PAGE 8 a Remedies are Neetled Retailer of the Bes Kr ¥ § § Grades of Cement Ei ty | \ ol : bo / FFLORIN., - - PENNA. The Bulletin Is the place to get a neat and quick jub of good Printing YOU GET TEN CELEBRATED S.& H. Trading Stamps | WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PU Rj CHASED FOR CASH AT WILL = F. H. Baker's COAL and LUMBER YARDS Mount Joy, Penna always on hand Lath, Ete. Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate mstimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material Telephone No. S833. Opposite Old VR. R. Depot Sm m— I n I Ee ———— Ii I] 11 151 LN n= YOU WOULD NATURALLY THINK THAT FURNITURE IT IS hE E Bu A CLEAN SWEEP OF OVERSTOCKS § Fine Furniture of Every Description = STOCK-TAKING, LIKE HOUSE CLEANING IS A PROCESS ¥ 8 OF DISCOVERY. % 5 A DISCOVERY NOT ALWAYS AGREEABLE—WE FOUND i | IT SO. | . B FOUND STACKS OF FURNITURE WE OUGHT NOT TO Hi » HAVE. ® BEING SO BULKY WOULD BE HARD TO OVERLOOK. JUST THE REVERSE. It requires so much storage space that it is a constant game of “hide and seek.” Stock-taking uncovers it We found lots of furniture we must be rid of at once—re- gardless of cost, loss or value. Westernberger, ‘Maley & Myers 125-181 East King SZ, LANCASTER, PA. TE EO TER TY 01D D1 rE 0 1 1 TIA TOO J m— Men's and Women’s $10 Watches $4.90 Fully guaranteed, ten-year, gold-filled Watches, with guaranteed Amer- jcan movements; sizes 12 and 16, for both men and women, are here at the wonderfully low price of $4.90. And should any of them prove unre- liable we'll replace it with a new one Pirosh & Simmons JEWELER AND OPTICIANS 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTRH Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA Farmers Column : Pleagnn! MILTON GROVE cattle dealer several busi ") JPM OY XR CR Wh sen BA Xn Schwanger, a View, made 0 ' Ness a town the past week | Were we perfect, which we are not, me sdicines would | A INTERESTING NEWS FOR OUR Henry Sh r Mount Hope | x . . He earer, 0 int oe, not often be needed, But since our sysiems have be | y MANY RURAL FRIENDS : come weakened, impaired and broken down through ee n— . visited his son Samuel and family indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages, - = ee — : : : on Chiquig Hill over the abhat) through countless generations, rem : ceded to : Ww iT MM oO uU T he Storing of Leaves and the Uses Nee tabi "oe Yor ti " aid Nature in correcting our inherited an rwise K to Which They May be "ut—The : , rty I'¢ 1 for \ t acquired weaknesses, To reach the scat ul stoma h MOVING WIC WiC Se Cause of Foaming in the Churn er | y ’ ie largely a weakness and consequent dige ubl there 1s tended 1 18 a rule fair price Lr » ’ : and H { revent nothing so good as Dr, Pierce's Ge 1 Discovs The best oil, also the and How to Prevent it realized ery, a glyceric compound, extracted from 1 ve medics . : ar. ine y 2 : a Gibble { Che Hil inal roots—sold for over forty years with great isfaction ¢ Hers. For y most economical oil ) One seldom sees a vicious horse amuel 8S iibble © h | Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pa 1 the St er eating, it costs no more than J that is bad by nature He is usually has recently installed Bell phone Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Dinvrhes and er Intestiaat the tank wagon varieties ot by Hist q vhich is another addition to the Mil jo » n 4 wery'' 1s 1 . 