The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 04, 1928, Image 3

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Fe Ty.



You want coal that burns and is free from stone, clinkers, etc. A trial
will readily convince you that it pays to buy good coal. Prices very

Telephone 5R5


Prest=-0-=Lite Batteries
Gas, Oil and Accessories
208 E. Main St.

gE iL ; For the children and for |f
i! vale Jams and Jellies.
Fi A variety of flavors from,
which to make your selec-
TA, om : |
STONE 2" 49¢
{ always have on hand anything in
the line of
Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Mutton

Krall’s Meat Market
West Main St.- MOUNT ‘JOY

A fine 7-room stucco house with all| Come and see
modern conveniences, 6 acres land,
9 poultry houses ranging in size
vom 10x10 to 16x100. Will sell
. “with or withcut poultry and equip-
ment. Call, phone or write JNO. E.
SCHROLL, Phone 41R2, Mount Joy,
Pa, notv30-tf

We're at your service when you
need job printing.


to your sink, the fewer steps need-
ed to put the dishes away after
they are washed. An ideal way is
to have the dish closet in the con-
necting wall between the dining
room and kitchen, adjacent to the
sink on the kitchen side. Clean
dishes are taken out in the dining
room, and used ones are passed
through the closet to be washed
and put away without an unnecess-
ary step.
reel ee
A man in Sussex, England, who
had lost his voice ten years ago
owing to a gas attack during the
was recovered it after a nightmare
COAL by witnessing a startling

SP res 3

Pure and
nov30-tf Wholesome

Good Quality


The Illustrated Electric Model Installed Price
Come in and hear this set you'll be surprised ai the mar-
velous results.

(On With Laughter)

Well here goes for the New Year
land Mr. Wise Owl sincerely hopes
| he can make his column more inter-
esting than ever. At least he de-
clares he'll try his dirty best.
We all got a mighty good laff at
| the post office Saturday morning.
One of our rural carriers—I don’t
i care to mention his name as he’s a
| particular friend of mine—came
| there with his car and had his new
license plates on up-side-down. He
drives a Ford and carries on Route
Here's Wednesday and truthfully
I haven't broken any of my New
Year’s resolutions yet. You know
i the reason—I didn’t make any.
One of our High School teachers
% | asked one of the boys—' How often
do you bathe?”
The boy replied—“Summer or


Start the new year armed with a
well-planned budget which has been
drawn up to include all the mneces-
sities and some of the desirable] Waynesburg=>
purchases your family hopes to|tion of central}
make within the expected income [plant discussed. °
for 1928. Food, housing, clothing,| Harrisburg — Aj
and running expenses will be among |miles of highway
the essentials. Personal expenses state system.
for each member of the family mit] Altoona — Penn
be allowed, and fixed expenses =uch {to construct largest
as insurance premiums or taxes|in the world here.
must be met. More or less prol-| Carbondale—Cornerst
lematical is the question of new |new St. Joseph’s hospite
{furnishings or equipment, or the Philadelphia—Ground
amount that must go to doctors and [erection of Rodin Muse
dentists, and consequently the |Northeast side of Parkway be
amount that can be saved. A good |21st and 22nd Streets. 5%
budget is one that takes all tnese| Pittsburgh—Work resumed
points into consideration and keeps |construction of locks for
the definitely known expenses well!fixed dam in Ohio River. Fr
within the anticipated income, leav-| Lewistown—Approach is being :
ing a fair-sized margin for the un-|built to viaduct spanning 4 tracks
certain items and for emergencies. east of Lewistown passenger sta-
After making a budget on a year-|tion. i 4
ly basis, it is helpful to plan for| Quarryville—R. Ulrich erecting
each month separately and in ad-||;0e warehouse and garage on his
vance, so that as expenditures near old Goshen mill.
made they can be compared with! philadelphia—United Gas Im-
the original estimate in each cate- ovement Company consolidates
gory. Sometimes it becomes evident | ith Philadelphia Electric.
that a larger allotment must be| Butler County organizes its 9th
made in one field, or that less bull association.
would do in another, or coOrres-| wjjjoyw Grove—Work progressing
ponding changes can be niade in the! New Oxford Theater, Rising Sun
yearly and monthly plans. Avenue and Gottman Street.

nee .
| Hazelton—New St. Gabriel’s
GIVEN FOR GRAPE PESTS| [ Stroudsburg—Acme Fire Co.
costing $13,-

|purchases fire truck
“Grape Insects and Diseases” is 500.00.
the title of bulletin 433, now being| philadelphia — $5,000,000 units
distributed by the Pennsylvania Philadelphia General Hospital
partment of Agriculture. , | dedicated. 5
This publication describes control Flemington—New street lights re-
measures for grape leafhopper, ' oi installed in Flemington boro.
grape rootworm, grape berry moth, | Pleasant Mount—Work is being

| Winter time?”

