’ wd . PAGE © We Thank You! The Bulletin has just closed another successful year in it is fitting that at this time a word of appreciation should be extended to the readers and advertisers who have helped to make its achievements possible, by their substantial support in its efforts to serve the public of of a newspaper business, anc Mount Joy and vicinity in all the legitimate functions looking toward sound home and business building. Advertising During the year 1911 the Bulletin and more classified advertising than any of its contemporaries, enabling carried more local, more foreign « it to distance them by a very substantial margin. » # Circulation The circulation is steadily increasing because we give such blg value for the money. worth several times the subscription price. saying it Our circulation has grown to such an extent that we feel free in surpasses that of any weekly in this county. « During 1912 (im of the management at fireside the Bulletin a still and thus augment to make every in this section, as a dependable news medium and to the adver- THE VW | WOMAN'S CHICKEN FARM PAYS Methods That Make It Profitable All Year—Squab and Standard Broilers Best, From eight to fourteen pages of good reading matter is | “November is one of the busiest months In the year on my chicken { farm,” a woman who lives in eastern | Pennsylvania and raises chickens for the New York market told a reporter. | “Chickens hatched (his month are sold | in February as squab broilers and | fetch the highest prices “Of course the price depends on the demand, and so far as my experience goes the demand in February for squab broilers far exceeds the supply. | Last year 1 received $1.20 a pair for all the birds I could supply during the month. According to my books it cost | me just 64 cer a pair to raise them, 80 you can calculate my proit “l have in the bus 3 for six years nos 1 fi he last fo have been maki £ d profit on the cap- ital and time inv d I'he first two { | ( | [1 | | | | | BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LIST OF SPRING SALES Every One to be Held Hereabouts This Spring Herewith we have compiled one of the most complete sale lists ever | published in these parts, We would appreciate a card from any person whose sale Is not mentioned below. I'his list Is free FEBRUARY 29 Michael Grove, Maytown. 29 Henry Hummer, Elstonville, 29 Isaac Witmer, Mt. Joy twp. MARCH 1 Michael Walkenbaugh, Mt. Joy. I Nathan Gibble, Mastersonville. 1 Samuel Landis, Good's church, 2 John Conrad, near Marietta. 2 Reuben Ruhl, near Manheim. 2 Mrs. Annie Boyer, Manheim. 4 William Good, Mt. Joy twp. { B. 1. Brubaker, E. Donegal twp. { Wm. Chapman, Elizabethtown. 5 John Ginder, Ruhl's church. H Samuel Holwager, Mt. Joy twp. 5 Wm. Keenard, Peck’'s church. ¢ J. H. Lindemuth, Mt. Joy. 6 H. B. Gingrich, Union Square. 6 C. C. Ebersole, Bainbridge. { H. B. Shearer, Mastersonville, i Andrew McKee, KE. Donegal twp. 7 J. L. Ebersole, Conoy twp. i Geo. Demmy, Reich's church. 3 Nornhold, Union Square. Samuel Fahnestock, Manheim. PA. MAKING MONEY WITH DUCKS Properly Fed on Sweet, Clean Grain and Pure Water Fowl Produces Egg That Is Delicious. Nearly all good eaters in England and on the continent relish duck eggs, even more than the hens’ eggs, Properly fed on sweet, clean grain, green stuff with pure water the duck produces eggs that are delicious The Indian Runner duck ter than the Pekin, although the latter in greater favor in the United States, doubtless because of its pure white color ergs is Pastry cooks in hotels and restau- rants prefer duck eggs and some persons who have learned how pala lays bet. S B. _ Samuel Tressler, E. Doregal twp. y Henry Shearer, near Mt. Hope. WwW E A R ; 9 Mrs. Jos. Habecker, Marietta. 9 Isaac Moyer, Conewago twp. OFFERING ANY OF OUR 9 Walter Heisey, ( onoy church. 