— REE N 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31st, 1920 ( THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S.A. pn a ! F I I E LOCAL FIVE LOST TO 13 4 ‘30 nm miz2n 7 7) ROSEWOODS OF HARRISBURG | Referee, Ellis. Scorer, Greiner. | > LL Di ; ——— Timer. Snyder. Time of halves 20 » H ~] Ll IN OUR CHURCHES The strong Rosewood team of Har-|minutes. i Wh W I 4 2 a >) risburg defeated the fast local tami —— —eeee Oo ants an mita 101 yi here in one of the best games of the | I \ : ol NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE jensen, The score was 10 ta 2 ang{iies Had Stomach Trouble for Joven OULD you call on you¥y local mer / CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY the contest was witnessed by a arge | Theodore Sanford of Fenmore, | : - o) : al TRI BORO AND THE ENTIRE crowd of fans who were kept on their | Mich,, has had stomach trouble for chant and BSS him for [ rianon SURROUNDING COM- feet at all times by the fast playing [seven years and could not eat vege- sugar, Or raisins. or coftee? Would you MUNITY of both quintets. [tables or fruit without pain in the dia 4 5 | — The Mount Joy five gained the up. Somach and pesilots LL By ask him to sell you a pair of shoes | Reformed Mennonite per hand in the playing during the ; taking lamberlain’s Tablets he is card nething hiet fe » Rev. Christian S. Nolt, Pastor first half and at half time were onl RoY aie bo prgugh mace of something just as good as There oo Servees in the Re-[the long end of a 12 ts O-score. The |V/IOUL gARSRS J with indigestion | leather? Or a suit of clothes “made formed Mennonite church on West | visitors started a great rush near the | op constipation give these tablets a ” i 5 : edie fits 3 Main street next Sunday morning at!middle of the second period that land | trial. They are certain to prove bene- for a Inman, whether Or not i ts you: 9:40, [ed them to the front, where they re-| ficial. 3-3-5t L - . {mained despite the efforts of the lo-| Tes... | + 7 mn Florin U. B. Church cals to overtake them. The teams | Read the Bulletin Get the Genuine Rev. M. H. Miller were playing hard when the game| Rand the Bulletin. { e I ° Sunday School 9:30. ented ‘ead the Bulletin. Internationa €palrs Sermon 10:30. b ———— rem - mt Junior C. E. P. M | Mowat or Foul Total | ° | J Senior C. E 6 P | : : Mi - 3 5 Nae > ip EG v i, hk TP. M ! Goals Goals re. | 1 he Best Price, the W hen you need re- TOD Dy kno Dy} "IR. Bennett, F.....,...2 -3 5; . k Rr pairs for your JHC Trinity Lutheran Church (5 Benth Fo vee of 2 3 Quic Kest dervice Farm Equipment, py. Geo: A Rotoher, Pagtor Kgh, G......... el C0 pf REMOVING YOUR | buy the genuine re- Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Barr, G..............0 I-26. 71 DISABLED and DEAD | pairs. See that this Morning Service and Holy Com-| Te ig i trade-mark appears : | 8 8 4 I I fmunion 10:30 A. M. | 3 ANIMALS | on each piece. Easter Festival Service 7 P. M. | Rosewoods | — | : |p, Holy Week Services daily 7:45 allover, ¥- corse 0 1) A. F REES | Genuine | HC repairs are made from the | Good Friday, Preparatory Service Soder, C. a a 1 4-17 s : i original patterns—all others are copied from [7:45 P. M. Cari Beck, G........ 2 0 6 YORK PLANT copies. Genuine | H C repairs are made of } Special music at all Baster Ser-iKline, G......... . 