The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 07, 1924, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 7th, 1624
Picked From Our |
Weekly Card Basket
Mrs. Will Brown spent Wednesday
in Lancaster,
Albert C. Kover, of Berwyn, spent
several days here with his family.
Harry Leib spent Saturday at!
Lancaster, the guest of his parents.
Mrs. A. K. Manning returned
home after vigiting some time in the
Charles Sprout, missionary from
Africa, is spending a year’s furlough
here with relatives.
Mrs. Elizabeth Pickel is spending!
some time at the home of her aunt, for Jake Brown's tossers in the open- |
ling game of the season on the local
Abram Fauby and three daughters, grounds Sunday afternoon, the crack
visited Brown A. C. winning by a count of
Miss Annie Hershey.
Mary, Ethel and Fannie,
with friends at Norwood.
Mrs. Lucey Stohler, of Lancaster,
spent the week-end
daughter, Mrs. Frank Schroll.
Mrs. Jacob McCauley, !
delphia, spent some time here the only one
guest of Frank Carson and family. {scored a lone tally
Miss Pearl Schroll spent
{9 to 1.
Not once during

the pastiming
Mt. Joy
Miss Alta Gingrich, of Lancaster, in the fourth and eighth.
spent the week-end as the guests of | AC
her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ging- pitching. burden for
Elizabethtown, were Sunday guest:
Hoffmaster. { Manheim twirlers ‘were hit timely. | 19.30. 2 peo J
Mr. George Dressler, of Sunbury, Score: Junior at 5:30 P. M. gr +7 pounds of butterfat.
called on relatives and friends here | Mount Joy C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Tee new members joined the
last week. He was a former resident | r A oa $ Sermon at 7:15 P. M. aL Je on a lows
of this place. {Hahn ef. Lh. 1 0 2-0 Eby's. vy mger, ; GC. H.
Mr. and Mrs. James Piersol, of | Phafflin ss ........ 8-2-9 10 Services at 10.00 a. m. Kendiz Millersvile; Enos G. Kreider,
Lancaster, spent Sunday here as the! Heff'ger If ....... 0 12 0.0 3
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waltz p of ....... Methodist Episcopal Church {90 herds under test numbered
Alex Kramer. LL. 1 1 0:0 0] Rev. Harry A. Swarts, Pastor. | 2D consisting of 248 head, There
Miss Nedra Diffenderfer spent Moore 1b ........ 1 2 7 0 0 9:15 Sunday School. were 29 cows reported dry. The
Saturday at Philadelphia, where she Weaver 3b ....... 00 0 3 0 10:30 Mother's Day Sermon by Aime of cows Produeing over 40
attended the wedding of her cousin, Hipp’stal ¢ ....... 1 113 0 OfPastor. got in was 32; over 50 pounds
Miss Lilla Wilson. {Alcorn p 1 1 0 1 Of 3:00 P. M., Junior League. » Lows producing over 1,000
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown and Meyers rf ........ 06 0 1 0 0] 4:30 P. M. Epworth League. Miss peands of milk, 35; over 1,200
Miss Esther Brown spent Sunday at Esther Brubaker, leader. {Hous S, 19, Following are the ten
Elizabethtown, the guests of Mr. and Totals ......... 910 27 7 0) 7:30 Preaching by Pastor. | highest producers of the month:
Mrs. Paul Strickler. Manheim Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30, Ownie B ae
~ Mrs. J. H. Weidman and grand- r h o a ejledby the pastor. NO all Mi Bu oe
son, Harold Ruch, of + og o 7 0 o| A cordial welcome to all services. | pr Sar OF oy ve
spent Wednesday here with her son, 20. rs 0 0 2 2 1 [5 ol tr in: 23
DW sho of ....... 0 0 1 0 1|St Mark's United Brethren Church! i marl Lone Die
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Greenawalt Frey 3b... ii Y 11.700 Rev. H. 8. Kiefer, Pastor {A H Bs TR 1915 57.4
and daughter, Virginia, spent sev- Yenger prf.....-.. 0 012 0 Sunday School at 9:00 A. M. pa 5 nil 0 ER 19us oo
eral days at Middletown as guests of Gop) oo... 0 0 0 4 0 Morning worship and Sermon |, Yo a 952 57.1
Mr. and Mrs. Will Easton. I Biante I<. wots s 0 1 0 0 0[10:15A M. (Mothre’s Day). BL a on og
Mr. and Mrs. James Hockenberry ppp, 0 0 9 0 of Intermediate and Junior Christian |y go oo Brinton = 1269 55.8
and son, James, and daughter, Eliza- Patterson p ....... 0 0 0 3 0}Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. "Hq 5 1214 55.8
beth, of near Rheems, spent Sunday Deglar, vf 0 0 00 Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:45! ~~ ~~ 2 :
Be pares P. Mrs. C. H. Herr, leader. | Ave. of 10 highest cows .1410 61.6
ents, Mr, and Mys. Joseph Weber. | wig ,,..... 0 1 22411 2| Sermon at 7:30 P. M. 30
Miss Elizabeth Gingrich, Miss Mar- 91 000000 0—1| Dedication of the new Church] oQUR SALE REGISTER
sha Tout, of Lancaster, Mrs. Annie pp, jou 1 320 00 2 x—9]Sunday, May 18th.
of Lititz, and Mr. Lloyd
Snyder, of Manheim, spent Sunday |,
Alcorn and Waltz
Brown's Pets
and both were extremely effective.
here with her Was the outcome in danger.
{opened up with a run and followed
of Phila- | with another in the second, but were
ahead when
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brenneman, of only allowing a hit apiece. g
(issued a pass and each fanned six
of her pu Mr. and Mrs. George batters. Patterson and Yeager, the
in the second.
from proved to be the extent of their scor-
Friday to Sunday at Harrisburg, the ing, however, while Mt. Joy gathered
guest of her sister, Mrs. R. R. Lauer. three tallies in the third and two each

