The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 17, 1949, Image 4

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d—"The Bulletin, Mt, Joy, P. Thurs Angus 0! 1" A
he Bulletin Joy, Pa., Thursday, August 18, 1949 REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes



Done al Air ort News eer You A Ove. 1 ~\ OuTA CTD BITS AN) NE I'LL OWE YA Apricots - Special Again ....... ...... per dozen $2.00
asm | OWE YA, TODAY? _/ [ EIFTYCEN CENTS Vr \ VY” YOU'RE TH' GUY Broccoli ....................... evi hay c
\ ‘or THAT 1, RR TET el Sliced Peaches rns 1B
See = Ra Dold Concentrated Juices - Grapekuit-Orange-Grape . . Bec ¥
IN Ice Cold Watermelons - Whdle or Half
Treat the kiddies - - Make your own cones 18 for 18c¢
A broaklast flight is being
planned by the Lancaster Aero
Club It will be held August
21 and will include all five of th
Lancaster Countic Airports A
Make your own sundaes = - = We have Pineappie - - - Fudge -




pilots will meet at the Lancaster |
Municipal Airport and take-off Butterscotch - - = Pecan + = - Walnut - = - or cream toppings.
from there First stop will be . :
D al Airport for fruit juice a; 4 |
rh . |
Then to Mountville for Ham and A A Dn PRIA Mt J F F d L k Pl t
Eu Next s shoft hop to h THE LOW DOWN 19TH CENTURY VOICES Nr tia as . oy rozen roo OCKer an
{ a (
Id Lancaster Airport for co | Celebrities of the 19th century 0 ® Open Dail =. : Pp
! aily 8 A. M. 530 P.M. —— Friday 8 A. M. SPM.
and doughnuts and finally from whose voices are preserved by | fi | pen Daily 1. to 5:30 P. M Friday L to
New Holland airport fi recordings include P. T. Barnum, i IC e Y ys DIAL 3-5
melon All pilots and ei “HICKORY GROV Florence Nightingale, Queen Vic- i |
riends e invite toria, Jame tiley ¢ Rh a AO Cl eee Cia mem
friends ar nvited Hindsight is better than foresight. dh Ja nes Whitcomb Riley and] i Be
Alvin Reist flew to Amity Hall Mark Twain, \ [
re pi hd hihi """ Nobody will debate with me about [
A W ISE OWL oe % nt > : that—so I will proceed. But if there WILL BE OPEN | American Le ion |
Ve | Lreorge Minich,, Lewi sauters hould be a doubting Thomas in the Electric | i! |
V 1 é S a near-| and John awthorne ( { : : i st I
We have a supervisor in J ar I H ; 1 flew audicnee.. I ‘direct ‘his fo and Gas e in | in { (Formerly Posey Patch)
by township that is certainly the Wilmington, De ' id Bnetand in MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
dats whiskers. He ‘found. a Joseph rolzelnuth. Wo i People of at dea Wo Ennion : Also Specialize OB i SATURDAY 20th J { |
1 1 1 They figured 4 or 5 years ago that i {
bridge was 100 low so instead of gemuth ind Jacob Martin flew to rc) or 8 yews ago that i | pag MACHINE WELDING | DANCING |
raising it he lowered the creek. Campmeetin Grounds y SY Re . . Toe So 4 AND EQUIPMENT in F Th | |
The - Chiat: Aura. Corp held 295s and let the Govt. be the Big . { or at | FT
X certain voune fellow here [4 : Ji : oh Smoke, things would be all milk Automobile and Truck Wel 9 i | : ol F id Ni ht
tock His ee Ar oe cir eel in pon meeting at 4 honey—that the business prof- | LAWN MOWER SHARPENING | Hi h li . | i or ri ay 1g
took is car to Amen rag the Airport Movies of the hi 3 I
and. told theni he had something | Cleveland: Air Races Were shown its would be the people's profits and 0 V I W Idi Sh 1g Qua ity C eaning i = §
loose in his car last night to members of the lub and alta the Deopie woul id have the say 0 e S e Ing op | | J Ki tl
One of the guys working there | number of invited guests. on A w things woul be Hi ili Delta A Marietta Streets 0c IS er
asked him if he got her tele- Phare Landi and daughter Now what Instead of the work- MT. JOY, Phone 3-5931 | ® |
phone number. Jeanette, Jane and Joanne spent) being able to barge in and tell ’ { AND HIS
everal davs in New York City the old boss where he got off, they i x |
