The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 10, 1930, Image 3

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DEC. 10th, 1930



“ i] -
LN & ® bl (From page 1)
* Manor (N. Heisey); Pequea; *Newtown
Mar. 1—Conoy (V. B. Hilsher); *E’'-
: town; *York Co.; Manheim (Harvey
Smeltzer); *Mt. Pleasant; Refton; New-
town (J. Lindemuth).
Mar. 8—Cross Roads (C. N. Hersh.
ey); *Maytown; Nastersonville; Manor;
N Pequea (Charles Dagon).
% Mar. 15—E'town; *Conoy; York Co.;
Mt. Pleasant (C. Moyer); *Manheim;
Mar. 22—Maytown (Paris Koser);
\ | prose Roads; Mastersonville (Isaac
| Brandt); Manor (Fred Frey, Jr.);. Pe-
|quea; *Newtown.
; Mar. 29—Conoy (J. Shelly); *E’'town;
|*York Co.; Manhei Eli i ; *Mt.
a 2 —— I at y a ean Gina)
wu Bn a | April 5—Cross Roads (A. Zercher);
¥ 3 ¥ » 0. Ww. L | *Maytown; Mastersonville; Manor; Pe
Fy EVERREADY OUTFIT A augy. (I. 2. bess).
WILLIAMS’ = 8 2 (On With Laeughtes 9 Mien "town; *Conoy; York Co.;
i A RAZOR and 12 BLADES / MY ee (Joseph Gish); *Manheim;
A 4d S$ ve : : x : April 19—Maytown (Paul Koser);
tn FOR 49¢ A I am sorry that we cannot reprint Roads; Mastersonville (Al. Faus);
§ i i 8 all the deer stories we've heard last]Manor (Christ Musser); Pequea; *New-
fi ¥ Rl week. It's a cinch they’d be better |toWn..
» a xe pov! a a x 3 = April 26—Conoy (L. Smith); *E’town;
TR SR TR SR RA A RT A A A RoR Pe RTE Fa TT TR RS RA RS RS RE RARER RS RA REAR RE SA Na Rs than our owl laffs. *York Co.; ony io (M. A Mt.
Pleasant; Refton; Newtown (I. T. Gin-
Ya der).
4 STATIONERY—Writing Pap and Correspondence Cards are needed every day, 25c¢ t0| guturday night a man on East Main ey 3—Cross Roads (I. M. Woigs-
Go . : . : vee te shave. .; said: th); *M ; ile; .
$1.50—The Roycroft brand in Beautiful boxes, Fountain Pens — The celebrated Chilton. [street tried to shave and said: “I|mut Y Mastersonvile: Ma
can't understand why my razor won't} “may “10 “Conoy; York Co.;
Bibles and Testaments for all all prices, Books for the youngest and oldest. Our 75¢ | cut.” Mt. Pleasant (Levi Martin); *Manheim;
: ; wife said: “You don’t mean to |Refton.
: during the mon ; H's wi } May 17 — Mayt J. Strickler);
Books are yours for 60c each, th of December tell me that your whiskers are tough AC Roads; A iis
, |e than our linoleum.” Manor (Fred Frey, Sr.); Pe-
: TEVA - y \ 3 quea; *Newtown.
Candies--Always acceptable, many brahds at 49¢, 50c, 59, $1, and $1.50—Also Mellinger’s Sinn wa "May 24—-Conoy (I. Heisey); *E'town;
: : Fellows if your wife ever declares I iy ane (D. Bradley);
PERFUMERY—First is Coty’s, a Paris Special, $50.00 assortment. New York brands: Pal-|she will get after you with an axe,| May 3i—Cross Roads (Joe Wolge-
mer, Special prices to suit any pocket book. \TOILET SETS—Comb, Brush and Mirror, $2.50
to $3.95. \

If so, you will want your SALE BILLS
don’t believe her.
seen a woman who would cut wood.
Monday and
I heard of a
ing deer last carried