20 0 0, Bell 9910 Local County 9, the same material, have the same finish, fit as vices — —— —_— mar-31-: ; : i tryed re ——————————————— men . accurately, and wear just as long as similar Z | T. U. Evangelical Church ’ parts purchased with the original implement or Z aler, t Reb ine ? Ben OR Meese pet | Farmer's Department Store machine, Z | Prayer service Wednesday evening Ww L A L ; d IHC D 1 1A 7:30. I} > 3 G S. School Sunday Morning 9:30. EAST MAIN STREET ¢ are the Autrorze : calers Ee Preaching Service Sunday morn- There is one certain and infallible wey to ing 10:30. ine | H C repai b h raver. Qopuie Q ax "Yonino' secure genuine TEPAIrS == uy them from A 5 paver Service Sunday evening It is no trouble to go to a lot of trouble to serve you to the fullest us. And remember that International service, THE NAME INSURERS SATISFACTION Preaching service Sunday evening| extent of our Bhi = these ho ipahiosont tne, ulus wii hs tendered by us, can only be 100 per cent right 7 : : you #7 gil i le 1 is Ba i pr 243 Suiza you wis when International machines are equipped with The o I nvr ilar 3a = 0 “hoir practice Thursday evening| to make certaining to anything on which we can inform you. : ‘Sa : The De Laval Milker is sold with full know at 7130 v'elock in the chiven. : Hot SoRrdslt with molt fon curs Boris genuine International repairs. ledge of the fact that more is expected of the De Reception of members at the Sun- It you have nol Jupp 50 Jounsell with maievm) for you Sbpng ‘ Laval . : : day morning service and baptism. gown now is the time to do it. We have a fine assortment of material: .aval than of any other milker. For over forty Come everybody to these services. Voiles, Crispette, Flaxon, Swiss, Dimty, Silks and Ginghams. H S NEWCOMER : : ® ° , years the name DE LAVAL on dairy machinery has ET {for hich i h y St. Mark’s United Bretlugn Church. SILK STOCKINGS All colors and all prices stooc * highest value ¢ service 3 user. Rev. C. A S , Past . ; : ’ ; : ; hi or highest value and service to the use Diotrctce re IIIA Now is the time to buy waists."We have 150 waists. Everything MOUNT JOY, PA. The De Laval Milker is a distinctly different type Wednesday, sermon subject, The| that’s up-to-date. Price $1.00 to $2.50. 3 ; : 5 Day of Retirement. of machine from other milkers, and was designed | Thursday, sermon by Rey. M. H. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ MIDDY SUITS : . > : : Miller, of Florin. ae SEs with two chief objects in view—the comfort of the | Friday, sermon subject, Lessons at| With f h aM i img i 1 Sr 3 ¢ ) rE Se ime F nTaoni » Cross. /ith features that provide faultless fit, comfort anc convenience, ad- DACHFE UICK cow and ease of cleaning. J of members and Bap-| justable waist band and hem. LOSE YOUR HEA io bord vr Cn : : : . : [tism will be part of the Friday even- 3 LISE THE DEPENDABLE gi NN The Udder Pulsator, with its alternating action {ini program, 100 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES lL QUID REMEDY Wo 7 a sitive $f rw sati ase YW d | Saturday, sermon by the Rev. S. EAS KE-SPEEDY RELIEF). . . ZA nd positive, uniform pulsation, Dleases the oow an TRO ET ell iy EASTER NECKWEAR FOR MEN HAS ARRIVED (EASY TO TAKE ) Nd indwces milk secretion. The simple and sanitary | tendent. Variety of silks in new designs APU DIN E : . : Easter Services y ine , ea ie TR saa cesign of all parts with which the milk comes in Sunday School 9:05 A. M. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE WITH GOOD EATS 1 GOOD FOR GRIPPE AND BACKACHES, TOO contact, and the special quality of the rubber used, _ Worship and Sermon by Rev. S. C.