THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, April 17, 1912, HAVE Y THE BUI Tid A Vacuuga/Cleaner MOUNT J IA ‘ ‘ I 3 D . % I Followin ws been Circulated Ore - ~ v7 ¥ : © 1 : Dal pd alll I'rice LO v the Pennsylvania Railroad i TEST YOUR SEED CORN | | 1 for th Benetit of the U DECIDED \ an equal price Is cooks like a carpet sweeper-— ! all FRED like a carpet sweeper-—but is 0 en of con 4 n ecleaner——a cleaner that 1 ir carpets and rugs through through IT HAS BEEN A CAREFUL STUDY WITH US ABOUT STYLE, COLOR AND WORKMANSHIP, AND IT’S JUST THIS TIME WE GIVE THESE DETAILS THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SAFE IN BUY- ING HERE. YOUNG MEN LIKE TO FEEL THAT THEY ARE UP TO THE SECOND, BUT MORE THAN THAT, THAT THEIR CLOTHES LOOK WELL, A MONTH OR A YEAR FROM NOW. STYLEPLUS CLOTHES Are the greatest values for the money that have ever ‘ \ mld make $4.00 Fest Seed at Once of corn planted ould double vour crop. The proce of testing is so | nple that and child can learn it in ten minute The children of the chools can do all the testing, dvertisements 1 ns ind if yon plant only tested seed, ne Tuesday y hes us Tu , an dapend upon an increas of y ¢ a pil= 1 "oe n ites on I 10 bushels per acre I'he average col country has 100,000 acres of 8 land; ten more bushels than you EDITORIALS FHI DOMESTIC JUNIOR is a Farmey | J ; SL BSCR \ ! i 1 YEAR i caver that will Jo more | 3 nt y Cent han many high priced clean- r of corr v ’ 1 ; * . « i. Cents rs and much more than any other | ; 2 What You Would Wear for Spring and Summer ? er had befor, would mean 1,000, t. Joy Bulletin hels which at 50 cents, a Yi oJ h ’ i ve conservative price would add been put on the market tephenson-—the $500,000 to the annual wealth of > . Lorime { : | our country : h os 4.8 \VVhat applies to corn applies to - to be a gentle- ther grains, Teach the children to Al ¢ ( i < = - t t all ° ” e a woman. Soi ’ B . 8 lake twelve of your seed ears. . selected according to vour best whan } re settled in Mexico x Aecord ! = SUI I S t 2 When sttled his shows the amount of solld ;,joient. arrange them in a row | ’ 0 they seem to be the most unsettled. |girt which the Domestic Junior took ' | thev. will be. disturhed.] * + & @ from a carpet which looked clean. ih : i y ht nol be gistur i *) As Jong as she carires her age well All we ask of any housewife is °" With a tack put a numbered slip 8 ” ; hat she give i s fair tria}e— on the butt of ear, numbering from roar Tan't TOU t burden to (that she give it one fair trial—plck o1 , wavaflprmeenflprmn a womarl ''t much 0 out the cleanest carpet in the house one to twelve. herself. and run this vacuum cleaner over rtaleR 7 f anv Ki . lake a piece of any kir loth. 4.9 8 it—then open the cleaner—Ilook at ; : ir ‘ Y 4 : Sloth, t NT is To : » Bee . 1 vard or more in length anc eight | A t murkev doesnot knew when it [the amount of dirt you got out of . : ! | M y i ¥ are 1 t , will try to furnish |Your carpet or rug which you or ten inches in width; mark twelve | ? MOUNT JOY ount Jo ’ 8 defeated Italy g {thought was clean. inch square down the middle of | { 1 1 it with a diagrame. The cost of this wonderful little | ¢, loth as per diagram with a HALL BUILDING = 5 Pa. » -« » . . Soe» ’ v vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and oh pencil and namber It is almost as dangerous to be a lis sold to you with the guarantee to La ik f jee in New York as it is to be a [be perfectly satisfactory in every re-| ° wrefully remove six to ten kern- | § judge in Nev . spect or we will refund your money. els in a spiral around the ear, taking | king in Southern Europe. . ) | ® 8 8 3 { Drop card for circular and demon- them out with the tip of a pen knife | i A ith found the coal | stration. fro tl edge of the kernel being | Premier Asquit ' 3 f ee faire : ‘ PR PORT | Ladies Make $3.00 to $5.00 Daily American Plar Ra Mod x Prim) reful not to injure the germ. SCHOOL REPORT Pam | 4 } - an tes Moderate situation getting hotter as the fuel | . 