9 Henry E. Martin, near Florin. | HA | S {1 John F. Landis, Penn twp. 4 3 If I Ol 2 S 11 Isaac Tschudy, near Colebrook. x Y 11 (3. Moyer, Mount Joy IN $2.50 QUALITY, AT $1.98. ANY OF OUR $2.00 QUALITY AT $1.49 11-—( loyer 1 oy. oo. ’ | 12 Samuel Hummer, Manheim. Good Egg Producers JOR i ] . u . BALANCE OF OUR 12 Geo. Hall, near Marietta, 12 Henry Fry, near Rheems. table they are buy them, but there is Oo d Gloves 12 Jac. Newcomer Est, Mt. Joy. : decidea prejudice against duck eggs eav aps an 2 13 E. H. Zercher, Mt. Joy. R the general market . ; 13 Sar i Lind th, Bainbridge Duck raisers can remove this preju ae amb av 3 Samuel Lindemuth, Bainb . dice by fudioi tvertising. he AT GRE F DUCED PRICES. ALL NEW, CLEAN STOCK nora ce by judicious advertising in the AT GREATLY REDU ' 14 Emory Warfel, Mt. Joy. local papers, setting forth the ad = A Plymouth Rock Cockerel. 15 D. C. Ebersole, near Marietta. vantages of duck 2s and advising years 1 was glad to make both ends 16 Lewis Farmer, Manheim. a8 to their palatability meet. There is something more than 16 Mrs. Ricker Est., Mt. Joy. Gane hgian Runner is almost ay 1 I luck in raising chickens for the mar 16 W. S. Shank, Rapho twp. large as the Pekin at ten weeks, a V1 e aaS ket, as any person who makes the at- 18 M, Reed & Son, Lawn. in the faster af Dore uogvly y +1] © i " 3 3 i ini feathered n( 1ig gives | arger tempt will soon find ont 19 Milton Miller, Silver Springs. s . a ‘arg “lI had had experience in raising appearance : : 2 gh 19 Elizabeth S. Leib, Manheim. Runner qucks do not need water ti chickens for home consumption when . Ne . 4 at UCKR do hot ! ¢ 0 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. I decided to go Into it for profit. Iin. 1? Samuel Gish, Bainbridge. swim in but ways be pro- vested $200 in buildings and stock 20 John Shultz, near Maytown. vided with clean water for drinking with the expectation of doubling my 21 H. S. Newcomer, Mount Joy. and if this can be running water so BYY & d P t t 2S HERE! capital in eat My profit, 21 J. H. Levenight, Elizabethtown much the better YOUR ‘wo ce O a oe ! deducting wages for myself and my 23 O. H. Musser, Manheim. SEE daughter at th | rates, was les8 93 A, M. Diehm, White Oak, PROPER HOUSE FOR POULTRY A 11 V : t1 than $5. Th oe ar it was some- o49 py plough, Elizabethtown. arie 1e8 ii 1 in 1 ed eg 28 Geo. Hall est., near Marietta. Mistaken Idea to Think That Hens Do . een steadily inore g 1 ) o :. ; Not Lay in Winter Because Their i 3 "OUR i 29 J. B. Keller, Mt. Joy. ) JY rite For Price List count it by sand : ; e x Coop ls Not Warm, & t breed, any variety of the 0 Mrs. Peter Singer. near Elm. £98 ; «Wy ott r the Plymouth Rock fam- ~—_- Very « | hear q say. “Our JOHN KIENZLE ism i ie wars ms : 8 . cause of their yellow skin and leg- and Mrs. Joseph Miller have n house is not warm enough.” N. W. Cor. 2nd & Dock Sts. and their gdeal market I LDI® | i ivnnd Teom & visit at Philadelphia have kept hens. lots of for Bell, L bard 18-45 . . other pla 5 y 5, and ke em for ezzs and D age | »11, ombar - : . ont +} : i) meavar is Both Phones: i1Noyitone Main, 17-99 Philadelphia. I ond Be Vo the Ep « nd I never kept t of 1 i Mr. and Mrs NE wan Hehan, 1 wil] 2 : I deg I upon to keep THE GR AIN HOUSE, 2 rd 5, AST I Bor A tnu treet the hen m fn winter and that is ind Ma George herbahn, of ) avy eat} r (1 ave the ESTABLISHED 1897 I bur are the ue of Mr. and le Island Req 1d there is ne Vl Nic ho lLongenecker They ! 1 18 a er coat of feath WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. ay Ths [he estival d supper held by ! n he Successful Farmer Rich {Members Chicago Board of 'I'rade) ; i : tod ; nd active exe ise keep it in ti i nel chur 1 decided suc- : ( 8, ed to Iry to BPBPROIEAEEEIRS (¢ ind ea I was realized mak 1 hen houses arm. but only om the san the improvement gucceeded in introducing a condition PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts, PHILADELPHIA nd which, if followed up, looked to me as 1 > > = ” “ lomo la Forresdale, though they would be worse than the STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENTS Re ah Totes: ooh Y * : ; i vis wave it under 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES er home in Maytown. This is his' 1 GOR Wish to ave nt Yagerston] . : : th 