baby chicks crowd too much in worked, it will be unproductive a brooder house. He may lose | the rest of the season, explains P WEDDINGS Farm Calendar 2—The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday, Apri 9, 1953 | "OWL LAFFS many of them by smothering, | James Dutt, Penn State exten: I EE SAR I STI LI “rp » — : | ai ali STARK -— MUMMA So says Carl Dossin, Penn State sion vegetable specialist. THE BULLETIN | The marriage of Miss Mabel | SOIL NOT HARMED- Recent | extension poultry specialist. | KE no Jane Mumma, daughter of Mr. |lests at the Penna. State College | chicks will pile up or huddle ——r i Publihed every Thursday at 11 East 7 | Abram H. os 108% East |Agricultural Experiment Sta Chicies Will p/ ou oo well as | YOUNG LADY, WERE HE Spee coum pao) || Donegal St., this boro, to Paul tion indicate there is no build {from cold, so temperatures must | our OF LETTERHEADS | Will n y NY P ha 7 || Richard Stark, son of Mr. and | i 9 Be D in te soll 3p [he watched 77 DONT GET EXCITED, F illiam ung, ublisher d (Mrs. Ps: star St. | wd USW rates RI ’ TRREST IN 1 ae ’ + ung ; \Mrs. Paul Stark, of Mt. Joy St. Pe Nr ” oh 1 | SHOW INTEREST IN MILK | | BOSS Specifi I 1 | table. | Paul’'would’have | plouridation of water is oA BO CAMAY SOAP DREFT, pecif when called upon give and give generously. | i >* | passed any. loyalty test”, oj | oo jel a Yea es wn if RAX : i — AE ar tid a . : eing processed in ittsburgh, | Ha * * * Earl Miller told me his idea of prosperity is| nivisien of Christian Education, Na. | Wilkinsburg, Ford City, Brook- ' 1b 19. 2b 33 3 bath size 32 large giant | soThis is the time of the year when a a combination of 1912 taxes, 1928 dividends, Mihi (1%! | ville, Bbensburg, Easton and pig 17 pig ae is 29: %g 70: | TE) o ‘ress Service. y . | gardens again —abways Hopeful a Pipe os ok ee Natrona and permits for thus S § S, | : : hat : | ; 5 : treating public water have been She some day they be able to live of | Got your onions stuck? Me neither. 1 et issued. to five ‘other’ commun. 87 EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. A WISE OWL) Bulletin Ads Pay Big Dividends. J ties, including Philadelphia. \