1 i ® fhe ; es BOL REPOR Annual Report Es Live Ruoresontatine ya] . | I ce them 1 11 ere S & 2S > grown scarcer and scarcer. — y Vann st Sikes prs every town to introduce our complete | grown seared) . oa B. =, FP i= =F = | = corresponding to numberes on ears. Mount Joy Borough Schools for the of line of spring and summer Suitings, | tebirg | milonartes who] gent ter dampening the cloth ther. | a E h kerchicts, Corsets and Hosiery. We Exchange e Hotel The Yittsburg n neg § who | : | ' » | kerchiefs. Corse i , The - Pitsburg. willananies . ¥ 30) a. onghly, roll up a little wet sawdust| _ ~~ Mount Jo Borough kerchicts, Corsets and Hoslery. We 2 e gave his millions to his sons ! MOUNT JOY, PENNA. . 3 ' + hel ae ollowing is the attendance of furnish exclusive patterns, attractive | Champion indulgent father. { { ind In the end to heip reiain|,,, uyphlie schools for the month! 1; the Vear Ending March 13, 1012. | samples, and give exclusive territory | ale wn i t mo re. Fold the cloth over | which iust ended: Soils AR active representatives, and furnish Suigem Ja | It h just ended: to active r ’ Mount Jo Pa { - mn t i s sho by ia- . ———— a very elaborate sample outfit free; Ys : Now that the empire has declared | a - i s S1dle iy SEE Oya 3 li First Primary, M. G. Miller, bid Bagels to Ts furnishing strane , wome rill | | (a nd roll up as shown. Place Teacher RECEIPTS { sntiaf ory. rafe ces 2 full L the woman suffrage,the women will | Xk / sda Sl a IE satisfactory references. or fu M Be k co P r . + China more than ever. ; wekot or box of damp | Joly Rolimen, (Doo Beller, | ance in Treas March particulars, address Mutual Fabric|J« 1Vi. DaC enstoe, Io. Li pi . ss 2 2 Af a Y A 7 Tl ol ( [ and, and put behind Ex 11m ¢ rE ; Eberle, Wo orice nes: or S a : 1911 : : oa $978.90 Co., Dept. 25, Binghamton, N. Y. In the meantime the baseball en- fer Ou Arc Iroug 1 tl ! or some place where it | gen os iemay; a G Foocer aor remium Foreign Fire Ins. mar1e-5 ey te URS not chill. It i best to keep the { anh tv Biclos es Inhie RELI, Co ; coy 22.16 Has just been remodeled thruout thusiasts may study the hits, run E ’ imonting wi ‘ha : = be Hoial Iicense. Money $ 720.00 Shaving Haly Outting; "°° 7% Proce hroout, and errors in the political score. Xperimenting W ith The temperature about (0 degrees, more | Charles Re Ee ae : i y ne PO i s all modern conveniences such > . » » . Xe At the end of five or six | aret Kort , = 0 1 , : : 256.00 Joseph B. Hershev as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steams oy % ATH »r that | ia the rolls lV be opened, and | 3 tS > & Hoffma Pole Tax $ 388.70 i feat, Electric Ligh Etc y 1oethals must remember that i Iperie 1! becker ma Keener raret ioiiman 2 r ee his of kings is a | Just- -a5- lio d- Kind 20 n learn fre this simple test SAT : be a Dilli: Mm Sara | oul Hi oh I ons $ 24.75 To nsor ia i Pc ar lor onally copduet Ananias Club. SEITE onditior ot ed corn Va Royer, Anna Ellis, a 87s 5 Fable is Supplied With the Best personally conduct BUICK ’ vou i bt 1 , con- | Edna Pennell, Clara Pennell, Kath-| 1910 vs . § 879.34 gags Main St, MOUNT JOY y s + 9. ® { L.