1 houses are open with crac To Chicago Board of Trade. Io any Grain Market in Americas first visit to his native town in many 4 { Holes. for - } : gi : and knot holes, for they are not; - . ie. L 0 vears ery part is made tight except at the Lancaster Br anch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. Wyandotte Prize Winner, Boyd Hipple fined to his wind« where the muslin curtain is + f - ne nureing a very sore arm : i The questi is n how we fer the buffs because of their entire hom ah ng a 1 01 ; re nd i a . a 103 lon. 3 Y z Svar American Pian Rates MOGCTATE fufoduuiulrunbdviiadlobisdobdniddd® absence of colored pin feathers at all face which he burned at the Mariet- 504 €41 mae your pouttry house, but de nv , | + stages of their growth ta silk mill on Friday by escap+ng ow ary you oan ma g There is A i HARRY WILLIAMS 3 “Squab broilers hateh from Novem- steam. The burns are very painful. 80 Su Be 3 ivi H hoo dry . When i nave nit a e 101 8¢ Q L H A el 3 ber to March inclusive and are ready David Heisey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ty 2.2 : > ond oo with i is < 1e8568 0 oards anc ¢ XC K Ngo 1 i BARBER 3 for market from February to the mid- 1),yvid Heisey, residing on a farm tween. tight doors and a in a d : Av Nop 4 oi oN ig yy 2 : n, tip loors and windows an + dle of May For a pai 31 20 Is a8 , ..; town, fell on the icy sidewalk a good roof and lots of glass on th 2 Shue 3 , much as I have ever received and 60 : so 9 Mount Joy, Pa. ‘ Yirving Massaging ents a pair is the lowest price. Such and badly cut his forehad. The tot south side, you have what some call a 5 Hair Cutting Razors Honed Se 2 ban Ee pod if obi to two Stffered a good bit of pain, and it Warm house, but you have what I call - - . iroiiers eg ki 1 y JO us V A 3 + M B k P i Shampeooing Toiler Waters & 1 pounds : was at first thought his skull was in- & damp one. that is 1f you have very 3 : i : 9 : any hens in and it 2 da J ' ac enstoe, Io. i Singeing Shaving Soaps “I have heard of people who raised jured. Dr. George R. Reich is at- ¥ 2h) : 2S, iT 3 ay ou pe Snmb Just as long as yo keep tight §& See aie Ed SR birds of this size in eight weeks, but tending him. lose and allow a miilatio : i 3 Agency hl chron haunts) It takes me nine weelis to raise the The ice on the Susquehanna river ip stand a lot of cold and ong too Has just been remodeled thruout | opp. F et : Rtioval Bank sn Bivdasand 12 40 False the two has broken at the foot of Chestnut if she is in a dry house Has all modern convenicnces such | MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA Bonner smaller bird Is most | ¢ ror a distance of several feet EE — as Baths, Hot and Cold ater, Steam | doeipdeoleoierierirfecdedeeiolesfoobeofeoooderdeabdocfocierdonieofons nopuia ren uy Lain making a channel through it A EXCELLENT FEE FOR HENS Heat, Electric Light, Etc oO 'f c number of persons in row boats ven- Lemand or apons. > | £. 8. MUSSER. THE BAKER tured across the channel. At this Turnips Nailed to Board With Cut y © : . ol There is a market f apons | : : 2) . Fable iN Supplied With the Besi Tl : na on Dor n all writing there no sign of a break Side Up Affords Fowls Green h Bread and Cakes Delivered large o where he 5 nd sale at up Truck Needed in Winter. sank lo much high prices than common the Market Affords. through town daily i 1 rsoh for hentia from Joseph F. Zunch has been transfer- : — Ja . » h Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey | (ha Lolidavs till voung broilers come | red to this place from Coatesville to on Ti i Talks an ean JSioen . ; OC y ing hens during v uns every Wednesday & Thursday jj ea 1 The commission men take the superi lency of the Ash- ml : ort x : to ie a. " hg . h iH uneral Wedair and Suppers are anxious to get them, because they lev and Bails Jilk Mill. He suc ! way. to feed ! 