proved an easy victim
Earned runs, Mt. Joy, 5; Manheim,
Two base hits, Waltz, Ellis, Al-
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. corn, Hippensteel. Sacrifice hits,
Gingrich, | Hippensteel. Stolen bases, Phafilin
Mrs. Lucy McDowell and Soni, Wolds, Froy, Moore. Lefton
Ralph, and daughter, Mrs. Walter bases, Mt Joy, 7: Manbeim, 1.
Flaherty and Lushang and son, Struck out, by Alcorn 6. Waltz 6;
Ralph, of Merchantville, N. J., were 3: Yeager 4, Ynnings
entertained at the home of Mrs. Me- pitched, by Patterson,d; Alcorn /5;
Dowell’s sister, Mrs. Mame Kover.
They made the trip by auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Woddington Brady |.
of Miama, Florida, Mrs. Scott Brady Pat
of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Bertha Bra
dy, of Lancaster, were guests of W. lo
M. Hollowbush, Esq., on Sunday. Mr. 2 Routt
Brady is a base ball enthusiast and |
‘so timed his four days’ journey from
Miama by automobile -as to reach
here in time as to reach the opening
ball game. After the game he start-
ed for Superior, Wisconsin, over the
Lincoln Highway.
5 innings. Base
After that one

General News for
Quick Reading
(Continued from page one.)
mountain character, was released played a star role
from the peniténtiary last week. He field,
is now living at Reading with his
on the