before 1 undressed?”
“Well there ain't
He said: no
around here agin’ undressin.” ”
I have never yet
who was hunt-
She said: “Why didn’t you tell me
muth); *Maytown; Mastersonville; Ma-
nor; Pequea (Henry Hostetter).
June 7—E’town; *Conoy; York Co.;
Mt. Pleasant (H. Garman); *Manheim;
June 14—Maytown (Annie Heisey);
a |*Cross Roads; Mastersonville (Jacob M.
Stars Denote Sunday Evening Services
() Denotes Saturday Evening Previous
Councils—Lancaster Feb. 3;
May 15 evening; Pequea Aug. 22;
His Golden ~
LD Silas Elwell walked with a
long staff. His bent form showed
a decided hump on his back, setting
his head well forward on his shoul
ders. He wore a flowing gray beard.
ana the hair on his head was almost
white. Eviuently the village was tak
ing a woliduy. Old Silas stopped occa:
sionally to gaze about him, wondering
what unusual thing was taking place
in Morgantown. The main store of the
town was closed, and tacked against
the front door was a sign:
Taking one of the most impor
tant holidays of my life.—Aleck
“l reck.n Stonecipher’'s gone a
fishin’,” commented Silas to himself,
as he slowly spelled out the words of
the sign. “Well, by heck! | wanted
to buy a pair of wool cards, an’ 1
reckon Stonecipher’s is the only store
in town as nas ‘em.”
Elwell's legs had grown wobbly
from age; and the walk from the
mountain, a distance of twelve miles,
had tired him. He sat down upon the
doorstep in front of Stonecipher’s
store. A few villagers passed him
with a nod or a word of greeting.
‘Hello, Uncle Silas; ain't a-waontin
to get into the store, are yuh?" It was
Stonecipher's clerk who asked the
Silas looked up.
in,” Elwell
“Well, 1 did want
admitted; “but
I jest set
seein’ as how it was closed.
which contained the sole purchase for
the day
WAS with
busy her
and called Silas
lean to at the back
them cards, Silas?
from “Dia
yuh get
‘No, Susan; |
wus closed.”
Rn 3" # | canteen of water in his coat. He de- Manor (C. N. Hostetter); Pe- hii fiery fo rest 5
RATIONS 3 4 CHRISTMAS CARDS Rl fares it was 50 cold that the water) sore tH. ~Hilshary: 4% Stonecipher suid as how he ha
CHRISTMAS TREE DECO Nn i \ We, town: *York Co.: i “| wouldn't seli his daddy, if he had one.
\ froze. own; 0.; Manneim (Allen Hoff
Ys. dW th i \, 5 Cards and 5 Envelopes for 5c 3 er, Sr.); *Mt. Pleasant; Refton; New- | anything out o this store today-—
Glass Ba s cicles an reaths A \ x town (Annie Risser). o's taki : iday.”
? Beautiful Cards, 5c to 15¢ Bl tim right. He should have). duns 28=Crove .(h.. Wusseryy) WEF Takin 3 holiday yi
Wra in Paper Nn i A Serves nm, Nig 1 *Maytown; Mastersonville; Manor; Pe. “So 1 see’d by the ap
pping P 3 i By the Box, 45¢, 95c, and up known better. Don’t men put alcohol auea (Ira Herr). thar. What's he doin’ so. imporiant?
» § %\ Bin their radiators to keep ‘em from Wa Tham fowns Raney; Yo pS] “Why. this here's Stonecipher’s
. a hr . > oS po saan hiro ib ining oli . easan . oser); anheim; ’ EE x >
AS SS SASS FL SASS TIT SATS SS RARER SATA RA RATATAT ABER SNES RRS SSSR # | Anything a little | Refton. : volden weddin day; an’ him an’ the
“alchy” in that canteen and it would ally rT ioe Cross Jd tady’s havin a big dinner—a roast
. Ave. Tove lok ime ads; a e ’ rs 3
Hit-of-the Week Phonograph Records 15¢c—Xmas Package for $1.50—Pocket & Bill Folds Be S08 Jroeen Next time he'll] lo, or (Armour Frey): Pequea; | Pig. an’ a sheep's head with dump
5 now better, “Newtown. in's an all the fixin’s.”
July 19—Conoy (A. Shenk); *E’town; “Dio tell! An’ what does the golden
CIGARS IN CHRISTMAS BOXES Frank Young who operates a ser Yor Soi (L. Brubaker); weddin’ be?" 2
: : al g h perates *Mt. Pleasant; Refton. !
Best Brand such as Dutch Masters. El Producto, Henrietta, Cinco, Webster. vice station down town says the best July 26—Cross Roads (H. M. Hess); ‘Why, sort you know? When a
7 \ way to make antifreeze is to hide ayn, Mastarsonvilies Manor; Pe- | .,uple's been married fifty year. to
FENCES FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES her pajamas. Aug. 2—E’'town; *Conoy; York Co.;| the very day, an’ both of ‘em still
Y iene Saves Mi. Preasan (Katie Ginder); *Man- | kickin’, why they call thet their golden
$e ) : hy : sven : There was a family spat in a cer Aug. 9—Maytown (P. E. Wolgemuth) | Weddin day.”
This covers about one-third of our display. Call and look our assortment coven. We will| = 0 = Oe other day and |*Cross Roads; Mastersonville (Lizzie | Silas Elwell suddenly stood erect
. . : . . fh : Tn Shearer): Manor (George Frey); Pe- 3 Py 80-88 hi )
appreciate your calling and if you fail to find what you want, we will thank you for calling | part of the conversation was as fol |quea; *Newtown. g is or as neurly so us his be nt form
\ lows: Aug. 16—Conoy (Paul Wolgemuth); | Would allow. What day o’ the month
and part friends. YN T1 site sald: “Is ce if 1 died |*E'town; *York ~~ Co.; Manheim (J. | is. this, Galbreath?
> 1e wife said: SUPPOSE die Snavelv): *Mt. Pleas ‘Ref : :
\ \ ; ely); easant; Refton; New Saturday, the twenty-third o
PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT PRICES \ you would marry another woman im |town (Wm. Kanode). Baty ay, yr
