The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 26, 1921, Image 2

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Wednesday, October 26th, 1921

Willis Smith and his buxom young
wife, Florence, were visiting S. H.
Tressler and wife on Sunday.
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r.
Price $1.50 a Year

Subscriptio Christ Stauffer and wife and Edna
Sample Copies. . . ...FREE Huber, Mrs. Elmer Stauffer, Mr.
Single Copies..... 3 Cents Giles and family were Sunday visit-
ors at the home of E. R. Neidigh.
Mr. Howard Landis of Rheems,
took the first and last pirze at the
Hagerstown Poultry show. On Dark
Cornish rooster, first and second on
Our Carlisle trip was to intensify
our love for that dear old town that
was the scenes of our childhood days.
The most enjoyable features of my
visit up that beautiful Cumberland
Valley and grasp the hands of earlier
friends like Judge Fiemore I Maust,
Attorney John R. Miller Dr. Horn,
Three Months... ..40 Cents
Six Months 75 Cents
Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as
second-class mail matter.
The date of the expiration of your subscrip-
tion follows your name ou the label. We do
mot mend receipts for subscripticn money
eedived. Whenever you remit, see that you are
given proper credit. We credit all subscription
on the first of each month.
The subscription lists of the Landisville Vigil,
the Florin News and the Mount Joy Star and
News, were merged with that of the Mount
#oy Bulletin, which makes this paper's ordinary
ELIZABETHTOWN Samuel Benty, Clerk of Courts, and
other notable friends that are too
Mr. L. D. Coble visited friends at {numerous to enumerate. If Charles
Middletown. | Dickens the great novelist, had re-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moyer an- sided in Carlisle, at that time, he
nounce the birth of a son. {could have written a whole library on
Mr. Chester Brinser spent Sunday the different characters of persons
at Middletown with his parents. lwho resided there, of unique stand-
Mr. C. J. McLaughlin spent Sun- ing, especially George Shatz, the tall
day at Philadelphia with relatives. [sycamore of the street, who conduct-
Mr. and Mrs. David Hiestand an- ed a cake stand on the square. Down
nounce the arrival of a son last week. [South Hanover street, where I wit-
Miss Effie Shank has gone to St. nessed a whole Rebel Army Corps
Louis, Mo., where she has accepted under General Ewell, marching thru
a position. on their way to Gettysburg fight,
B. F. Texter, of Canton, Ohio, passing by the beautiful South moun-
Spent the past week here with rela- tain that is near Mt. Holly Springs,
tives and friends. ithat I witnessed one evening about
Miss Bertha Shonk and brother, sun set, that was certainly great.
Amos were the guests of relatives The air was


perfectly pure at that

and friends at Mastersonville. hour, the pulse of tired nature is al-
Mr. and Mrs. John Reich of Phil- most still and the luxurious sc
adelphia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. of rest upon the face of the silent
F. K. Kulin, on West High St. world. The God of day drops slowly
Miss Alice Gross of York, spent sev down on the erimson West as though
eral days here with her brother, H. he reluctantly bade adieu to that
L. Gise and family on Brown St. [productive valley and rugged
Mrs. H. S. Elberti and daughter of hills. Among the golden bars of re-
Steelton, spent the past week with splendent light are®shot across tl


Mrs. Lottie Bohmer, on West High deep blue of heaven, the fleecy clouds

street. are tipped and bordered with pale
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hordeman gold, while the heavy billows of
and son Wilbur, and Mr. and Mrs. bronze are floating i
W. F. Campbell have returned from of the softest azure. Ti
an automobile trip to Carlisle and deeper and deeper gold more
Gettysburg. dazzling. TI 5¢ s inten
Miss Myra Shultz, who badly in- sified up
jured he foot rt time ago by tl T} Is
falling dow * home on and thed in
South Mar taken to beams 1 splendor and
the General Lancaster the landscap s itself in honor
for t f nature’ rful diurnal
W I Stermer was spectacl Tt ly the bos
aw . 1ss while That n 1 mr
crossin h 1 et at the clear air the Cumberl \ v,
Square on Su 7 Mr. Al- thrillin i ] 1 love-
bert Hecl rned his machine toward . most u +01 lv tool eo
the cer ) 8 S ing the i [tal
girl with his ¢ her clothing i sunset 1 pood fair rage
and injuring her 1 several plac- nset, {oo hich
es. The injuries, however not of \ 1 or
a serious na 4
a - Cay
ERISMAN’S CHURCH band is a pros