game in the fourth inning when he
[Hits off Alcorn, 1 in 5 innings; off
1 in 4 innings; off Yeager, 4
on balls, off
Hit by
terson, 4; off Yeager 1.
| Pitcher,” Hahn. Passed balls, Miller,
Umpires, Yost and Zink.
| rr ee Rennteam
Maytown Defeats Manor
Maytown High School had one big
inning in their game last Thursday
with Manor High School and scored
all of their three runs in that session.
t bad inning Weston
tightened up and held the home team
pitched a nice steady game, holding
the Manor sluggers to three hits and
striking out thirteen batters.
The snappy work of the rival in-
fielders featured the contest.
for Maytown in
daughter. pulled down a line drive with the
Mrs. Harry Kaylor celebrated her full. The score:
birthday on Thursday. Her parents, Manor
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, cele- rh oa e
brated their wedding anniversary geass if" .......... 9:0 0 0 1
the same day. jDeaner 1b ....... 1.110 0 0
Miss Frances Masterson enter- Christ 2b ......... 0 1 YY 0 1
tained Mrs. Charles Frank and son, | Sehirk $5. 0.0 09% 1%
Charles and Leo, and Mrs. Amnie|p Herr 3b ...... 0.00 1 9
Pennel at the Oaklyn Tea House rf ........ 9.1 06.09
west of Elizabethtown on Saturday.ip. Herref ........ 0. 0.0 0 0
Thread Sunday was observed ¢ .......... 0 0 7 0 0
the Lutheran church at weston p ........ 0 0 2 0
town on Sunday. Each child at- Fa
tending Sunday School took a spool Total 1 318 5 3
of thread, all of which will be sent] Maytown
to India. . | r hh o a. e
Seven auto loads of stills, whiskey, {Nell 3b .......... 10.00
gin, bottles, jugs, etc., the largest 3b .......... E 1.0 1 0
still found in this section since the | posdick ss ........ i 1°06 00
Volstead Act became effective, were | Pletcher ¢ ........ 0 0:13. 0. ©
discovered in an old barn along the | johnston ef ...... Oo 1 0 0-0
Harrisburg pike outside Lancaster, If .......... 0 00 00
Monday afternoon. f Engle vf >... 00 00 3 046
Te \, Hench 1b... ..... GO 05.06
Save Your Appetite Henderson p ..... 0.00 0° 0
A chicken and waffle supper will
be held in the High School Gym-{ Total .......... 3 421 r @
nasium on Saturday, May 17th from|Manor H. S 00100 0—1
4 p. m. to 10:00 p. m., for the bene-|Maytown H. S. 030006x-3
tl Me
fit of the Mount Joy High School
Orchestra. The Orchestra will fur-
nish the music. 3t
rm el A Ar
Mother's Day Program
A Mother's Day program will be
given in the Fairview Church of the
Brethren on Sunday, May 11th at
1:30 o'clock. The Rev. J. H. Long-
en er, of deliver the
address. Everybodg@\elcome.
cond on Sunday.

their history.

Diamond Flashes :
“I may be down but I'm not out,” | the local diamond at 2:30 o’clock.
said Kid Ellis when he slid into se- | They will face “Lefty”
The Darlings opened their season!
auspiciously by a decisive victory
over the Manheim Professionals and
before one of the largest crowds in
i “Rappy”’ Moore fits nicely at first steel.
Religious News
| 1n Our 7»

Donegal Fresbyterian
| Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
| Church of God, Elizabethtown.
| tional Bible Conference will be held
here May 12 to 18.
D. D., of Canton, Ohio, will teach
Church of the Brethren, Salunga.
Rev. W. Cocklin, of Mechanics-
burg, Cumberland Co., is holding ser-
ies of meetings in the Church of the
Brethren at Salunga. Song service
at 7:30 and preaching at 7:45 every,

Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor
Bible School 9:30 A. M.
The 17th monthly Interdenomina-
Rev, E. J. Pase |
Missionary Society will
the home of Mrs. J. M.
meet a
Fisher a
Choir practice at 7:30 P, M.
St. Luke's Church
Rev. P. H. Asheton-Martin, Rector
Third Sunday After Easter
Holy Communion 7.00 A. M.
| Church school and Bible Class
jas 9:15.
| Morning Prayer and sermon 10:30
[A. M.
| Joint Presentation, St. John’s,
| Lancaster. (Leave St. Luke's at
{3:15 promptly.)
| Monday
Choir Practice at 7:30 P. M.
i Wednesday
Monthly Vestry meeting 8:00 P. M.
St. Mary's Guiid with Mrs. Benj.
St. Agnes’s Guild with Violet Gil-
Young People’s Conference, Pres-
byterian church, 2:15 and 7:15 P. M.
Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13
and 14th. The Annual Conven-
tion of the Diocese of Harrisburg
will be held in St. John’s Church,
| Local Doings
Around Florin


Henry Young, of Lancaster, was a
Saturday visitor here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rider announce
the birth of a daughter, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Malehorn
called on friends, at Lancaster, on
Mr. Rarold Buller purchased a
Chevrolet truck of Mr. E. B. Rohrer,
at Mount Joy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, of Phil-
adelphia are spending several days
in our village.
Misses Esther and Carrie Hipple,
of Coatesville were Sunday guests
to our village.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Kraybill and
son, Charles, were Saturday visitors
at Lancaster,
Henry Lehman the electrician re-
cently sold a plant to John Frye, of
near Hossler’s church.