¥¢ are in boubt wo. fhe gi ot Lane ake 5 nei fant David Boyce, collected for ; hree Chairs No Waitin, the Market Affords Lerimer still looks as pure as 2a | LGCOMOBILE ditions of your seed corn iL would 2~v ® g he ors ee l.. 0,0 182833.81 ied wa Fie mtr £ he Market allords. iy to some Senators. He would like | be well for you to make a shallow | Second Primary, Ruth N. Stoll, Old Tron Sold ....... § 1.13 Agen for the Middletow 0 Stearns as Wy 3 for you? AUTOCAR AND hox, some two or three inches deep, | Feacher 3olen Blocks Sold .. § 15.11 | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday them to choose a boquet for : : test Top ¢ { Rarl Mvers, John Miller, Ellis ~ and delivered Friday al L t * * * * SEIN ~v xs large enough to make a tes or ten | on Tianhavin Gilmour Schmaelzle 25213.9 pi Be SO unch Count tr BUICK TRUCKS Fellenbaum, iilmour Schmaelzle, $5313.90 ech e 3 3 r wee 3 ate wi t 1CT'6 hat is, twelve squares one | john Coolidge, Leroy Engle, John : ‘sllector re DOTS % : oF hewn : Pity the voters in state vithou t | John yolidge, y , Boyce, Collector, reports COURT PROCLAMATION hou : ; dire: peimaries who have to let the Bd ot ‘ way by ten across. The box should | McGann, Howard Stark, Claude atstanding tax to be Whi chans : he He a . ely oa Where Soups, sandwiches, Cheese, yD Ne : ; Sold strictly on their merits ' ' ra “rank rris Cunningham, Marie lected 3 5.77 reas, * Hon. Charles 1. Lan- Tripe, Oysters in Every Stvie politicians do their thinking for Se he about 36-40 inches. Fill the box rani Non Siting Ig A) v Mover colloetod. i ov iris vn: $1118.77 dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- | Eripe; ysiers In fvery Style then. Sasa ihout half full of moist dirt, sand or Boats Newcomer. Mildred Mal EXPENDITURES Is ler, assoniase, Jud; B Ss of Li Court | Etc., Ete, are served 2 58 3 8 ® i We ctor sawdust because | | teer, Barbara Rollman, Emily Ging- | Bombach, John, repairs . $ 2.95 po Onin ou A a ak: Bi) FouR Cvs 09 row Clap ; : asy it is lighter and can be handled in | rich, Eunice Herr, Elizabeth Shatto, Boyce David, Commission Py OC nBIBM § cl If Andrew Carnegie fell so easy : 1 Price, 8 8 ’ Ie LE an at ; dD . na | ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- | for a Pittsburg type of beauty there New 1912 Cars Now Here the house. Press it well down so Sina a hii Sapplles, i 4 | ner, and General Jail Delivery and BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS would have been no holding him in [that it will jave a smooth even | P1ire. B oF p Tat a Trina $ | Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and | 1 ave —_— Suvl ide Third Primary, Verna Chandler, 2n/ etn, erin OT Ys 1 8 for the County of Lancaster, have is-| OF BEER WINES LIQUORS & CIGARS Baltimore. og! La a g Teacher Suohl, J. H., Paint x2 . sued their precept, to me directed, | ! } * 8 ® : . \ lake a white cloth about the size Glenn Derr, Jay Lindemuth, Reu- Brubaker, : M. N., Surveys Ae we {requiring me, among other things, | de sos That Indiana preacher who mar- aneaster \itomohile [0 of the box, rule it off checker-boarb |,en Brandt, James Rapp, Herbert and SoioViedgomen:s : 119 00 to make public proclamation thru-| Se A ih 3 A \ [ ; fashio aking squares : Tvnd: . Schatz, Roy Arndt, | brunner, . LU. Mur ire 1.V7 out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy-| ried himself will find that he will 4 o fashic n, making squares two 2 Tyndall, Allen H Sch at RT yr Dur. [Dice Geo, labor ...... $ 3.75 or and Terminer