked down Fifth Avenue and did some window shopping at Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue Dept. stores, They attended an afternoon performance of a live show at Radio City Music Hall. They toured St. Patrick’s Cathedr- al. Rockefeller Plaza and the NBC building, where they viewed a live taping of tele- vision shows, including the daytime serial, “The Doctors” and radio broadcasting. Be- fore leaving the building each girl was telecast on closed cir- cuit TV. A special thrill for the group was a safe uneventful ride on the subway. They ate at a delicatessen on Fifth Av- enue, went up in the Empire State Building and from there headed home, arriving at 10 p.m., tired but ready to go again. Troop leaders in charge of arrangements were: Mrs. Emergency Medical Calls SUNDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON Dr. James Elvin Kenneth Good and Mrs. Mer- le Wilkinson. Also accompany- ing the group were Mrs. Ron. al Gotwalt, Mrs. Harry Gar- bzr, Mrs. Robert Schwert, Mrs. Thomas Kulp and bus driver, Ken Eshleman. *® * * A surprise bridal shower was held Tuesday evening, June 6, for Miss Joanne New- comer, in the home of her aunt. Mrs. Anna Newcomer. Tho:e attending were: Mrs. Charles Eshleman .and son Gary, Mrs. Jay Snyder, Mrs. Gerald Grove, Mrs, Grace Mumma, Mrs. Kenneth John- son, Mrs. Robert Gibble and son Randy, Mrs. Robert Stauf- fer and daughter Lori, Mrs. Kenneth Newcomer and daughters Tammy, Weady and Beth, Mrs. Ralph Snyder Mrs. Gene Newcomer, Miss Ann Fair, Miss Faith White- head, Mrs. Mark Newcomer and daughter Joyce. * * w® Spending Saturday and Sun- day in the mountains in Per- ry County were: Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moran, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moran, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yingst. They stayed in the newly remodeled cabin of Mr. and Mrs. Yingst. * * #* The sixth grade patrolmen of Seiler were treated to a trip to Dutch Wonderland on Friday afternoon, June 9, sponsored by Seiler School and Home Assoc. Thirty-three guards enjoyed the trip along with these mothers who drove: Mrs. Ken Newcomer, Mrs. Joseph Coover, Mrs. So AR I 4 NOTICE! WEEDS, JUNK, RUBBISH, ETC. Weeds growing in the Borough of Mount Joy must be CUT on or before June 20 and KEPT CUT for the balance of the year with- out further notice. Also, rubbish, junk piles, litter, etc. must be kept cleaned up. Failure to comply with this NOTICE and the Borough ordinances dealing with these matters will require the Borough to have the work done, for which COSTS plus 10 per- cent will be billed to the property owners. Your Cooperation is Requested ! Be A Good Neighbor and Cut Your Weeds. And Clean Up Your Properties NOW ! ! BY AUTHORITY OF THE MOUNT JOY BOROUGH COUNCL CLARK BERRIER, MAYOR 14-2c TE SR John Miller, Mrs, Donald Whitzel, and Mrs, Paul Shear- er. * ® * Mr. and Mrs. Stan Landis and children Andrea, Amy and Kirk, spent the week end in the mountains near New Bloomfield in Perry County. Because of the unusually cool weather they enjoyed a fire in the fireplace and a cozy typical winter visit to the mountains. * * * Cub Scout Pack #136 spent Monday, June 12, enjoying the sights in our capital city, Washington, D.C. The group of 42 visited the National Ar- chieves Building, the Museum of National History, toured the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, saw the Lincoln Memorial and finished the day LATEX ROL-LATEX WALL PAINT Quality acrylic. Odorless. Dries in 30 minutes. 13 colors. $599 PER GAL. SPEC WR STALE [32 18% WIN a RUPP ROADSTER/2 (Minicycle) Register Today GOOD QUALITY WALL PAINT FAST DRYING, WHITE & COLORS Reg. $469 per gal. EVERY 2ND GALLON FREE PAGE 16 at the National Zoological Gardens, The highlight of the trip to the zoo was getting to see the newly acquired panda bears from China. They were playful and lovable in their own special cages which were in the process of bz2ing decor- ated to match their native en- vironment. En route home they stopped at Gino's for supper, arriving in Mt, Joy at 9:00 o'clock, Cubmaster, Ed Miller was in charge of ar- rangements. Also making the trip were the following par- ents: Mrs. Bernice Mulwane, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown, Mrs. Jeff Brian, Robert Mark and Mrs. Gene "Newcomer. * * * On Wednesday evening, June 7, Cub Scout Pack #136 and their families, held their GALS. $4 YOUR ONLY i CHOICE in MARY CARTER'S CYCLE SWEEPSTAKES at Your Local Mary Carter Paint Store "6 CYCLES To Be Given Away" NO PURCHASE NECESSARY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 monthly pack meeting in “Schlosser’s Woods” enjcng a perfect campfire built by Bob Divet. They roaster hot dog: and toasted marshmal. lows. Cubmaster, Ed Miller presented several awards. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Ron Kennedy and children Jaylee and Ron- nie returned Tuesday, June 6 from an exciting 5-day trip to Florida. They flew from Washington D.C. to Orlando where they spent one day at Disneyworld. While in Orlan- do they took a Scenic Cruise around the city. From there they flew to. Miami. They drove along the Tamiami Trail and were thrilled by an air boat rida through the Ever- glades. They enjoyed the beach and swimming in Mi- ami, MARY CARTER Latex HOUSE PAINT Quality Latex House Paint. For wood, masonry and metal. Reg. 599 PER GAL. $325.00 VALUE MARY CARTER PAINT STORE 406 E. MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY = East End of Mount Joy, Next to the Creek STORE HOURS—DAILY 9-5. FRI. 9 - 9. CLOSED WED. AFTERNOON PHONE 653-5995 RR Ti Sia i adalah N — ml: YZ —l ta al be 0 pein eg bd a 0 by w -—
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