The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 07, 1955, Image 2

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We kick a lot about income
taxes this time of year. — — —
1 figure it's a lot easier to pay
my income tax Than To Learn
To Speak Russian!
Hubie Smith, a barber at Col-
umbia, also operates Smith's
Tavern on Mount Joy and Jacob
Sts., here in town, wanted to
help a customer who needed a
shave very badly and while
handing the razor to the cus-
tomer he cut his finger that
bled profusely.
Do vou need a shave’

Did you hear about the Main
Street couple who went to a
cocktail party last Wednesday
night, and after several rounds
of drinks, the spouse started to
plead with her husband, not to
drink any more, she told him
his face ‘s getting blurred al-

Old bankers never die, either
thev just lose interest.
It had been estimated that the
average income of juvenile de-
liquents is around 1 a. m..
Here a poem a newly wed
sent in:
“Two can live as cheap as one.”
This old say I doubt;
But we are having a lot of fun
Trying to find out.
Published every Thursday at 11
Fast Main Street, Mount Joy.
Lancaster County, Pa.
Larmon D. Smith, Publisher
John E. Schroll,
Editor and Publisher, 1901-1952
Subscription Rate $2.5
vear by Mail
Advertising rates upon request.
Entered at the postoffice at
Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class
mail under the Act of March 3,
Member, Pennsylvania News-
paper Publishers’ Association.
0 per

lump was in his cheek. “Are you
chewing gum again?”
‘No. teacher,” explained the
lad. “I'm just soakin’ a prune to
eat at recess.”
Tom: “How has
mother-in-law been with you?”
Jerry: ‘She never was—she
was against me from the start.”
long your
Frank and George stood laugh-
ing on the street corner, when
Willie came along and asked
what was so funny
“Well,” Frank said, I went
into that bar and ordered a
drink. When 1 finished and the
bartender asked for my money,
I told him I had already paid
him, and the dope believed me.”
“Yeah,” George said “Frank
told me, and I went in and did
the same thing.”
Willie immediately walked in,
sat down, and asked for a high-
ball. When the bartender
brought the order and said,
“You know, in the last twenty
minutes, two guys have come in
here and—"
“Cut the gab” Willie inter-
rupted with, “and give me my
A West Main Street woman
told her neighbor that about the
only thing a girdle does is to
keep an unfortunate situation
from spreading.
One of our neighbor girls had
to quit her secretarial job. Her
boss was so bow-legged she kept
falling through his lap.

| Donegal Band To
forms it was decided at the reg-
Wear White Shoes
With New. Uniforms
Donegal High
School band will wear all white
Members of the
oxfords with their new uni-
ular meeting of the Donegal
High School band club Monday
asked to
shoes to be
The band will march
evening. are
provide white
worn, in
uniforms for the first
in Lancaster at the
their new
safety parade
The band and vocal groups of
the school will present a spring
concert in the school Thursday
evening, April 28 at which
time they will also wear their
uniforms. Thursday, April 21st,
the band will parade and can-
vass in Marietta since this town
was not covered last fall during
the other drive
D. K. Ernst, hyptmotist, will
appear at the school Saturday
evening, April 23. Proceeds from
the evening's program will go
toward the uniform fund. An-
other money-raising project will
be the conducting of a food
stand at the firemen's conven-
tion in Marietta in June. Volun-
teers are needed as workers for
the day. Persons who wish to
help are asked to contact Mrs.
Jay Barnhart or Arthur Zook.
The next meeting will be held
Monday evening, May 2.
——— e - - —
In wrestling, a dog-fall occurs
when both combatants touch
the ground together
President Woodrow Wilson
was football coach at Princeton
in 1890.
Teplie d
‘Here's a weeks pay, you
loafer—you're fired.’
When he next saw the fore-
man, he asked, “When did we
hire that boy?”
“We never hired him,” an-}