121¢ > pdy. , spolied Wy 1s rainer in 1s youtn : Derangements, the *‘Discovery’ is a time-prove: st cthicient remedy 8% and it gives not only bet= Wt voi hay wintiis ‘thai n Grove line 24 Po ave a inning colt t : ; » The denuine has on its ) af" i if terservicebutalsomore he 4 by sity Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Felker, ac outside wrapper the AN WL SD | ¥'service— you expect to be a prize winner at} oo... 04 by their daughter, Mis Signature R Suh, bi i FAMILY F VORITE the fair next year let him have a box Oakval ’ lie of Oakvale were Sunday visit : . A Mr gtall all by himself Many colts are Al You can’t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco- Y ; j ‘ Any co Clo in town 4 holic, medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, not even though nt dealer may Ol eing injured by being fed with old Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Grosh at r : he . A aA { ( MTS { RB ' : thereby make a little bigger profit, . . . horse : Pi y ) : ro vives a clear, white, stead ended obse p f Jacob G. Ol { Dr. Pierce’s Pleas: Pellets regulate and invigorate ver and A ame. Vill y Bar RAC A vicious old horse in a herd of tended the : ) oq 0 : ¥ > sugar-coated, t § »s, easy to take d fii 4 od veiler of Elizabethtown, last Thurs _ bowels. Dugaricouts tiny granules, : SY : as w— r smell, Your dealer will serve horses in the pasture is likely to do Yel y 1 A hi 5 ~ oi orni 1 i a A it from ginal barrels direct opreat harm by biting and Kicking 1 a B n : l t n eries. . . 13 Grosh 1 reatin | roi i ni She should either » hobbled or kept . : \ Wavor ly Oil Works Go. ttt op ns with her brother-in-law, Prof. H. C. . . | A Pittsbu g, Pa. When foal he churn it : . : Als Waverly Special ometime due t the t that it 1c] ouni 4 Auto O 1 Waverly Gasolines, mel 1 ( hl 1 he } is too warm or the huri too full, inds Concrete Work “————=# : wed he ate John GIe fan but occasional it re rol 1e Mast ¢ 1 will occuj esence ol ertain fori ) bacili | YL. \ 2 t next mont} 7 m—————c—n | I\/ 1 i ¢ +i 1 [Eo hese do it occur v often but . . : i AY ¢ \ X i CAA > on. the ONCE ; to the el | ( l¢ Rheen cil BUILDING BLOOKS J Ye or the pails. o thuv swe ulated in tow: ( 1 [ill and ) 3 ( ~~ o Mastersonville the concludin nat . All Styles and Colors e™ 3 ( 1 trou it take y ) et rid The Porches, Columns and ol ! the ] hed : : 2 } A = 7) 1 t effeor e but ) Banisters § ! : } I id M \ =v] ! di : { 1 ne I rn ! 1 RY ( nrdayv vi : [ n thorougl Door and Window Sills an ; 4 : 3 h wane) " 1 a 1 of i wo he 4 i A ( 1 Ver inch § i Lintles, Chimneys, Axes a ; herve br dina 1 we nd ( Ete. £1 ; N <h ' m f g 8 % bell ¢ h 1 n 1d mix with the 8 wi ; ’: : 1 excellent ermon to a § i Bh ) 1 t disinfectant Wipe the . . | bh ‘ yndience in the 'vangelical i f 3 Ra i udder and teat dry with a clean * S . : i y fh "mn . : hurch on Sunday evening i PI loth I'he first milk-should be milk hi : i a EEN : Tobacco strippers are in better ; § \ ed into a separate vessel and thrown J 1 i 4 : 3s gpirits as the present weather con- : i oA away for sometimes the bteili lurks . egen ene) ron i : x : . litions are m promising for the 5 ~ - E” i 3 n the openings of the teats, and if 4 0 re are bro 1 ng for the hd yp y NCH : : . .. prosecution of their labors al. Ro a f this is alletted to enter the milk it . : “<% yo 3] — : . . Mrs. A. W. Garman and her esti- in ET mav contaminate the entire supply. bl 1 V Bel hi aii da ps ow Vili ‘ J mable daughter of ellaire, were g ie Eas I'he milking pails and all vessels ! I =. or in thi ofa Te er p c c incube to: ‘ welcome visitors in this ace » lat- It you want an incubator that containing the milk should be thor- | Ine Vimtots r place the lat hatches 100 per cent. buy the Prairie oughly boiled in water containing a ter part of the past week. h alliilly « N v xv \ D nl . ‘ State. No better evidence than these little concentrated lye for at least Ex-constable BE Be. Arndt and three hatches by Mr. Harry Gainor two hours and this sterilization daughter Miss Lillie, school director Wm. Gardner and ’Squire Grosh were or