It may be a farm
oaken pump.
with an old
| It may be
| flat;
It may be the room
hang up your hat.
It may be a
in the floor,
house with
at the door.
It may he exclusive or simple or
A wee bit of heaven or one little
Just try to remember, wherever
you roam,
That Shakesveare was right, ki
There’s No Place Like Home.’

“A little paint will brighten up
any old joint,” said one of our old
applied rouge to her

maids as sh
| knee.
The nearer your dish closet is |21,397 CONTRIBUTED TO The derndest thing that ever
occurred here over
fellow went
Christmas. A certain
home with one drink too
That 21,397 persons contributed
to the Lancaster County Welfare | under his belt. He got the electric
Federation during the recent Com- | plugs mixed and when his wife
munity Chest Campaign was an- | came in, their new radio was coated
nounced at the Federation Office { with ice all over and the electric re-
frigerator was singing—*‘‘I Wonder
What Became of Sally?”
6,800 of these contributers live
in the county and 14,597 live in
the city of Lancaster. This re-
presents an increase of 8,628 con-
tributers over the previous year,
when 12,767 persons contributed. | was no disgrace to die poor. The
As contributions are still coming in other salds -*Maovbe not. but it's
from the county these numbers will | a dirty trick on the relations.”
be increased. :
The total subscribed and on re-
cord to date is $251,313.55, of |
which $224,228.22 is from the city |
of Lancaster and $27,085.33 is |
from the county. This later amount |
will be considerably increased in
all probability, as several communit-
ies have not yet sent in full lists of
It is felt by all that the county |
has made a splendid record for its |
first year in the Federation. This |
statement was made at the Feder- |
ation Office today.
I heard two fellows in a con-
versation up at Lee’s place the
other evening. One said that it
At that she was only a vegetar-
ian’s daughter but she knew her
Really I hate to talk about the
[ old maids but I just can’t help it.
{ One of ours here said to another—
“You know mighty little about
bringing up children. All I ever saw
vou bring up was the rear.

But believe me those dear old
girls are now having their inning
This being Leap Year they should
have a harvest. I know of a number
What is the biggest need or de- | who will propose and I know some
sire of the family for the coming who will be accepted because their
year? An automobile? A home of | fellows are out of work and having
your own? A good vacation? Ra- | nothing else in particular to do,
dio? School or college graduation? | and nothing in view, they'll get


Before placing your order
eli here, see us.
Crushed Stone. Also manufac-
turers of Concrete Blocks, Sills
and Lintels. The Store


J. N. STAUFFER & BR, oun sor ra
| More or better clothes? Make out | married. I know a here in
| your spending plan with an eye to | town had a proposal at 12.01 A. M.
| whatever you want most; then see | Sunday. That Jane didn’t lose any
| how you can subordinate less im- | time, eh. :
| portant needs or wants to get the | =
| one big thing. For example, two | Bv the way. there was a bad