THE BULLETIN, Mount Joy, Pu.
Thursday. April 7 2
Jaycees Make
Plans For Teen |
Age Road-e-o
Plans to conduct a second an- |
nual Teen-Age Driving Road-e-o |
were made by the Mount Joy |
Junior Chamber of Commerce. |
The Road-e-o will consist of a |
written examination and a skill |

for frre ie Horie

test involving driving through | Divided Saw Horses
prescribed exercises such as]
parking, smooth stopping, drive PAIR of saw horses like the ones
ing between large drums and | . asta i ilu To
In ne OrKshop. esignead |
9 - 3 | > o
small rubber balls. { a man from South Dakota and de
The local winner in this na- | scribed in Family th
tional Jaycee contest will be eli- | horses lend ample support even to
gible to compete in the state ig
: Lach us an open center, through
Road-e-o Saturday, June 11, in| \ peal
Saw mah
nd or power
. | which either a ha
Johnstown. State winners than go. The stock is lid
compete for $3,000 in scholar-!
shipe in a national contest July |
25-29 in Washington, D. C.
0. K. Snyder, president of the |
local JayCee group, announced
that a committee has been or-
ganized under the general chair- |
manship of William Gassman |
to carry out the various aspects
of the program.
The contest is open to all teen-

agers between the ages of 16 | and cuts arc made through at point
and 20. A contestant must not | where the saw can fit into the slots.
: DING he ope enter gives
have reached his twentieth | For Tipping, the open Sot give
: ampic, ul ength support or both
birthday by the last day of the] halves of the mat dal
national contest, July 29. The| yy), pancls are unsupported dur
will lea
contest will be held on the park- |
ing lot to the rear of the Done- |
gal High School. Both Donegal |
High School students and any |
other teenager from the area |
which js covered by the school |
ing the cutung, as
saw horses, oftenti
y +d le - orl b |
jagged ends caused Vv the
breaking under its own weight.
In using
y they

are eligible to compete. A licen- 0 L 0 oO K
se or learners permit is requir-
ed and the student must not SR AROUND
have been involved in a “mov- | In the Ads
ing” traffic violation within the On These
last six months. Applications PAGES and
may be secured by the Donegal
High School, at the Bulletin of- |
fice or the Marietta Times office.
The local contest will be held |
Saturday, April 23. Marshall |
Gemberling, driver education |
teacher at the school, has offer- |
ed his cooperation on the pro- |
Last year was the first year |
that the Mount Joy group offer- |


. ~ The head of one of our factor- | swered the foreman. “He just|ed the contest. John Heisey,
The trouble with Russian rou-| jes was passing through the| brought in a package from a|now a senior at Donegal High, © wa
lette, says Clyde Nissley, “is shipping department, and saw a| delivery truck.” won the local contest and placed | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers,
that there aren't enough lounging against a box, — sixth in the state contest at | y
sians playing it.” whistling cheerfully. “How You never can tell about wo-| Pittsburgh Buller S Beauty Salon
: much do you get a week?” he| men, and if you can, you should- ® —— | Main Street Florin, Pa
Arl Elementary teacher asked} asked the boy. nif... Only one person out of 100 in Cold Waves Machineless
one of her pupils what that Twenty dollars sir,” the lad A WISE OWL’ Finland is illiterate Permanents $5.00 up
—— Sd i —— i" Ss i —— I also give Toni's.
- Call Mt, Joy 3-4339
_ Maude Buller, . Prop.
We feature. . .