J. S. Carmany of East Donegal. should be repeated for three or four I i | 3 m : : i .ancaster T ‘sday evening. First Hatch, 100 eggs, 97 chicks. days. The room in which the milk In Langaster Thatsday evening is Fo d Our Mayor suggested a modern Second Hatch, 100 eggs, 98 chicks. iS kept should also be thoroughly i}: when he averred mot to kick hes : cleansed and disinfected. This is very * : Third Hatch, 100 eggs, 100 chicks. | : Yo» man when is down, but turn him | Ww 1 1 itt important because no matter how 1 fool in tt tt e can also supply you With... vour cows and barn and ves- over and feel In tie other pocket. 3rooders, Colony Houses, in fact any- | is : The public sale for live stock ¢ i ders, Colony ? a Y" | sels may be, if there is the least con- ! e stork and ing you y i i a ine. | : : os : farming implements, he y y thing yoa may desire in that line tamination loft in old milk or butter or ing pleni ts el by Henry Drop us a card and we will call to or in anything that is left in Oi Pry, near Elm mill Saturday was anyt 5 ké Ss > e i a . well attended ¢ broug x > Soe on : bes tin Yoo where milk is kept the bacili el tended and brought good pric also s y : : S. in also supply eggs for hatChing | i continue to grow. e ia 5 or chicks from thoroughbred Barred Pe ; A spirit of moral exactness—per- i If farmers only understood the a Rocks or White Leghorns. ai a haps religious fervor seemed to per- many uses to which leaves could be le th t q 1 3 I . vade the town Sunday, s > put, more of them would be stored. Me inday, since the streets presented a very deserted ap- pearance, Mrs. Fanny Sprout will have sale her household goods in the near Some may think it takes too much time and but they are easily and quickly gathered in various ways One good plan is to have cheap bar- labor, of future and leave her former home to bh. A. Gever & Non Young Brothers H.C. BRUNNER Wednesday, No Matter How You THERE'S AN ADVANTAGE Carria THAT WILL ALWAYS CLAIM YOUR IENTION IT ~ : . Yin to : ~ 4 - alitv at M. Aponte P Custom Quality at derate Pric There can be no better un yi for pring 4 OW It stands to reason that we ci ¢ ition to a job he winter months than during th l vturally you gé t-class job. We also have some fine sleighs re: dy | inspection SP SNL YOUNG ER Telephone £3. FLORIN, PENNA. Bell is the only kind | sell—F urniture that ws Furniture Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenport China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything mn the Furmture Line Undertaking and Embalming Mirrors MOUNT JOY. PENNA Florin Penna rels handy, fill them with leaves, and inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds in this manner, and into flowers. | | can be carried s ! buds blossomed forth | and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists when it is desired to empty the sheets or by mail postpaid. Sample Free. I . r esired. 10 emp y > 8 an 8 Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Kopp, roy- THE PAXTON TOILET CO. Bostol, Wiass, | lof 20. 0F oie corner ANG allow the .11y entertained at their home at ms reper leaves to roll out. There are num- iL : : | y Oakvale last Sunday the following SRS Sw ta | erous uses to which the stored leaves Sir x. yr i L¥ Ale | guests: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G. Kopp, ir SL : | may be put. They make a suitable | . nr. Nh Rees 1 w Gi of Milton Grove: Mr, and Mrs. Har- a and economical lining for the stor- 3 Fo { St He Tt ry tchi ry C. Koser, of Rheems; Mr. and No 3 [2° m 2 le poultry scratchiNg np. john Gaul and son Ivan of East | ’ J shed is another place they may be | ef, eet’? i Donegal. of utilized to a good advantage. We al-| pjccor's Mennonite Church ceme- | are made fo rE