The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 06, 1956, Image 1

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The Mount Joy
Enrollment Figures Are
Released From Donegal
Joint School System
School opened in the area
Wednesday with 2301 chil-
dren reporting the first day.
This total comprises the stu-
dents attending the Donegal
High School and the elemen-
tary schools
in Mount Joy,
® existing elementary
The Lancaster Automobile
Club’s annual appeal to mo-
torists to take special precau-
tions when driving near
schools is underway. State
Police, local police and the
school authorities are co-op-
The theme of the campaign
is SCHOOL'S OPEN — Drive
CAREFULLY. Colorful post-
ers bearing this message have
been placed in conspicuous
spots throughout the county.
Twelve hundred posters,
weatherized for outdoor dis-
play, have been erected. In
addition, bumper strips for
cars, trucks and busses have
been distributed.
In Lancaster the city police
have placed several hundred
of the posters on poles. trees
and other vantage points in
the vicinity of schools and
elsewhere. In Mt. Joy and
the various other communi-
ties local police and school
officials have placed the pos-
ters at spots that will catch
tiie attention of ‘motorists.
Pennsylvania State Police
have assisted in distribution
of the posters and bumper
Things that motorists
being asked to do are:-
1. Scrupulously obey speed
limits near schools.
2. Be extra alert for chil-
dren crossing streets at un-
expected places.
3. Co-operate with
School Safety Patrol
and girls.
4. Be especially
when operating a vehicle
near school busses. Pennsyl-
vania law requires motorists
to stop for a school bus load-
ing or unloading children.
rem (fe
Rotary Club
Has Voice
Mount Joy Rotary club
Tuesday noon witnessed an
interesting demonstration on
the impressions = created by
various voice types.
Mrs. Nancy Klinefelter,
service representative for the
Lebanon office of the Bell
Telephone Company, played
a tape recording of various
voice types and then showed
drawings of the kinds of per-
sons the various voices repre-
Several Rotary members
then were asked to talk into
a telephone and their voices
were recorded andy played
Mrs. Klinefelter was
sisted by Norman Rowe.
The Milton Grove Svorts-
mens Club held their month-
ly meeting Friday evening,
August 31. After the regular
business at hand was taken
care of. plans were discussed
for holding shooting matches
during the Fall months. The
ldates arrived at by the mem-
bers of the club and commit-
itee are Sent. 21, Oct. 12 and
Nov. 16. Being no further
business, the meeting was ad-

To Report New
‘Families Call
MJ 3-9763

Mount Joy Township, East
Donegal Township and Mari-
etta Borough.
A total of 858 students re-
ported to the Donegal High
School the first day. Of these

= m= po’
NO. 12
Ben Staley
Is Named
A reorganization meeting
was held for the Citizens
Committee of Florin. Two
new members were appoint-
ed to the committee and an
election of officers was held.
The two new Florin men

530 were enrolled in the jun-
ior high school and 328 in
the senior high school. This
year there are five sections
of the .seventh grade, six in
the eighth, five in ninth; four
in tenth; and three in elev-
enth and twelfth grades.
The girls outnumbered the
boys in the school with 438
girls enrolled and 420 boys.
The senior class has 99 mem-
bers; juniors, 96; sophomores
133; freshmen, 172; eighth
grade, 181; and seventh grade
A total of 1443 students
was reported from the seven
schools the Sloan's Pharmacy.
in the combined area. Of renovations and alterations
these, 698 are boys and 745 Gi) going in the store,
are girls. In the Washington
School, Florin, with grades the soda counter
from kindergarten through 3, and
Wednesday to make way for
there are 121 students; Flor-
new services to be offered by
A “landmark” of Mount
stools were removed
in, north side, kindergarten
through 5, 100 students; Mil-
ton Grove sehool 1-3, 34 and
the other Milton Grove
school of grades 4-6, 25.
In the Maytown element-
ary school, there are 441 pu-
pils in grades kindergarten
through grade 6. (A total of
95 students are enrolled in
the fourth grade in this one
school.) In Mount Joy Bor-
ough the total for grades kin-
dergarten through six is 391
and for the same grades in
Marietta Borough, the total
is 331 students. The local el-
ementary school has 197 boys
enrolled and 194 girls.’
rr (fe et
the store.