5 lo ou Elso hunch Counter given prompt attention are rea ile and move qlekly. | node 'W Hallett. Mr. Zdch is Where anps, sandwiches, Cheese Store & Bakery, West Main Streer Every 8 he % fori] a native bor: n of this place ere ~ vv: 0 Ces, rCSe, > ad to ne mn: poulry Tri he ters in kvery Siyle Mount Joy, Pa. i \ a. ( i t and his many frie as well as him- fipe, Oysters ANE iyle . Ni Th la each W( Or all o y . ! ; Fte., Fte., are served Brana ar P. Ream's male birds and feed and holding self, are Eu return. He will A | them for the nter ] The same | move h f re this week es EN aa: TR ni i Ys d with hog and | Special el were held last Turnips for Hens. : 3 \ : ie 3 3 y ir Dee which I1 for only five | night ir? St. John Episcopal church. them in halves na ich r ] 1 ve a | x Vo ; 3 BEOT INC rie | ho eizh ‘nts d, wh Capons | Rev. H. B Pul rr intends every board with cut s BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS 1 ffl simie conte 3 1 canons | § Pulsifer ard with ch — K : hi x Bi | Sunda evenin during Lent to where the hens can oF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CI GARS Fo i i : Po ne te! : 2 roe om { breach a srmon on the sonl, Turnips take the | "Tree “ i % & A X oven nal ! | to which all velcome. On Friday other greens which y a bi . | winter. The obje in : : : |the R I Brown. rector of St : . . a | i : 7 1 tl 'g 3 . lati pi i Eradicate Lice and Mites. { 0 pe EE | feeding in this way is to prevent the Good Stabling Accomodation D Au bE Fie J If the | gained | : a RSL r, ng Te hens from scratching them rough Local and Long Distance Telephone I ’ W| a strong foothold the inte- | eu pulpits, Phere dirt and litter. Po! apples dp ) :& | rior with hot vith a good )¢ nging at the services | oan also be fed in (he same manner, fl ! ,“and my VE or EL % $ —- a #1 hd not work rieht, mixture of carl id, will do the - E————— DOES UPHOLSTERING [BH bottles of Electric Bitte rs | work Apply it ling hot with an Some ewspapers and mag New Poultry Roost wa - Bmade me feel like a new man’ A old broom or hat prayer. Boiling |, ; + helnz sewt by. trol A new pouitry roost is made of per o - ater alone wil 1 St ¢ > Bi ’ \ ry: which: his Persons having upholstering to PRICE ie 3. AT ALL DRUG $ STORES. ¥ | hot water alo 53 ost of them, | COONOmY Are feclias forated iron tubing w hich has been do. such as sofas, lounges, beds, or AE AIR —— and the soap and acid will get the hb. AbORE It ts Sek Yh | soaked with a solution deadly 0 im ’ = ’ 2 rest aoa asa HT. 1 sect life. placing window shades or anything ET | Hitch Ye dossn’t save still] : in general repair work, will confer i | mR fin mesos n by transporting that | maa in . yb 1in pi ” rng i ror hicago in z a favor ea save y calling | Expert Tailors say that thin men | ™? W York to Chicago in a | Why does Congress, composed , rices are . oy hy : . whatibai ’ : Br on ne «After four in our family had died | will be all the rage this year, accord- ar [it is mainly of human beings, contin _— of consumption 1 was taken with | ing to the New York Herald. Gres: peo re Tri y ’ ‘ork a H. S. MUSSELMAN, a frightful cough and lung trouble, # | ad for Woodrow Wits £ Oreat ; | ue to : permit People to work und zug23-3mo. Florin, Pa. J} but my life was saved and I gained £1." ns Yo Vson. Both it's the contrariness of her sex that | conditions which indict upon them 87 pounds through using | Taft and Roosevelt are fat, and | induce voman to agree with a (that industrial horrow, ‘‘phossy-, | Champ Clark is no living skeleton ¢ hen he doesn’t want her jaw?" Shame Congress - - DIT DR. KING’ S | . man S 1en ne $ a | Je % shame on Congress NOTARY PUBLIC | i l= to. | WD DM /. M. HOLLOWBUSH f : { : ; w s { Some men give a dollar with one ——— UE Dare to do right-—and you will Attorney-At-Law D i S C 0 Vv ER Y [hand and grab two with the other. It is Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., not |Senerally find yourself left. 7 y J; 1 | --0-a x 4 - pA pte] i x a ie Soy Fob W.B.P 3 ton his distinguished male parent, who . oye x or : ; PRICE WER N D i eT S M. Roosevelt evidently believes in | ha; taken a position with a promi- Many a fellow who boas s day at No. 52 North Duke Street &F ERT 5 the recall of the ex-president. nent Wall Street financial concern. [family