FLORIN CITIZENS COMMITTEE REORGANIZES The Mount Joy j= BULLETIN Enrollment Figures Are Released From Donegal Joint School System School opened in the area Wednesday with 2301 chil- dren reporting the first day. This total comprises the stu- dents attending the Donegal High School and the elemen- tary schools in Mount Joy, ® existing elementary The Lancaster Automobile Club’s annual appeal to mo- torists to take special precau- tions when driving near schools is underway. State Police, local police and the school authorities are co-op- erating. The theme of the campaign is SCHOOL'S OPEN — Drive CAREFULLY. Colorful post- ers bearing this message have been placed in conspicuous spots throughout the county. Twelve hundred posters, weatherized for outdoor dis- play, have been erected. In addition, bumper strips for cars, trucks and busses have been distributed. In Lancaster the city police have placed several hundred of the posters on poles. trees and other vantage points in the vicinity of schools and elsewhere. In Mt. Joy and the various other communi- ties local police and school officials have placed the pos- ters at spots that will catch tiie attention of ‘motorists. Pennsylvania State Police have assisted in distribution of the posters and bumper strips. Things that motorists being asked to do are:- 1. Scrupulously obey speed limits near schools. 2. Be extra alert for chil- dren crossing streets at un- expected places. 3. Co-operate with School Safety Patrol and girls. 4. Be especially when operating a vehicle near school busses. Pennsyl- vania law requires motorists to stop for a school bus load- ing or unloading children. rem (fe Rotary Club Has Voice Demonstration Mount Joy Rotary club Tuesday noon witnessed an interesting demonstration on the impressions = created by various voice types. Mrs. Nancy Klinefelter, service representative for the Lebanon office of the Bell Telephone Company, played a tape recording of various voice types and then showed drawings of the kinds of per- sons the various voices repre- sented. Several Rotary members then were asked to talk into a telephone and their voices were recorded andy played back. Mrs. Klinefelter was sisted by Norman Rowe. rm COMING EVENTS PLANNED BY SPORTSMEN'S CLUB The Milton Grove Svorts- mens Club held their month- ly meeting Friday evening, August 31. After the regular business at hand was taken care of. plans were discussed for holding shooting matches during the Fall months. The ldates arrived at by the mem- bers of the club and commit- itee are Sent. 21, Oct. 12 and Nov. 16. Being no further business, the meeting was ad- journed. are the boys careful as- To Report New ‘Families Call MJ 3-9763 Mount Joy Township, East Donegal Township and Mari- etta Borough. A total of 858 students re- ported to the Donegal High School the first day. Of these a = m= po’ pe”, - wip FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR, NO. 12 MOUNT JOY, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 SEVEN CENTS PER COPY Ben Staley Is Named Chairman A reorganization meeting was held for the Citizens Committee of Florin. Two new members were appoint- ed to the committee and an election of officers was held. The two new Florin men 530 were enrolled in the jun- ior high school and 328 in the senior high school. This year there are five sections of the .seventh grade, six in the eighth, five in ninth; four in tenth; and three in elev- enth and twelfth grades. The girls outnumbered the boys in the school with 438 girls enrolled and 420 boys. The senior class has 99 mem- bers; juniors, 96; sophomores 133; freshmen, 172; eighth grade, 181; and seventh grade 178. A total of 1443 students was reported from the seven schools the Sloan's Pharmacy. in the combined area. Of renovations and alterations these, 698 are boys and 745 Gi) going in the store, are girls. In the Washington School, Florin, with grades the soda counter from kindergarten through 3, and Wednesday to make way for there are 121 students; Flor- new services to be offered by Pharmacy Announces Changes A “landmark” of Mount on fountain, stools were removed in, north side, kindergarten through 5, 100 students; Mil- ton Grove sehool 1-3, 34 and the other Milton Grove school of grades 4-6, 25. In the Maytown element- ary school, there are 441 pu- pils in grades kindergarten through grade 6. (A total of 95 students are enrolled in the fourth grade in this one school.) In Mount Joy Bor- ough the total for grades kin- dergarten through six is 391 and for the same grades in Marietta Borough, the total is 331 students. The local el- ementary school has 197 boys enrolled and 194 girls.’ rr (fe et the store. One new the feature of store will be self-service cigar department. Other chan- ges will include the expan- sion of the greeting card de- partment, enlarging of the camera department and a new wrapping counter. The new display counters will be open in order that merchan- dise throughout the entire counter may be displayed. The space will also be used to house additional drugs. Although the soda fountain has been removed, the phar- macy will continue to carry a full line of packaged Dolly Madison ice cream. The re- modeling will also include new flooring and new paint- ed walls. Following the two- week remodeling period, Walter Sloan, owner, will stage a remodeling sale. The pharmacy was closed for one day, from Wednesday noon until Thursday noon, for the removal of the foun- tain equipment but other renovations will be conduct- ed after store hours. —® AMBULANCE CALLED TO TAKE 3 TRIPS Three trips were taken last week by the local communi- ty ambulance. Friday, Aug- ust 31, William Laughman, Lumber Street, was taken to the Lancaster General Hos- the sale of some of his paint- pital by drivers Marlin and ings, he has earned a small a- Ray Myers. The same day, mount of money. Linneaus Edwin Swanson, 236 Mariet- Longenecker, local painter, ta Ave. was taken to the has given Mr. Laughman sev- Lancaster General . Hospital eral lessons and says that the by the same two drivers and new artist is doing quite well Mrs. James Hostetter, nurse. His favorite reading is that Soot. 1. oy fare of Sports articles and stories, taken to the St. Josephs Hos- After many cast changes, ita) by drivers Robert Hoff- last Friday, he was again ta- aster and Samuel Dock. ken to the Lancaster General ie Bashan Hospital and had thought » that the cast would be taken AD GETS RESULTS, off. Again, it was given an- BUT WRONG NUMBER other delay. (Editor'sNote — Let's re- IS GIVEN Re ir on The Bullet'n many times i 4 ’ has pointed with pride to the effectiveness of its classified a gift or a visit!) ad section. — as se ere was an ad, Sportsmen Issue Th eck Pon a as Annual Report clerk, also some typing and office work. Steady employ- “Alaska”, a film, shown at the regular meeting of the ment. Call MJ 3-6001.” The ad got results all right ac . 3-6001 re- Mount Joy Sportsmen Asso- In fact, Phone No. 3-6001 re ciation next Monday, Sept- tember 10, in the firehouse. ceived some 25 calls.’ The hitch is that it was the wrong Mr. Snavely will show the Mr. Armstrong film. number. 3-6001 is the num- ber for Ruhl's Flowers and rete ... the ad was placed by Way's (The association released is Appiiances, so Ruhl's got the : : : answers. IS be gost week, gh The ad taker is still mysti- SE {he a of two fied as to how the error came ds with bass and other about, but has corrected the ni ass Joy Com- number for this week. It is pany pond north East Main MJ 3-3622. Street and the Bernhard Pond in Florin. These ponds will open June 1957 and will be available to all children of the two communities un- der sixteen years of age. Pro- viding the fish propogate, the ponds will be open to the public in 1958. The. group is also raising 10,000 trout at the present time which are approximately four inches long. Plans are also being form- ulated for the newly purchas- ed sports farm, the farm pur- chased recently located north near the Cove. a Laughman To Have Birthday William Laughman, Lum- ber Street, will celebrate his birthday Sunday, Sept. 9th. Mr. Laughman has been hos- pitalized and confined to his home for the past two years following a fall from a roof on which he was working as a carpenter. Sept. 25, it will be two years that Mr. Laugh- man has been encased in a body cast from the waist to and including one leg. Much of his past two years has been spent in reading and recently, he added paint- ing to his activities. Though LOCAL BOY SHOWS RESERVE CHAMPION C. Kenneth Young, Mt. Jov R1, showed a purebred Guernsey to the reserve championship of the first an- nual Southeastern Region Fu- ture Farmers of America Dairy Show last Friday. His reserve champion was Hargood’s Noble Brenda, a junior yearling that also won the local boy top honors in her class at the Pennsylvania Dutch Days Dairy Show Hershey two weeks ago. To Be Issued At High School Wilbur Beahm, supervising principal of the Donegal Ar- ea Joint School System, an- Joy disappeared this week at nounces changes in the issu- With ing of working permits. Here- Bishop of tofore, farm and domestic permits, general employment certificates and vacation cer- tificates were issued in the four areas. All permits will now be issued only at the Donegal High School. These permits will be issued by the guid- ance department of the school at the high school office. Hours for receiving permits will be from 8 a. m. until 3:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. According to the state de- partment, one major change is announced in the proced- ure in acquiring the permits They will be issued only with the personal application of the parents or guardian and the child. In other words, the parent or guardian must appear at the high school of- fice with the child in order to be issued any of the four types of permits. Red Feather Area Head Sam Bal