Road We Must All | Mov sox uA
: The following prices ate
Travel Sometime ay, by our local merchants:
Wheat ....... Cains SLAB

ini Corn. vil ve vente swan sith
(Continued from page one.) | Bes RR dade il
A. Bair Dietrich, one brother, Ches-| Butter 42
ter, and one sister, Miriam, at home. | Lard ........ 18 :
Funeral services were held from her|
late home Tuesday with further ser-| Next Community Sale
vices in the Zion Lutheran church. The next Community Sales Co.
Interment was made in the adjoin. | Will hold its next public sale at Flor
in on Saturday, May 17th. General
ing cemetery. . .
line of merchandise, farm imple-

; ments and household goods, also
Mrs. Fianna Buffenmyer | hogs, cows, ete. Sale starts at 5:30
Mrs. Fianna Buffenmyer died at'p pp
her home in Manheim, Friday from,
a complication of diseases, after an| Wonderful! How quickly FAIRY-
illness of two months, aged 80 years. FOOT Bunion Plasters make buniong
She was a member of the Brethren!|20. W. D. Chandler & Company. 1t
church and has been a resident of ST pi en
Classified Column

Manheim her entire life. She was a

daughter of Henry Kissinger and
Lydia . (Souder) Kissinger. One
daughter, Isabelle Buffenmyer, of| FOR SALE—3000 White Leghorn
Peeps, on May 19. Write for prices.
Apply M. E. Lindemuth, Elizabeth-
may 7-2t-pd
Manheim, and the following broth-
ers and sisters survive: John Kis-
singer, Lebanon; Cyrus Kissinger,
Greentown, Ohio; and Anna, wife of
Herman Litner, of Springfield, Ohio. H
Funeral services were held Tuesday


Morning Service 10:45 A. M.
Evening service 7:00 P. M.
Tuesday evening Needle Guild.
Thursday evening Ladies’ Aid So-
Lancaster, commencing at 5 o'clock
in the evening.
———- Eee

Ro a. oe Ek ot The high cow in the Garden Spot
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Cow-Testing Association for April,
Rev. John Musselman, a returned | was the grade Holstein “Peggy”,
the property of J. Clarence Garber,
missionary from Africa, will speak at | who produced 1,967 pounds of milk

You are most cordially invited to! Following is a list of public sales
all these services. ! or which posters were printed at
| his office or said sale is advertised
{in the Bulletin.
| Friday, May 9th—At their stock
yards in Mount Joy, lot of Union |
County cows, bulls and shoats by
J. B. Keller & Bro. Aldinger, Auct.
See advertisement.
Wednesday, May 14—At 276 W.
Market street, Marietta, at 12 o'clock
a large lot of valuable and rare an-
tiques by Mrs. E. L. Cornman.

T. U. Evangelical Church
Rev. Ralph Borneman, Pastor.
Prayer service Wednesday evening
at 7:30. {
Bible School Sunday morning 9:30
S. F. Eshleman, Supt.
Preaching Sunday
K. L. C. E. Sunday evening 7:00.
Topic “A Christian at Home,” Lead-
morning at’
Mr .and Mrs. Herman Hostetter|from her late home with further
and family, were Saturday visitors | services in the Manheim Brethren
to friends in Lancaster. church. Interment was made_ in
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike and|Kreider’s cemetery. dig,
daughter Evelyn visited friends in
York on! Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Shelly, of
York, spent Sunday here as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike.
Miss Celeste Brown accepted a
position with Gerberich and Payne
Shoe Company at Mount Joy.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Geyer, of Har-
risburg, spent Sunday here as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Geyer.
Miss Fanny Brubaker spent the
week-end in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Earhart at Donegal.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Engle, of near
Rowenna, spent Sunday with the
latter’s father, Mr. Benjamin Herr.
Mrs. Susan Shenk, of Reading, is
spending several weeks here as the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Eli
Miss Dela Lewis, of Atlantic City,
is spending several weeks here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Misses Mary Brubaker and Emma
Ruhl spent the week-end in the home
of C. R Stauffer and family, of near
William Lewis, of Philadelphia,
was the guest of his parents, Mr.
Mrs. Susan Brady
Mrs. Susan Brady, daughter of
the late Jacob and Mary Rife, died
at Middletown, aged 97 years. De-
ceased was a sister-in-law of Mrs.
Sarah Brady on Marietta
this place. Deceased is very well
known here. She was postmistress in
Mount Joy during President Lincoln’s
administration. Although she never
had children of her own, she adopted
and raised eight. Deceased was a
lifelong member of the Church of
God and active until a few weeks
previous to her death. T uneral
was held at Middletown veo,
Rev. J. Russel Bucher, her pastor,
and Rev. T. M. McCarrel of the
Presbyterian church officiated. Quite
a number of people from here were
in attendance.