she proposed


Ar. and Mrs. » spend-
Br ne various Perry County
ing part of the a )
Sr + led ur around
Mr. and Mr spent di Bf
the past week a oan oF Blaine Turi:
Miss Mary Mtczler entertained the oe
; ~ Fhimble Club on Saturday afternoon.
Mr. Mrs. Henry Erb and fa
ily were guests of Clayton Peifer’
on Sunday.
Misses Anna Rohrer and Mary
Kauffman spent Saturday at Millers-
ville S. N. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eshleman and
family were the guests of F. D.
Keener’s on Sunday.

and !

her to her
resent attitude, I reluctantly accep-
her kind invitation for I knew
1at IT was going to get when I.sat
down at her sumptuous table for that
menu was just what I had anticipated
for I know of her sterling qualities
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Metzler and i that line of the culinary art. 8.
family were guests of Mrs. Abram Tressler and wife, the immacu-
Metzler and Herman late George Mumper and wife, Chas.
Miss Elta Metzler, who spent the
Metzler’s on

dent George Zinn, were the assemb-
past fifteen days at the General Hos- led guests that were arrayed around
pital at Lancaster, returned home on that festive table. Perry : County
[from Alpha to Omega or in other

Alice Kline is on
: Tights,

Tuesday. re. Son
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landis enter- Words from beginning to end. Mrs.
tained Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Erb and Garber, with her kind ways and ami-
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Bru- | able smile that she inherited from
baker, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder childhood awaited on us all and
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Metz- | We did ample justice to her skillful
ler and son Martin and your corre- efforts to appease our appetites. Af-
spondent on Sunday. {ter dinner we partook ourselves out-
{side and the chief topice consisted
[on the great gunning trip up the
LANDISVILLE jShermna’s Valley. A light supper
—— was indulged in when we all took our
Mrs. Amos Cooper is on the sick | departure, thanking the host and hos-
list. [tess for their kind general hospital-
Mr. Harry Hoffman has sold his!ity and many happy days.
fine property on Brandt Boulevard. | —_—
Ben. Long, Paul Weaver and Jay |
Caskey have gone on a fishing trip SALUNGA
to Dauphin, Pa. : i ——
Mr. and Mrs. Elwoud Turlow, and _ Mrs the sick
daughters, Thelma and Dorothy, son | list. |
Daniel of Lititz, spent several days' Mrs. Walter Staley spent Satur-|
at the home of D. D. Graul. { lay at Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Koser and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby spent
gon Fred, spent the week-end at Me- Sunday at Lancaster visiting friends. |
chanicsburg, Cumberland county, and Miss Ada Malehorn has accepted a
New Bloomfield, Perry county. {position at the shoe factory at Mt.
A farewell social was given last JOV. |
Tuesday evening at the Church of | Mr. and Mrs. Phares Metzler vis-
God, at Landisville, in honor of Miss ited William Habecker on Sunday af- |
Lehman and Mr. and Mrs. Howard ternoon.
Cover, who will soon leave for the, ane P 5]
Mission fields im, India. Addressed at Washingtonboro visiting the lat-
were given by ministers of the gospel |ter’s parents.
and by the Missionaries. A program! Emma M. Metzler spent the week- |
was rendered and a lunch was served ‘end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
after the services. Meople from the John F. Waser.
surrounding towns were present. A-' The members of the Musser family |
bout fifty persons from this place | Who were afflicted with typhoid fever, |
were in attendance. are slowly recovering.
rt A AU Mrs. Walter Staley and daughters!
A Good Truck Farm. Ethel and Pearl, visited her parents
I have a 4%-acre truck farm close | Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Will.
to markets, best limestone land, 9- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strickler spent |
room brick house with bath, slate Sunday at Columbia visiting her |
‘roof; frame barn with slate roof, to- daughter, Mrs. Frank Mountooth.
Yaces shed, ice house, chicken house The Missionary meeting held in the
and hog pen, fruit wonderful garden, | Brethren church here on Sunday was
"Property is located on a pike. Will very interesting and well attended.
E sell for less than it would cost to' Mrs. Amanda Herr spent Monday
® build a house like the one on the |€Vvening at Mountville attending the
premises. Act quick if you want 3, {Fevival held in the Brethren church
3 ere.
J. E Rqhvoll, Mount Joy. u Messrs. W. J. Staley and A. M.
Li Kolp attended a government sale at
ave ww gf ndesful Beranin double New Cumberland and purchased five
3.st0 The revival services held at the
1 ew. heating plant, Mountville Brethren church are well
bath, garage. Re- attended. The services are being con
’ n any Mr. Arthur Hinkler met with an
; don’t think too long but accident on Friday. He was taken
ll or phone Jno. E. Schroll, | to the General Hospital where four
> Mr. and Mrs. Cover and Miss Leh-
Mt. Joy Bulletin. man left for India on Wednesday
y Mt. Joy Bulletin. morning. About fifty of their friends

