The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 31, 1920, Image 7

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pn a ! F I I E LOCAL FIVE LOST TO 13 4 ‘30
nm miz2n 7 7) ROSEWOODS OF HARRISBURG | Referee, Ellis. Scorer, Greiner. | >
LL Di ; ——— Timer. Snyder. Time of halves 20 » H
~] Ll IN OUR CHURCHES The strong Rosewood team of Har-|minutes. i Wh W I 4 2
a >) risburg defeated the fast local tami —— —eeee Oo ants an mita 101
yi here in one of the best games of the | I \ :
ol NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE jensen, The score was 10 ta 2 ang{iies Had Stomach Trouble for Joven OULD you call on you¥y local mer
/ CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY the contest was witnessed by a arge | Theodore Sanford of Fenmore, | : - o) : al TRI
BORO AND THE ENTIRE crowd of fans who were kept on their | Mich,, has had stomach trouble for chant and BSS him for [ rianon
SURROUNDING COM- feet at all times by the fast playing [seven years and could not eat vege- sugar, Or raisins. or coftee? Would you
MUNITY of both quintets. [tables or fruit without pain in the dia 4 5
| — The Mount Joy five gained the up. Somach and pesilots LL By ask him to sell you a pair of shoes
| Reformed Mennonite per hand in the playing during the ; taking lamberlain’s Tablets he is card nething hiet fe »
Rev. Christian S. Nolt, Pastor first half and at half time were onl RoY aie bo prgugh mace of something just as good as
There oo Servees in the Re-[the long end of a 12 ts O-score. The |V/IOUL gARSRS J with indigestion | leather? Or a suit of clothes “made
formed Mennonite church on West | visitors started a great rush near the | op constipation give these tablets a ” i 5 : edie fits 3
Main street next Sunday morning at!middle of the second period that land | trial. They are certain to prove bene- for a Inman, whether Or not i ts you:
9:40, [ed them to the front, where they re-| ficial. 3-3-5t L - .
{mained despite the efforts of the lo-| Tes... | + 7 mn
Florin U. B. Church cals to overtake them. The teams | Read the Bulletin Get the Genuine
Rev. M. H. Miller were playing hard when the game| Rand the Bulletin. { e I °
Sunday School 9:30. ented ‘ead the Bulletin. Internationa €palrs
Sermon 10:30. b ———— rem - mt
Junior C. E. P. M | Mowat or Foul Total | ° | J
Senior C. E 6 P | : : Mi - 3 5 Nae >
ip EG v i, hk TP. M ! Goals Goals re. | 1 he Best Price, the W hen you need re-
TOD Dy kno Dy} "IR. Bennett, F.....,...2 -3 5; . k Rr pairs for your JHC
Trinity Lutheran Church (5 Benth Fo vee of 2 3 Quic Kest dervice Farm Equipment,
py. Geo: A Rotoher, Pagtor Kgh, G......... el C0 pf REMOVING YOUR | buy the genuine re-
Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Barr, G..............0 I-26. 71 DISABLED and DEAD | pairs. See that this
Morning Service and Holy Com-| Te ig i trade-mark appears
: | 8 8 4 I I
fmunion 10:30 A. M. | 3 ANIMALS | on each piece.
Easter Festival Service 7 P. M. | Rosewoods | — |
: |p, Holy Week Services daily 7:45 allover, ¥- corse 0 1) A. F REES | Genuine | HC repairs are made from the
| Good Friday, Preparatory Service Soder, C. a a 1 4-17 s : i original patterns—all others are copied from
[7:45 P. M. Cari Beck, G........ 2 0 6 YORK PLANT copies. Genuine | H C repairs are made of
} Special music at all Baster Ser-iKline, G......... . 20 0 0, Bell 9910 Local County 9, the same material, have the same finish, fit as
vices — —— —_— mar-31-: ; : i tryed
re ——————————————— men . accurately, and wear just as long as similar
Z | T. U. Evangelical Church ’ parts purchased with the original implement or
Z aler, t Reb ine
? Ben OR Meese pet | Farmer's Department Store machine,
Z | Prayer service Wednesday evening Ww L A L ; d IHC D 1
1A 7:30. I} > 3
G S. School Sunday Morning 9:30. EAST MAIN STREET ¢ are the Autrorze : calers
Ee Preaching Service Sunday morn- There is one certain and infallible wey to
ing 10:30. ine | H C repai b h
raver. Qopuie Q ax "Yonino' secure genuine TEPAIrS == uy them from
A 5 paver Service Sunday evening It is no trouble to go to a lot of trouble to serve you to the fullest us. And remember that International service,
THE NAME INSURERS SATISFACTION Preaching service Sunday evening| extent of our Bhi = these ho ipahiosont tne, ulus wii hs tendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right
7 : : you #7 gil i le 1 is Ba i pr 243 Suiza you wis when International machines are equipped with
The o I nvr ilar 3a = 0 “hoir practice Thursday evening| to make certaining to anything on which we can inform you. : ‘Sa :
The De Laval Milker is sold with full know at 7130 v'elock in the chiven. : Hot SoRrdslt with molt fon curs Boris genuine International repairs.
