The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 09, 1953, Image 2

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    baby chicks crowd too much in worked, it will be unproductive
a brooder house. He may lose | the rest of the season, explains

Farm Calendar

2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, Apri 9, 1953 |
many of them by smothering, | James Dutt, Penn State exten:


I EE SAR I STI LI “rp » — : | ai ali
STARK -— MUMMA So says Carl Dossin, Penn State sion vegetable specialist.
THE BULLETIN | The marriage of Miss Mabel | SOIL NOT HARMED- Recent | extension poultry specialist. | KE
no Jane Mumma, daughter of Mr. |lests at the Penna. State College | chicks will pile up or huddle ——r i
Publihed every Thursday at 11 East 7 | Abram H. os 108% East |Agricultural Experiment Sta Chicies Will p/ ou oo well as | YOUNG LADY, WERE
HE Spee coum pao) || Donegal St., this boro, to Paul tion indicate there is no build {from cold, so temperatures must | our OF LETTERHEADS |
Will n y NY P ha 7 || Richard Stark, son of Mr. and | i 9 Be D in te soll 3p [he watched 77 DONT GET EXCITED, F
illiam ung, ublisher d (Mrs. Ps: star St. | wd USW rates RI ’ TRREST IN 1 ae ’ +
ung ; \Mrs. Paul Stark, of Mt. Joy St. Pe Nr ” oh 1 | SHOW INTEREST IN MILK | | BOSS<THE NEWSPAPER ur
fred J. Alberte, Editor & Manager | this boro, took place at 7 p. m.|weed. Dr. J. J. Reid, bacteriol-f,, a ion of high-quality milk | P WILL PRINT
Pearl Roth, Assoc. Editor & Bus. Mgr. gp Acts 7 Phas: ak | Saturday in the New Holland | ogist, found the 2,4-4 does not s a woal of Pennsylvania dairy SHOP WIL
— Devotional Reading: Isaian 6:1-8. | Methodist Church. The Rever-|injure soil bacteria and breaks] “Ivan Parki Penn State | SOME IN A ALS!
John E. Schroll, Editor and Publishe { | : | men, Ivan Parkin, 1 VE
ohn E. Schroll, Ec itor anc ublisher (lend James Mort officiating. The [down into harmless compounds | oo" 00" 0 re- | HURRY IF \ 21; J
1908 - 1058 A Man New Born |couple was attended by Miss | in a few weeks. | ports the public health official, Snow
————————— - | Pe . 2 ™ . Tr ~ |
Subscription Rate: $2:00 Per Year by Mail. | | Esthe r E. Waltz, of this boro; | REPAIR PLANT milk dealer, and consumer also |
Advertising rates upon request. Lesson for April 12, 1953 |and Richard J. Farmer, Florin. | Go for a walk around the hom interested in high-quality | mac
Entered at the postoffice at Mount Joy, yg After a wedding trip lo New grounds and take a good look | milk.
Pa., as second-class mail under the Act | "THE most important convert | York and Niagara Falls the | 5 the plants, reminds A. O.| TRACTOR MUST BREATHE |
of March 3, 1879. Christianity ever made was one will reside at the home of | Rasmussen, Penn State exten-| A tractor engine, like the hu- | D. 1
Member, Pennsylvania Newspaper of the very first ones. He was im- | the bride. Mrs. Stark is employ- [sion ornamental horticulturist. | yan body, can work cently
ox Hi eid portant not only for his own times [ed by Aircraft-Marine Products. | . . wes sessed ] Vy rat}
p shers As [If plants have been heaved, whe an breathe freely. |
Publishers’ Association but for ours too. His thinking Set |The bridegroom Ww. recently | : | only when it can breathe
Chri proc as recently press them down firmly. Carry | Engine respiration, through the |

We just heard about the man who spent
$1,000 to get rid of halitosis, only to find out
thot his friends didn’t like him anyway.
* * *
A West Ward wile, determined to cure her
husband of his evil ways, with the aid of «
sheet and a flashlight, transformed herself in-
to a fair resemblance of a ghost. She entered |
|the bedroom and shook her inebriated hus-
band who awoke ond murmured, “Whash
“This is the devil,” came in sepulchral tones,