| HAVE SPECIALS EVERY SATURDAY ys NO DOPE —NO ACETANILIDE . : ; I : 3 Enck, D.D., and communion services baad make possible practical sterilization and production 10:15 A. M. Easter Cash Building y . : Fund Offering. of milk of higher sales value. |" Jr. Int. and Sr. C. E. 6:45 P. M. Pa : ; : Worship 7:30 P. M The De Laval Milker has been in daily use for { : a aes Ch a : Church of God. t three years on cows of every breed, as well as in Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor | producing certified milk and in A. R. O. work. The following pragram will be ren- I dered on Easter morning: i 3 Nips Song, School. The De Laval Company’s well-known facilities Donal oe | on and reputation for service are an assurance of last- Sonn Senoal l) hl? weaqamge €8SSon. k — 3 ing satisfaction to users of De Laval Milkers. Ten Minutes to Mark Attendance IN and lift offering. FX : : Organ V ary, Mrs. St: BY, | tt rv Write to H. S. Newcomer, Mt. Joy, Pa., for Milker og i A tauffer. | y! = Catalog, mentioning number of cows milked Recitation, May Hawthorne. Solo, Rachael Hoffer. : Reading, Mrs. Smeltzer | i B Cy y Solo, “The Holy City.” oy = wy Je 0 : I ) y. The De Laval Separator Co. § 5 nindn?d, 165 Broadway 29 East Madison Street 61 Beale Street Chorus. New York Chicago San Francisco Voluntary, Mrs. Shires. teport of Secretary. School. lictior Easter Sabbath, 1920 If vou intend to offer a house or The following program for the : S 4 Morning service: 1 Isa i dis : qlee 2 Organ Prelude other building for sale, by all means I Holy, Holy . ae v . * . y I it first. A painted building sells H.C. Bru . . N. op = as quickly. I'he. Increase in Prayer. ' : > « 73 1 ~ Sn rice you will be able to get will be Hymn No. 323. : . . Announcements. «+ more than the cost of painting. Anthem, “Joyful Bells Ring Out.” Fhe Sermon. | Prayer. { vy ° 3 . . Anthem, “King Victorious.” \Vhatever your job of exterior paint=- Offering. Hymn No. 333. ga re rec Benediction. | il =) we recommend | Postlude. = = The following program is for the. 1 RRR RE RY evening service: | ® w Organ Prelude. Je B THE QUESTION m| Holy, Holy, Holy : 3% = - y Invocation. u OF FURNITURE QUALITY Bl Nnthom. *Allelulin Christ is Rison? 4 There are few things that quality effects so vitally as furni- a Lassen. A Cy = ne ® Hymn No. 616. % "m Often things that people buy for personal wear and for home m Ponyer : % PY 3X] r J 1e, but this gon t be = Hear NX, 0 y 1 ur uving ok LY I if yon HB SDI lent = fy y furni- wm Anthe 1S: the Holy City : 1 : { requi h we S For washable, sanitary @ \ the ™ P : ; yo Vito rvied Oo D t ‘hh Rov = 0 to ® i } WW 11 411d WOOUOWOTrK, USC JUtcn DOY ) ) 5 " x1 re *3 = d, ind ® \ c-L.ead and Dutch Boy Flatting-Oil. = is So 5 fi ® tch Boy White-Lead is only a small part 5 Westenberger, ley & Myers = of painting. Labor is the big item. B® . ph eu 1 : mn 125-131 East King Strest LANCASTER, PA. _ t} Io Wises no more to apply good paint than poor a rat d » amendment anc : . y » . 010 OOO on of a short time maint, and you don’t have to do it so often. : Y : ; oy oan oii: . 1 . 1 1 : 1) Save the surface and you save all; ERT EXECUTOR’S NOTICE ified v e franchise. Our his paint costs less, figured by the gallon, to save the surface, white-lead it. i, & = | duty is to be | to exercise this square vard, or vears of service. As itis mixed : Y Ig Te ho . 9 » of Wm. H. Schuttee, late vies ! ‘ S hot Wn : 1 1 sit enlse © Sav | of Toy Boro, Penna., deceased. |aucstio whether we be- to order, you can have the exact color you want. Letters testamentary on said es- |lie \ that is as- > e having ¥ ured. It i } on ioned ¢ vlog } 1 ) are requeste agilianiinii For sale by all dealers g 3 1 Citizensh can } it i } in : ) Orde x he ~ . real to i ; ¢ J. Harmonn or Mi J F i } HW & B R C 4 v 136 East Chestnufst., Lancaster. lessons are in for o OHN . LEW IS og BROS. O. : > y CALVIN“SCHUTITEE, |! If 1.21. 3. 1. | B 1Y i 4 Executor. | it; id De. 0] Phi ladelphia 3 \ Qf u torney. 3-10-6t | once a week. In ord . Hl Hil MH = a wo rE STII _ ron wn: a ——— @ Yor Rong ie Bullen. t Mrs : i RE RARE = : WW Y hd le the Bulletin. J EN