Mrs Alice W. Garber
Mrs. Alice W. Garber, aged 57
years, died at her home jn Florin,
Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock?
is survived by the following children:
Alice, Rhoda, Anna and Edna, all at
home; Mrs. Benjamin Gaul, of near
town, and Mrs. Allen Brubaker, of


Parsonage, 8 rooms,
tric light, bath, etc Imm
‘session. Apply to C. S.
ount Joy.

taining money.
Lumber street and the
Return to this office.

Notice is hereby given
placed on the alle
1924. After that date
removed. By order of
Boro Council. |

FOR RENT—Two Rooms, with
kitchen and bath. Also spacious side

porch. Electric lights, steam heat,
etc. Will rent furnished or unfur-
sished. Apply to Jno. E. Schroll. E.
St., Mt. Joy. apr. 30-tf
—1921 Ford Roadster,
Apply J. F. Boyer

Florin, Pa.
LOTS FOR SALE—I have several
very desirable building lots at a good
location in Florin. Will sell one or
all. One has a good frame building
thereon. The price is right. Call or
phone J. E. SCHROLL, Realtor, Mt.
a. apr.15-tf.
— 5,000 Gladiola
sale cheap.

Bulbs (America

and Mrs. John Lewis, at Donegal
Springs, near here.
Mrs. Fannie Brandt, of Elizabeth-
town, spent the past week in the]
home of her daughter, Mrs. John B.
Brubaker and family.
Miss Olive M. Dunlap and Mr.
William Griffith, of Lancaster, were
entertained Wednesday evening by
Mrs. Anna Mae Shuemaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bishop, of
here, were the Sunday guests of
their daughter, Mrs. John Flowers,
and family, at Elizabethtown.
i is tpn Sat] edn 2
ion gd ’| Frank F. Bookman, one of th
best known residents of this place,
were the guests of the former's
laug r, Mrs. PT aker. f 3
daughter; Mrs. Harty Shosmake died at his home on West Donegal
street on Tuesday night at eleven
Mr. and Mrs. William Derr and
ors, Catherine d Chris- : :
$0. Catherine an rly o'clock, death resulting from the ef-
fects of a stroke that morning. He
Hershey; Phares, of Maytown
Jonas, of Elizabethtown.
These brothers and sisters also]
survive: Mrs. Fannie Baer, Salunga;
Levi Newcomer, of Rapho township;
Jacob and Dr. E. W. Newcomer, of
this place and John Newcomer, oi
Mt. Joy township.
The funeral was held from her
late home this afternoon at 1 _o’'-
clock and at Bossler’s church at 2]
o'clock. Interment in the adjoining