; mediately. ’ Aug. 23--Cross Roads (Ralph Musser); | May. But I'm ir on the weddin’ to
\ He reulied: “Not right away [a Mastersonville (B. B. Gin- | quay =n’ I must hurry along.”
e replied: INC BLL RNY. der); Manor; Pequea (Charles Dagon). las st low ail Pres
9 take a little rest first.” Aug. 30—E'town; *Conoy; York Co.; Silas sat, lown agin Tres
Mt. Pleasant (D. E. Wolgemuth); | ently he wiped two teats. from his
er ig SS *Manheim; Refton. WS her t thrus i
an S uu O e At a party held here recently, they| ‘sept. 6—Maytown (N. Smith); *Cross ig i 1e inka his“ hand inte
played a game that you had to kiss a |Roads; Mastersonville (R. G. Brubak- MS trousers. pocket :
\ girl or zive her a box of chocolates er); Manor (J. L. Heisey); Pequea; “1 reckon I'll look around ‘a bit,’
¥ f arin I ¥Newtown 3 i \
is : r ne said to hinsell
WEST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PE A. I know a girl that got ten boxes of Sept. 13—Conoy (W. Heisey); *E’- + SA 9h Nee : ;
N chocolates Ain't that tuff town; *York Co.; Manheim (H. B. Hof- te his feet once more he
Ht ? fer); *Mt. Pleasant; Refton. started down rhe street. or three
—— Sept. 20—Cross Roads (A. Z. Hess); | . a SN 51
Two Mount Joy Street women in a |*Maytown; Mastersonville; Manor; Pe- Moby Wore an ng Senos!
a’ : rie “Ti 7 J. Z. Hess). pher's wedding day although he vas
: srsation. One said: Did you |9uga (
X conversayion CE Sept. 27—E’town; *Conoy; York Co.;| the h:et man o1 the town. Into one
ever notice that a loud talker is Mt. Pleasant (Sr. Abram Mumma); i
5 * Te '| of these he betook himselt and at
erally an ignorant person. Manheim; Refton. : ’
4 Other lady: “Well, you needen’t Oct. 4—Maytown (J. Floyd); *Cross | length cume oul and” turned his foot
i 2 ther lady: CH ds Roads; Mastersonville (Joseph Ginder); | .hirectly toward the county jail
shout so; I'm not deaf. Manor (Stoner Seitz) Pequea; *New- | Lo way. Reaching the sher
town. Hy $ - =
J an bo Oct. 11—Conoy (S. Hoffman); *E’- | iff’s Hffice Silas came to the object of
Just heard of 3 elim we Nas town; Yor Con Manheim (sam Hig Vick
blamed near mobbed by his neighbors ornhold); *Mt. easant; efton; “ sh» " re
for phoning. Of course he was saxo-| Newtown (Daniel Ginder). : he begun, “you an me's
2! or p ng. s EA, Oe Oct. 18—Cross Roads (E. Engle); | been ood friends 1 long time?”
phoning. Ya xe Manor; Pe- “Yes: we have, Uncle Silas,” the
quea E. ess). ai i
: Oct. 25—E’town; *Conoy; York Co.; sheriff agreed.
I know a woman here who is SO|Mt. Pleasant (Earl Myers); *Manheim; “Voted fo, yuh clean. ever time
clean about the house that she won't Refton. A yuh run?
even allow her sons to sing army |+cross Roads; Mastersonville (J. Show- “1 know you nave.
songs when they're in the bath room. srs); Miner (Isaiah Schock); Pequea; “Sheriff, | want to borry ten dol
*Newtown. a " snr Se oa
Nov. 8—(Heisey Sisters); *E’'town;| lars. | got a yearlin® thet's wuth tif
Down at Stumpf's restaurant the | *York Co.; Manheim (Jacob Herr); |-teen; an I'll give ye a mortgage agin
other day a customer asked the wait- | *Mt. Pleasant; Refton. the yearlin
: J i; Nov. 15—Cross Roads (C. M. Wolge- a 1 :
er if he would put a little of their muth) i i igs: All right, Uncle Silas; you shall
\ | gravy in a bottle for him. He said |nor; Pequea (Ira Herr). nave it. Come over to the magistrates
¢ : ate i . 2—E’ n; : hy ro’ i 5 a
R he wanted to get a vest to match it. ol 22h svn Cones eos an’ we'll fix up the papers.
heim: Refton. The sherift led the way; and soon
One of our young ladies said to Ral (A, Engle); *Cross | quivering hand was making
another up at the Shoe Factory the did A (Wayne PRL a cipler at the bottom of a legal
e e On | other day: “Don’t tell anybody, but town. form wh n stood for his signature
ed , Te iw pride old ai Dec. 6—Conoy (A. Martin); *E’town; “Yuh re shore a friend o mine
d d e . << | see this ring. George _slippe d it on *York Co.; Manheim (J. T. Ginder); Sherif.”
N= | my finger Sunday evening.” *Mt. Pleasant; Refton; Newtown (Hen- Sheri . 5
) Reply: “Yes, its nice looking but [ry Mellinger). ‘Don’t mention it, Uncle Silas.
8 : Dec. 13—Cross Roads (C. Miller Wol- Sil: he Wi we i
it will make a black circle on your gemuth); *Maytown; Mastersonville; ii a. tun vi IY 7 Remy mines
finger before you've worn it a week. | Manor; Pequea (C. Z. Hess). faivi he bad begup the lung journey
it did on mine.” Dec. 20—E’'town; *Conoy; York Co.;| back ome. His step was nore elas
t 1 ti ° Mt. (G. Wolgemuth); *Man- yi, and he held his head just a lit
A o 11 y H em heim; Refton. ue Verto 5% its ZAR
re you con emp a ng sen our ouse They tell this one about a certain| Dec. 27.-Maytown (D. Sipling); *Cross | 'le thal usual. It was almost
= stable not far from Mount Roads; Mastersonville (Paul Oberhol- | sunset when Silas reached the crest
) COUNERY AD. ser); Manor (Jacob Schock); Pequea; of he ridg or which his cabin stood
3 Joy. Last Summer he said: “Pardon |*Newtown. One hand he had carried in his tro
pe han > hi oF > Str
me Miss but swimmin ain't allowed LANCASTER SERVICES EVERY Ye ! ou
his creek.” SUNDAY MORNING AND sers’ pocket most of the way from
n this creek. EVENING town. 11 clasped a small packnge