out| air cleaner and crankcase |
or | breather pipe, is often neglected |
says Burton Horne, Penn State)
PREVENT CHICK CROWD-|extension engineer.
ING Every poultryman; WORK SOIL WHEN RIGHT— |
knows what may happen if his If the soil is too wet when
the pattern for Christian thought discharged fr :
[ om the U. S. Navy. | pr i HE
ever since. His writings, or rather | 8 Ye pr uning shears and prune
[ —————————— {any winter killing or
| storm damage.
the truths he brought out in his snow
writings, have been at the heart | KURTZ — KLINE
| of most of the revivals from early | The marriage of Miss Loret-
times to now. ta E. Kline, daughter of Mr. and
Sometimes the Christian church | Mrs. John A. Kline, Florin to
has gone too far in admiration of | John H. Kurtz, son of Mr. and
this man. Beale My Sonvession Mrs. Paul M. Kurtz, Lititz R4,
was spectacu ’ Pp |
i A he that all true | place Sunday at 2 o'clock |
conversions are spectacular. Be- |B thie Florin of te}
rethren. The Rev. ram %
cause he always thought like a
lawyer, some have thought (again | Eshelman, uncle of the bride of- |
|ficiated at the ceremony.
| mistakenly) that all true Christian
thought must be Miss Marian Kline, sister of

Editorially . . .
The Sales Tax Nuisance
It didn’t take us long this week to find |
out what local merchants think of a state
sales tax. They don't like it — and how!
That is not hard to understand either
for, in addition to adding to the price of
merchandise they sell, a sales tax imposes
the burden of collection right on their
shoulders. And thousands of small mer-

AeP’s Big
| | —

The couple left on a wedding | Bunch
trip to Florida and after their |
return will reside at Lititz R4. |
[ The bride is a secretary in the
| alumni office of Elizabethtown |
| College and the bridegroom is a |
{ farmer.
: 3g |
Rover did prove an efficient way “Shake hands, old horsh, I married your | legalistic. In the Was.maid. of . honor
collect taxes. sister.” | short, some : hi i Si py
The sales tax alse adds one more tax on | * + * | Christians have and Robert Kurtz, brother of | 4
what we go to the store to buy. There’s| x d te al ding | Put this man the bridegroom was best man. |
a federal luxury tax of 20 per-cent — and | young man and a pretty girl were riding | of Jesus Ushers were Carl Kline, broth- ‘
that tax is on a lot of stuff which can | Out in the country on horseback. As they | Christ. Such mis- er of the bride; Paul Kurtz, "
scarcely be termed luxuries in our way of | siopped 3 a Rog the two horses rubbed should not brother of the bridegroom; Ral-
necks af ectionate vy. ; | blind us to the ph Bollinger, Lititz R4; and
There's no doubt but that a sales tax is | “Ah, me, sighed the young man, “That's pays eal ae Warren Spickler, Mt. Joy RI. ONE PRICE—NONE PRICED HIGHER $
a nuisance to all of us. Now in addition whatTd like to do.!"” wg | Portance. Rise : Carol Ann Kurtz, niece of the is your guarantee that you do not pay any higher prica
to the pennies we need for the parking Well, 93 ahead.” answered the girl Ws who plan these Dr. Foreman |bridegroom, was flower girl on the particular item of your choice than the adver. $
meters, we'll have to have those for our | your horse. | Bible studies have set aside the | Miss Jean Eshelman, cousin of tised price 5
mid-morning cups of coffee. * * * | next three months for a review of |the bride, and Miss Verdella | price.
Yet, we must admit that more than one | A Freshman girl can’t understand way any-| this one man’s life and some of his | Longenecker were gift receiv- pg EE ——— —-— roe $
state, if statistics published are correct, has | one would take a year to write a novel when | “rings. ists | ers. AAS RPI PPP OP
gotten itself out of the deep red through you can buy one for half a dollar. ; : | The bride was given in mar- CALIFORNIA TENDER GREEN SPEARS OF 7
sales taxes. And thats the only Way | * Kx Y | Outside the ciny wi | riage by her father. Miss Joyce ™ g
those uvs u at arrisburg can fin to | ide . | is name is Paul, ough the i rt hie |
guy hb § cal | Definition of Time: The stuf between pay-| very ‘respectfully usually Eshelman, Florin, was organist
balance the state budget we'll just have : y ames. Esholme 7
: tit days. cdi hith "Sdint” Paul. He Was and James Eshe Iman, Mt. Joy
0 L. * * * | a city-born, city-bred man. But |R2, cousin of the bride, sang. | NONE PRICED HIGHER 2 Pound ran
5 ears 29¢
2 i 33
But — they shouldn’t forget — we don’t |
like it!
as Providence would have it, the
most important thing that ever
happened to him came to pass in
the open country, on a windswept
road that is still traveled, the
highway from the city of Jerusa-
lem to the city of Damascus, in
Syria. Born in the city, re-born
in the country; it has happened
since. The story of his conversion
A small boy stopped a stranger on the]
streei: “Did you lose a dollar bill? he asked. |
{ The man hesitated.
"Why-er-yes,”” he said, “I did. Have you
found it?”
“No,” said the boy, “I just wanted to check
up cn how many were lost this morning.
Yours makes ninety-seven.”