and a General an | Good Stabling Accomodation ire a lawver whe 8 'E LVE Y SE ree inches each way, n veri e , ) ’ iad 3 i i 1 | : . ave to hire a lawyer when it come GARAGE NEVER CLOSED th 1che h wa umbering Haroly Fu Tohe Gormer Elwood | Edison Electric Light Co. | Delivery, also a Court of the General | focal and I Dist 2 a jam Stark, . Te or, Son ar | Yo A : J ocal an ng Distance p fre the knot. 230-238 W. King St., 11, 5 3, on Toke 2 iii ; iki or Er. Russel Brown, Charles Hin- B Test Liz hs ety } 313 35 Quarter Sessions the Peace And) ’ at Tony ance Telephones 4 2 8 9 9 make a pad to fit the top of the box, |, Rober Eshlem: Mildred | Engle, E “ € g 0l9.49 | Jai elivery, will commence in the] i ; rv A QTE a am > Kle, obert ushleman, 1 e 55 . 5 %“ 0 TE [Ih ; St trey : * | - » Perhaps it is not that the steam LANCASTER PENNA. padding it with an inch or two of | Murray, Blanche Sherk, Dorothy Prous eo. Bho Salary $ 12.981 fours Hause ihe OHy or ances | TROLLEY SCHEDULE ler is bigger than usual, but that —_— moist sawdust or sand. : Longenecker, Sarah McGinnis, Ruth enbau Vy. DARLEY, Liter, mn “tae Lommonweaith o OMe] ij oe ler is bigge . By he ; ; rT Cail 1 | Gainer, Dorothy Heiliz, Lottie Esh-| Postage, etc. ....... + $ 48.47 |sylvania, 3 : . ancaster, Rohrerstov=, Landisville, eople are learing to resent its un- The largest and only strictly first Remove six to kernels from each aia Mery Shank, Anna Hendrix, Felle nbaum, A. JB. Dist 8a On The Third Monday in April | Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizebeth- democratic methods. class fireproof garage and repair ©ar selected, numbering each ear |p... Schroll, Alice Way, Mary Gib-| Boro Tax Notices .... $ 63 (The 15th), 1912 { tosvn Street Railway Co & 4 2 4 » |shop in Lancaster City of County. |and putting the kernels from each |phons, Alta Gingrich, Christine Gil- Frank, vs J Be ahr, 3 37 In pursuance of which precept Pub- | lo Be py y . ; A headline colls Uncle Joe Cannon | _ in the corresponding square in the |[lums. I i 2 echarging $ 65 lic Notice is hereby given to the May- | Jreave L5easter eh 4.30, LE 6.18, “The Danviliian.” Fortunately for | Sa y Bs .- box. Place the box in a worm place, Fourth Primary, Lou Kuhns, | Glatfelter, J., auditing $ 2.00 or ond Agen 0 Ne Sy Si lan ip 3.15, 4.16, 5.15, 6.16, Tid ST5, 5. Sib > his job, the compositor did not get | § © ® @ ® | where it will not chill. Keep the pad Teacher | Garber, Jacob, labor .... $ 8.85 yi qtices of the Peace, the Coroner | 15 ve Rohrerstown—a m, 4.50, 5.36, 6.35, ¢ { his n’s and m’s mixed. i [well dampened and warm, and in Anna Brubaker, Lillian Barto, | Garber, H. S., auditing .. § 2.00 |354 Constables of said City and Coun- | 5 835, 9.35 10.35, 11.%, P m,’ 12.35, 1.35, oe | Live ris dove v ; oll 1 Mary Easton, Erma Hertzog, Emma | Givens Elmer, painting ty of Lancaster, that they be then | * 1.35, 3.3, 4.35, b.35, 6a. 7.35, 8.35, 9.35,11.36. {five OF S'% days You con Tol! up the Kramer; Lillian Roth, Hilda dohmel-| pg, "7 U0 $ 67.00(and there in their own proper er-| I 181, 387 snes pS Del, oy ! The President has never befor be- | pad carefully and you will find that | Jer. Pearl Sheaffer, Martha Hems- |i : A Tare a5 proper p 4 of 7 m. 12.67, 1.67, e Preside | | : : der, earl = ed , : Gillums, H. H., salary $ 45.00 sons with their rolls, records and ex- | | 2.87, 4.57, 6.67, 6.67, 7.67, Fa 51 9.67, 1167. > en so assiduously attentive to the {your seed will show its quality; |ley, Lillian Mumma, Laura Panny- {Hoffer, J. E., appropria- aminations, and inquisitions, and | | Geiveshillinga A m, 5.16, $00; 5 30. k old ‘woodpile. Believes in sawing | kernels which show both sprouts peokes Jane cy Nout ., hanes) tions for medicines in ord their other rememberances, to do | iw, 5.00, 50, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. 