{ Friday, May 16—At their resi-
.30 ! dence north of Mt. Joy, lot of Perry
rand Lancaster county cows, bulls, |
hogs, apples and potatoes by C. S. |
Frank & Bro.
i Saturday, May 17-—At the Florin
| Hall, home cured meats, general line
. | of mercandise, household goods and
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. J. S. | farm: Implements, lio Bogs, COWS,
Hamaker, Supt. bo Sa tale
Preaching 10:30, “Three Women | ete. by Community Sales Co. Sale
er, Lottie Eshleman.
Preaching Sunday evening at 7
Come out and worship with us.
We bid you welcome.
Church of God
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor
at The Cross.” i starts at 5:30 P. M. G. S. Vogel,
Mother's Day. Auct. : to
Hares! Saturday, May 24—On the pre-
C. E. 7:00 P. M. Leader,
Bear mises in Rapho township, 2 miles
: . i; d
Preaching 7:45 P. M: “A Great north of Mount Joy, real estate an
Woman” Special’ t both personal property by Irvin G. Swei-
ay i $ at DOA cart, adminstrator and Trustee of
os : |3 igart. Vogel, Auct. See
Mid-week service Wednesday. Voge Be
Ren dvertisement.
All invited. Ans
: Union Co. Stock This Sale
First Presbyt
ret Drashrerian Chuyreh i On Friday afternoon, May 9th,
Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor {
Sabbath i
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
Divine worship at 10:30 A. M.
with Mother’s Day Sermon by the
Divine Worship at 7:30 P. M.
Sermon by the Pastor.
Note: Young People’s Convention
in Presbyterian Church on Sa 3
at 2:15 P. M. and 7:15 P. M. Come.
Prayer service at 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School Association meet-
at 1:26 Messrs. J. B. Keller & Bro.
will sell 49 head of Union County
cows, bulls and shoats at public
sale at their yards here. This will
be a good lot of stock. tf

You’re wrong! Not a bit of dif-
ference to W. D. Chandler & Com-
pany! Whether your bunion is a day
old or ten years old! They guarantee
union Plasters make |
the pains disappe LoW..D
Chandler & Company.
i t 8:30 P. M. of the best Garages for sale in this
ye 4 | othr, located in Mount Joy. Place
| enjoys excellent patronage. Will
with | sell with or without tools, stock, ete.


base and plays the position

skill and ce and to t : _: Good reason for selling. Call, phone
EC i he savisfae jor write JNO. B SCHROLL, Bell
= : ' phone 41R2, Ind. hpone 860, Mount
Walter Harned who had intended | Joy. feb.20tf
to play independent ball was given!
ja tempting offer which he accepted IV Eve
to play with Harrisburg in the New
York-Pennsylvania League, His Ww Want
place on the local team has been € oun
to keep in mind the
fact that in addition to
printing this news.
paper we do job worl
of any | jek When
in need of anything
in this linc be sure
To See Us
| taken by Earl Waltz, alternating in
i right field and in the pitcher’s box.
| Waltz played with the Merico
Power Club last year and is a heavy
; hitter and excellent pitcher.
| The Darlings will meet the Ath-
ics of Lancaster next Sunday on

i let
Neville, who
| by his prowess as a pitcher, put many
a team to rout last season.
The Athletics defeated New Hol-
land which is Deal’s Rossmere Club at
New Holland last Saturday. Our
team will have a foe worthy of its

It pays to advertise in the Bulletin |
If you want to succeed—Advertise

fand Mrs.
tine, of Landisville, were Sunday vis-
itors to Mr. and Mrs. William Derr. :
Mr. Henry Rider, Mr. Raymond wos a carpet by
Forward and family, were Sunday and was busy bn His in
guests to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strick- the Tear of fis resiqende When he hes
Tor, at Meviown, on Sunday. came ill suddenly. He was removed
The Ladies’ Mite Socitey of the U- | 0 the house and died that night. He
nited Brethren Church held their | was years of age and ras
weekly meeting at the home of Mr. ja member of ‘the United Evangelical
H. L. Stoll on Tuesday wife and one daughter Mrs. Simon
Menaugh, at home... Also one brother
and one sister: Mrs. Sarah Kreiner,
of Lancaster and Mr. Walter Book-
man, of Freeport, Ill.
Funeral services will be held from
his late- home on Saturday at 1:30
o’clock and at 2 o'clock in the United
Lier 02 Donen Bid _ Evangelical church. Interment will
’ ’ be made in the Mount Joy cemetery.
Margaret E. Raymond were guests| TV sunding,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kiehl, Mr.
and Mrs. John Weidel, of Lancaster,
were welcome visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittle, on
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Newcomer and


church. Deceased is survived by his%
Write for prices.