" Mrs.

2iv- 3
Coller and wife and your correspon- |
Mr. and Mrs. Warner spent Sunday
accompanied them to the station and
bid them farewell.
Mr. Henry Eby met with an acci-
dent one day last week. He was
thrown off a horse and was injured
to such an extent that he is now us-
ing a crutch.
Last week we stated that Dr. J. S.
Kendig had purchased the Bender
property in this place. W were mis-
informed. This property will be of-
fered at public sale on Saturday.
The farewell sermon preached in
the Church of God at Landisville for
Mr. and Mrs. Cover and Miss Leh-
man was largely attended. All pres-
ent were served with ice cream and
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Diffenderfer
entertained the following guests on
Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Myers and
Daughter Lillian, of Rossmere, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Johns and son Junior,
Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and two
children, Mrs. Alice Henny and two
sons, John and Kenneth, Miss Gertie
Young, Miss Eva Nolt, Mr. Eimer
Newcomer and Mr. Willard Swords.
(Too late for last week.
The industries of this place are
working on short time and slowly de-
creasing the wages.
Jacob Loraw and force of painters
of Florin, applvii fresh paint
on the Eli Brubaker houses.
Mrs. Emelia Shearer paid a short
visit to Mrs. Ezra Souders at the §t.
Josephs hospital last week.
Mr. A. B. Heisey and sister Ber-
tha spent a number of days at Wash-
ington D. C. as of Mr. and
Paul Heisey.
Allen Ober, a retired Mount Joy
township farmer is erecting a large
chicken house on the. plot of ground
purchased from A. S. Bard.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mr.

Mrs. Aaron Shank, spent last Sunday
ives in Cumberland Co.’
red the Boiling Springs.
r at one dollar per
like a luxry and ex-
visiting rela
they al


the price of oranges and will {24-in. Percales, per yd...........10
cause many an apple cellar to remain | 15¢ Black Shoe Polish..........05
empty. {25¢ Colored Checked Ginghams
Cyrus Musser, assistand P. R. R. | nch Sa SR ERRRER 1
agent of this place and wif I ain Colored Chambre per yd. .10
> Saturday afternoon at ry | Ten Lines of #0c¢ Candies, 1b....25

where they combined buisnc
John V
Nalmer, of t

e next spring.
Friends and relatives of Mrs. Ilzra
a serious operat!

lamsels to appear
1 rosey cheeks and

p hy, of Mount

Stehman P. R. R. cut watchman
was making his beat he met a black
snake which he promptly dispatched.