1 4 i i: i oy § J Ses Tingle, James arber, ris der- small pox case ...... 189. those things which to their offices| Leave ount Joy— rd m, 6.30, 6.15, 7.15, : - s well. {and rootlets in healthy condition are nye y r y y 1 p While the my Work ve loi 2 lating: fo ro shey, Charles Henry, Walter Mum- gaqworth & Crandall Co. appertain in their behalf to be done, | +1 318. 1015 nL 25, mB. 2s, 5 2 | | fit for > anting: from which the | ma, John Repl, Samus] Miller, Jay Crossing Plate ....... $ 7.11 jand also those who will prosecute|A m, 12.15. Sieh It’s a safe bet that the Ainois | kernels show sprouts only, or root- | Pennell, Paul Stark. {Henry, H. M. concreting $ 6.50 |against the prisoners who are or then |, Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45, Judge who fined his wife had to | {tles only may not grow, but it is | pifth Grade, Edna Martin, Teacher Hamaker, J. 8, labor .. i 34.00 shall bes ! in the jail of the said Su ns a 2%, 2 1h f judicial decis- | — {best not to take any chances wi Emily Newcomer, Ruth Murray, Hensel, W. W. Solicitor . 41.67 |county of Lancaster, are to be then) 2.3. stand for the recall of j | | est nc ¢ ! ces with iE Mummert. Bsther Gingrich, Herald Printing Co. Print- and there to prosecute against them | EASTWARD ion when he has got home. ! {such ears. Mean 3 mme "Bila CHIBI NS, ing $ 6.00 |as shall be just. 0 Tod 18D 2.4 °i% is | rank: i : : Tlorence Gainer, / gham, | BS Lt ven te ' , 9.45, .45, , 33rr> oo | All weak and dead ears should |v. "Hinkle, Charles Delong, Carl Herr, Reuben, labor .... § 223.2 Dated at Lancaster, the 23d day of | pre 6.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.46, 10.45, A m Isn’t it pathetic to see the politic- | Lots of discomfort—the blues— |be thrown into the feed box and test | Krall, Mark Minny, Biwood on onsen Bis auditing. : 2 March, 1912. [ES yam : 30x, 7.15, 8.15, ’ iev irec Say Merl 3 repes i ; are sure 2 CH Thy, arles Eshle- Kle v AGOr LL. ey . J I 11.16 ro 2.15, 3.15, ian who dosen’t believe in direct |and many serious sicknesses you will | 'éPeated until you are sure you |lums, Clinton Pos: ha e Ee EW. Toor oll $ 3.00 AARON B. LANDIS, Sheri | 116 5.15, 6.15. 7.15, Bol? "916, 10.15, 11.18, primaries forced to take Dart in| o.oo ot liver NAVE enough perfect ears to plant | man, Ea Alosane gr. Joan Locnen: | Hoffer, Jud. E, salary $ 36.00 [Ad LA, aie | € ¥ your , yer | 5 Harry Williams. RC La . Leave linge —4 m, b6.46x, 7.30, 8.20, them or wither by the wayside? : | your acreage. OH : Hoffman Clayt, recording $ 5.38] OLD DR. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL |0.55°3030. "a 5° 5m "ie a0 500, 0, $38 "es a [and stomach in good working order | i; Grammar School, Anna R. Kraybill, co 05 oor > $ 225 I: 719 Spring Garden St., (lormerdy 535. 6th | Lx, 5.38, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30,” 10.30, i 5 di uk i gg G-SS ii "eacher 2 ’ 4 alae . bey » in Deutscher Artz, Only German m. 1. Well, anyhow, if the Democrats (DY timely use of ; , Blanche i iy Mabel Goist: Kolp, Albert labor ...... $ 127.05 Seat fe German seamen, de uy | Leave Landiaville A m, 6.48, 1783, : , : ; they needen’t | East Petersburg Won Blanc ht ’ 4 Leib, M. M., appropriation ean’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenie, worse than | 5-33, 9.33, 10.83, 11.33. P. m, 12.33, 1.33, 2.33, § don’t win this year y | Ti B p al bask ball weit, Eva Yermer, Anna Shonk, for F TI Co $ 50.00 Scab tho Disease itsell is a curse of humanity. All | £.83, 4.83, Bs "6.33, 7.83, §.33 Soa 10.33, 11.33. 