ledge of the fact that more is expected of the De Reception of members at the Sun- It you have nol Jupp 50 Jounsell with maievm) for you Sbpng ‘
Laval . : : day morning service and baptism. gown now is the time to do it. We have a fine assortment of material:
.aval than of any other milker. For over forty Come everybody to these services. Voiles, Crispette, Flaxon, Swiss, Dimty, Silks and Ginghams. H S NEWCOMER
: : ® ° ,
years the name DE LAVAL on dairy machinery has ET
{for hich i h y St. Mark’s United Bretlugn Church. SILK STOCKINGS All colors and all prices
stooc * highest value ¢ service 3 user. Rev. C. A S , Past . ; : ’ ; : ;
hi or highest value and service to the use Diotrctce re IIIA Now is the time to buy waists."We have 150 waists. Everything MOUNT JOY, PA.
The De Laval Milker is a distinctly different type Wednesday, sermon subject, The| that’s up-to-date. Price $1.00 to $2.50.
3 ; : 5 Day of Retirement.
of machine from other milkers, and was designed | Thursday, sermon by Rey. M. H. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ MIDDY SUITS
: . > : : Miller, of Florin. ae SEs
with two chief objects in view—the comfort of the | Friday, sermon subject, Lessons at| With f h aM i img i 1 Sr 3 ¢ ) rE
Se ime F nTaoni » Cross. /ith features that provide faultless fit, comfort anc convenience, ad- DACHFE UICK
cow and ease of cleaning. J of members and Bap-| justable waist band and hem. LOSE YOUR HEA io bord
vr Cn : : : . : [tism will be part of the Friday even- 3 LISE THE DEPENDABLE gi NN
The Udder Pulsator, with its alternating action {ini program, 100 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES lL QUID REMEDY Wo 7
a sitive $f rw sati ase YW d | Saturday, sermon by the Rev. S. EAS KE-SPEEDY RELIEF). . . ZA
nd positive, uniform pulsation, Dleases the oow an TRO ET ell iy EASTER NECKWEAR FOR MEN HAS ARRIVED (EASY TO TAKE ) Nd
indwces milk secretion. The simple and sanitary | tendent. Variety of silks in new designs APU DIN E
: . : Easter Services y
ine , ea ie TR saa
cesign of all parts with which the milk comes in Sunday School 9:05 A. M. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE WITH GOOD EATS 1 GOOD FOR GRIPPE AND BACKACHES, TOO
contact, and the special quality of the rubber used, _ Worship and Sermon by Rev. S. C.| HAVE SPECIALS EVERY SATURDAY ys NO DOPE —NO ACETANILIDE .
: ; I : 3 Enck, D.D., and communion services baad
make possible practical sterilization and production 10:15 A. M. Easter Cash Building
y . : Fund Offering.
of milk of higher sales value. |" Jr. Int. and Sr. C. E. 6:45 P. M. Pa
: ; : Worship 7:30 P. M
The De Laval Milker has been in daily use for {
: a aes Ch a : Church of God. t
three years on cows of every breed, as well as in Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor |
producing certified milk and in A. R. O. work. The following pragram will be ren- I
dered on Easter morning: i
3 Nips Song, School.
The De Laval Company’s well-known facilities Donal oe | on
and reputation for service are an assurance of last- Sonn Senoal l) hl?
weaqamge €8SSon. k — 3
ing satisfaction to users of De Laval Milkers. Ten Minutes to Mark Attendance IN
and lift offering. FX
: : Organ V ary, Mrs. St: BY, | tt rv
Write to H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa., for Milker og i A tauffer. | y! =
Catalog, mentioning number of cows milked Recitation, May Hawthorne.