This Office
You will also want to ADVERTISE the
sale as a whole in The
Mt. Joy Bulletin
A FREE NOTICE given in our SALE
REGISTER for all Sale Bills Printed at this
office is worth considerable.
It is not too early now to CHOOSE THE
DATE for your Sale.

Gevultefish (at
that you Eldora?
Have I heard the
Mrs. Murphy. Well, well!
o'clock this morning? Oh,
I'm so glad to hear she's getting a
Yes, this
in the door this morning.

The other evening a certain spor
from town was down
“Here's how you play it. You get ou

“Disarmament begins at home,
said a certain young man as h
trimmed his girl's nails.

Bud Carpenter would like to know
if a boy is a lad and the lad has
phone)—Hello, is
is Jack.
news? No. What?
tell her
- | stepfather, does that make the lad a
at Landisville
of this building and leave me alone.”
ton Nov. 19 evening; E’'town Feb. 4;
— Cross Roads Aug. 22; Mastersonville
She was sitting in a dark corner. san, rg vg 9: Waster,
Noiselessly he stole up behind her, |ternoon.
and before she was aware of his te
presence he had Kissed her. Up to the Supervisors
“How dare ou!” she shrieked. If the river road from Washington-
“Pardon me,” he bluffed, readily.|y oro to Safe Harbor is not built, it is
“I thought you were my sister.” lphecause the supervisors of Manor
“you dumb ox. I am your sister.” township didn’t do it, as the matter
is now entirel in their hands. That's
“So you've got a new gown afteriin, gist of the recent
meeting of the
all. I thought you said you couldn't River Road Association.
afford one this fall.” —
“So I did. But my husband had x
a streak of luck recently. He By subscribing for the Mount Joy
broke his leg and the insurance com- Bulletin you can get all the loca
pany pays him $75 a week.” news for less than three cents a
y 7 week.
rere ae Gl QAR eee
If you can get amusement out of
your own follies you should be able
to work up a smile almost any time.