I will open %
the purpose of teMghing the Violin,
at 202 South BarbarS&s Any
one interested will ples .
cate with GEORGE CLOR,
ville, Pa.
Class’s every Friday and

number of N
irable Build-
L. Niss
have a very fine Store Room 15x20
feet in the center of the business dis«
‘rict on Main street, Mount Joy, for
rent. Will rent as is or put in an-
int. For particulars see JNO. E.
SCHROLL, Bulletin Office, Mount
Joy, Pa. Both Phones.
Built Dwellings,
ing Lots.
Florin, Pa.


gell this modern home on Marietta St.
Mount Joy, within the next two
weeks I will give some one a bargain.
Al Iconveniences and immediate pos-
session. If interested call or phone

Bell 41R2 or Ind 860, Mount Joy.

er, pipeless heat,
pantry. On ey
H. H. Engle, 340 W.

of Mrs. Anna Mae Shuemaker onpo
Sunday. ve Business Systems Ins J
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Earhart andon Federal and State Tax R

family, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sweigart,!St
Mr. and Mrs Nathan Givler, and Mr. ©
and Mrs. Jacob Henny and family 2%
spent Saturday evening in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brubaker.
Miss Ruth Rice, of Philadelphia,
is spending the week here as the_
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Rice. Miss Rice is BN
as a stenographer at the Philadel- a-
phia offices of Sears, Roebuck and Ww
Company. ) pe
J. H. Dukeman was presented a
fine roadster by the Lancaster Sani-|’
tary Milk Company. Mr. Dukeman
is the manager of the Sanitary Millk . If you d
Company’s milk receiving station at and put in a plant. : :
Florin and will use the machine in his | Electrical Fans will s
when the range fires are
to give you service. Do
Electric Supplies, Sweepers,
Information Freely Gives
Bell Phone 128R2.-R. D. No.
business. A new two thousand gal-
lon tank has been installed so as to pu
increase the storage capacity. b
Eee. i


A BIRTHDAY PARTY 2 a new certifi
ni | gg TE EEE NEE RE WM thereof.
A birthday party was held at the] =~ ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE
e Oyster season closed will
1S H
now hand
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H
Brown last Wednesday afternoon in
honor of their <on, Joe. who cele-



brated his seventh bi anniver
1 S ch- .
sary. Music, games a refresh Including Roe Buck Shad, Perch,
ments were enjoved all Preven Stake, Hake Fish
Those present were: Louise Scheck,
: D
Raymond Harnish, Mabel Jane Mil- THURSDA ND FRIDAY
ler, Dorothy Mavis and George |? €V€ Wee. = place of busi-
Schneider, Doris Hendrix, May } DSS on Fairview st i
Louise Longene r, George Brown

jr., James and Edward Heilig, Gerald i
Arntz, Robert and Edward Brown, |
Thomas Brown 3rd, and Joe Brown.!
John B. G
Also Have Clams for

ig SCHROLL, Mt. Joy, Pa.

: A
| "RANK S. GROFF, Atty.
Mount Joy, Pa
SALE—Located gr the north side
and fronting 50 - Donegal
Sorings street, Mount .uy. 3plendid
ocation and beantifol dweilings on
thgr side. Call Jno. E. Schroll,
culg Joy. may 23-tf
8 ft. Counter; two
ses and two 3 ft.

FOR SALE—A 23% story 8-room
frame house, log to the square, half
of roof is corrugated iron, balance
hingle. Building to be removed.
Quite a lot of good flooring and
heavy . timber in building. J. E.
apr. 23-tf

It May Concern: Mrs.
K. Strickler, of Mount Joy, Pa.
lost a certificate for five
tock of The Florin Trust
Pa. The said certificate
i is dated May 7th,
{, certificate is not
the expiration
jon will be



is No. 264 a
1921. If the
found and returne
of thirty days, apph


state of Cyrus S. Sweigart late
of Rapho Township, Lancaster Co.,
Pa., deceased. £50
Letters oftadministration on said
estate havingy been granted to the
undersigned, ! persons indebted
thereto are to make imme-
diate payment. d those
claims or demands’ Re fhe ame
out 4 Es



will present them w delay
settlement to the unde!
Manheim, R. 3, L