i | dollars a week saved from January | smash-up in town the other day. | | West Chester Pike.
t r will take ar om- | For omnpl tails inauire | — ! %
1: to July wil] tui rays Of noon | Po 3 np; te etail | I was tellin’ oc Garber that I} Pittsburgh — Homey
1 cement & h sc hoot, or Pros ji 11 virllinery Store. a certain g here play tennis ton Board of Trade ind
Vide TWO Nee vasapion a | A a one day nd her teeth !side-West End bridge p
1 a o 3 1 3 3 1 ortain yt ro in a
mother ox bring some Spiel i | A tain oot pretty iA a i “Did she lose | Brookwville—Solar El
> : t 3 use 7 er u Xf rang i : %
books into the “hous e. Two dol te r's and went tre act? pany to ereth cubstatio
{ars a week and sometimes more | up town and lows 1} s | i | capacity
ran 3 mme "O1 di arv - 0 i} 3 3 5 Aly | . 3 oy
can be mme da from ordina y € A { A fell ; asked Lee F lis why so | Brookwille—: ids oH
. ith surprising agse, | a Y | 3.511 Tu Fa 4
pen § oT n surprising ease |. | mai s are killed in foot ball | nishing courthouse.
jonce ine Lats, This So fe | eames and 1 ] that “they Scranton — Imprd
i n the game of “Beat he | Se Ts "0
le in the game 3 boy. a kick off. |pleted at Traders’
| Budget.” Bigger wants take more | ! eS 4 conversation I over- | building:
i dE $n | hear betwee : ’0 Tc avi : { =.
weekly savings, but the prineiple); neald oeiween a young connle Jou. know I : ta . 3 3 4
| weel ly bi, g 1t princiy back at the Station last Wedne a 4 You know h SC are | Coatesville—Brid
[18 the 3 as } niche: {even M 1 ¢ ewspap Tr jects in Chester Cg
i | ern. | men, They know what was pleted
poy a3 2 a :
Firing the Furnace | on a years ago. |" Dubois——Airpe
ir ' meeting.”
The furnace fire should receive “N
: . Naw;
attention at regular intervals, not : ’ as
fat engin = ’ an’ my clothes ain't pressed.”
simply when the house becomes too “ow :
cold or too hot. No definite rule | :
can be given that will apply to all
| “Come on, let's oo to prayer |
about a show?”
“Go on. I'm busted.”
“Then how does a date strike
“Sure, I'm on.”
heating systems, but the
in fuel economy is a careful study
of the system one has, the kind of
fuel used, the management of the A caridin’ conic here wars
drafts and dampers. A fire should | jo the other night. They hag:
not be shaken down more than over the radio. Y told thee

For Sale
ond i” We douse, along trol
ey a orin, a modern conven: HO
iences and = Al shape. I will sell C ICE
very reasonable to a snappy buyer
© Suet BP suven | Breeding Cockerels
Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. mar.9-tf
Closely selected. Single
White Leghorn strain.
between Mount Joy and Florin, 180
ft. front on concerte road, house is
very modern, has all improvements
tile bath, sun parlor, beautiful lawn
etc.; priced to sell. Don’t overlook
this. J. E. Schroll, phone 41-2, Mt

Phone 133R6

three times a day. Generally 1% wien on North Market street’ ans
will be tound sufficient, in the | he said—“Great heavens, what wil
morning and in the late afternoon. | they broadcast next?” =) ;
Lake care not to shake too much. a
Never leave ashes under the grate A North Barbara
mn the ash pit. in mild weather an threw her
| accumulation of ashes may remain | and he
on the grate to prevent the fire sewer.”
| from peconiing too not, but in cold
| weatner they must be removed So
that a nre will result. dogs.
. censes and he
they're full of ‘em.
fellow into

Provincetown, Massachusetts, a
| keeper or traditions, is the only
town in the United States that has Here's

made down at

Joy, Penna,
mar.0-t1 ——

a town criers Lo | IIo said
to one of
| |
It may be a mansion, it may be a mildew,
: |
a palace, it may be a |
where you |
a hole in |
Or a marble hotel, with a coon
T ain’t got a clean shirt
a The reason most
street flapper | folks. John Newcomer was out dig-|iza
the entter | gin’ bait the other afternoon. He 4
darned if I'll | says this is the kind of weather to |,
A kid came down town with two | froze stiff.
I asked him if thev had li-
said—“Gosh yes,
a crack a certain chap {little boys
Smith’s restaurant. \ the worms,
the fellows—
rose chafer, Japanese beetle, climb-| oq to completion on new school
ing cutworms, black rot, powaery building here.
downy mildew, dead-arm California—New 5-car garage of
grape dis Winfield Bros. on Union completed.
two grape spraying : :
eiven Te ope Erie Sellersville—Main = Street being

and other Ases.
In additi

.ounty and the other for Pennsyl-
| Shion of Erie county. j North Wales— Purchase of fire
5 a pumper contemplated by North
: . : Wales borough.
One of the nicest way of serving Greencastle — Trinity Lutheran