rom and put up quiet a fight in the |
beautiful moon light.
The B. Hess a prominent farmer
from this place met with a painful
accident whileworking in the horse
able in some unknown manner one
of his high spiritedhorses kicked him,
striking his nose and eye rendering
him inconsecious in which condition
he was found laying at the rear of
the stables. The family physician was
summoned who restored the unfortu-
nate man to consciousness and took
him to, the St. Josephs hospital at
Lancaster where he is feeling quite
comfortable to the latest reports.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kraybill enter-
tained her mother and the following
guests Mrs. Mary Reist, who is be-
vond the four score mark and re-
sides with her daughter Mrs. Anna
Eby and family who accompanied
her. John G. Reist, Mr. and Mrs.
Abner Risser, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira
R. Kraybill, Mrs. Peter R. Kraybill.
Muskray traps are being greased up
and put into readiness for the trapp-
Ing season which is close to hand
judging from the enthusiasm that
exists amongst the Juveniles indi-
cates that the fur bearing animals
will be hunted up very close. The
high prices that prevailed the past
few years has almost cleaned them
up in some sections.
Abram Moyer spent the week-end
1 the home of H. H. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fissel was a
week-end guets at the home of James
Hrarison Miller and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
George, of near Manheim.
Ray Brubaker and son. William,
of Lancaster, were guests of A. H.
Digler and family on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brandt, of
Union Square, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Phares Strickler.
The Sporting Schools will observe
Arbor Day on Friday afternoon,
October 28, with appropriate exer-
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Nissley and
family of Naumanstown spent Sun-
day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.
L. Kauffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kauffman
visited Mrs. Kauffman’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ruppert, at Mt.
Hope over the week-end.
Eugene Raffensberger, of Halifax,
spent the week-end and Christ
Grube, of Oyster Point, Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grube.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Nissley spent
Monday with Mrs. Nissley’s sister,
Mrs. Daniel Brandt, near Center-
ville. John Nissley, of Altoona, was
a visitor at the same house.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibble enter-
tained the following guests on Sun-

a Green House ere 8
y for Leander Gr ek,
th famos co ey
manufactured , |
ast Monday eveing at 9:30 while
reptile was over four foot long |
family of Back Run; Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Wolgemuth, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wolgemuth and family, of
Union Square.
Fresh Supply of the
. Celebrated
Brands made and shipped from their
great factory %located at Atlanta
Georgia. Try the

Norris Assorted Chocolates
Norris Chocolate land Bon-Bons.
Norris Assorted Nut Chocolates,
Norris Chocolate Nuts and Fruit.
Norris, The Gold Box.
Norris Variety Package-16 kinds.
candies of such a high
not an accident. Our
product is not made oni the mass
production plan which alane makes
possible that mellowness’: and in-
clines in flavor characteristia of Nor-
ris Exquisite Candies.
character is

We have the excl
usive agency for |
these candies. \
Chandler's Drug Stab
W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. |

| 25c Heavy Shitting,
| dresses, yd.
Gray and
good for
ces ernviiolt
Blue 32-i

> yd

gs amd Chains,



Men's, Ladies’ and Boys’ Shoes, Underwear, Sweaters, Etc,
I am ¢ffering merchandise
able at greatly reduced prices
advantage of these offerings at

at a time when it is most sale-
as may be seen below. Take
once as they won't last long.

Ladies’ Flannel Gowns, as low as. .
Ladies’ Flannel Pajamas
Ladies’ Flannel Petticoats as low as. ..49
Ladies’ Black and Tan" Stockings,
eo 0 seweie eee

Two Pairs for ...... \. . 25
Ladies’ Silk Stockings boi .69
Ladies’ Wool Mixed Stockings.... .79
Ladies’ Hair Nets, four for... >... .25
Boys’ Heavy Fleeced Union Suits. .$ .75
Boys’ Flannel Blouses, gray, brown,
and nayy ................... 48
Boys’ Sweaters as low as ...... or 08
Boys’ Flannel Pajamas Sais 1.19
Boys’ Dress Shoes as low as ...... 1.48
Boys’ Bloomer Pants as low as ... .98
Lot of Boys’ Capa at ...... 25c and 48c
Boys’ Stockings, per pair, as low as. ..15