* *
Planting More Trees
This week Arbor Day is observed in our |
schools., And, as we look around town and |
see the number of trees becoming fewer |
and fewer, we think it’s about time we |
* Florida Golden Kernel
None Priced Higher



began thinking of planting a few new 2 * i * * ; has been often told; indeed in the | FLORIN 3 ii
shade trees along our streets. | The “coffee gang,” down at Benneit's are | book of Acts it is told three sepa- | Fine 00, % sn
For nothing makes a residential commun- | plenty sore at Myrtle Nornhold, - - - She went| rate times (chapters 9, 22, 26), | i don \ oe DA
ity like this a more pleasant one than more |to Florida for several days vacation and did:| once in Luke's words, twice im | Mrs, Eugene Reynolds and | OLD SOUTH FROZEN
and more trees. And we have yet to see |n!, even as much as bring them an oranges! Paul's. There was no church, no | daughter, Harriet of Cape May, | ‘ c Cl
any property increase in value because the | — — — — Are you sure she was in Florida. | preacher, no personal workers; |N. J., are spending several days | ORANGE JUICE 6 — 85: 9: 29
trees on it have been cut down. | fellows? | no hymns were sung. There was |ywith her father, Mrs. Harry | SNOW CROP of BIRDS EVE
+ * * * * 4 | 5. 8 al, no Keener. Peas FROZEN 2 vg 33¢ 5 Vegetables MIXED de. 39%¢
. . pe | evangelism. appene e TZ edly. Svdisp sors : SNOW 16-01. 3 yu. BIRDS 9 12-01,
It's A Great Life! lo 1 ook 2 Bie while, but this finally suoke of Hghining Toile of Sve | Mis. Rethiyn Snyder Diced Potatoes 2 3+ 33c # Baby Limas 0 20x 49¢ 4 A A
. : 4 mn I de 1er family to the Samuel Hoffer | ; SNOW oz. i BIRD oz. £4
Yep, life is getting better and better. | minutes or less, Paul (or Seal a8 I a oan Fordhook Limas $33 2 1s 49¢ % French Fries ¥ "2° 27 39¢ &
he was then called)
changed from an anti-Christian to | or.
At one of the garden club meetings, held
| during the Philadelphia Flewer Show, the nurs- Yl
F'rinst , we | d this k that th \ . . © 14-01,
instance, we learne is wee a e Show Crop Frying Chickens dada 1.19

Sy has Slipped sighs nasal. eryman who was speaking on roses stressed | a Christian—Not to a saint! He | Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker, Sn £
eating mosquitos from Sout rica 10 ihe benefit of an early fertilization of well-| Was only, so to speak, a baby |aptertained Rev. and Mrs. How- oe
waii. They will be used to control Hawaiian | Christian. Being new-born into | ps : SUNNYFIELD PG’ in F i
Er 4 : | rotted, old cow manure. he i | ard Bernhard and family to din- | 1 Fog c ib
mosquitos which breed in great numbers. |p LC i toil a tally nik the Christian life is a little like 4 FANCY CREAMERY “37° prints 4 solid
And if they can eat them off fast enough, | , tae question period a lady In the GU-| peing newborn into the human |N€T ON Easter.
the African mosquitoes; which cannot bite | dience from this locality, who had been busily | lite; there is a period of baby- | Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper | PINEAPPLE JUIC DOLE'S, LIBBY 18.02 2 C 4.0: 29°
humans because of the shape of their beaks taking notes, raised her hand and earnestly | hood first, when the newborn soul | Sr., entertained Mr. and Mrs. | and DEL MONTE cans can
will be imported to this country. What we | asked: “You said the bushes should be fertil-| hardly knows what to do and | john Bender of Milton Grove SPAM PREM - Vio c
: ized with old cow manure. Would you mind | needs much guidance and help. | 3nd Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ma- | y or J can
would like to do is put in our order for :
a pair of those African mosquitoes to keep 4
But in those few minutes on the