One new the
feature of
store will be self-service
cigar department. Other chan-
ges will include the expan-
sion of the greeting card de-
partment, enlarging of the
camera department and a
new wrapping counter. The
new display counters will be
open in order that merchan-
dise throughout the entire
counter may be displayed.
The space will also be used
to house additional drugs.
Although the soda fountain
has been removed, the phar-
macy will continue to carry
a full line of packaged Dolly
Madison ice cream. The re-
modeling will also include
new flooring and new paint-
ed walls. Following the two-
week remodeling period,
Walter Sloan, owner, will
stage a remodeling sale.
The pharmacy was closed
for one day, from Wednesday
noon until Thursday noon,
for the removal of the foun-
tain equipment but other
renovations will be conduct-
ed after store hours.
Three trips were taken last
week by the local communi-
ty ambulance. Friday, Aug-
ust 31, William Laughman,
Lumber Street, was taken to
the Lancaster General Hos-
the sale of some of his paint- pital by drivers Marlin and
ings, he has earned a small a- Ray Myers. The same day,
mount of money. Linneaus Edwin Swanson, 236 Mariet-
Longenecker, local painter, ta Ave. was taken to the
has given Mr. Laughman sev- Lancaster General . Hospital
eral lessons and says that the by the same two drivers and
new artist is doing quite well Mrs. James Hostetter, nurse.
His favorite reading is that Soot. 1. oy fare
of Sports articles and stories, taken to the St. Josephs Hos-
After many cast changes, ita) by drivers Robert Hoff-
last Friday, he was again ta- aster and Samuel Dock.
ken to the Lancaster General ie Bashan
Hospital and had thought
that the cast would be taken AD GETS RESULTS,
off. Again, it was given an- BUT WRONG NUMBER
other delay.
(Editor'sNote — Let's re- IS GIVEN
Re ir on The Bullet'n many times
i 4 ’ has pointed with pride to the
effectiveness of its classified
a gift or a visit!)
ad section.
as se ere was an ad,
Sportsmen Issue Th eck Pon a as
Annual Report
clerk, also some typing and
office work. Steady employ-
“Alaska”, a film, shown at
the regular meeting of the
ment. Call MJ 3-6001.”
The ad got results all right
ac . 3-6001 re-
Mount Joy Sportsmen Asso- In fact, Phone No. 3-6001 re
ciation next Monday, Sept-
tember 10, in the firehouse.
ceived some 25 calls.’ The
hitch is that it was the wrong
Mr. Snavely will show the
Mr. Armstrong film.
number. 3-6001 is the num-
ber for Ruhl's Flowers and
rete ... the ad was placed by Way's
(The association released is Appiiances, so Ruhl's got the
: : : answers.
IS be gost week, gh The ad taker is still mysti-
SE {he a of two fied as to how the error came
ds with bass and other about, but has corrected the
ni ass Joy Com- number for this week. It is
pany pond north East Main MJ 3-3622.
Street and the Bernhard
Pond in Florin. These ponds
will open June 1957 and will
be available to all children
of the two communities un-
der sixteen years of age. Pro-
viding the fish propogate, the
ponds will be open to the
public in 1958. The. group is
also raising 10,000 trout at
the present time which are
approximately four inches
Plans are also being form-
ulated for the newly purchas-
ed sports farm, the farm pur-
chased recently located north
near the Cove.
To Have
William Laughman, Lum-
ber Street, will celebrate his
birthday Sunday, Sept. 9th.
Mr. Laughman has been hos-
pitalized and confined to his
home for the past two years
following a fall from a roof
on which he was working as
a carpenter. Sept. 25, it will
be two years that Mr. Laugh-
man has been encased in a
body cast from the waist to
and including one leg.
Much of his past two years
has been spent in reading
and recently, he added paint-
ing to his activities. Though
C. Kenneth Young, Mt. Jov
R1, showed a purebred
Guernsey to the reserve
championship of the first an-
nual Southeastern Region Fu-
ture Farmers of America
Dairy Show last Friday.