I asked a man from Landi Arthur Hostetter flew we ral Are now tapped on the shoulder by 76-78 East Main Street Mount Joy rc estra |
lle is’ + was otti nde 4 orl) their New Big Govt. boss, and told ) p
vill h w hi; wife wa ing | fri o York 1 Vv Dig Fi YOU PHONE 3-4071 WE CALL mig =
along with her driving Llovd Nissly flew friends {o to sit down ind be quiet. Then the i \
He said she made a tun fo Atlantic Cit Govt. moved in its army an 1 took e & all ran He sec Aaa saris a 4 - a
the: worse last evening Herbert Shelly flew h moth- over the men’s jobs—until the Tiros EL === SE NO ES [ ———— I
p Mi Engl Shelly to Rox-|strikers got hungry enough to go 45 EAST MAIN ST.
Here's one t we had in ou ur) back at the Govt. figures MOUNT JOY | NOW! (
Owl Laffs twenty years ago. We Leland Baile ind John MORAL: In our own grand land od
asked Kersey Frank if he went | thorne made a dual © in- we need to polish: up our foresight
) y d ) x |
to a speak-easy while at Lancas- | try trip t Lake Susquehanna, glasses before we are took-n hy . Monday | Ch Y T dl
ter and he said: No, I don't! New Jersey the sweet stories of our leaders that Dinner served 11-2 and § to 8 ange lour lreaaie
like them talkin’ pictures. = ~~. make us drool and wish for the
e them talkin’ | ale vs Gol ad wish $B 9) Sewing Machine Into : nda
: NOT ONLY A SOLDIER Diskin hat hep lone 1 the Govt Closed Sundays An El p bl
Christ Metzler says he ikes | HE IS A BOXER ALSO built the dams, propped corn anc | 3
fabric upholstering on cal much An article in the Lackland pork prices, loaned all the money, n Bale orta € * Now Playing A
Lotter than leather. He says it|Talespinner. a i r this] wrote the prescriptions, picked the
: ilespinner, a paps published by ! I i r 0 5 3 Pe i Mode i a
is’ teo.blamed hard to wipe your | he fe kland Air Force Base of professors for the school houses, 0 nso ¢ Greatest Comedy Hit of Modern Times
hands clean on the latter San Antonio, Tex. is appended said how many chickens per farm- | §é ] T ~ i al 99
————— Sgt. Karl Max of the Lack- er etc, ete. You said it, says Hen- | | LIFE Wi H FAI HER’ |
A certain grandn here 3 ed | TY . |
who raised five children of I mit upset hen 1} jabbed ‘his Yours with the low-down | |
own, came mighty near trang- | way t 0 the. Ii Timmy NINE NIGHTS ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST 27
ling ‘er little grandchild She | weight visi over Cpl Jarmie Meee { ——— mm G ie ~ vv
put an under shirt on the youn Kelly of the A team. SALUNGA FIRE COMPANY Now Wo dy Thi Seasaional Flay Swing
; jer sno hi JUNG! MPA! Sips sore
ster and did it backward [he Max was ( irly the t p nan SECOND FESTIVAL ow pen al y This S Se nsaiioz wal F Plc 1Y » ster rng
tight part of the neck was then | the second round until the! Saturday. August 27th is sched- Ronald Long and Kataleen Phelan
stretched across the child's throat finishing toll He econd festival t y MOUNT GRETNA
¢ 1d 1 d the indisville and | wit Nr \
A fellow at Florin went to Do al ounle > ( whicl
Sloan’s, bought a bottle of medi one y c ; Id r 2 0 LAKE BEACH Cc in 8 : — 1 t
De oi @ battle of mead | yond anes 4 sv. © bot) a on o | urtain 8:30 p. m. = Adm. $1.00 plus tax
his wife he got the wron tuff : Ja = | You can also have it electrified in your present cabinet. Esti-
fhe Tabel bn the hat] is _f ; ALSO THE FAMOUS mate given free. Prompt guaranteed service. Pick up and deliver ee
} ottle read | points for a vene i tainment will be the ever | anywhere
“For Adults” and he id he | js when Max Three Tone radio 7t- GOLF COURSE |
J Est i I ih Open Every Wight | : a e ie WwW a Y
Zs sits 7 PM He is fl f Mrs. Mary Max on The usual d food prepared 5-19-tf | SEWING MACHINE SALES AND SERVICE
t Florin, told a fellow that the | T Sivoot bv the tire C xiliarie So — - nT Ty 0 v : ans
best way he knew of ci : ae er Pi 1 Aux Phone 216) 111 N. Market Street, Elizabethtown. Pa. HELLAM, . FAST OF YORK ROUTE 39