3 1e Eas aofers re aske ros i Ti . : tester Ye rivate Diseases, s bo y Ab y . | J % blame their defeat on Mr. Roosevelt 4 Last eters ure. asket bal Lillie Weidman, Jennie Witmer, Manheim & Mt. Joy Elec- nesses, Nervous Debility, rth sey Abuses; Wook» ATH LR Rohrerstown A m ox 1.65 ¥ He’s doing all he can to help them, team on Thursday evening defeated | Philip Dieter, Ross Eshleman, Dew- tric Light Co. .. $ 850.62 eae Ee yer Tturs & Shrigtarts 5.55, 9.65, 10.66, 11.65. Pm, 13 1.56, 2.65 g if Taft is renominated F | G | A X the All-Collegians at Keylor’s hall, | Hornafius, Jay Klugh, Lloyd Moser G. supplies $ 101.98 | xi bu Germany; Bovk Fico, tells all, exponing Huseumty 35, 456. 6.85, 6.86, 7.66, 8.65. oto’ 10.55, 11.65, b . n . - . : HH axl ov GE re berts. wih 2 . Ee = yO Nar . | ertising Frauds. Hrs. 9- 3 Som, | ’ % * 3 9» East Petersburg. The line up: | Nissley, Lester Rober Newcomer H. S. supplies. $§ 66.08 | Arrive at Lancaster—A m, 6.30x, 8.15, 4 : os : : Soi a wanmier B r oF | 8.15, 10.16, 11.15. P m, 12.15, 1.15, 2.1, 8.15, East Pet. Positions. All-Col. | High School, Margaret M. Herr and Newcomer, E. W. Prof. | : w ~ Phere uss FAG et unas! Evan forward Brown Mabel F. Donovan, Teachers services ......... i... $ 1.40 O. 8. MUSSER. THE BAKER 5 a Pa i ik 10.55, lbp gq should give their wives one-third o prev oy Se tie Seniors—Mary Eshleman, Lucy Northern Mutual Fire Ins. TR | On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas- wm - fieir salaries will be heartily sec— Die! rich ..... forward ....Taylor | qi1ons Katharine Shire, Howard Co. an, sis 10.801 0 S013 pi mi Leave Elizabethtown 4 pnded by those from whom their Sheetz Howell. | Arritz Elmer Blocher, Harry Grein- Peffer Frank, decorations § 12.75 ¥resh Bread and Cakes Delivered | On Saturdays and special occasions cars jv i mptly grab it all Graybill .... centre ...... Hoar |er, James Kendig. Pennell, J. J. sanitary through town daily yi S2 en riven Lancaster ang Me Jes mov i > Y > a 12 doses, 10c. 36 doses, 25c at | Gochenaur .... guard . Watson | _Juniors—Tekla Bube, Anna En-| and decorating ...... $ 05.00 resh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dew Pr tanning Wo rk an ciisd Wi a bd | gle, May Flowers, Wilma Frank, P. R. R., freight ceeese.. $8 85 59 Sn ’ S Sa Wirt Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at No doubt there are statesmen who briena Lire hand "ove rolden | Marie Klugh, 3ernard Ebersole. Reist, John, dist. notices. $ i 3 us every Wednesday & Thursday. | an Yar Leave oy ranethitows at 7% hink that Mr. Stphenson of Wis Field goals, R. Graybill 8, P. Ev- | oper Kramer, John Murphy. Bonk Jon, Jehoe seen $ 135.08 Funera's, lings and Suppers |News Express at Lancaster. ans 5b, Gochnauer 4, Dietrich 2./ A (Class— Grace Pennypacker, Vi- Missimer, J. R. printing . § 39. given prompt attentior be reproved for the pace he 3 1 : ] ss fore : I I ntion para ’ td 4 ring 1 he Sheetz 1, Brown 4, Roy Hoar 2. ola Reem, Lottie Royer, Fannie Stauffer, J. N. & Bro. “tore & Bakery, West Main S alleged jo have set m paying I Wat 1. Taylor 1. Gold as + | Strickler, Esther Weber, Roy Her- SIORE ... oe $ 964.16 ° di Ys est Mam ® treet | HAS. Tr ZEL LER 107000 for a Senate seat. Druggist Rison 5 ay lor x yoo! € P i. hs oul { shey, Harold Gardner, Edgar Misse- Smeltzer, F. labor « SRG i 3 7.50 Mount Joy, Pa. A es 9 = foals vans 3, Howell ,. 