His reserve champion was
Hargood’s Noble Brenda, a
junior yearling that also won
the local boy top honors in
her class at the Pennsylvania
Dutch Days Dairy Show
Hershey two weeks ago.
To Be Issued
At High School
Wilbur Beahm, supervising
principal of the Donegal Ar-
ea Joint School System, an-
Joy disappeared this week at nounces changes in the issu-
With ing of working permits. Here- Bishop of
tofore, farm and domestic
permits, general employment
certificates and vacation cer-
tificates were issued in the
four areas.
All permits will now be
issued only at the Donegal
High School. These permits
will be issued by the guid-
ance department of the school
at the high school office.
Hours for receiving permits
will be from 8 a. m. until
3:30 p.m. Mondays through
According to the state de-
partment, one major change
is announced in the proced-
ure in acquiring the permits
They will be issued only with
the personal application of
the parents or guardian and
the child. In other words,
the parent or guardian must
appear at the high school of-
fice with the child in order
to be issued any of the four
types of permits.
Red Feather
Area Head
Sam Bal<baugh, local mer-
chant, has been named chair-
man of the Northwestern Di-
vision of the United Commu-
nity Campaign for the 22 Red
Feather Services of the Com-
munity Chest and the Red
Cross. He is a director of the
Mt. Joy Rotary Club and
president of the local Cham-
ber of Commerce. John E
Tyndall, Florin, co-chair-
The United Community
Campaign has set up 2 new
county campaign divisions for
the United Drive which be-
has been divided into
gins October 1st, 1956
The Northern Division in
1955 has. been divided into
the Northwestern and North-
eastern Division because it
was difficult for one division
chairman to supervise the
campaign organization in the
large area from Conoy to
Caernarvon Township.
The Northeastern County
Division is headed by Rev.
Haro'd F. Minnich, chairman,
510 Spruce Street, Denver,
and Harry W. Mason, co-
chairman, 100 South 8 Street,
‘The Northwestern County
Division is divided into three
areas. Charles Reist, chair
man, Mount Joy R2. and Ar-
thur Wolgemuth, Mount Joy
R1, are in charge of the
Northwestern “A” Area, con-
sisting of Conoy Township,
East Donegal Township, West
Donegal Township, and Mt.
Joy Township.
The Northwestern “B” Ar-
ea, composed of East Hemp-
field Township. East Peters
burg. Land'sville, Rohrers
town, and Rapho Township,
is headed by Glenn Y. For-
ney, chairman, 437 Donegal
Springs Road. Mount Joy,
and James Memminger, co-
chairman, Mount Joy RI.
The Northern Area of Eli-
zabeth Township, Manheim
Township, Penn Township,
and Warwick Township is led
by Brooke M. Baker, chair-
man, 25 West Main Street,
Lititz, and Emerson N. Roth-
enberger, co-chairman, 119
Ferdinand Street, Manheim.
msm ce eee. (ee
Renovations have been
completed in the Shatto Bar-
ber Shop, East Main Street.
The alterations include a new
in ceiling, new flooring and new
wall paper.
Series Of Renovations
Sunday will be 100th An- bethtown Area High School
niversary day for the Reich’s boys’ quartet.
Evangelical Congregational The Rev. John E. Eckhart,
Church. The Rev. J. A. Smith Pastor. will give the Scrip
th Ev: oo ture lesson and prayer at
: € vangelical both services.
Congregational Church, will Throughout the years the
speak at the morning service River Brethren and the Brin-
“A Charge to Keep I ser or United Zion's Children
and again in the eve- denominations continued to
worship in the church, each
being charged a small rental
Special music will be pro- for the use of the building.
vided by Miss Martha Roland Of course when the attempt
chureh organist David Weld was made to merge the Ev-
1 ganisi, Day €1d- angelical Association and the
man, vocalist, and the Eliza- United Evangelical Church,
During 1938 the Grace Evan-
: elical Cc cl i
Magistrates Get of East A I
New Motor Code
Arrest Forms
Reich’s Church became a
charge, served by the same
pastor. The same status ex-
Harrisburg More than
500,000 new vehicle code vi-
report forms
ists today.