ost way fnew of Sa er be on sale “Fleas Don’t N
woman irom buying antiques was| LOCAL MEN DEFEATED IN ——r Bother Me SUNDAY AUG 21
0 give her a 1901 Ford WHITE ROSE TOURNAMENT METEOR FRIGHTENS A MAN I'm Dusted with | aN : .
— After droppir e opening set Near Bakersfield, California PULVEX DDT" DENI NG
rn Ya ap
Kr newly | Readir Pa Hildebrand. resident tanding in an 3 gE; : r LULU BELLE ANT SCOTTY
man am l n Bobby Zink Red R Open W artled, ther most blind we W. L. S. HAYLOFT SWEETIIRARTS
1p and asked for two slice t | Tent champior to take when a meteor fragment UCAN TAKE 1h ~~
ham und a pint of grav Andi fhe following thre seis and ‘add fhe Sm att fae THE RANCHERTS from Hanover, Pa.
Shorty Engle swears to it le i : n which h yd KILLS FLEAS for GRANTE D —
a m— Sunday in : into a hviel KEEPS 'EM OFF | Ald ER JACKSON and SUGAR
3ut knowing Shorty as we do, Annu White Rose ow Bi L a
particularly when he goes to th ng LE et ib Ercan aD Sf la assesses CAT OWNERS: To rid your cat of fl ind 4 if
to. cook Lr Inemt o n Tournamen é REUNION. AUGUST 2 ire bs ge to us x ROTENONE SALLIE and SHORTY FINCHER
pa a. 1 20K ? rk LINE EU! N / UD 21 lea Powder. Specially formulated for cats. i . x
DE reer ae | pore on EET REUNION 3 1, with THE THOMAS BROS.
happen feated Eugen ( er ¢ union of the Hi isey clan will be | —= — ss — i : -
A I 1k Zink in the semi-finals held Saturday, August 27, in th | (l | NEMO and THE RANGE RIDERS
They sh we, to be exact it|g.2 an 7.5 In the finals Donegal Springs Church House at] || 5 ] I
was Dar p ker t Shorty | 7; hd 0 Tia Tair abe ~ ( y Hl <
es Jags holy Zink and Snyder lost their de- 2 o'clock. All members and friends | t S NCW i CHARLIE TRUSSELL Your Favorite M.C. §
peeled potatoes, then threw em | fending title to the above win- arre invited to attend iH ho : i
out and cooked the shells. ners Volk and Th EE il The latest in late Summer and | | The man who staris to save and SHOW RAIN OR SHINE Show Starts A¢ 1:00 P. M.
Hairdo ro TYE WEBB REUNION {l Pal A Rhinestones and ti ( ADULTS 50c¢ Tax Included
{ea two of the girls up at a || Pearls combined in z 3 : = ‘ "NI y
Tio . of uh 3 The Webb family reunion will be Hl | keeps it up shows sound thinking. You CHILDREN UNDER TWELVE FREE
dy talkng rather quietly so [ 1 : 1 T | Plent parks : « oy : ;
listened and the were discussin Ie nm 1849 e held at the Rheems Carnival | OVeLVY Nec klaces | enty «of perKking space. peeial line reserved for cur crippled
stened anc 2y were discussing ils le iat ORI ht. 3 > [fi x : 1. shut-in friends
a certain fellow. One said she| Ronald Long, talented English on Sunday, August 28th at\ | As ow as § li can take it for granted that he’s a good EATS REFRESHMENTS GAMES
wouldn't trust him too far and |actn been cast i lig father and 1:30 p. m. ra fol : : I DE
Ra Ar is Nic ee, sre — | You can have you hoi | .% . - . . { 4 + hi
the other Seid, And 1 wouldn't] Mis: Ke Phelan, » favorite) one Motch in ight ddve, 11 five different fics risk . . . if you're planning to back him in ~- Th
. : 2 yan ad wield smart 3 ia NR asp eggs hatch in eight days. > {
trust him too near either. with Gretna Playhouse audiences, | your
will be seen in the role of moth- ALSO i . . - . . { "i
Wem al een Le I eo Call your FULLER DEALER oii Ja business, give him a job, or marry him. ————— pape
A little fellow down on Mount | er in th rillian 1edy success, { En FiOS © tO \ | i | EVENINGS SATURDAYS
Jovy Street asked his mother to|"Life With Father” which opens for the world famous Brooms, ~arrings | I viateh | SHOWS MATINER
take him canoeing down on the | on Thursday August 18. on Brushes, Mops, Wax and Polish. ! 1.) 7 AND 9:00 P. M AND
dam because she can paddle so | the stage of heatre at Mt. / 17 | | Cor or ad [1 i { SATURDAYS R E HOLIDAYS Y '
ome 10W a See Mus |
well. Gretna | fj many gther s of | 85:10 2:00. WM»
Ranked as one of the greatest | = ———————. Mount Joy, Pa. A

