By R.A. R. A word of warning— It would be well to remem- ber, at this stage of the elec- tion campaign, that what is being said and done in the political arena these past few days and what will happen between now and Nov. 5 has very little bearing on the THE 2 MOUNT SE, Joy < 4 4 <, 6 +4 Mount Joy's ONLY Newspaper VOL. 68. NO. 22 Hold Classes Open Because of insufficient reg- istrations for the adult edu- cation evenings courses at Donegal high school, classes will not begin this next week as planned. — Devoted to the Best Interest and Welfare of Mount Joy MOUNT JOY, PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1968 SEVEN CENTS List Halloween Parade Prize Winners Wecod Street FIVE DAY Weather Forecast Mount Joy is a town! And on Saturday night, Oct. 26 the town was shown parade total situation. H : . : : i owever, the registration : Fro Th ; an unusually fine Halloween We e © o : is being held open, hoping Reconstruction athe Herzishutg parade. There were good ways, as campaigning iti ri oud crowds inin avacle Ree i Wi oa shine that Stditional Berson hy Nears Finish Thursday through Mondey Sows ning the parade ! . 3 ? a or ol express an interes in he Oct; 31 - Nov. 4 wll many many boys I or Sonses So Ey iri courses and iat Clases €an Ay things have combined Torpatiies tor Hass pic a 8, both young and > ) g ] begin at a later ate. to help complete Wood sireet pe § or he 5- id, taking part. people say and do things Courses to be offered in- this year! day period from Thursday Ihe event was sponsored which actually mean very clude sewing, typing, modern TI .e ais ok through Monday are expec- by the Mount Joy Lions ciub. little. math and mechanical draw- Dus week the project ted to average above nor- Paraders passed in review ® © .0 ing. Those interested should Wiel has turned out to be mal. Daytime highs will at the judges’ stand in front What had been a rather get in touch with the Donegal 'f1¢ Major street improvement be in the middle 50's to of the Lancaster County Far- calm campaign until a week or 10 days ago has broken down into a name-calling con- test which means nothing, ex- cept as it indicates that ev- eryone who is deeply involv- ed is bone tired and extreme- ly edgy. ee & eo all three candi- caught up in the Actually, dates are according high high school office, to Donald Drenner, school principal. Borough Council Mount Joy Borough Coun- cil will hold its November meeting on Monday eveiing, Nov. 4, beginning at 7:39 o” effort of the summer is vir- tually completed. Contractor workmen last week completed the laying of the first coat of macadam and this- week were poised to put down the second. An unfortunate water leak situation developed at the east end of the reconstruction area which will necessitate a middle 60's with nighttime lows in the 40's. Moderat- ing temperatures this week, turning colder next week. Precipitation may total 1 to '2 inch, occuring as a few showers about Sunday and Monday. Two Move Up mers National bank, where Lloyd Swarr, Charles Brooks and Charles Ebling named the winners. Prizes were awarded to: First Division Most Comical - Jim Brown, Kem Myers, Jonathan Horst, Marion Neiss. Most Original - Tracy Max- well, Tommy Destz, Deborah ny ) _ period of resettlement and Pessires of he Brat drive clock in fhe, ssveniiy Joon} Sik pefore that particul Fitzkee and Debby Gainer. oward election day and they of the Friendship Fire Com- rn : : i i anciest - ilby Bist Rl Sorin Any I nye he p ar spot can be paved. For Examinations | Fenciest - Trilby Bishop, > : pany fad Weather, push from Street x No. 54 (unclaimed), Mike this hubbub is about. > > A I'wo Mount Joy young men Shoemaker, Abby Zink. Committee Chairman Simeon are among the finalists in a vf - arati F + s vow What's it about — It’s the . pI Horton ma i o series of examinations lead- Second Division selection of a president of New Yoting aces Ee as Fag. £ nl ed Ing to appointments to . the Best Appearing Floats— the United States, the most Two new voting places hic i81LY Sies Up a Job y's Naval Academy and the Donegal high school Boos- : : th : which at mid-summer appear- (3 Mor hn i En =. ter Club. Mr. and Mrs. Na. powerful nation on earth. . pros Joy area have od {o be in trouble for 1968. ° S. Merchant Marine Aca- gh Mr. Mrs. Na Politics is government in ac- ,. —~_ ounced for Tues- PE * demy. thaniel Pott and family, Lan- tion. But right now it looks like something else. 8 @ o> Thus, we're saying that probably it is better for vot- ers to make up their minds . fl Plum streets. : about how they will cast : : indergart- Naval Academy. Single Adults their ballots on the basis of Will yore n the kinassgere Walter A. Rolfs, 639 Wood Mrs. Paul Shearer and Mrs. what happened in the cam- Tree Elementary school : street, is one of ten similarly James Brown. 3 building Election Over selected for the Merchant Most Original— (Turn to page 3) . . Marine Academy. Charles A. McGallicher, No. day. Nov. 5. Mount Joy's West Ward will vote at the W. L Beahm junior high school and the Strickler School District in Rapho township ‘Of This and That’ by the editor's wife Borough council had antici- pated a month ago that it might be next spring before the job could be finished. The area reconstructed this summer is between Angle & Except Shouting It's all over but the shout- ing! ; That is about how the Mt. Joy area, as well as the rest feels about They were listed by Sena- tor Hugh Scott. Thomas F. Roberts, R. 1, Box 116, is one of 10 men selected by tests to take fur- ther examinations for the Sign Contract ForBoro Building disville and Bradley Charles Brooks. ; Best Appearing Float —- Marietta Brownie Troop and Rheems Brownie Troop 284. Third Division 352(unclaimed) and Mrs. Eva Weidman, Bainbridge. Fanciest — No. 353 (unclaimed) Mrs. James Pennell. Fourth Division Couples - All ages and , of the countr ie vio: Mount Joy g 1968 Hallo ig il oly the The TL which will Official papers authorizing Most Original Couple— ween Parade ig up to We particularly enjoyed be held next Tuesday at pol. the remodeling of the former Richard Peifer and daugh- good reputation! . sat the “headiess horseman” of ling places across America. Acme Markets building on ter Cindy, Daryl and Ann In the SOO) Hip ut Bas “Ichabod Crane” fame rid- By this time, most people East Main street to make a Houseal, Selma Boyer and urday night, t ? gooms & Ee ak ny ol rr have made up their minds Borough Building were sign- John Boyer witches were out ri 2 e I his hood yellow Damp how they intend to vote when ed Monday night, Oct. 28. Most Comical Couple— pumpkins and rooms ic Sas Th they close the curtain. The contract outhorized El- Mrs. Robert Meckley and usual, with plenty 0 pac hos thave as the - Horse: There will continue to be Mer Z. Ginder, successful Mrs. Ervin Weaver. Mrs. men, hoboes, an Lourie dram a ene. wih 8 excitement and drum beat. bidder, to do extensive re- Mike Young and son Glenn, animals” to keep them com- t CuOur Little ing until the very last min- modeling to provide a garage Patty and Barby Peifer. pony and cart, ur. Ht and office facilities. pany! What did you enjoy most? It would be hard for us to say what we found the most interesting and beguiling. It seemed the costumes of the Helper,” hitched on behind. There were Brownies in yel- low pumpkin suits on a big fioat; there were ‘‘Jeanies’ in bottles; there were hunters with their dogs, an orderly, a chef, Cinderellas, batmen, skeletons, and little old lad- ute, but generally speaking, the campaign pretty much is over except for the actual balloting and for the uproar shouting of the victors. What effect the third-par- ty candidate will have upon local voting is anyone's guess, even in Mount Joy. Work is to begin within 10 days. Groups - All ages (3 or more persons) (Turn to page 7) ® An Editorial : i @S ies with straw hats. -. > As voters of this area prepare to go to a Manheim Vot There was a many-legged It appears certain inat the polls next Tuesday to cast their ballois 1 . Fl . tion caterpillar . a bride and there will be Wallace ballots for President of the United States, we be- & or uorica : groom with flower girl and aplenty. : lieve that the vast ma’'ority are searching i Manheim borough Tuesday ring bearer . . . a finely-fea- Much Mig ding op: their souls, seeking to find the responsible ; leading to bird . . . “Christmas Pears to be connecte with approach to the awesome duty which every night took steps leading thered Be the candidacy of George citizen of the community faces. the utlimate fluoridation of water distributed in its muni- cipal system. packages’ walking down the street . .;. hippies . . . The bands were peppy, €s- Wallace and that feeling no doubt will be reflected at the This, then, we believe, is what mosi voters are saying to themselves: £ 5 to 3, ially the Donegal H. S. Polls. : tes fein ay 8 PI yee oa 3 peeiy Yo io OER! les In the immediate Mount Con ot Sood conscience I can not vote fi proceed and to take bids for and snappy cadence. The Joy area voters cast their 5 supplies and equipment nec- Donegal elementary band ge ua Dlaces. Actually, I am afraid of a man who conducts the S > essary for injection of sodi- its part well, too, and Mount Joy West Ward and in himself as Wallace has over the years. He did not um fluoride. steam calliope, pulled by a : hol make a good record as a state governor. He has itio ré- oo} £ tching brown and the Strickler School District. es : : poe, ron DR re a nos. Florin Ward citizens will NO organization and obviously can not do the yy blic meeting, there talgic note. : vote at the Florin fire hall in many things he promises, despite the fact some gl 2a pu : whatever room is suitable on of them do need doing. was none at Tuesday night's meeting and council proceed: Yes, it was a good parade! %® * * election day. The remodeling program at that location wilii Without power and support in congress, Wai- ed with BE rgd de. Lastof-October note: Al phe ‘of great inconvenience lace is nothing. His chances of having that vital al Jas er bids for fiuor- though i Wing agg On Signs will direct voters. backing are nil. ¢ 3 e the back porch are singing Als I n a idation equipment does mot no FC oT a winter 0, can not vote for Hubert Humphrey. unalterably commit the coun- cil to the treatment of wa- tune tonight — although the thermometer is at its lowest BAND PARENTS However, in some ways, The Minnesotian has I respect him greatly. made something of hin- ter. When bids are received, point this fall — today we The Donegal Band Parents Self, beginning as a poor boy with humble begir- the program could be scrap- _. ipeni i i d ing with political skill and 3- ep still had tomatoes ripening Club will meet Monday eve- nings an moving wi poiitical SKili an treme ped. (slowly’) on our backyard ping Nov. 4 in the high dous energy to the vice-presidency of the United THIS ISSUE -- Two Sections 24 PAGES % 25 vines, the marigolds were a mass of color, and the rose bushes proudly boasted some of the loveliest blossoms they have had all season! But, if autumn comes, can .. (Turn to page J) | pied school cafeteria at 7:30 p.m. Parents of both the senior and junior high school bands are urged .to .attend. Mrs. Charles Shoemaker is chair- lady of the membership com- mittee. States. He has been part of government for a long time, he has rubbed elbows with the great, andi near-great and has had the ways of government. personal experience with (Turn fo page 3)
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