Extra Large Size Turkish Towels. .
Wash Towels, 4 for

Special Prices on Boys’ Over coats,
Ladies’ Coats, Dresses and Skirts.
Men’s Flannel Night Shirts......$ .98
Men's Work Pants ............. 1.28
Men’s Work Shirts ........ Prey
Men’s Grey Flannel Shirts ....... .98
Men’s Sweaters as low as ...... 98
Men’s Work Shoes asi nenies 198
Men’s Stockings, 3 pairsfor ...... 25
Men’s Heavy Mixed Stockings, 2 prs .25
Men's Overalls ................ 79
Men’s Ribbed and Fleece Lined i
Shirts and Drawers, each ...... .69
Men’s Heavy Union Suits ...... . 1.29

cee Af nee

Special Sale of Stripe and Plaid
Ginghams at 10c per Yard

Large Size Comforts at $2.48
Svecial Grey Double Blankets at. .$1.48

Special Reduction on Mohawk Sheets
and Pillow Cases.
High Cut Tan, $1.98 and $2.48 per Pair

Shoe Repairing a Specialty

one half i i O
: ind T e hal 3. 9 : .
; <
ind S ng Bags | ] Py 1) PN ; 0% PY P27 AY, Fa Ke
= Who Wants This Chance? | N PALACE BARBER SHOP
(Extra Special for Saturday) y pave A 14-aer: farm An advertisement in these columny| -
| Sunnyside, acres of meadew, sand |. Fn ee ,
-++00205( 101d, 2 frame Fou sss, Tr my tobse. 1S read by many hundreds of people H. J. WILLIAMS, MT. JOY, PA.
; l 4 a1 shed and cellar. Price $118.00 each week. Then why shouldn’t| Successor to Allen Way
ed Muglin, 39 per acre. Act quick if you ean 1 ? £
a nl 80e [WER 12 You can ust ,owspaper advertisi ay? | ——
ga per yd. .§.....1235 |;¢ Call, phone or write Jno. E CV paper ac eriising pay } {
b Pieces P Fells and, other | Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy uf | Electric or Hand Clippers Used
Soap for ET shesnies2l : : = - . id — A nna aa
32.25 Umbrellas oo... ReBIBN A, "
3 Nix Washi I'ablets%....5¢c| g
{ One lb. Green Arrow Soap Chips. 15c| -- ial
6 Steero Boullionn Cubes for .10c¢ | ws
ie \ | HS000 ve!
rT x. NABICO fio
| X. Best 1 . er . Ro;
1G," B CORN MEAL 1b 2:C WAFERS pkg /C
[ Ja '

“Oh! 1 Can
See a Lot
Better Now
Of course you can! When
properly fitted glasses relieve
the strain én the delicate eye-
muscles and’, nerves, you can
tell the difference at once.
Perfect visipn is a rarity,
Many persons fuffer the ill ef-
fects of impaired vision be-
cause they sy realize to
what extent thei sight might
be helped with pigperly fitted
glasses. A
It is such a simple, matter to
tind out whether or ‘not your
eyes need glasses that no one
should continue to pul it off
from day to day. Why nipt call
and see us?
W. W, Appel & Sop
131 North Queen Street

The undersigned will sell at pub-
lic sale on the premises on Water
Street, in the Village of Florin, Pa.,
the following real estate:
All That Certain
. 2 1-2 Story
A Lot of Ground belonging thereto.
Fronting 40 feet on the south side
of Water street and extending in
depth southwardly 200 feet to Spring
Alley. Bounded on the North by
ater Street, East by Cherry Alley,
uth by Spring Alley and on the
st by property of John D. Eas-
ton\ This property is in a good lo-
cation and in first-class condition.
Persons desiring to view the prem-
ises prior to day of sale will please
call on Henry Sheaffer, residing
Sale to commencs at 2.30 P. M.
of said day when termdand conditions
will be made known by’

FRANK M. YOUNG, ‘et al,
Devisees of Elizabeth Youk, dec.
G. S. Vogle, Auct.

day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibble and

Jot, comer, good residential section, NeW, Trailers.
today, $20,000. Will ducted by Rev. Myer.
give :
tf of his fingers were amputated.