so have ney en ad nesting. They tery lot holders met last Saturday at | skilled f gi ¢ XC > g ses ; : 4 f i 380 wl BY) ” are excellon or bedding purposes ip. pyrial ground to elect a board of ihand Foi us By in the dairy barn, the hog house and |, i .c¢ for ry with infi- = > 74 WA the horse stalls. Th It tt trustees for the cemetery, by the ap- | nite care. The Sa NN € liofse sine en, after they ,,,intment of 1. G. Koop as chairman, makers give you a G7 have been used for any of these pur- and Walter Herr as secretary. Then lifelong ro 2 - poses, they form a fertilizer that is > against] lost s:ones (except dizmonds). followed the election of five trustees, hard to equal, they having absorbed viz: Amos R. Herr, Peter M. Stern, sla all the rich liquids and juices wher-|y,.,1 0. Risser, Jacob H. Risser aud] (sou he ever they have heen used. These | sp ;aham H. Risser, Samuel R. Mil-| NS are deposited with the leaves when ler. Amos N. Risser and Hiram En-| Suesiniced Rings they are scattered over the soil, and | i..ine were elected andltore. Hove-| 213 over 0 choice de- women and children. Look for Q. C. Call and the vafuvennting. affect Is thus groal- after the annual election will be held ly enhanced by the combined influ- Ware the second Saturday in January. ences of the liquids and rotted ma- | ein ines ne. eee can be had in signs, for men, From $2.00 up. stamp inside each ring. get free birthstone card. nure. For Rent K. V. FEGLEY —— From September 15, a large stone | Mount Joy, Pa. The Colonial mill property recently occupied by ee — emer Last week one evening a lady |the New Standard Hardware Works, Terms ‘Moderate. Bell Telephone. | ¢.om this vicinity who was witness- | three floors and attic good water CHARLES S. FRANK ing a performance at the Colonial Power with two turbice wheels | Theatre, Lancaster's newest and | vould make a suitable tnbacco ware- AUCTIONEER | classiest playhouse, turned to one house, storzge house or machine MOUNT JOY, PA. | side and then said to her escort, shop. Apply to S. R. Snyder, Mt Prompt Attention given to Sales of | “Well, I declare, there's Cousin Joy, Pa Real Estate and Personal Property. ! Kate from down in Providence town- Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. | ship. Her escort replied, “Huh, Hope He Says, Yes SE | there’s an aunt of mine from Mari- Captain B. H. Wells, of Governor’s Shaving Halr Cutting | etta, 65 years old, sitting on the bal- | Island, is at Lebanon as the repre- cony.”’ sentative of the commander of the Joseph B. Hershey | It’s a fact people from every department of the East, United section now attend the Colonial be- States army, inspecting Mt. Gretna | as a site for the United States army training camp mer. cause they see as good shows as they Tonsorial Parlor ! would pay twice as much money to East Main St., MOUNT JOY | Three Chairs. o Waiting | witness in Philadelphia. The shows bills are Agen for the Middletown Steam |are always sood and the | changed weekly. We advise all local eee EP Cut Ice to Baptize | hatching, from a strain (with a rec- ord not often beaten, also stock. H. H. MORTON Mount Joy, Pa. | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday | and delivered Friday. {lovers of good clean amusement to Miss Lucy Heagy was baptized in mal — — | get “the Colonial habit.” the Conewago Creek near Elizabeth- — —— — town Sunday by the Rev. John Zug, MAKES EATING A PLEASURE For Sale of the Mennonite Church. There Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for. va8 2 large attendance and it was { necessary to cut twelve inches of ice to perform the ceremony i le Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. GEST CILETIR40 ‘feb 21-2 mo | set them away where rain or