| telling me how old the cow shou!d be?” | teer and son, Mt. Joy, on Easter. |
tall i {
cans 7
| Damascus’ Road, the whole direc-

in the house as a means of keeping the | * * * tion of his life was changed. { Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess)
other type of monsters out! | One sweet young thing to another as they| - +a |and daughter,, Mr. and Mrs. | A
* " * were geiting their Easter hair-dos: “I could go | Landis Hess spent the weekend | LIBBY or DEL MONTE PEACHES SLICES ~~ 29-0: 31
; ' with him until something better comes along— In the I wad with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence | o HALVES san p
. i 4 a : aul's conversion had some sg TY wr. | re i
We're Mighty Lucky People! but what if something better comes @long—— | nique features, startling and ex. | Hess at Llovsville, perry Co. | KEEBLER CRACKERS TON House io 21
The U. S. Census of Agriculture, just and sees me i wih a traordinary. But the story of it | Mrs. Helen Lyons and chil pkg
completed, again proves that these hills : ; (in Acts 22) reports two questions | dren of Philadelphia and Mrs. | NABISCO GRAHAMS REDUCED ib 73
and ey 2g Di are by far the rich- | That was a beautiful hat, your wife wore to| that belong in every Christian con- | Frank Singer and daughters of | PRICE! pig 3
3 x .| version. *W are ¥ 2 | mars yoo arv Keck |
est in the world. Our county ranks first Shah on Easter. It was so high I could hard Yergion, Win 8 Sou, Loxg Maytown and Miss Mary Keck | 5 GOLDEN - Wot ¢
among th tion’s 3,050 counties in the |1¥ See the pulpit above it. ’ of Mount Joy, called on Mr. | WHOLE KERNEL
among € na x ) 3 | "It should of mr : | true conversion is a turning to- a 5 ake Qn sans
value of its tobacco sold; second in the t should of been beautiful. if she'd wore| (0, (QUEER LO JOE ST and Mrs. George Mumper Sr. |
acreage of tobacco; third in the number | the bi that came with it, you wouldnt have gig life is not the whole of | On Friday evening. VALUE BRAND APPLE SAUCE 2 a 29°
of chickens on its farms; fourth in the Seen the steeple. it and not the most important part | Rev. and Mrs. Howard Bern- | 3 hy Liye FA ]
value of its poultry and poultry products; 2 of it. When a driver on a country (hard and family moved from LIBBY S TOMATO JUICE 9 18-01 27° © 2 1
Seems he's not the only one that has troub-| road realizes he has taken the | Mt. Joy to the farm he recently | cans : can i
fifth in the quantity and value of its eggs;