ees Very few changes in the
interior or the exterior of the
Reich's Church building were
7 made until 1940 when it un-
have been mailed to magis- qerwent its first complete
trate, alderman and justice renovation and remodeling
of the peace in the Common- Program. At this time the
church entrance was changed
Cras and a new primary room and
This required reporting yestibule were built, new
proceedure puts teeth into pews and pulpit were instal-
our Highway Safely Pro- Jed, and the entire interior of
gram.” Secretary of Revenue {ho church remodeled at a
Gerald A. Gleeson declared 5 of approximately $3,500.
“as we will now be able to Appropriate Re-Opening and
take action against every mo- Home-Coming services were
torist who is arrested, con- conducted on Sunday, Feb.
victed and fined for a viola- 95 1940. The 85th Anniver-
tion of the Vehicle Code gy was observed the follow-
whether the arrest is made jo" voar. In 1949 the church
5 a oo police officer Or a purchased a Wurlitzer organ,
State Policeman. that was installed at a later
Secretary Gleeson said the date.
forms must be completed Up to this time the Reich’s
monthly by the magistrate in was obligated
reporting disposition of Ve-, vent a dwelling for sever-
hicle Code violations for ar- al of the pastors to meet the
rests made by all police of- heed of a parsonage. In 1950
ficers other than the Pennsyl- the property adjoining the
rnin tate Police » latter
vania State Police. The latter .hureh was purchased, and
group has always filed arrest after extensive alterations,
Pops with the Department additions, and renovation this
ot hevenue. became the church parson-
to age
Since the existing
ties of the church were en-
tirely inadequate for the
olation arrest
Prior this new statute
the 4,043 active magistrates
in the State were not requir-
ed to outline the disposition
of each and every case where growing congregation, the of-
information has been filed ficials concluded that an ad-
charging a violation of the ditional building was the
Vehicle Code. The new re- pest way to relieve the con-
port forms provide for all gested conditions. On Oct. 4,
pertinent data regarding the 1953 ground was broken for
violation. the new structure. This Edu-
cational Unit - the one-story,
L-shaped, brick annex of four
rooms and basement, adjoin-
ing the rear of the church,
was then erected at a cost
exceeding $22,000. This sec-
tion is used for adult classes
of the Sunday School, and
the basement is furnished
with equipment for the Be-
ginners’ and the Primary De-
During 1955, the parsonage
received interior renovation
including the installation of
a new oil-heating system.
This summer there was plac-
ed in the church as a mem-
orial to the late Mr. and Mrs.
(Turn to page 2)
The reports must be sent
to the Bureau of Highway
Safety, Department of Rev-
enue, no later than the 10th
day of the following month,
Clement J. Sipe, Acting Di-
rector of the Bureau of High-
way Safety has advised the
From the reports submitted
by the magistrate, Sipe said,
the Bureau of Highway Sa-
fety will issue warnings or
suspensions — in accordance
with the Table of Offenses
under the penalties system—
to every motorist who is ar-
rested and fined.
Due to the splendid turn-
out at the teen dance Friday :
night a record dance will _ H. G. Haugstein, 125 North
be held Saturday, Sept. 8 Barbara Street, returned to
from 8 to 11. Please bring his home Saturday afternoon
your records. Friday is foot- following a three-week stay
ball night — So from now on With his son, John P., in
the teen dances will be held Portland, Oregon. Mr. Haug-
Saturday nights. stein made the trip to his
Winners of special dances son's home by flying both to
last Friday evening were: Oregon and home again.
Roberta Marshall and Robert He commented on the bea-
Koser, elimination dance; :
Sandy Wittle and Duke Wea- Pear orchards in Oregon and
land, spot dance; Loretta also enjoyed the climate.
Schroll and Dave Halbleib, rT
balloon dance. NEW STORE HOURS
A cordial invitation is is- New store hours began for
sued to all interested persons the Hess' Food Store, E. Main
to drop in at the fire hall and S. Barbara Streets. Mon-
during the dances to see what days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, procedure of putting out fire two are included in a group
a fine job is being done by and Thursdays, the hours
Mrs. George Copenhauver for are 9 a. m. until 6 p.m.
our benefit. Fridays, they are fom 8 a.