snow d0ckie Fo pet son-in-law, Prank i roll 0 ose 1 ee ae tte tetestesteotutestactortesfoctosfectocfesfesforoofs fs ofe cfoofoefoofecscfosfenfuofenesfeofesfoaforocorierfocfocfocde : s | will not reach them. Another meth- i, : Boofoogsofecofecforfoctsrfosfecfosferfuceciorfoofociscfocoefecfecfocjecierpriontoie peli Instead of Liquid lod by which the storaze of leaves John Wittle of Cherry Hill, has |} ’ 0 by wien th store of JUS ued he arm Bouse of. 8. Wenn: E'S MAKBLE Antisepticso Peroxide may be accomplished is that of us- . He e y ” hon ° x +S Wear: 3 THE PEOPL many people are now using ing common gummy of burlap sacks. fF In on ona will move thither as 3 PB tiooptic | alo. may bo stored away with L107 1 widing is vacated vv |} 87 GRANITE WORKS : e pres nant. 3 axtine 1oilet ntiseptic j out emptying the sacks, and they will | 1e pre oy ter An + The new toilet germicia. powdertobe { je in convenient shape to use a few Isaac 4. Kopp, Teal esinie assessor iT dissolved in water as needed. ; hat a time during the winter of Mount Joy township, and also an | % Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- Wore 1d and hygie nic uses it is | it oie Hos only . 1 : 2 ov g OYster gormand has a beautiful pearl | § fons. Satisfaction guaranteed. T per A | hl y a small number of 5p; pe recently found in one of | 4 Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. 9, Slaznse anc wilh n Ye sacks, the leaves may be carried and the succulent bivalves | do ee Seth, remove tariar an # | emptied from the sacks into some ; wy | revent decay : fo ; | 01d residents say the crows wi | HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. DD rat oh mouth, de- | outbuilding not in use: but where : : Tou fonts soy the crows will hes OPPOMITE 8G. HER h 723B., M stroy disease germs ‘and | one desires to store a considerable the next hest weather prophets. They |$ Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 72 aytown. > sires § ‘ § t : 2 : : | oo A predict a mild spring, owing to the | & purify the breath. | quantity, we find that bed-sheets, or | da Rs | 4 Ey artifiens) Jeon hp 3 similar pieces of Cloth. are. oxcoliont large number now found in the fields '$ KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors ridgework clean, odorless . » ad ’ loudly cawing and very restless. (4 To remove nicotine from the teeth and | for the purpose. Simply spread | Two farmers in this section who '3 Elizabethtown and Ma ytown purify the breath after smoking. | them on the ground, rake and pile f . ns h ho To eradicate perspiration and body | ihem on the R henta: atch hold of doubted the reports that most of the | & CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. odors by sponge bathing. s : Pr fruit buds were killed by tt ent | ® ety tootodesdedoidendoricod stoofertiseaeoloofooferieefenjideofropefodsiferdeeds The best a wash known. each of the four corners and draw|. I ar oy fe ven whesedoopoofecgeoecteodeoforforforteciont of eefortoofe fecfecgecdeduedeedredeedenie of Sedeiieneiia an Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, | them together A large quantity alor Dest a wart stove, andl tho ew . SE — . e—— for the coming sum- | Get Your Sale Bills Printed at This Office Special Popular Niusic Cenis Speci; A Cop : ay “Red Rose Rag.” 1 “Mandy Lou t “1 Want a Girl.” | “Honey G | | as OD "” “Oceana Roll.” | Mysterious Rag | “Knock Wood.” |“In the | “Mine,” Ballad | “Narajo Rag.” | { I ““Alexander’s Ragtime Band.” “I Like the Hat, I Like the Dress “You'll Do the Same Thing Over’ “After the Honeymoon.” . These and Others on Sale Se & ( If music is to be mailed, add one cent for postage Kirk Johnson and Cg : 24 WEST KINC STREET
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