long nicely. What's that? Two of | stepladder.
‘em? Well (hanging up receiver),
what do you think of that? Mrs.| (Charlie Roath spends his spare
Murphy smashed two of her fingers |time spelling Philadelphia aloud and
is good passtime,
at the same
t ————
One of our golf nuts sure
calling on his girl when she suggest- bad. He plays in the parlor at his
ed they play building and loan. First he swings at an imagi-
didn’t know how and she said: nary ball (and occasionally off goes
room 200 times between shots.
The admission
€lfoot ball games is getting so
nowadays that some men
the game or buy a new Ford.

writes California.
has it
a light bulb‘ then walks around the
to a lot of the big!
high !
often set
and debate whether they will go to
lund sakes, what for?
takin un boliday.”
them rib kind kin have hol
Susan sat at one side
of Le wide hearth, Knitting, while
Elwell sat at the opposite side, halt
dreaming. the light fron a fag
got in the tireplace sent a dull glow
throughout the room. Presently Silas
was on his knees before Susan.
“Lord, Silas.” she exclaimed, “what
has gone wrong?”
“Nothin... Let loose yuir
for a minute. Susan.”
In a moment trembling tingers and
a gnarled thumb were slipping a plain
gold band over the end of a shriveled
third finger. “It’s the ring | promised
ye lifty year ago come this night
Susan. It’s our golden weddin. sweet
neart—same as Ntonecipher’s, you
member?” .
“For the
“He was
days. 1
After supper


“Lord he'p yore rime. Silas!” came
from Susan's lips. and a sob modu
tated her tones
rn A An
Will Judge and Show
Members of the 4-H clubs in
the state will have an interesting
| time showing their products and
judging corn and potatoes at the
| Pennsylvania Farm Show in Har-
| risburg next -January.
ll A Mn
Consistent and NOT spasmodic
advertising always pays best. Each
time you stop advertising, the pub-
lic thinks you quit business. tf
Sore Throats
and Coughs
Quickly Relieved by this
uy Safe Prescription
Hére's a doctor's prescription
called "Thoxine that is really throat
insurance, Its success is due to its
quick double action. With the very
first swallow, it soothes the * sore
throat and stops the coughing. It
goes direct to the internal cause.
The remarkable thing about
Thoxine is that while it relieves al-
most instantly it caentains nothing
harmful, and is- pleasant tasting
and safe for the whole family.
Singers and speakers finth, Thoxine
very valuable. Put up ready. for use
in 35¢, 60¢, and $1.00 bottles.
Your money back if not satisfied.
2 cups rabbit cooked and cut in dice
2 cups evaporated milk
% cup bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter
tablespoon flour
1 teaspoon onion juice
Salt,%celery-salt, paprika
Melt, butter, add flour, milk and
bread caumbs. Stir until well blend-
ed, cook two minutes, remove from
fire. When, cool add the rabbit,
well beaten ‘egg yolks and season-
ing. Fold inte this mixture the
egg wh'tes (beaten until dy). Bake
in buttered ndividpal dishes, set in
pen of hot water. Bake from ten
to fifteen minutes “and serve as
coon as removed fromthe oven.
Sold by
204 Mount Joy St., MT. JOY, PA.

Koon Cnjoyment
of Pipe and


: Low-Fare
Week-end Excursions
1 Between
intermediate points
in each direction
Dec. 12-13, 19-20, 26-27
Special round-trip tickets wiil
be sold Friday, afternoon, and
all day Saturday, with final
return limit lea%ing destina-
tion not later thark midnight
of the following Sunday.
One-way fare plus
for the round tri
(Minimum 51 cents)
Tickets good only in Coach
Pennsylvania Failroad
our hair

How long is it?
How many days
sinee it was cut?
10 IS RIGHT. Haircut
avery 10 days.
Go Now, to
Hershey's Barker Shop
Agent for Manhattan Laundry
® !

1930 Chevrolet Sedan
“Leftover” reduced
1930 Chevrolet Coach
3,000 Miles
1927 Chevrolet Sedan
1927 Buick Light Six Coupe
Elmer G. Strickler

Krall’s Meat Market
West Main St., MOUNT JOY

Mount Joy, Pa.

By subscribing ror vane Mount Joy
Bulletin you can get all the local
news for less than three cents a