Don’t forget to bring your m. until 9 p.m.
from 8 to 11. until 8 p. m.
Seeks Annexation To Borough
Work Permits Reich's Church Undergoes Graduates From Paul Martin
LanguageSchool Shows Map
At Yale U.
Airman Second Class Rich-
ard Hallgren, son of Mr. an
Mrs. Ragner Hallgren, Mari-
etta Avenue, graduated from
a special school at Yale Uni-
versity last Wednesday. Air-
man Hallgren completed the
nine-month school of Chinese
language and is now on leave
in Mount Joy.
Approximately sixty men
were entered in the course
and were assigned to various
posts for duty. Airman Hall-
gren will leave October to
report to the Philippine Is-
lands. Following a short per-
iod in the islands, he will be
sent to Formosa.
Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Hall-
gren, Jr. attended the grad-
uation ceremony in Yale and
following the exercises Air-
man Hallgren returned to
Mount Joy with his brother
and sister-in-law.
To Begin
Donegal High School will
open the 1956 Football Sea-
son with Elizabethtown High
School at Elizabethtown, on
Friday evening, game time
8:00 p. m.
After two vears of prepar-
ation, Donegal will be meet-
ing their first foe on a full
competitive basis. Coach Pe-
ters, and Assistants
and Gemberling, introduced
the football program at the
area school two years ago.
and are expecting to field a
team that will give a good
account of themselves Friday
Probable starting line-up
for Friday's game: Wealand,
left end, Seger, left tackle,
Neal, left guard, Livingston,
center, Halbleib., right guard,
Kramer, right tackle, Wolge-
muth, right end, Gilliam,
quarterback. Marshall, left
halfback. Bradley. right half
back, and Snyder. fullback
Coach Peters indicated he
mav switch the backfield a-
round before game time. The
following boys will also see
action during the game: Ben
der, center, Rice, DMcKain
and Stoner. guards, Shige
man and Thomas, tackles,
Bradley and Groff, ends,
Watkins. Bennett and Harn
ish, in the back field.
Donegal High School's band
will perform at half time
and a pep rally wi'l be held
at the school Friday after
utiful flowers and the many PUTTING OUT FIRES
Captain Landus and Cap-
tain Challen of the Lancaster
County Firemen's Association
were guest speakers at the
Tuesday night meeting of the
local Lions Club at Hostet-
ter’s. They told about the
in inflammable materials.
Guests for the meeting were
Ray Myers, local fire chief
and Satur- and John Myers, assistant fire B. Schofield,
records on Saturday, Sept. 8 days, they are from 8 a. m. chief. Lewis Bixler, president Street, and Everett S. Wise-
was in charge of the meeting.
Staley |
named to the group are Jac-
ob Stehman and Samuel
Benjamin Staley was nam-
ed chairman of the commit-
tee; Park Shetter, vice chair-
man: Elwood Forwood, sec-
retary; Mr. Becker, assistant
secretary; and Mr. Stehman,
This is a group that was
organized a few years ago
To Council for the purpose of discussing
Paul Martin, Mount Joy R1 the possibility of having
resented a plan for annexa- Florin and area annexed in-
pre “%" to the borough of Mount Joy.
tion of an area to the bor- pyplic meetings were held at
meeting that time and progress was
Monday made to a certain point in
showed the plans. (il
wap of At the re-organization meet-
p ing, the group decided to go
the area he wished to have .,, with the plans. Funds are
annexed. It includes a sec- now necessary for the com-
tion of land between Mount pletion of the next step
ough at the regular
of borough council
Mr. Martin
members a
ough limits
laid following
tion of sewage
Bids Rejected
Bids were opened for
renovations and
gal Springs leading previously which will be col-
extension of Florin Avenue, make contributions by econ-
next step will be the prepar- cers of the group. These
ough council in the near fu- the drafting of an area map
Sixteen street lights will 5, meeting will be
mill to the new borough lim- the progress of the commit-
Following a report of the Work will be started on
$803.48 remains to be paid to tions have already volunteer-
curb along North Barbara St. Work Continues
walk extended into the
ner for vehicles
on the progress of work on Mount Joy Street is yet to
struction. Council members work. Although citizens res-
next regular meeting of the cil and work was started. im-
tember 11, is a public meet- The latest development is
Company. ward to the block between
Read repaired. Action Was j5iq in the street. Previous
that the bank on the east (orm sewer pipe line.