sixth in the value of whole milk sold; le with Easter bills. A man from E-town was| wrong fork, and turns around to | from Mrs. Kathryn | : “7 8
. . : ked if h S oi go in the other direction, which is vo LE Pl 2 i a E
seventh in the value of all its dairy prod- | aske e was going to a postlentsn fancy | BE ar I rr Toh, J Snyder. _~ PRICE! | / pis *
ucts; eighth in the value of its livestock dress ball : : J | Ras. fis rl the a ° Now Mrs. Emma Peifer of Messiah | All Prices In This Advertisement Effective Through Saturday, April 11th, A
on the farm and also eighth in the number He replied I think so.” | tion or that he has his face in the | Home of Harrisburg is spending . ¥
of cattle and calves sold alive. His friend asked: What are you going as? | right direction? Conversion is [some time with Mr. and Mrs. | WESSON oll / bd in
We're mighty lucky people allright, all- He replied: “I really haven't decided yet | from, but more importantly, con- | B. F. Kauffman. IVORY SOAP
right, and it doesn’t do any harm to keep but I'll probably wait till I get my wife's post-| version is to. To Christ first of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Olson | ont gallon $79.39 i i !
reminding us of just how much we have | Easter bills and go as a bill file.” a. Jeu are not pro- | have their neices, Miss B. | bottle 73 can 2 ! 4 :
. \ re i to f ith id re ta medium #
for which we should be thankful. Xk x duced by coming fae lo face With |; payee and Miss Louise rarer 3 Mio 2% |
It beats me how women can be so sweet a ic ill |
* * * And yet, this is only a start. What | Jordan, both of Richmond Hill | pn
The Fight: Ava C to each other face to face, yet throw such dag-| next? That was what Saul went |N.Y., as their guests for a few | ,-PRICE SALE OF a
e rig t Against Cancer gers. Here for instance is a conversation I OV-| into Damascus to find out. That (days. Miss Maybeck is a teach-| RANGER JOE EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! ® a
One thing we have plenty of these days | erheard in a specialist's office. | was what Ananias came to tell [er at West Hemstead, Long Is-| IVORY SOAP a
is worthy causes in need of funds. But| First Cat: “My deah, I just read and enjoyed | him. Saul needed what all new- and Miss Jordan is a stu- | RICE HONNIES 4-01 5 =
despite the overabundance of drives, there’s YOu story in the magazine—who wrote it for orn Chivas Teed, 3 (dent at State Teachers College | pkg 2 bottles C 7 personal |
one campaign we still feel like going all | you? : p- | at New Paltz, N. Y. | 2 Sorts Be size cake 5c
out for—and that’s the campaign against Same; “I'm glad you liked it—who THe N eit Re Mrs. Enos Wachstetter and | “ee,
cancer. read ii to you: e New City granddaughter and Mr. and | LA CHOY i
For at the present rate, there are twenty | * Paul was and remained a city | Mrs. Max Ri augh- | : IVORY S Pr
2 v cedorf and daugh- | A i the
million of us here in this country today | Sen. Derr says: “You got to give the devil| man. Most of the great experi- |... Rheems and Mr. and Mrs, MEATLESS OAR IVORY, SNOW. § ile
who will die from cancer. One can realize | his dues. Old Dobbin may have had his faults | °c of his Ws Ners comented John Bender, Mr. aiid Mrs. Geo. | CHOP SUEY Liss : eur:
serious i . : : with cities. But from that day a y gl =} arge size I 3 ct
the Serfous Lape Sree ha pon: ou ou Jou Jevey sw horse hitched in| nr cous to the end of his life, | Mumper attended a birthday | ha a5 2 "Se 25 age 27%. §
goc € yi Y pe Th Sie out OF every hun lo ie barn for repairs. | there was one city above all that | party for Master Barry Bender | can
8 SUBS TEs or wi hve ont * * * : | claimed Paul's allegiance. It is lat Lancaster Sunday evening. | SAVE 5c ON at
rough intensive research in recen wo ten year olds were playing marbles, | the City of God, the New City. Con- | Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ryder THREELITTLE ~ RANGER JOE #1
years, it has been proven conclusively that {on the school grounds, when one remarked: | version can be looked at and de- | 14 son. Bruce. visited Mr. and | } TIDE
cancer can be cured—if attacked early.| “My father said he didn't like women who | scribed in many ways. But ome | poe at Clarks Summit. | KITTENS CAT FOOD WHEAT HONNIES A
And every indication is that cancer will drive from the back seat.” good way is to compare it to tak- | Mr. Ryder returned Sunday and | 3 oka 2
be stamped out, providing we continue the| The other asked: “What did your mother Out citizenship papers in the \ Mrs. Bvder god il d | es J x= 32 a amb 22¢ large 29 giant 70
work now started. say to that?” Kingdom of Heaven. Paul said | Mrs. and son remained is cans T Regularly 2 pkgs for 27c Te pkg € pkg Cc Pric
The American Cancer Society is doing| “She said back seat drivers were no worse | Se : oat} te gl. fora Hook: is So — ! oun
an outstanding job in the drive to put than men who cook from the dining room| en.” That {was not: a figures of | pip YOU KNOW? 20 MULE TEAM : Get»
an end to cancer. Help them fight back— 2 speech with! him“ "have iT, > Specifi
I 1 | table. | Paul’'would’have | plouridation of water is oA BO CAMAY SOAP DREFT, pecif
when called upon give and give generously. | i >* | passed any. loyalty test”, oj | oo jel a Yea es wn if RAX : i —
AE ar tid a . : eing processed in ittsburgh, |
Ha * * * Earl Miller told me his idea of prosperity is| nivisien of Christian Education, Na. | Wilkinsburg, Ford City, Brook- ' 1b 19. 2b 33 3 bath size 32 large giant |
soThis is the time of the year when a a combination of 1912 taxes, 1928 dividends, Mihi (1%! | ville, Bbensburg, Easton and pig 17 pig ae is 29: %g 70: | TE)
o ‘ress Service. y . |
gardens again —abways Hopeful a Pipe os ok ee Natrona and permits for thus S
§ S, | : :
hat : | ; 5 : treating public water have been
She some day they be able to live of | Got your onions stuck? Me neither. 1 et issued. to five ‘other’ commun. 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA.
A WISE OWL) Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. J ties, including Philadelphia. \