' Jerusalem artichokes is en ca
should be pared and placed in
aking dish either whole or sliced.
Congregation lays cornerstone for

new church.
| Burnham—R. L. Eward erecting

| Cover closely and bake in a slow bi
| oven until done, or about one-half addition to ns sa at 5th
| to one hour. Remove the cover [Avenue and Sach Se Yo in
| of the baking dish toward the close | Slatington — Mlectric B Z
| to drv out excess moisture. Season machine installed in local post office.
y dry Xcess st . Seas
| with butter salt, and pepper. It! Schwenksville—National Bank of
| liked, add grated cheese or but Schwenksville opens its new bldg.
| tered crumbs or both. to public.
Norristown—Work begun erect~
ling new Thomas J. Stewart Memor-
al Armory here.
en om el Cn
The Child's Rompers 1
Buttons on children’s rompers} iy
should be few in number, large, | Eddystone—Cornerstone laid for
easily reached, made with a long g8-story office building of Baldwin
shank, and firmly sewed on with a Locomotive Works here.
stay underneath. The buttonholes | Lewistown—New home of Russ-
should be firm and, made in rein- ell National Bank formally opened.
Front buttons for] Philadelphia—An aero club for
advisable. But- | young men being organized in this
should be city. :
rather | Newell Ground broken for erec-
ltion ¢£ $200,000 new Y. M. C. A.
| Bryn Mawr—New building under
construction at corner of Lancaster
deter- and Bryn Mawr avenues for Bryn
room | Mawr Trust Company. :
inside | Pittston—St. John’s Hospital will
of windows on a cold day. If frost be opened to public February La
forms freely on the inside of the| Jermyn—New fire alarm being
glass there is no doubt but that the installed here.
inside air has sufficient humidity. Coatesville—No. 1 plate mill at
If there is no sign of frost the air Bethlehem Steel Company plant
is likely too dry. here resumes operation.
=D 4 Ween Seranton—City’s fire
Force A Few Bulbs alarm system in central
Bring in for forcing a few pots city to be reconstructed.
of bulbs at a time from the frame| Lansdale—Extension of borough
where you stored them in the fall. sewer main on Lime Street, south
ee Teme | of Jenkins Avenue approved.
me of a harp struck| Belle Vernon—Concrete is being,
because you are a poured on Johnson Hollow road.
Souderton—Union National Ban
plans erection of new home.
No use talkin’ you can't kid Dan| geottdale—Plans making for
Kramer. Some one asked him if | gymnasium and auditorium bldg.
the mail train was on time and | Haverford—Building permits
Dan said—*‘Nope, the company ged here during recent week tf
paid cash for it.” led 37.000.
i Middletown—New storage
Believe me We've got an autolst|, 4 oapage under construetio
here who knows how to save money. |. Edison Company
He goes around all the corners onl i" es Qicquehanna street.
two wheels just to save his tires. | Upper Darby—$15,000 of
asked. Joo Charles | to store and candy [facto
ec drives and he erected at 51 South Eansdo
hit about | Upper Darby—$1,250,00
story office building to be ¢
[southwest corner of Kent
forced bands.
easy dressing are
tons in the drop seat
placed near the underarms
than in the middle of the back.
meme tll Aes mea
The Way to Tell
A rough practical test for
mining whether the air in a
is too dry is to observe the
and police |
part of

“You remind
by lightening
blasted lyre.”

Some fellow

about how fast he
said—“Oh, I generally
50.” A kid nearby heard the re-
id—*“Do vou kill any?’

niark ar

A North Barbar reet man went |
down the alley the other day with | :
a : wine in his hip {Rearing comple
pocket. He fell on the frozen | Everett—~af
oround, broke the bottle and when | taken to proted
met by a friend said—“My God, I| Mt. Pleasan
had an ugly fall and got a bad cut. |for rebuilding
Look how I'm bleedin.” Square.
it Altoona
voung couples | School Boay
y | close their eyes when kissing is to {build $30,0
1 | prevent each other from seeing how |at Baker’s
11] foolish they each look. Pittsbu
ready mif

spected Tere.

pint of currant

Get vour fish appetites
get them, They can’t crawl away j
when thev hear you diggin’—they’re

A certain fellow who occasionally state
goes along with John never digs
worms. He always takes one of his 8
along hecause he has|'