Phone 3-966 1

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In Caseof Fire
Benjamin Frank Grofi, of
Rheems, son of Mr. and Mrs. El-
Spelling Bee Planned

By Church Group mer Groff and Barbara Ann on
An old fashioned spelling bee Balmer, 126 Wi a &
In Mount Joy will be held in the Mount Joy Mo J J. Biv. \
and Vicinity Beary a were granted a marriage license, | 8
evening will feature 2 spelling William Lery Jankans 111, 541 A g
° | classe s and one information class Cover Bross Sopa, ry pH
rtai William ¢ e Jan-
Dial 3 -343 1 — oa So inept gy od Margaret Lorraine El- 4
ot Lancaster. lis, 532 Concord Street, Colum-
—,—— hn IN. The affair is being sponsored bia, formerly o] Mount Joy,
= by the Busy Workers” Sunday daughter of Joseph Ellis and
8 OA io | School Class of the Evangelical Pauline Soper. oe 8
5 vg 4 Congregation Church | . '
ares (tion | Ships sailing from the Atlantic ox
Li The first + permanent iron | to the Pacific Oceans via the a
works was built in Massachus- | Panama Canal travel from north oN
etts in 1645. to south. a
————— crise a 1 an
Mm EAT Eu : :
i i i a A a 4 a
All A&P Stores Will Be a A
All A&P Self-Service Markets Will Be i


Looking for Glorious Easter Treats
at Exciting Savings?
Feast your eyes on these

Canned Hams
Hormel Hams
Fresh Asparagus |
Ib. 25°


Armour “LT golden Bananas nm > 13° :
i 30h $ . a fia ob
Iy Res « 35 “Eroch Cauliflower ©: 25° :
vesson Qil Yam Sweet Potaioes ne 2" 20° 0
Pit 37° Quart 69: Pascal Celery 2. 28° d
bottle ottle " or i
i boy Seedless Grapefruit 0 4 29°
Niblet's Fresh Salad Mix 0 190 7
Asparagus Fresh Garros re 4 Yarn 10°
Me outh Frozen
9 Orange Juice t= 15°

Swanson Chicken, Turkey or Pot Roast
TV Dinners
Southland Frozen Leaf or Chopped
pkg. 15°

Hb. ie Spinach
oy _ Sweet Polaloes @ wee, 98°
Cut-Rite Birds Eye Peas 33°
Waxed Pa per Crestview—Brown & White
1254. 49 Large Eggs STF
roll Sunnyfield Creamery None Priced Higher !
Butter .:64° "J: . 66° 1k
Caster Candies Deerfield Whole Beets 3 29°
Worthmore Assorted ih bay poe: 33°
i onte Prune Juice uy, 29°
Jelly Eggs i: 2F Gruyere Cheese 2g°
Falcon Cocoanut Cream or A&P Lima Beans Tob 0°
Fruit & Nu Chosolate Kellogg's Corn Flakes "ii: (9°
Decorated Eggs Libby’ Peas Hr 0%
8.0. fac Ib. Bc Whole Sweet Pickles ""*
Egg 29 Egg 95 Peaches Del Monte or Libby Bo
Sliced or Halves

Chocolate Cocoanut or Fruit & Nut N : 1-1b.
utley Oleomargarine
10° Easter Eggs 3 25° y é Wigs. 3
Tomato Soup 55. 3 "2% 28° 3°
Warwick Cocoanut Cream » A int a
ges ‘wm; Salad Dressing ..;; i" 20° “49°
Mel-0-Bit American, 8-0z, 25°
Swiss or Pimento pkg.
Cheese Slices
Gelatin Desserts ‘ne 3 (7°
Eight 0’ Clock Fe ik ) J ti 79°
Gold Layer Cake ou Parker each 69°
Worthmore Small Chocolate Cocoanut
Gream Eggs 29°
Chocolate Covered Marshmallow
Eggs 15-02, 45°
Candles 3" 25°
Chocolate Covered Warwick
colate or Cocoanut
Easter Egg Cake
large siza
tn Mi 2 Hot Cross Buns ,,= = |" 26°
12-02. HEC
Thin Minis hy 29 All Prices in This tier 2 rs or 10% 29

Saturday, April 9th.

Your Mount Joy A&P Store (East Main St.)
OPEN FRIDAY ™ @ ».n.