Butch Kramer says he sends | comedies of all time, this gala
. |
his girl post cards because he | production will be the final show
Kors Wah sop || AONE] ||
Chocolate Ave. FLORIN, PA LE JOY, CT “The Red Pony”
Dial Mt. Joy 3-4015 727) 2a I oR

don't care two cents for her. of the season for the Gretna Co. Ne
Siti rtm For EASIER
A tramp called at a certain | UNUSUAL ATTRACTION FOR
farm house near town and asked THE READING FAIR FRANK SPENCE
the lady for a bite. She said: Some of the topflisht enter- Lancaster R. D. 5 Leola 62793 | whi 6
Well my dear man 1 don’t bite | tainment attractions in the land a 8-18-2t EE dhs AI ! - Li i H | MONDAY TUESDAY, AUGUST
kat if you'll wait a minute [1] | will be presented at the eight- w—
call our dog. day Reading Fair that opens on WALLACE BEERY + MARJORIE MAIN -in- I
Sunday, Sept. 11 !
ni 4 : , ) John S. Giles fair president N EASIER VAY UusT A LiL ACT © 99
Saturday night a chap came uj . C president, . S WE ’ ig ag
Main Street pretty well saturated. | reported this week that two of ™ o de / TO GET YOUR
At Claude Zeller’s he slipped in-|the world renowed musical or- BD 7H) ;
to the alley and was taking a | ganizations -- Jimmy Dorsey and ATTENTION WHILE
an v

| jewelry at


“Youriger Brothers 0

good swig when a woman hap- | his orchestra and the U. S. Air 5
pened along, spied hiim and then | Foree Band -- will headline the}| Macadam Driveways and Lanes
said: Do you think a drink of grandstand stage shows on open- = =
that vile stuff will quench your |ing Sunday and Monday nights.


thirst? : yy | F I i J
na drink : the whole dern bottle. There are no restrictions %on SuPeR-G FRIDAY — SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 - 27
— hunting red squirrels in Pennsyl-|

At a funeral here not long ago | Vania this year except that Oc-
a fellgw whispered to me: «.% If | tober is a closed month. AMOS S NEWCOMER
they would put roileers under: the | Sh) SY e
casket they could lay off five of | Martin Van Buren in 1838 had ROUTE 1, MOUNT JOY DIAL 3-4022
the men,’ J signed the act establishing rail- | eng nie
A WISE OWL way mail service. boo
oh FIC | ‘“Neptune’s Daughter”
= nh |Use Our Classified Column - If Pays