THE GOLDEN DELICIOUS IS AN ALL-PURPOSE: APPLE The Golden Delicious is not only perfect for fresh eating, but is* also excellent for pies, salads, sauce and baking, ev- en when past the shelf life stage for .eating out of hand, reminds Dr, Loren D. Tukey, professor of pomology at the Henny's Electric 43 Market Square Manheim, Pa, ZENITH ® NORGE GIBSON e MAYTAG We Service all the Pénn State university. The merits of this “sunshine ap- ple” should be spread far and near, and backed with the marketing of only quality fruit. MORE TRAVEL DU DURING WINTER DARKNESS Dusk comes earlier during the winter months, so people do more night-time driving. Sometimes drivers can’t stop quickly enough when they see potential hazards, Slower speeds and cautiousness are the solutions, remind Farm & Home Safety Committe of the Penn State university. SUNSHINE SUGAR WAFERS MARTIN’s FRANKS 5 HEART'S DELIGHT PEACHES WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE JUMBO BOLOGNA The first commercial TV § station west of the Mississippi was KTLA, which began § broadcasting at 8:30 p.m. on § . WERE aL LLL Ld yell 5 SUNSHINE PEANUT BUTTER WAFERS ...................... SPATE NE EEE SANTEE eae eT ee aes CEN aN SIRE EN a Se ange engi y Be ares ts rE AEE ASML EES RRA Ese ee 2 for 63c ESS LY EES ER EARLY EAS SNRs eve see 1 1b. box 39c¢ Y2 gallon 79¢ Jan, 22, 1947 from a convert- § ed garage in Hollywood, Cali fornia, CA EES ee ee NE ea aE Nee eae ee ae ae eee - Above Makes: — Saree stant N steele Beeler hen | CLYMER’S COUNTRY STORE a msl SF FA OS SR SR TE TR RR R55 0 8 0 6 TE FE 6 AS Sh RS SHOPPING : PROBLEMS (Formerly Old Line Store, Manheim R. D. 2) Open Every Evening Except Wednesday — Open Every Day Except Sunday : : Regular Hours 8 AM. to 9 PM, — Friday until 10 P.M, VANISH WHEN PHONE 665-6474 YOU SEND EAT PS A PA 4X A SR PN PA PA 4 A A ST A SP FAK PT PA A 4 TA AC A DA Pel Yi TA DO a YP 5 rT, SS OE SF SS 356 RS Rc Fd Fh YO 5 55 Rh 5 Fo oh Js oh Rh A WONDERFUL i CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ~~ QUALITY GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT OF SHOP AND SELECT THE FINEST OF REGISTER FOR ONE OF FREE GIFTS pe TO BE GIVEN AWAY DECEMBER 24, 1971 Man's Watch. 2nd - Lady's Onyx Diamond Ring. 3rd - China Ware Set. 4th - Man's Wallet. 5th - Lady's Wallet. ® WATCHES 20% - 50% OFF. ® DIAMONDS 30% OFF SILVERWARE FOR S ...................... Regular $89.95 — NOW $59.59 ® STAINLESS STEEL FOR 8 Regular $69.95 — NOW $49.95 ® JRONSTONE CHINA FOR 8 ............... Regular $59.95 — NOW $42.50 5 Also Sale on Radios, Jewelry Chests — Men's and Women's Crystal Set ALSO SEE GIFTS OF LASTING QUALITY FOR YEARS AHEAD ® LENOX CHINA and GLASS ® INTERNATIONAL SILVER ® FRANCISCAN CHINA STAINESSS STEEL ® HEIRLOOM STERLING ® FOSTORIA CRYSTAL And many other wonderful Gift Items for your loved one who works so hard for you throughout the year. i: MANHEIM JEWELRY COMPANY 38-2c g 17 NORTH MAIN STREET MANHEIM, PA. a 0 RS SP PR PA UK YS PO PS PP PS ES BS ES a 0 Tn SA 5 TE DE SK A FS TS PA A MSA A A PA VAT A UA 4X A LE A PAPA SX pa pa psp = ee tee HEELS ewe fre Te Fm ea, Ist - For Christmas, gifts of flowers are always welcome, And it’s so easy and pleasant to shop for flowers— phone or visit us today. We send Christmas flowers anywhere flowers always appropriate. RUHL’S FLOWERS 653-4006 OPPOSITE BEAHM JR. HIGH SRR RIRRSA RSE FARR FR RAPA RR ART 7 RA RA NA EER PA PS PA YA PRK PA ESE SER TR FREER Y A A PAS EA ES PE BS SS ETA od pA RE RR RS RA RNA NT RN NE NA NN SRR RE MOUNT JOY & \% & 3 ; od : ; \WHOLE CLAN COMING 72 FOR THE HOLIDAY ? ADRES CO PR YR YR PR 3¢ RE a, CHRISTMAS TREES I ORDER YOUR § Order Now SCOTCH PINE FANCY FRUIT BASKETS 1 FRESH $2.50 to $5.50 STARTING AT $2.25 j TURKEYS. WHITE PINE i CAPONS $7.50 to $8.50 AUELES SPECIAL DOUGLAS FIR . Si. 0 1 DIRECT FROM FLORIDA $4.95 to 39.95 FRESH : $4.00 rer case ALL TREES FRESH CUT. CIDER DAILY jGRAPEFRUIT 10 for $1.00 ¥ DELIVERED DAILY TTR io, FOF TSR RAR TOR TE OF WTR JO TR SR SR RA, RR TO YOUR RR YN 7 RR RR RE RS NA RA A NR SPECIAL § ORANGES 25 for $1.00 3 COOKIES CALIFORNIA LETTUCE Franceto 25 for $1.00 X 3 209c¢ HEAD 10 poz. “JO 5 {ALL SIZE NAVELS PaENn aoe ; $5.00 i BROKEN PRETZELS 1 SWEET _ JUICY BROKEN CANDY { cHINESE HONEYS 2 LB. SE: LB 49c LB. 69c CARRIER DUTCH PRIDE FARM MARKET.. 2 MILES SOUTH OF MANHEIM ON ROUTE 72 OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 9:00 P,M. DAILY — CLOSED SUNDAY RE ES SN ES ES ES ES RS ES ILS ESE PHONE 665-6767 SIEIEYIESS. EE EE DB SSA Bw ¥ V smaimnamecs cones smog
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