Solo, Rachael Hoffer. :
Reading, Mrs. Smeltzer |
i B Cy y Solo, “The Holy City.”
oy = wy Je 0 : I ) y.
The De Laval Separator Co. § 5 nindn?d,
165 Broadway 29 East Madison Street 61 Beale Street Chorus.
New York Chicago San Francisco Voluntary, Mrs. Shires.
teport of Secretary.
Easter Sabbath, 1920 If vou intend to offer a house or
The following program for the : S 4
Morning service: 1 Isa i dis : qlee 2
Organ Prelude other building for sale, by all means
I Holy, Holy . ae v . * . y
I it first. A painted building sells
H.C. Bru . .
N. op = as quickly. I'he. Increase in
Prayer. ' : > « 73 1 ~
Sn rice you will be able to get will be
Hymn No. 323. : . .
Announcements. «+ more than the cost of painting.
Anthem, “Joyful Bells Ring Out.” Fhe
Sermon. |
Prayer. { vy ° 3 . .
Anthem, “King Victorious.” \Vhatever your job of exterior paint=-
Hymn No. 333. ga re rec
Benediction. | il =) we recommend
| Postlude.
= = The following program is for the.
1 RRR RE RY evening service: |
® w Organ Prelude. Je
B THE QUESTION m| Holy, Holy, Holy
: 3% = - y Invocation.
u OF FURNITURE QUALITY Bl Nnthom. *Allelulin Christ is Rison?
4 There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- a Lassen. A Cy
= ne ® Hymn No. 616. %
"m Often things that people buy for personal wear and for home m Ponyer : %
PY 3X] r J 1e, but this gon t be = Hear NX, 0 y
1 ur uving ok
LY I if yon HB SDI lent
= fy y furni- wm Anthe 1S: the Holy City : 1 :
{ requi h we S For washable, sanitary
@ \ the ™ P : ; yo Vito rvied Oo D t ‘hh Rov
= 0 to ® i } WW 11 411d WOOUOWOTrK, USC JUtcn DOY
) ) 5 " x1 re *3
= d, ind ® \ c-L.ead and Dutch Boy Flatting-Oil.
= is So 5
fi ® tch Boy White-Lead is only a small part
5 Westenberger, ley & Myers = of painting. Labor is the big item.
B® . ph eu 1 :
mn 125-131 East King Strest LANCASTER, PA. _ t} Io Wises no more to apply good paint than poor
a rat d » amendment anc : . y » .
010 OOO on of a short time maint, and you don’t have to do it so often.
: Y : ; oy oan oii: . 1 . 1 1 : 1) Save the surface and you save all;
ERT EXECUTOR’S NOTICE ified v e franchise. Our his paint costs less, figured by the gallon, to save the surface, white-lead it.
i, & = | duty is to be | to exercise this square vard, or vears of service. As itis mixed
: Y Ig Te ho . 9
» of Wm. H. Schuttee, late vies ! ‘ S hot Wn : 1 1 sit enlse © Sav
| of Toy Boro, Penna., deceased. |aucstio whether we be- to order, you can have the exact color you want.
Letters testamentary on said es- |lie \ that is as- >
e having ¥ ured. It i } on
ioned ¢ vlog } 1
) are requeste agilianiinii For sale by all dealers
g 3 1 Citizensh can }
it i } in : ) Orde x he ~ .
real to i ; ¢ J. Harmonn or Mi J F i } HW & B R C
4 v 136 East Chestnufst., Lancaster. lessons are in for o OHN . LEW IS og BROS. O.
: > y CALVIN“SCHUTITEE, |! If 1.21. 3. 1. |
B 1Y i 4 Executor. | it; id De. 0] Phi ladelphia 3
\ Qf u torney. 3-10-6t | once a week. In ord .
Hl Hil MH = a wo rE STII _ ron wn: a ———
@ Yor Rong ie Bullen. t Mrs : i RE RARE =
: WW Y hd le the Bulletin.