W. M. Hollowbush, Attorney.



Try a pound of this really delicious coffee.
want more. Our Producer to Consumer Plan enables us to sell it at a-
bout half the price charged elsewhere for coffees of the same high grade.
You'll like it and

Everything Needful for the
Hallowe'en Frolic
N. B. C. Macaroons. ...
Te 1b 25¢
Fancy California Almonds... .lb 37¢c
Large Brazil Nuts.......... Ib 19¢
Fancy Filberts.............. 1b 19¢
Fancy Walnuts. ......i..... Ib 37¢
Very Best Mixed Nuts...... Ib 25¢
California Seedless Raisins. .pkg. 20c
‘““Asco” Peanut Butter...... Ib 15c¢
Pure Jellies. ............ glass 10c
Temtor Preserves.......... jar 25¢
Best Pure Apple Butter. .... can 18c
Baker’s Cocoanut fresh grat. can 15¢
Baker’s ocoanut (fresh grat. can 15¢
N. B. C. Spiced Wafers...... Ib 19¢
“Asco” Ginger 12%c
*“Asco’” Preizles........ Ib pkg. 19¢
“MAsco” Mustard... .z...... jar 12¢
Fancy Queen Olives .* 10c, 20c
Fancy Stuffed Olives. 12¢, 22¢
Best Candles ......... vers sdoz 12¢
Jelly Drops ................ 1b 25c¢
Lemon Drops... ...:2 vive Ib 23¢
Cream Mints ......... vaio] 2Bc

Hershey's Chocolate Bells 1, 1b 25c
sid Dried Beef pkg 7c
Our reguiar 10c¢ package cut to 7c for this
week only. Sliced as thin as a water—very
tender and tasty.
Toe Peas can 125
“Asco’™ Sifted Peas can 9c
“Asco’’ Extra Sifted Peas can 25¢
&¢ 99 AE
Asco” Teas Ib 45¢
14 1b pkg. 12¢;.14, 1b pkg. 23c
Five qualityblends to choose from—pick
your favorite- -Plain Black, Old Country
Style, India Ceylon, Orange Pekoe, Mixed.
Bast CE
Granulated Sugar 1b 5c
Pulverized or Confectionery Sugar 1b pkg.
9c. Cuhe Sugar 1b 8c.
““Asco” Buckweat pkg 10c
Self risingall the necessary ingredients--even
milk. Just add water and pour on griddle.
“Asco” Table Syrup can 9c; 3 cans 23ec.

Big Loaf 6c
Victor Bread
A big, wholesome loaf for only six
The equal of the best home-made you
Gold Seal Oats pkg 10c
Milled Fresh, Packed Fresh, Sold Fresh.
The very choicest white oats grown--steam
ed and rolled, easily prepared, very appe-
tizing and nourishing.

“Asco” ThreadedCodfish pk 9c 3 for 25¢

CAseot=Sliced BRED. +. +. kg 17c
Asco”- Sliced Bacon Pkg Ab doe remarkably low prices it will pay
y i int A
“Asco” Cocoa. ..... ...14 1b can 15¢ yoy ea Winter SipDly. Buy now
NNN Hawaiian Grated Pineapple.. med. can 19c; doz, $2.25
Best Lima” Beans............. Ib 10c Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple can 23c; doz, $2.70
: — Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple ...big can 29c; doz. $3.40
New Cali. Evap. Peaches. ..... Ib 19¢ California Sliced Peaches... .... tall can 16¢c; doz. $1.85
mete et -_-— Choice California Peaches.....big can 23¢c; doz. $2.70
New Calif. Evap 29¢ Fancy California Peaches. .... big can 29c; doz. $3.40
: Fancy California Cherribs... . med can 28¢; doz. $3.30
Young’s Hand Soap........can 6lhc Fancy California Cherries... .big can 35c; doz. $4.10
1; Naptha!S cake Sle Fancy California Apricots ...big can 29c; doz $3.40
Ie Oe Sen. 1B kes, Siz Fancy California Plums ..... big can 25¢; doz. $2.90
<= Qualily Canned Fruits


Have You Ever Tasted the Delicious Louella Butter?
The Finest Butter in America.
If not, try a pound today; we know it will more


“Rich Creamy
Very good snappy cheese.
4 Ye
than please you.