also tabled until street com- author'ty members at the
Park Neiss, chef of police, ka additional plans for the
red traffic signals; three for 3
reukle Grand Openings
one accident investigated.
Saturday and Sunday, Sep-
acquired former
though no action has been ta- Mobile Homes. The trailer
ture of the plot, council Street, and E. William Pontz
bery was checked. tion just west of the boro a-
ville Road has been complet- bile trailers.
struction Commany completed week. On display will be five
The street was up to a maximum of 51 feet
(Turn to page 4) will be closed from Thurs-
Joy and Florin along Done- which takes legal action. Ver-
south to Marietta Avenue. In Jected at this time. Addition-
Martin Avenue, Sunset Ave- {acting Mr. Stehman, treasur-
ation of a petition which will funds will be used to draw
ture. for presentation to the bor-
be placed along East Main held in the near future. The
its. These sixteen lights will
parking meter fund the an- the next step in the near fu-
the company. The street com- ©d their services.
in front of the Robert Stoner
set Qn Mount Joy
Street Discussed
Mount Joy Street in conjunc- be completed through the re-
agreed to meet with borough ponded in person at the Aug-
authority next Tuesday. The mediately to clear the street,
ing and is held in the office the placing of a new water
Warren Foley exoressed gigh and North Barbara Sts.
tabled until the next meeting. tr, ples were caused by the
side of Longenecker Road be Council members again ag- -
mittee members may inspect meeting of the auth-
reported seven arrests for the
reckless driving; one for im-
h=ving the current insnection Planned For New
Action was also taken on
newly ele- tember 8 and 9 are the grand
school plot
ken by the civic groups of sales company owned by Al-
members had the weeds is located in the site of the
Road Completed long Route 230. The company
ed Given out in bids several Daily hours are from 9 a.
the laying of the street from 1957 models. They range in
the installa- in length. Models have from
the The office of Dr. Newton
day morning until Monday
Road bal pledges had been made
it he named four streets, an 35] residents are asked to
nue and Glenn Avenue. His er or any of the other offi-
be formally presented to bor- yp necessary petitions and
Street Lights Ordered ough council.
Street from the former cotton hu.) pe kept posted on
be” 2500-watt lamps. tee.
nouncement was made that ture. Carriers for the peti-
mittee reported a change in a ga, ee
proverty. Formerly, the side-
creating an unnecessary cor-
A discussion was again held treet
tion with the sewage con- cent sewage construction
authority members at the ust meeting of Borough Coun-
Tuesday night meeting, Sep- the work is still in progress.
of the Gerberich-Payne Shoe nh 45h from Jacob Street west-
his desire to have Lefever ap ow gas line is also being
A request was also received breakage in an existing
cut down. This action Was yaad to meet with borough
the spot in question ority next Tuesday night to
for drivers ignoring SERRE
passing: five for not
sticker: one for larceny and
Trailer Company
the killing of weeds on the
mentary Al- opening days for the Donegal
the town concerning the fu- dus Hannan. North Barbara
checked and also the shrub- former Atlantic Service Sta-
The extension of Spring- Will handle the Detroiter Mo-
months ago. the Rosser Con- m. until 9 p. m. seven days a
Birchland Avenue to the bor- size from 8-10 feet wide and
construction one to three bedrooms.
ree (= ne
alterations Kendig, 62 East Main Street
Two local men enlisted in
the U. S. Marine Corps. The

Physician On Call
Dr. Thomas O'Connor
of twenty-one men who join-
ed at the Lancaster recruit-
ing office. They are Ronald
115 East Main
man, Mount Joy RI.