3, ime- | por. Alvin Rutt, Harvey Sumpman, Schock, C. sand, coal anc ranch Store at HE. Ream’s oy keeper, Rov Andes. Scorers, Smith John Stoll: fumbelr . vr ca ee $ 162.95 REAL ESTATE AND te 1lts intem- ree ’ . 5 2 % . 7 s i ‘ Irresponsible assaults" nt » ind Gibble. Referee, Paul Hoffman. | B Classi-Ruth Brubaker, Marion South Zanesville Brick Co. 27 INSURANCE perate language’ baseless assump- Time of halves, 20 minutes | Dieter Virginia Frank, Gladys Brick .... cease $ 90.37 i ciiee tion”’—a serious mcnace to enduring Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to 5 oe - ! 1 Fannie Gingrich, Frances Suyde r Adam, Bueying dog i 32 E. Main St. Mount Joy : » Zo: : Eh m———— A irueemeesster | 3 Beatri Murray, Catha-| Wharvell John, labor $ 51.83 - — overnment.” Shades of Kettle Hill, |g 45 1, m. irissing atrice irray, (4 Ps = 2 ; | . Fedor where To our Vloody ! Plants for Sale [ne Wine, My a a rea ne ey | Calling and Olerking of Public Sales ’ ! West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. Yoos ver h Way, An HAO ee hf hide yo : spear? ghee The finest IT ever had. Come and | ;75 mon, Arthur Moyer, Walter | Williams Eli, special ser- | Settlement of Estates. - Ss" Shr see them. 55,000 vegetable plants, | Pennell, Ellsworth Schrite, John vice and labor ....... $ 154.03 | Collection of Rents. i With disasters on the sea and ~ Isuch as cabbage, caulifiower, pepper, | Reist, Warren Greenawalt, Mark Zercher E. H. stone .... $ 147.3 ; Surveying and Conveyancing. 2 : . | Breneman, Clarence Brubaker. 2 Rfentabil 36 exe { J E land, assassinations, massacres and KES EATING A gee plans pronsoes: otiues, red | OL ER: leayolll, Principal. $5313.34 ful ot pasent tamp for NE NEW BookLET, usual crimes, the year 1912 has MA INGA PLEASURE owe BS loom ns ge- | Nb Tarr y { Balance in Treas. March : R EAD PAGES, i1.and 12 before applying fl | Subscribe for the Mi- Joy Bulletin, i ; 's ' r ’ rm ee QA or oe 5 or a patent. Write aequired 3 Yery black record in Its, Greenhouses, Mt. Joy St Mt. Healy Ton a W. M. HOLLOWEUSH Re drown mem | wiv AD. SWIFT & CO. “oi + » & 3 ri siemens Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for | . $3513 4 1 | NOTARY PUBLIC CILE A 15 IIS) ! > h 1 ith I Respectfully submitted, 3 PATENT LAWYERS, | mm Aba ? Boxvor'y has appointed President | : Euchre at Elizabethtown | hate ing, from a stra 2 > t 2 Pac. | H. S. GARBER, 03 Seventh St, Washington, 0. C. | mey- y la delegate to the Board ot | | On Thursday evening, April 18, in Jord not often Beaten, A Stax. | F. E. HERSHEY, n ri asm x cam oe sell aL West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. conference to be held im — {Market Hall, Elizabethtown, there ! ac E. M. TREXLER, . : | Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- ; gton in May. Well he may | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | will be held a euchre and dance for | feP 21-2 mo Mount Joy, Pa. apr. 7-3t. Auditors. Everybody involuatarily on the day at No. 52 North Duke Street we Bome influence with the ad-! Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. the benefit of St. Peter's Catholic! TTT TE ee = water wagon in the valley of the| — en EB Ho Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | church. i Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Mississippi river. | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bullet
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