tree is a nut. ” WF Wednesday, Februar 1912 Square & E. King St., Lancaster. ————— A ——————— Watt & Shand Our Semi-Annual Ten Day Sale of Notions And Dressmakers’ Supplies Begins Wednesday, February Ends Saturday, March 9th 28 Our Notion Sales are well know n to thousands of Dressmakers and Hor wers throughout the city a nd county The qualitites, assort- nt d prices win the favor of a ll thrifty people Our steadfast rule Kee ont all truck and rubb ish and offering only Well Known 1 yualitie and Full Quanti tic the cause of the enormous suc- yf th 11 Prices are special net prices for this sale only y All Mail Orders Promptly Filled BEST QUALITY 2000 PACKS Superfine English Twilled Tape, 10 Fine quality STEEL PINS, te 1 ty # ” RX x ‘pice vards, to a Roll, Four Widths, always pa Always He Sale Price, 2 10¢, Roll, Sale Price Se. packs for Se. 5c. TAPE LINES CKLE SAFETY PINS . Moka AFETY PI 60-inch Double Stitched. Sale Good Quality, Regularly He. a doz. price, te. each, sale Price, 3 doz. for Sc. C : SHAPED SKIRT BANDING WARREN'S CHICAGO SILK COV- Always He. a yard, Sale Price, 22c. " ] . for 12-yard piece. ERED FEATHERBONE | Sale Price, 12-Yard Piece 80c. CELLULOID COMBS In White, Shell and Amber, al- DUPLEX SAFETY PINS ways 20c. Sale Price, 10c. Each Best Pin made. All sizes, black jun J. CLARK'S SIX-CORD MA- ind white, 3¢. a Jdozen. ae A is ny witiie, 36. 3 Jon CHINE COTTON 1000 PAIR A high class thread, white and black. Sale Price, 3 spools for 10c. Of Double Covered Pure Rubber hields \ splendid value Worth 200 DOZ. KERR'S LUSTRE TWIST a pair Sale Price, $1.10 a doz, All sizes, black and white. Sale 0c, a pair, Price, $1.08 a dozen; spool, 9c. toc. CORSET LACES 5¢. PACK OF GOLD EYE NEEDLES Good quality, Lisle, 8 yards long. Good quality, Sale Price, 2c. & Sale Price, de. each pack. 2000 CARDS 15, 20 AND 25¢. FANCY PEARL Of Golden Spring Hooks and Eyes, | BUTTONS ur best quality Always 10¢. card. | First quality; Sale Price, 10c, a Sale Price, 33c¢. gross; 6c. a card. [l= decocfoolpelecforiolovioclocioriocioneclorfocforteclonfocforfocferfoofecfeciunfecfosforforfeofocfocfocts United States Electric wjecfocfesie ole Je sferfesfostegorfesforfecfesdonecdesforfocfestoiosfecesforertesfontestesientosfenosfestontesie wlecfechofedosfeolenfordecortecteadontosieforfosfenforfestonacfectenteode cfesfeafocfesfes, Shoe Repairing Co. While You Wai On Short Notice Repairing You can get your shoes repaired for a sma!l sui a good job at that, work that is guaranteed, on ver short notice. For every fifteen Try and be convi ment we will pay us nce P5.( )() New and modern machinery installed Jan. 17, 191 minutes disappo nt— a t Jt! y d. fr docoriocdeerdroiosio see dpofesfoderorferiroisegerieoiesfedore dpodroirididrirdrdrddinirddddedede ddd drodedododd deeded u 1 ou snepdds oy Harry Yoblonovitz DONAVEN’S OLD STAND MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Don’f Forget The Place, Donovan’s Old Stand i s debited I: ls st 0 tvles and leathers that must be sold to ma Clearance Sale of QUALITY SHOES Owing to a backward season we have hundreds of pairs of shoes wa in ali ke room for our Spring stock There is no attempt at profit making —our sole object is the immediate disposal of our broken lines. See our windows for the Dollar Saving Sale. Lights on until 10 o'clock ery evening. lL.adies’—Tan, Patent, Gun Me:al Men’s— Patent, Gun Metal, Tan, and Romain Cloth, Welt Sole, Cuban Button and Blucher, for office and leel. Values up to $5.00. Now street wear; Values to $6.00; Now | $2.85. $2.85. | lLadies’—Gun Metal, Tan and Men's and Foys’ Heavy Sole Lace | Patent, Lace and Button, Values t¢ and Patent Leather; Values up to $3.50; Now $1.85. $3: Now $1.85. Misses’ and Children’s Shoes— Boys’ and Little Gents’—Tan, >| Gun Metal, Button and Lace, Vici. Patent and Gun Metal; Lace; Vai- | Pat. Tip; Values to $2.25;Now $1.15 ues to $2.50; Now $1.15. SHAUB & CO. BOOTS. SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY Norii Queen Sireeti, LANCASTER, PENNA N
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